fediverseobserver, to fediverse

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shark.torchmc.ru a server from Russia
fr.nixre.net a server from Germany

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tallship, to foss


Hi Teri,

I'm writing you because I came across your blog site and thought you may be able to leverage the Fediverse in conjunction with your WordPress site's publishing horsepower.

As a advocate with great enthusiasm for mass adoption, I'd like to suggest a couple of things for you to consider, and the following treatment can also benefit others who also have bridged over to the Fediverse that already have a WordPress installation, or have been looking to deploy one.

  • First, that you think about establishing a Fediverse account other than that of a stock Mastodon instance. Sure, keep your @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social account, just create another account for yourself on a platform that will afford you more options that can facilitate your creative freedom (let's not dissect that word, lolz) to publish posts that are in excess of a paltry 500 characters, along with things like Markup capabilities, Etc. Just a thought. ...

This leads into the next suggestion, ...

  • Second, why not make that account your existing WordPress blog, where you already have a permanent, branded presence and readership? Let's supercharge your WordPress site by making it a full and complete publishing platform completely integrated with the Fediverse.

There's a couple of methodologies, but generally speaking, once you install the ActivityPub plugin any future blog posts are on the Fediverse as well as any other distribution channels you may already have (say, by virtue of having installed the JetPack Social plugin that propagates into the deprecated silo networks).

One method I can recommend is to follow this basic procedure to popularize your blog posts and gain followers - just like you probably have been with the mastodon.social account you already have:

  1. ) If you've already created a new account on a more feature complete platform that's better suited for long form posting, inline images, Etc., like , , any or family fork platform, , or (They all have excellent Markdown support too); simply follow your user account @<username>@terikanefield.com. If not, then simply follow your WordPress Fediverse user account from your existing masto account - which you should do anyway since I gather you have some respectable measure of followers.

2.) Everytime you publish a new news article / blog post on your WordPress site, you'll see it in your stream on your fediverse accounts.

3.) Boost each article from those accounts, your followers will see what you boost in their streams.

4.) encourage them to boost as well and/or comment - you'll see those comments in the reply section of each article on your WordPress site - Awesome!

5.) Now that you have followers of your WordPress user's Fediverse account you should be able to garner more direct interaction on your WordPress site, instead of having to post links to those posts from your mastodon.social account.

  1. ) From your @<username>@terikanefield.com account at your WordPress site, you can now directly interact with your followers, even those who post replies/comments to your articles, whether or not they are a follower of yours.

I'm taking the time to write because I see that you have a relatively decent circulation and engagement between readers and your blog articles, and the more people that see you engaging with others in the Fediverse directly from your WordPress site, the more people are encouraged to Join the Fediverse.

I am, as stated in my profile and also leading in to this, a FOSS and Privacy Advocate.

So here's a couple of links, one to the plugin itself - it's easy to install and deploy. Another older one that's still relevant that shows you how to do the install, and I think that's about it. We'll see ;)

  • WordPress ActivityPub Plugin - This is where you get the plugin
  • HowTo with Video - Really simple, easy install, right from your WordPress admin panel
  • JetPac Social - I'm definitely not a fan of this kind of engagement (with the privacy mining, deprecated, monolithic silo networks), but you do you - it can afford you with even greater reach through syndication, and if you write about the Fediverse, well, ... So much the better!
  • You should also consider following the magnanimous @pfefferle - one of the primary authors of the .

I hope that helps! All the best!


tallship, to fediverse
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

An excellent expose on one of the most prolific and creative minds in the #Fediverse, and as the following article by @sean eludes to, far far beyond.


@mike 's contributions to #FOSS and #DeSoc go back much further than just the #ActivityPub portions of the Fediverse, well over a decade in fact, as the creator of #Mistpark, now #Friendica, and also #Zot6 and #Nomad, which promises to be a show changer for identity in the world of Social communications.


@dansup@mastodon.social avatar

@tallship @mike Agreed!

The fediverse is lucky to have such a talented and brilliant developer like Mike who’s impact can be felt throughout many projects!

