
@stux@mstdn.social avatar
@nf3xn@mastodon.social avatar

So is CircleCityCon still going or no?

@nf3xn@mastodon.social avatar

Where does relik/HackingDave hang now?

@skeletor@mas.to avatar
@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

When SCOTUS fucks us over during the month of June, you’ll see just how DANGEROUS it is to NOT VOTE.

@carstenfranke@mastodon.social avatar

@StillIRise1963 my US Citizenship just got approved, now I just need to take the oath and then I will be a citizen and can vote in November. Worth the effort.

@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

@carstenfranke Congrats! I know it’s a very long process. And, yay! One more sane voter.

@Strandjunker@mstdn.social avatar

Apropos “Where’s Melania”: Trump & his Slovenian escort spent years calling for Obama’s birth certificate. I’m calling for Melania’s legal immigration papers. How did she get an “Einstein” visa for extraordinary abilities, despite her blatant lie under oath about college degrees?


I believe she is a Red Sparrow, his handler , as was Ivana
His marriages are consistent with the USSR and Putins elevation to power

@Powerfromspace1@mstdn.social avatar

@Strandjunker corruption from even then ...

shaft, French
@shaft@piaille.fr avatar

Et voilà, mon petit check_soa vient de passer le jalon "à peu près correct pour la prod".

Il reste du code à simplifier mais c'est de la cuisine interne

Next :

  • apprendre à faire une petite appli Web pour offrir du check_soa sur HTTPS (en JSON)
  • Support des EDE où c'est possible
  • Ajout du support de DoQ — j'attends encore un peu, le code dans dnspython semble encore un peu frais


@shaft@piaille.fr avatar

@jpmens @gjherbiet @bortzmeyer Je note l'option (-m) permettant de dire quel serveur donne le serial de référence

@shaft@piaille.fr avatar

Hop ajouté

(Le précédent message disant qu'il y avait un bug était pure billevesées. J'avais oublié l'option pour activer la récursion ^^)

@puppygirlhornypost@transfem.social avatar

I was sent this in a group chat. Feast your eyes on this cursed cable management

@puppygirlhornypost@transfem.social avatar

@mae it kinda looks like slime

@MagicLike@mstdn.social avatar

@puppygirlhornypost I mean if it works

jumps, runs away and hides

@gedeonm@mastodon.social avatar

Well, I finally had enough with MLB‘s blackout restrictions. Signed up for a VPN so I can watch all the blacked out games including them playing the Orioles right now which I can never watch. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get it working on the Apple TV.

@gedeonm@mastodon.social avatar

@martyday the Orioles play the Red Sox at 6:30 tonight so I’m looking forward to trying it out

@martyday@mastodon.social avatar

@gedeonm I’ll be watching too! (Sorry about yesterday 😅)

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Fan or not, this clip remains legendary.


@rlstone4dems@mastodon.social avatar

@RickiTarr Lady Gaga gave the best answer here. Thanks for sharing this Ricki. This is the first time I've seen this.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@PizzaDemon Put on some panties ffs, save the junk lol

@grimalkina@mastodon.social avatar

For me as a social scientist, being in tech is a constant experience of being really surprised at what so many people seem wildly certain about (organizing teams, contextless conversations about productivity that treat all individuals as interchangeable) and what people seem so wildly uncertain about (the possibility that there are often systematic patterns in human behavior we can learn from, the effect size of culture)

@grimalkina@mastodon.social avatar

@greg that sounds really hard 😔

@grimalkina@mastodon.social avatar

@mavu ah yes the classic brilliance belief strategy

Hierarchies of knowledge are very interesting. I am well familiar with the biases against social science as a label but then again -- it is also the topics that most people want to talk about the most. So in a good faith consideration of what people are genuinely thinking about as they genuinely try to solve human problems, I think it's also a problem even for those folks

@annaecook@mstdn.social avatar

One thing I've finally let set in since the conference this week: everyone I know in tech is burnt out and the culture of tech is rancid right now.

@josh@vickerson.me avatar

@cferdinandi @annaecook yeah, that's basically where I’m at. I enjoy doing this, but the industry is killing me.

And I can work extremely part time as a freelancer and make more than a lot of other jobs that wouldn't require me to go back to school, so it's like, "welp, might as well keep trying to make this work” 🙃

@cferdinandi@mastodon.social avatar

@josh A lot of the joy is gone though, isn't it?

@annaecook - are you giving a talk on this at the conference you're headed to?

@rooster@chaosfem.tw avatar

You ever type your password in the wrong field and feel like you're accidentally seeing your sibling naked

@storybead@chaosfem.tw avatar

@rooster yeah, I still remember the time I typed me mortifying password in the wrong field and saw it scroll through the syslogs on the log server...

