@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar



“Incredibly mediocre” dude. Programmer. Bad with words. Enthusiastic cat-botherer.
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c0dec0dec0de, to random
@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

Holy crap, makerspaces are real and they have some that are local?!
I need to check this out. I have a stupid exercise bike that needs a new, lower seat post (thanks manufacturer for both making the minimum seat height too high for some adults and for having some weirdly shaped seat post that can’t just accept a metal rod). Also all of the inevitable weird computer things I could do!

c0dec0dec0de, to random
@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

Finally listening to Deb Chachra's How Infrastructure Works and it is just wonderful. I wanted to squee when she described Boston's Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge as a "charismatic megastructure". It's just a great book.
Recommended to me (not personally) by @pluralistic

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@pluralistic I had threatened jokingly to listen to it on a long car ride with the family, but I think maybe I really should have. It's just great.

jenniferplusplus, to random
@jenniferplusplus@hachyderm.io avatar

I'm sure this is true for many people, but I'm having the opposite experience, tbh. Coding (mostly) for myself, and taking a lot of care to make it long term maintainable, has been incredibly restorative for me. Keeping a code base tidy is so much more relaxing than constant tip toeing around a bunch of hazardous piles of legacy junk that you're not allowed to fix.


@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@jenniferplusplus I'm more like that too. I also really like the idea of solving problems for reasons other than profit motive.
I don't want to sell my code. I just want to make it and give it freely to anyone it might help.

skry, to random
@skry@mastodon.social avatar

Yeet this guy and everybody who rode in with him. Sociopathic thug ravings. Textbook-caliber fascism.

‘“Balaji has the highest rate of output per minute of good new ideas of anybody I’ve ever met,” wrote Marc Andreessen’ (1/6)

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@skry alright, I apologize to my elementary school teachers for what I thought were insulting lessons on parsing the text and structure of stories. There are people who just do not get them. The evil, unaccountable mega corporations of cyberpunk and other dystopian science fiction were supposed to be obviously bad. Do not create the Torment Nexus includes political systems not just devices!

tef, to random
@tef@mastodon.social avatar

this is going to rustle a few people's jimmies but it is a very earnest, very thoughtful post about the conflicting goals of rust and gamedev


it really echos a lot of the problems i've faced with static languages

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@tef oh, oh yeah. Rust’s whole ouvre is not that at all. I mean there are cases where some refactors are easy and really safe because of the ownership model and borrow-checker, but exploratory programming is not - broadly-speaking - what I would associate with Rust.

c0dec0dec0de, to 13thFloor
@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

This was linked by @pluralistic last week(?) and it’s a good read about the (messed up) morality of Ender’s Game. Finally read it today.

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@chx neither I nor the author of this critique say that there is no value or appeal to the book. It captures well the feelings of childhood victimhood and powerlessness. There’s a cathartic element to seeing surrogates for one’s tormentors or oppressors laid low by a victim figure. The issue is that the use of overwhelming and lethal force is presented as somehow literally perfectly moral and blameless based on Ender’s status as a victim of abuse and his intention to prevent abuse.

luna, to random
@luna@pony.social avatar

hey remember back in like 2021 when i was gonna sell prints of my demoscene/shader artworks and then didn't? what if i actually do that

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@luna oh, that’s clever (non-derogatory)

mttaggart, to random

There comes a point in your career when the single most impactful thing you can produce that improves security in your organization...is a slide deck that persuades leadership.

I don't love that truth, but there it is.

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@mttaggart this is the single biggest thing that I learned post-certification. Nothing you know or suggest or jump up and down screaming about will matter a whit if you can’t sell the idea.

w7voa, to random
@w7voa@journa.host avatar

A Florida man was sentenced today in federal court to four years imprisonment for laundering to co-conspirators in Nigeria proceeds of romance scams against Americans. -DoJ https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/florida-man-sentenced-laundering-proceeds-nigerian-romance-scams-and-business-email

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@w7voa hey, this isn’t the Florida man I’m waiting to be sentenced!

bigzaphod, to random
@bigzaphod@mastodon.social avatar

I love how Quark seems to sell food and drink in his bar except it is usually all replicated on a standard food replicator - the same type as dozens of others that are all over the station and are apparently free to use by anyone??