I hope he gets the attention he deserves ❤️

Agrippina, to fediverse German
@Agrippina@social.cologne avatar

❓ Hier hat jemand mal den Link zu einer richtig guten Tabelle gepostet, in der Funktionen verschiedener Dienste wie , , , usw. sehr detailliert verglichen wurden. Es kann sein, dass die Tabelle sogar editierbar war. Vielleicht Cryptpad?
Leider finde ich den Link nicht mehr.
Habt ihr eine Idee, wo es sowas im Netz gibt?
Ich suche eine Alternative zu Friendica, das ich mag, bei dem die Posts aber für manche wohl zu schlecht lesbar sind.

@Agrippina@social.cologne avatar

Danke für deine ausführliche Antwort!

Bei Hubzilla hatte ich vor fast 10 Jahren meinen ersten Fediverse-Account - ohne zu wissen, das es ein Fediverse gab. Da ich keinerlei Erfahrungen mit Social Media hatte, war ich damals mit Hubzilla komplett überfordert. Der alte Account ist wohl leider weg. Aber ich werde es noch mal versuchen (jetzt mit mehr Fedi-Erfahrung 🙂).

streams ist mir bauchgefühlt suspekt. Aber angucken könnte ich mir es mal. 🤔

@caos@metalhead.club avatar

@Agrippina ja, wirkt wirklich suspekt!!!
@derpepe hatte es hier vor kurzem im Rahmen der -Serie vorgestellt:


flaccide, to random French

Une ou un à me recommander pour ouvrir une page d'info ?
Ou un autre réseau tout aussi ouvert ?
(Friendica fédère avec *, c'est ce qui me botte)

kariboka, to fediverse
@kariboka@harpia.red avatar

Have someone got their instance to federate with ?

I’ve read something about it but didn’t see any real case yet.

Also, does it federates articles? like , , , ,

symfonystation, to fediverse
@symfonystation@phpc.social avatar

Explore our article: You say you want a revolution: help the free, fair, and friendly Fediverse destroy Big Social. https://symfonystation.mobileatom.net/Fediverse :fediverse: :mastodon: #/kbin

symfonystation, to fediverse
@symfonystation@newsletter.mobileatom.net avatar
mj, to fediverse German

Für die es noch immer nicht kapiert haben, bzw. nicht kapieren wollen!

Mastodon ist nicht das Fediverse, sondern ein Teil davon, wie alle anderen Dienste auch!
So schwer ist es nun wirklich nicht.

Nur ein Teil von dem was es da mittlerweile noch so alles gibt
seit 2010
seit 2010
seit 2014
seit 2015
seit 2016

von fediverse.party

sascha, to fediverse German

Fediverse | Probleme bei der Federation

Es gibt im Fediverse einige Newsbots deren 'Anrisse' bei mir scheinbar ohne Link zum Orginalbeitrag sind. Nehmen wir zum Beispiel diesen Beitrag. Bei mir (Friendica) sieht er so aus:

Sprich es gibt nur einen kurzen Textanriss und ansonsten gar nichts. Gehe ich dann auf den Orginalbeitrag (ebenfalls Friendica), so sieht es so aus:

Nun stellt sich die Frage wo unterwegs das Bild als auch der Link auf der Strecke geblieben sind. Liegt es daran das ich die Vorschau für Links deaktiviert habe? Wenn ja, dann müsste ja doch trotzdem irgendwo der entsprechende Link im Beitrag sein, oder sehe ich das falsch?

Achso, der Vollständigkeit halber findet man hier auch noch die verlinkte Seite bei DW.

-03-24 @helpers



@heluecht Das ist perfekt! Danke


@feb Ich danke Euch beiden. War halt komisch bei diesen ind anderen Newsbots immer nur den Anriss und sonst nichts zu haben. Ich wünsche Euch nen schönen Sonntag. 😀

abu, to helpers

Since updating to 2024.03 I get continuously database errors like:

Unknown column 'contact-id' in 'where clause'
DELETE FROM item WHERE (contact-id = 103118)

Who knows what's gone wrong here?


