
mms, avatar

Do you selfhost your website at home? Give me a link please (and a photo of that beast in your basement)

zrail, avatar

@mms is a very minor guest on this honkin huge mess.

webology, avatar

@zrail @mms I'm not trying to call you out like this, but I can't unsee that switch on the right hanging by the orange network cable. 🤣

wez, avatar

Folks with #selfhosted #music libraries, I've heard some folks say that they have 10TB of audio files in their libraries. Approximately how many individual tracks is that? I'm assuming that it's a lot of lossless files, but I'm curious what the average file size is and the number of files that comprise such a library.

wez, avatar

@flockofnazguls Thanks for sharing! How do you navigate a library of that size? Either conceptually or in practice due to the way that your player/streamer software works? How would you prefer to do it?

wez, avatar

@flockofnazguls I'm asking because I'm currently hacking on an, as yet unpublished, selfhosted FOSS app that indexes a library and can then play it to a streamer/renderer on the network, currently only Sonos devices, but designed to be able to support others.

This is in reaction to the recent sonos app disaster, and because Roon lacks a linux remote app.

My needs are fairly simple: fast query by name/title/artist. Ability to create smart playlists to surface eg: least recently played.

jibsaramnim, avatar

Just switched my #SelfHosted #PeerTube instance from using #Redis to #Valkey now that it has a stable release out as a #Docker #container too, and.. that went too easily 😅. I know this makes sense as it is 100% compatible, but it still feels quite amazing to have it just work.
In case it helps; I just switched to using the valkey/valkey:7-alpine image, and because I also renamed things in my docker-compose I added PEERTUBE_REDIS_HOSTNAME=valkey to the PeerTube .env file too. That's it!

angrylinus, avatar

I fscking love . Tho, the 3rd party mobile apps all pretty much suck, like some just don't show any feeds. I just added the webpage as an app, it's fine.

that's @thelinuxcast in the image


thelinuxcast, avatar

@angrylinus do you use Android or iOS?

meljoann, avatar

Decided to make a new website with .

Don’t know if anyone will want to sign up, so I’m just trying it! BUT you can now subscribe to my bullshit at

axwax, avatar

This week's submission thread is officially open!

As always, submit your own release or someone else's, it can be by or not, hosted on , , , or , as long as it is by an .

Just make a direct public comment (with a link & description) to this post and it will appear at automagically!

Also: make a musician's day, check out & listen/buy/boost their stuff!💙

sknob, avatar

@axwax three days left to listen and vote for your three favorite #fedivision2024 tracks on

(Sorry for the #fedivision spam, bit somebody had to do it 😁)

axwax, avatar

Yay, next week a new #80sKids song by @shannoncurtis and @hilljam is coming out! 🥳

So if you haven't checked it out yet now is the perfect time to do so, and if you like it as much as I do, grab yourself a copy - the new song should then just appear automagically next Friday!

#FairtradeMusicFriday #80sMusic #synthpop

Floppy, avatar

Looking for advice: Thinking of binning my home-made Ansible setup of various docker containers in favour of something more off the shelf.

Any recommendations for user-friendly orchestration systems that work well across multiple nodes so that I can cluster my various raspberries pi?

I think Portainer can do it, are there others?

Floppy, avatar

@mrchrisadams nice, thanks. I've basically got to the point with my home setup / Docker / K8s that I can do it all, and I therefore can't be arsed and want something to lazily manage it for me 😄

ghickman, avatar

@Floppy I’m not sure about clustering support but I see Proxmox mentioned a lot these days

mms, avatar

Fellow : how do you move important things (like family photos, as most other things are replaceable) under your own wing and sleep at night? One problem with disc or os and boom, all of it is gone. Like tears in rain.

Is reliable backup all you do?


@mms I don't host in any manner, and have lost irreplaceable photos. I have been thinking if self-hosting #Hubzilla and having a live clone of it would work out.

axwax, avatar

After a short break the new #FairtradeMusicFriday submission thread is now open!

As always, submit your own release or someone else's, it can be by #FediMusicians or not, hosted on #Bandcamp, #Faircamp, #JamCoop, #Mirlo or #SelfHosted, as long as it is by an #IndieArtist.

Just make a direct comment (with a link & description) to this post and it will appear at automagically!