@Willow@chaosfem.tw avatar

@rooster Or when you auto-type your whole login into the teams chat…

@Mrfunkedude@mastodon.social avatar

Did you know that it takes the average analog clock 12 hours to make a full rotation of it's hands?

@tuban_muzuru@ohai.social avatar


.... then, there was Carl.

@LGS@friendsofdesoto.social avatar

@Mrfunkedude But who speaks for the minority? WHO!???

@samlitzinger@journa.host avatar

I’m emerging from my social media hiatus to share recent comments from Ken Burns. I’ve chatted with him a few times over the years, always to my benefit. He’s very worried about American democracy — I think with good reason.

Here’s a video excerpt from his speech at Brandeis:


A transcript of his speech:


Finally, a Washington Post column on his talk:


@technewslit@journa.host avatar

@samlitzinger ... Welcome back. Hope you 're well.

@samlitzinger@journa.host avatar

@technewslit Just a brief walk in the sunlight, then back to my cave in the Himalayas!

SheDrivesMobility, German
@SheDrivesMobility@norden.social avatar

Hab nen Newsletter bekommen.
Findest du den Fehler!?

"Volkswagen Group bringt Elektro-Fahrzeuge um 20.000 EUR
• Weltpremiere ist für 2027 vorgesehen"

@JohannesIEckert@mastodon.green avatar

@SheDrivesMobility Der "Seagull" von BYD ist dann schon seit 2 Jahren auf deutschen Straßen unterwegs https://fortune.com/asia/2024/05/22/china-10000-byd-seagull-hatchback-ev-europe-carmakers-2025/

@prefec2@norden.social avatar

@SheDrivesMobility Weltpremiere klingt ein bisschen wie Weltniveau mit Erich Honecker Stimme.

@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

OpenAI training its next major AI model, forms new safety committee

GPT-5 might be farther off than we thought, but OpenAI wants to make sure it is safe.


@jvagner@mastodon.social avatar
@bornach@masto.ai avatar

@crapaud @r_alb @arstechnica
Would have been safer if OpenAI passed all decisions to steal a celebrity voice as microtasks for a gig worker in India to annotate.

@dielan@shitposter.world avatar

Think I'll try the poke at the musubi place, see if its any good


@dielan looks pretty good. ive never been to seattle though 😭
ill put it on the list

@dielan@shitposter.world avatar

@nosleep if you're gonna travel for musubi head straight to the source: Hawaii

@Bam@sfba.social avatar

The rush to judgment articles and posts I saw yesterday are just aging like warm milk. Preliminary reports are already showing:

  • The IDF targeted two senior Hamas terrorists it had tracked by aerial surveillance to a Hamas compound in Rafah

  • The IDF confirmed no women or children were in the compound before striking

  • The strike took place more than a mile (1.7 km) outside the Al-Mawasi designated humanitarian zone and more than 0.1 miles (180 meters) from the shelters that caught fire

  • The strike was carried out using 17 kg (37 lb) warheads — the smallest munition IDF jets can use; the IDF munitions alone could not have ignited such a large fire

  • The IDF is continuing to investigate the cause of the fire, including the possibility that Hamas had stored weapons in the area that the IDF was not aware of and which exploded due to the strike

  • satellite photos there was at least one Hamas rocket launcher near the compound that was bombed, which was outside the designated humanitarian zone.

@jawarajabbi@mastodon.online avatar


OK but when bombs fly.... Israel needs to stop bombing. That's it. They don't need a formal cease fire agreement. Just f*cking stop.

@Bam@sfba.social avatar


Just continue to allow a genocidal terrorist organization that has massacred civilians and promised to do it again and again to run the Gaza Strip. 🙄

I realize that these kinds of comments come from the “I don’t want anyone to have anything bad happen to them” mindset, but they are profoundly naive at best and intentionally Hamas enabling at worst.

I have plenty of personal disagreements with certain aspects of the war, but the idea that Hamas can just bunker down in Rafah while trying to reform in the Northern Strip and Israelis should just let them do it is not one of them.

MadameMollette, French
@MadameMollette@piaille.fr avatar

ça existe déjà et ça s'appelle une période d'essai abruti.
Ce que veulent ces gens, c'est une période d'essai à vie.
Si jeune, si con, aussi vide et soumis qu'un gant de toilette mal fini, et déjà imbibé d'idéologie


@laurenstrobat@pouet.chapril.org avatar

@hermod @MadameMollette
Perso, je bosse dans un secteur qui, naguère était très fortement syndiqué (Éducation nationale) et où, maintenant, les collègues syndiqués se font aussi rares que les ours dans les Pyrénées. Alors espérer que des gens se syndiquent là où ils ne le sont pas...