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@irenes @bigzaphod there’s a Lower Decks episode about Quark’s. I like it.

vitaut, to random
@vitaut@mastodon.social avatar

C%2B%2B is a C++ successor language

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@vitaut and supports web dev!

c0dec0dec0de, to eink
@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

Holy shit, I wish you could turn the BOOX Palma into a cell phone:
#boox #eInk

tobyhede, to random
@tobyhede@hachyderm.io avatar

🧱 The Lego D&D set is such a love letter to both Lego and D&D. So many tiny details. Hidden treasure, secret doors, actual traps, lurking monsters, all of it. Even the monsters are the ludicrous classics. Owl Bear, Beholder, GELATINOUS CUBE.

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@tobyhede I saw it in the LEGO store! Gelatinous cube with a skull in it!

dicenbuttons, to Cats
@dicenbuttons@mastodon.social avatar
@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar
TheJen, to random
@TheJen@beige.party avatar

I cried at the Voyager news today. I also know why.

Because for every techbro out there, there's a talented engineer quietly working to make things actually better.

That gives me hope.

Hope is in short supply these days.

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@irenes @TheJen sustainable computing in action, too!

ChateauErin, to random
@ChateauErin@mastodon.social avatar

I know criticizing C is like, yesterday's pastime, and the syntax I'm criticizing is probably from the seventies, but I hate in particular that the pointer-type's syntax is

type *name

no no no. That contains an address. How else do I get things to contain an address? the & operator, not the * operator

am I dumb or is C dumb or both

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@fernandomorgan @gregvr @ChateauErin the issue with this is that if you declare multiple variables on the same line (I don’t, don’t @ me on this), only the first one gets the pointer type because C. It’s bonkers. It’s totally a type thing and should be syntactically attached to the type regardless of how you like formatting it.

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@mcc @ChateauErin the number of objectively wrong and immoral things that C and C++ allow is outrageous! Morally-upstanding computer language when?

c0dec0dec0de, to random
@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

Alright, where on fedi is the nerd who uses a to unlock and start their car? (And do they have a sweet blog about their nerd-mobile?)

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

Nerd here obviously used with camaraderie and affection.

Meyerweb, to random
@Meyerweb@mastodon.social avatar

Google Vault out here reminding people to destroy evidence of their crimes, just in case they forgot.

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@todrobbins @Meyerweb reminds me that automatically deleting emails is considered a corporate best practice. Reduces storage cost as well as cost of filtering and labeling data when you’re going through the discovery part of a legal case, and — not explicitly in the CISSP study material — reduces the likelihood of you being convicted for past crimes.

c0dec0dec0de, to random
@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

Happened to be near a Best Buy that had a reMarkable 2 on display, and it seems nice, but do I need this? It seems like it would have been absolutely amazing for university when we ahem obtained pdf textbooks and this would have allowed me to carry all of them and annotate them.
I don’t know what I’d actually do with it. But I love the aesthetics of it and handwriting notes is a big part of how I do things when I function - so maybe it would be really awesome?

GeePawHill, to random
@GeePawHill@mastodon.social avatar

Have you thought at all, for even a minute, about the business model of OpenAI?

In one sentence: "We will take every actual human-created content, the golden egg, from everyone, without permission, and then we will use it to sell plausible made-up shit, simultaneously choking out the creation of all new human-created content, the goose."

Ponzi was vastly more sophisticated than this.

I've long regarded extractive capitalism as corrupt, but I had no idea they were all so stupid.

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@hazelweakly @GeePawHill apologists and evangelists keep saying things about emergent properties, but you’re starting with what is - to a first approximation - the sum total of human knowledge in the English language and you get… something that can do a passable shitpost poem about version control or spit out marketing drivel? Yes, that’s more than is obvious from the linear algebra and weights, but look where you started!

dngrs, to rust
@dngrs@chaos.social avatar

Ouh yeah! First working prototype of a rotary LED display with firmware ✨

LED rotor spinning in the colors red, green, blue and yellow

@c0dec0dec0de@hachyderm.io avatar

@dngrs @cliffle I don’t remember what language or software @ancientjames is using for his, but it’s amazing.

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