Also: make a musician's day, check out & listen/buy/boost their stuff!💙

axwax, avatar

I'll kick off by promoting the (nearly) brand new

Not Bonk What I Call Wave: Remixes

full of bonkalicious remixes of #BonkWave classics by the likes of @attksthdrknss, @defaultmediatransmitter, @DFFSoundSystem, @keefmarshall, @n3wjack, @ordosmarkzero, @socool & @yonder

You can grab it for free at ,
but it'd be really lovely if you could donate some moolah to @radiofreefedi's infrastructure fund instead. 💕


#NotBonkWhatICallWave #ff

mxtthxw, avatar
shollyethan, avatar

Dropped some updates to this morning - tiles now have visible/clickable tags, URL properties have been added for sharing custom views with others, and I've added a ton of new project icons.

I'm completely open to feedback on future improvements, but probably won't consider adding any more details to the tiles to prevent them from becoming too cluttered.

Codixer, avatar

This website solved an issue I had. A good alternative to Typeform. Because we all know 21 EUR/month * 12 months (252 EUR) for a subscription is absolute horseshit.

I am now testing with (Selfhosted) :D

shollyethan, avatar

Just published a new article in my alternatives series focused on viable replacements for :

As usual, let me know if I missed anything or if you have any feedback on the article/series!

jay, avatar

@shollyethan Just wanted to say how much I love what you guys are doing with Keep up the great work!

sizemo, avatar

About ready to start working on my first homelab machine for self-hosting things instead of just glomming all my services on to the NAS. How feasible is it to start out on a Raspberry Pi while I get the hang of things? #selfhosting #selfhosted #homelab #raspberrypi

btp, avatar

@sizemo Super feasible. I was surprised at how much I could run on one RPi.

shollyethan, avatar

Just dropping a few links for all the self-hosters looking for something to do this weekend...

danb, avatar

@shollyethan Just a note on the app directory, I noticed the licenses are off for Sentry and Outline. Outline is BUSL, Sentry is FSL, and they only become Apache (and open source) after a few years (for older versions). Plus Lubelogger isn't really MIT as mentioned yesterday.

shollyethan, avatar

@danb Thanks for pointing those out! I've adjusted all of them for the next refresh and have marked LubeLogger as 'custom' for the time being.

shollyethan, avatar

This Week in Self-Hosted (10 May 2024)

Project activity, software launches, updates, a spotlight on - a one-time, self-destructing messaging service, and more in this week's self-hosted recap!

zrail, avatar

After struggling for too long to get my site up and running on versions of Ruby and Sinatra less than a decade old I decided to explore other options.

As of 5 minutes ago is generated with (/ht @cadey ) and served with Nginx from the server in my basement.

zrail, avatar

I tried to make the build and release process as simple as possible without writing any software.

  1. GitHub Actions picks up changes which...

  2. Builds a two stage Docker container. First stage builds the site, second copies the result into nginx:alpine-slim with a cut down config.

  3. Watchtower cycles every 30 seconds on a VM on the basement server. When it sees a new version it pulls and recreates the container.

  4. Nginx running in @flydotio connects to the container via @tailscale

webology, avatar

@zrail Watchtower has boringly just worked for me for this, too. I set mine to 2 minutes because I'm running a dozen+ websites being polled.

I like your idea about using fly to proxy in. I have used Tailscale's funnels for a few projects, mostly to allow GitHub to access it. I should probably re-think that.

axwax, avatar

It's not quite yet, but is all go!

As always, submit your own release or someone else's, it can be by or not, hosted on , , , or , as long as it is by an (but bonus points for supporting Bandcampers today, as it's the last one for a while).

Simply make a direct comment (with a link & description) to this post and it will appear at automagically!


axwax, avatar

Let me kick things off with a plug for @radiofreefedi, which is my number one source for discovering new and exciting #FediMusic these days.

In the unlikely even you haven't checked them out already, do yourself a favour and head to, for not just one but three channels of musical goodness.

The best thing is that every song played has a link to the artist's #Fediverse profile as well as a link to their music, so it's easy-peasy to support and/or contact them. 🔈🎶

jonnyfallout, avatar


I have two things to promote. 😀

My album, "Unknown Unknowns", which was released last year on Triplicate Records, is currently on sale for just $1.

And, my latest album "Concentric Circles" is available for $5.

