StillIRise1963, avatar

I'm from a country where racism has confused some white people to the degree that they don't know whether they should vote for arguably one of the better presidents the nation has ever had and the continuation of democracy and the human race, or the devil fucking incarnate painted orange.

MisuseCase, avatar

@StillIRise1963 I do have a lot of issues with Biden but yes, he is the best President of my lifetime.

The thing is that being President is a shady job and no matter who the President is they’re enmeshed in the same networks of people, systems, and institutions, which all range from problematic to ghoulish, and we all kind of have to make the best of it.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@MisuseCase I feel the same way.

qurlyjoe, avatar

@StillIRise1963 @MisuseCase
That’s always been how it works, from day one. Biden has had a hand in a lot of sausage-making in his long career, not all of it to my liking. He gets some of the blame for Justice Thomas, for instance, given his treatment of Anita Hill. But with the choices in front of us today there really should be no question. It may come down to who the VP candidate is, given the old guys’ ages. If it’s Haley vs. Harris, could be close. If it’s MTG, 😱🤯

StillIRise1963, avatar
CosmicTrigger, avatar


At seven years old, aren't you a little young to be on Mastodon talking politics?

There was this pretty cool black President. I know you weren't born yet, but maybe you've heard people talk about him? His name was Obama?

MisuseCase, avatar

@CosmicTrigger Obama wasn’t as aggressively pro-labor, never tried to cancel student debt, and it’s pretty well-known that he only came around to supporting same-sex marriage because Biden persuaded him.

CosmicTrigger, avatar

I have my own reasons for not liking Obama, but I have many, many reasons why I absolutely hate Joe Biden.

Even if it means Trump wins, I'm not voting for someone I fucking hate.

If the Democrats want my vote, they need to actually give me something to vote FOR.

I honestly hate Biden more than I hate Trump.

It's like choosing between voting for Adolf Hitler and Adolf Eichmann.

Hitler is the guy who made the fiery speeches that fired up the nation.

Eichmann was the silent and boring bureaucrat who actually masterminded the Holocaust.

Trump makes racist speeches.

Joe Biden literally wrote the legislation that is responsible for the murder, incarceration, and utter and complete destruction of more black and brown lives in this country that any dumb speech made by Trump.

MisuseCase, avatar

@CosmicTrigger Pretty clearly you did not want to have a conversation you just wanted to hear yourself talk and this is a regular thing with you.

CosmicTrigger, avatar

@MisuseCase and you evidently will forgive rape and genocide.

So there is that.

Roughly, a little less than 25 percent of the country vote for either the Democratic or Republican president in the elections. Every four years, more than 50 percent vote 3rd party or don't vote at all because we know neither party is concerned about the interests of marginalized communities or the poor.

Demand your party produce a candidate we actually WANT to vote for, and stop threatening us with Trump.

If you can't get your party to nominate someone who actually wants to help struggling Americans, then you deserve another four years of Trump.

cmdrmoto, avatar

@MisuseCase @Gustodon @StillIRise1963 I was technically alive during the Carter presidency, albeit not really a conscious being yet.

Still, I’m gonna say he was the best prez of my lifetime.

The grifting sleazeballs before and after his term did a great job of setting the country up to suffer while he was in office, though. Alas.

davidhmccoy, avatar

@StillIRise1963 @binaryphile

💯. How racist is the US? Trump tried to overthrow the country and he STILL isn’t in trouble.

Adam_Cadmon1, avatar

@davidhmccoy @StillIRise1963 @binaryphile The GD spokesperson for a failed coup attempt and he's the leading Republican candidate for president. And it's not close. Smh.

dbc3, avatar

@Adam_Cadmon1 @davidhmccoy @StillIRise1963 @binaryphile

Not surprising. The majority of Republicans were in favor of the coup. So of course they want another go at it.

Adam_Cadmon1, avatar

@dbc3 @davidhmccoy @StillIRise1963 @binaryphile May not be surprising but it should be alarming. An increasing percentage of Americans are in favor of the candidate who wants to essentially end democracy as we know it. That's fucking terrifying

slcw, avatar

@davidhmccoy @StillIRise1963 @binaryphile I think it's telling that the only people Trump has ever accused of racism are black folks.