@hermod@piaille.fr avatar

@laurenstrobat @MadameMollette
Bah moi, je veux y croire. 😊
D'autant que depuis quelques années, on a une augmentation des syndiqués dans le secteur.
Ce n'est pas encore comme dans d'autres secteurs mais, cela progresse

@vees@epistolary.org avatar

I have a shocking number of blank and unwritten CD-R and DVD-RW disks. I can't think of any practical use for them that isn't already served by my NAS. Somehow I still have this weird impetus not to throw them out.


@eheisman @vees Well, the thrift stores here do seem to put them for sale for whoever might want them. I wouldn't chuck them in the trash, myself.


@eheisman @vees Unfortunately, that doesn't work on my 1999 era vehicle, which ONLY has cassette tape support. For awhile, I was using a mini stereo-to-tape adapter... but since everything is now going Bluetooth (yuck), and the tape adapter bit the dust... I'm now typically on commercial radio (which sucks, but at least isn't tracking me...)

@niclake@mastodon.social avatar

Really tempted to give @eleventy a shot, but I've not actually looked at hosting stuff in ages (thanks, GitHub Pages). Any recs for good, affordable hosting platforms for a small site like mine?

@niclake@mastodon.social avatar

And perhaps 11ty isn't what I'm going to want for this either! Which is fine!

@julientaq@mastodon.social avatar

@niclake gitlab pages! (or github page, but the gitlab is so much more intuitive)

and if you want a workflow for blogging (between other things), just add staticjs cms and boom you got a great working experience


@winter@translunar.academy avatar

my terminal (kitty) is having this terrible input lag and I have no idea why, but it’s severely disrupting, I can’t write anything like this and I can’t enter a password properly and I can’t use my terminal, the thing that’s supposed to always work so I can fix anything else with it, to fix it

@wetsocks@translunar.academy avatar

@winter is xterm installed?

@winter@translunar.academy avatar

@wetsocks no apparently

@chiefgyk3d@social.chiefgyk3d.com avatar

Not that I am a snob for follower counts, but I find it funny when I discuss Mastodon and the fediverse on my tiktok I get comments from people hating on Mastodon telling me I am on a platform with nobody there, when my own Mastodon has more followers than their own tiktok does.

I wish there was a sign I could jokingly put that said, "you must at least have 500 followers on Twitter and Tiktok to shit talk about Mastodon"

I'm happier here, and more of the InfoSec community is here :D

@chiefgyk3d@social.chiefgyk3d.com avatar

@shellsharks or on the opposite end, I never really had any interactions on twitter, no one really responded to my posts, so eventually I gave up as it was entirely unsocial and more shouting into the void.

With Mastodon I feel like I have an actually engaged community of people from my content creation as well as finding amazing new people here on Mastodon

@slade@social.chiefgyk3d.com avatar

@chiefgyk3d @mastohost I’ve said it many times, and I’ll keeping saying it, you are literally the tech uncle I never had! Always appreciate our talks, your hospitality, and insight into everything going on in the industry. :D

@dgar@aus.social avatar

FYI: "Toe the line"

The idiom is toe the line, not tow the line.

The phrase derives from track-and-field events in which athletes are required to place a foot on a starting line and wait for the signal to go. Race officials used to shout “Toe the line!” where now they shout “On your marks!”

Since entering the language, the idiom has developed to mean do what is expected or act according to someone else’s rules or expectations.

@GothAndy@ravenation.club avatar

@dgar It is indeed Toe the line, but it comes from British Politics. In the House of Commons there are two lines, one on either side of the chamber. The distance between them is supposed to be at least two swords' lengths apart, to prevent speakers from engaging in actual sword combat. To toe the line was to stay within the rules.


@NormanDunbar@mastodon.scot avatar

@dgar is completely the wrong hash tag, sorry. English is not my first language, I'm Scottish 😉, and I can manage. It's easy. Honestly. For example:

One house, two houses.
One mouse, two mice.
One grouse, two grouse.

What's difficult about that? 😁 Also:

Trough = troff.
Through = threw.
Enough = enuff.

See? It's so simple!


@noelreports@mstdn.social avatar

⚡️The Netherlands, together with the help of other countries, wants to assemble a Patriot system in the short term for Ukraine. The Netherlands will make its core components available from its own stock and calls on other countries to add core components.


@stux@mstdn.social avatar
@Powerfromspace1@mstdn.social avatar

@noelreports 🇳🇱💪🏾🇺🇦

@augieray@mastodon.social avatar

The response... 😂

@Lusus101@mastodon.social avatar

@augieray When people like Laurence Fox don't get vaccinated its called thinning the herd.

@Methylcobalamin@mastodon.social avatar


What a schmuck.

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