If you like #synthwave with some #drumandbass, #IDM, and a little #electronica, give them a listen!

tezoatlipoca, avatar

So I have a bunch of services running at home. Now, my home is your typical large Canadian telco (aka assholes) and they are actively sabotaging my host-at home stuff. (i.e. I set it up, it works a few days, then it stops being reachable from outside, at work, rebooting doesn't fix etc.)

Can any recommend a reliable "just works" remoting solution (where the host is linux) where I can always remote in if the host has power and an outbound connection?? (paid is ok)


@tezoatlipoca not a self-jostler here, but what would think of nodes "on both ends", just for admin?

shollyethan, avatar

Excited to launch a new project today that I'm calling, a curated list of companion applications for self-hosted software:

The linked post explains the rationale for adding apps to this list, which is a bit smaller than

As usual, feel free to send me a DM or reach out via the site's contact address if you'd like to discuss the project or any of the software listed.

#selfhost #selfhosted #selfhosting #opensource #homelab #software

teleclimber, avatar

I'm behind the curve but I'm finally experimenting with @tailscale to see if integrating it into #Dropserver could be a solution to the connectivity problem for a #selfhosted install.

Honestly, it's a great product! The onboarding is top notch. I ran into a few very minor technical glitches but it works very well. It didn't take long to set up and soon I was accessing an app I had running in ds-dev on my Mac at home while munching on a Poke Bowl at the mall. Super cool!


teleclimber, avatar

The only gotcha with #tailscale is that their "at home" plan is only for 3 users. As soon as you past that, you have to go to the Starter plan which is $6/user/month. So for four users you're looking at $24/month. That's not a small amount!

Of course, I get it: they're not in business to give their product away.

But for the Dropserver use-case, it means Tailscale can only be useful for limited situations, and I'll have to keep finding other solutions to connectivity challenges.


teleclimber, avatar

It's probably still worth doing an integration. The magic of tailscale solves every connectivity problem at once for a subset of use cases.

Example: serving Dropserver apps that involve only you, or perhaps you and your partner. That actually covers a good amount of ground currently (DS is great for making "home-cooked apps")

My personal note taking app would be better off inside a tailnet. Even the Leftovers and shopping list apps are only used by my wife and I, so that would work.


fastfinge, avatar

Hey techy folks: what’s the most webmail app that will work with arbitrary imap and smtp servers?

shollyethan, avatar update:

I've been overwhelmed with the positive feedback from the community since last week's launch and have been trying to add projects as fast as the requests come in.

Two new features since launch: License details added to the project tiles and a "Recently Added" sort option for users to easily view projects added since their last visit.

Next feature on the list: RSS feed for newly added project notifications

Jakra, avatar

Huh, looks like @nextcloud Talk can be (or is working on being) federated between Nextcloud instances. That'd be pretty cool. Instant, video, and audio messaging without relying on someone else's platform would be pretty cool. Its hard choosing a platform that works on desktop, Android, and Apple, and is not trying to monetise my children. #nextcloud #selfhosted

jakob42, avatar

@Jakra @nextcloud Do you have a link to that. Last time I checked it was but an idea.

Jakra, avatar
genebean, avatar

@ironicbadger - I was just listening to the latest episode of #SelfHosted where you talk about using a travel router and it got me to wondering if you know how to fix the bug that prevents the @tailscale exit node feature from working on the GL.iNet OS. I’ve got a GL-A1300 and have learned there’s a bug related to the routing tables that breaks all outbound traffic when the exit node feature is enabled.

ironicbadger, avatar

@genebean oh that stinks. I never ran into that on the router itself but will test in the office tomorrow

axwax, avatar

Welcome to the submission thread for the edition of .

As always, submit your own release or someone else's, it can be by or not, hosted on , , , or , as long as it is by an (but bonus points for supporting Bandcampers today).

Simply make a direct comment (with a link & description) to this post and it will appear at automagically!


timothyreed, avatar

@axwax this musician makes some nice short noise and could use some likes or pay what you want purchases.

4triks, avatar

Wanna retrolectro to MUNDO CUANTICO ? New track available right now !

slamp, avatar

Should I use #garage or #minio as backend #S3 storage for #loki ?

I'm open to any other proposal #selfhosted #homelab


@slamp I give a +1 to #garage.

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