Callalily, avatar

I'll be voting Biden/Harris they are the better choice. Not perfect by any means no one is. Still the best choice.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@Callalily Same.

samhainnight, avatar

@Callalily @StillIRise1963 Like someone said in the thread, given the ages of Biden and Trump, vote for the Vice President you want.
Makes it pretty easy. I love seeing Harris make the GOP sweat.

Callalily, avatar

@samhainnight @StillIRise1963
I do too. I think she scares them. They fear a strong, intelligent, black woman in charge of the nation.

samhainnight, avatar
TCatInReality, avatar

@Callalily @StillIRise1963
Yes! You're not looking for a spouse when you vote for POTUS. They aren't going to be "the one"

You're not picking a new best friend, who you want to have a beer with.

And you're not picking a TV channel. They're not supposed to be entertaining.

You're picking the person with the expertise, judgement and policies that you're most aligned with - and you're giving them ENORMOUS power of life and death.

because they do.

WJBL, avatar
jargoggles, avatar

@WJBL @TCatInReality @Callalily @StillIRise1963
Yes, absolutely vote in a way that prevents Republicans from winning elections and that almost always means voting for Democrats. 100%

But can we do away with the pretense that this has gotten us any closer to finally turning some corner that Democrats have been promising we'll get to any day now? It's been decades of this exact same messaging. Let's just be honest about it - if it's a chess move, then it's playing for a stalemate, not to win.

StillIRise1963, avatar
TCatInReality, avatar

@jargoggles @WJBL @Callalily @StillIRise1963
Power struggles are ongoing.

The more power Dems get (or any party), the more big money jumps in and starts to call the shots. After Clinton and Obama, plenty of corp influence in the party

So we must not only beat the GOP, but also claw back power within the Dems. Fight to get more progressive Dems.

DavidM_yeg, avatar

@Callalily @TCatInReality @StillIRise1963 @WJBL @jargoggles

If the choice is stalemate or lose, stalemate is the way to go. The good news is that it’s not a bounded game like chess… a ‘stalemate for now’ can become a win if circumstances change, and you can play a part in changing those circumstances.


@WJBL @TCatInReality @Callalily @StillIRise1963

People must stop electing the smooth talking manipulator or sex appeal candidate,


ogalachowski, avatar

@WJBL @TCatInReality @Callalily @StillIRise1963 “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results”. Voting democratic has moved us further right. Vote Progressive not for a utopia but for a better world….

StillIRise1963, avatar

@ogalachowski Reality might be a place you have the privilege of not living in. Many of us can't say the same. Enjoy your privilege.
@WJBL @TCatInReality @Callalily

JugglingWithEggs, avatar

@TCatInReality @Callalily @StillIRise1963 voting should be seen as something like catching a bus.

If you don’t catch any bus, you can’t complain when you’re stuck where you are.

There may not be a bus route direct to where you need to get to, so you’ll need to go for the nearest destination….

But whatever you do don’t take the advice of the sleazy local drunk offering you a lift in his clapped out gas guzzler.


@StillIRise1963 the doubt between eating a dish that might not be your favorite but it's still nicely cooked or a f***** raw turd on your plate. Truly a hard question... 🤪

Sorry for the language BUT COME ON AMERICA, WHAT'S THE DOUBT!?

StillIRise1963, avatar

@Bossito No need to apologize. That's the situation.


@StillIRise1963 so some people are truly saying "can't vote for the chicken with rice, fed up of eating that, so bland. If the majority goes for the turd, so be it, let's eat turd"!?

StillIRise1963, avatar

@Bossito If "bland" means not white supremacist, nazi or fascist enough, yes.

SCampbell, avatar

@Bossito @StillIRise1963 I would vote for a rotten turnip over other guy


@SCampbell @StillIRise1963 anyone not totally corrupt, not totally dumb and fascist would be better.

There are never perfect candidates, voting is not an endorsement of every single policy of one candidate, it's really childish to act like "I can only vote for a perfect match with all my ideals and ideas, if on this one very specific policy there's a disagreement then I'll be neutral between this candidate and the one that wants to destroy democracy and start a civil war if needed".

StillIRise1963, avatar

@Bossito I totally agree.

SCampbell, avatar
StillIRise1963, avatar

@SCampbell And, this is all just common sense, but common sense isn't very common.

benjamin, avatar

@StillIRise1963 The fact that there’s even a debate between the two is deeply disturbing. How could anyone justify voting for an obvious racist?

StillIRise1963, avatar

@benjamin It is. Shows people what this place is really like.

CStamp, avatar

@StillIRise1963 @benjamin It makes me sick.

We see this crap in history books and think we're getting above it, then learn we are just more pages in a future history book in which folk reading are going to react, "what the actual hell? Why was that allowed to happen?"

StillIRise1963, avatar

@CStamp Yep. We're all still those people we've read about. It looks different, different names are used, but it's fundamentally the same structure.@benjamin

benjamin, avatar

@CStamp @StillIRise1963 I forgot who said it, but there was a quote from someone who said we essentially ignore history, then when it repeats, we act like it’s new.

America is number 1 in ignoring mistakes of the past.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@benjamin Yep, because the mistakes have never been in the past. They've continued into the present.


@StillIRise1963 @benjamin @CStamp

And a significant underlying problem is that too many people don't see those mistakes as mistakes.

StillIRise1963, avatar
pg1958, avatar

@benjamin @StillIRise1963
That's an easy one! They vote for the racist because they are racists too!

lin11c, avatar

They are truly deplorables.

freediverx, avatar

As someone who will never vote for a Republican and who will certainly vote for Biden over Trump, let me say that you're not helping the cause by heaping undeserved praise on a right wing Democrat. Stick to the unvarnished facts and avoid angering people who are already on your side.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@freediverx Shut up. Don't tell me how to be. Fuck off.

patterfloof, avatar


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  • StillIRise1963, avatar

    @patterfloof Aren't we all.☹️

    bbhack, avatar


    I see they left the door to the computer lab at the state school open again.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @bbhack Did you know most Americans are functionally illiterate? I bet you think you're not.

    Npars01, avatar


    Heather McGhee writes in "The Sum of Us" how willing bigots are to stab themselves in the eye, as long as they get to hurt the target of their bigotry too.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @Npars01 I've seen her in the past on TV.

    Npars01, avatar


    Her book is amazing!

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @Npars01 I'll check it out, thanks!

    wakejagr, avatar


    My wife and I were discussing the trolley problem recently, and we noted that many have no experience with trolleys outside of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.

    I view voting (in the USA) as a good example of the binary choice presented in the classical trolley problem.

    1. Do nothing
      1a. Don't vote
      1b. Vote third party
      1c. Vote Republican

    2. Act. Vote Democrat

    Do nothing and democracy will fall. Act and you might feel partially responsible for shitty Dem actions.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @wakejagr What a privilege that must be.

    wakejagr, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 I'm sorry. I'm confused. What's a privilege? Being able to view USA politics as a choice?

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @wakejagr I can see that. Move along.

    CosmicTrigger, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 Biden literally wrote the legislation that specifically targeted black people and led to the mass murder and incarceration of black people in this country.

    We shouldn't have to vote for either of those two racist assholes.

    But then, that's why, in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION, between the Democratic candidate and the Republican candidate, half the country votes for "none of the above."

    No one is voting FOR Biden, they're voting AGAINST Trump.

    Neither party is giving us something to vote FOR.

    As a sexual assault survivor I refuse on principle to vote for a rapist.

    So I refuse to vote for either of those two motherfuckers.

    sleepfreeparent, avatar

    @CosmicTrigger hey have you seen Cornel West's platform? If you're not voting for either of the right-wing candidates, that doesn't mean you're out of options

    CosmicTrigger, avatar

    @sleepfreeparent I will probably vote for Cornel.

    I will vote for a Democratic candidate if it's not the racist Dixiecrat who supported segregation and is close pals with white supremacists and KKK members, wants to abolish social security and medicare, heaps praise on Dubya Bush, and is currently helping Israel carry out a literal genocide.

    Be nice if the Democrats would run a "help out marginalized communities" candidate instead of a "carry out an ethnic cleansing candidate."

    To date, Biden's crime bill has killed more black people and destroyed more blacks lives than the lives destroyed by the ongoing genocide in Palestine, but sure, he's the better candidate than the guy who says mean things.

    I wish the DNC would convince him to step down. I'm not a huge fan of Kamala Harris, but I would vote for her.



    I assume these are slow learners?

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @BillMcGuire Racists.

    rrb, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 But, her emails?

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @rrb Yes. His age is her emails.


    @StillIRise1963 It is some extreme bothsides'ism going on. It's really strange to watch it from Europe.

    StillIRise1963, avatar

    @eklem It's strange here too for sane people.

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