@abu Have a look into that item table if the data in it is new or old. With dbstructure drop -e you can delete all the tables. So only do it, after you created a backup and you are sure that you can delete the data.


@heluecht Done that, the error production stopped.
Once again, thanks for your assistance! You made my day.

petrescatraian, to fediverse

Welp, it just happened. became the most followed person in the with a follower count of more than 4 times that of @Mastodon itself

Of course, those are only rough numbers. Most of the people following him are on Threads, and many do not even know anything about decentralized social platforms (or care). People outside of Threads that are following him are few (including myself, now*).

But this is more of a symbolic thing. Once other profiles enable the Fediverse integration, we'll be seeing more and more Threads profiles topping the charts. Or maybe not, who knows. I already start to see many profiles on Threads that stopped posting since quite a while, and I'm wondering if they're still active. Many people on other centralized platforms just call Threads dead already, lol.

OTOH, even the overall atmosphere on Threads just seems to be... subpar to say the least. I really don't feel I could learn anything from the people out there, apart from a few dozen interesting profiles that are simply just hard to find - they were hard to find on Insta, they are hard to find there as well. If, for whatever reason, Threads were to simply turn the federation off abruptly, I wouldn't feel anything of value would be lost apart from these profiles, at least for me. I wonder how long it will take until it will be just another enshittified, ad-ridden, useless platform, just like the other two in 's portfolio are, all filled with trolls, bots, scammers and propaganda accounts of the Kremlin-backed modern far-right that spread the lies and nonsense.

If you have a presence on Mastodon, yet you'd also love to try out Threads, you're not missing anything. Really. This place is just way better, and it centers not around advertisers, but around you.

*you traitor, how dare you follow the Satan over this place? well, I actually thought it out for a bit. And I don't know if I'll keep the follow on the long term either. But this is just part of my way to , as funny as it may seem. It is just one of the many active accounts/pages that I still follow on that cesspit, so I thought, why not.

I also have a habit of checking my profile from various servers, and I'm having a hard time seeing even my popular posts. So I can say keeps me quite protected from the aforementioned. Plus that Meta doesn't have any ads to serve me around this place.



A small addendum to what I previously wrote: You can already see this in practice.
I was just scrolling through the list, which is now populated by other Threads accounts as well, and I found this account, that I won't tag here (for people on Mastodon, see pic 1). It already tops place 134 as the most followed account in the Fediverse, as of writing.

This person publicly claims that is an Amazon Associate and that is posting affiliate links from which is earning money from qualifying purchases - and as expected, the profile is full of these links (see picture 2 if on Mastodon).

Now, one might say, "but what's wrong with this? People might be interested in getting deals on stuff they want" - and this is true, I do not think what this person posts is simply useless or toxic to everyone. But the fact that it's so high up in the top of the most followed Fediverse profiles gets me worried. Many people do see stuff like this as spam, and would rather not see that in their feed.

And if that person is also paying to get higher up in the feeds of Threads users, specially those that are not following the guy, that is spam, and it's not the appropriate behavior.

This is just illustrative of the state of Threads, another product, next to and , and why any self-hostable, open source Fediverse platform is still a better choice to the Fediverse overall, than it. It is also concerning if more such profiles are topping the most followed Fediverse profiles and destroying its quality overall.

Hope that won't be the case.


Another small addendum: I noticed Meta federated just in time for Follow Friday. No, I'm not gonna add the tag in this place :)

okpierre, to fediverse
@okpierre@mastodon.social avatar

If only all fediverse apps work the same. Mastodon users can see Threads profile but Pixelfed can't. At least there's progress ...

Anyone know if Peertube, Misskey, Lemmy, Friendica and other activitypub apps can see Threads?

@dansup@mastodon.social avatar

@okpierre Pixelfed can successfully fetch threads accounts and posts, however there is a bug preventing the search from properly resolving threads accounts. I'm working on a fix.

andypiper, to random
@andypiper@macaw.social avatar

Any mobile apps that support ?

@andypiper@macaw.social avatar

@zeitverschreib @ConnyDuck ah! thank you for this suggestion!

@andypiper@macaw.social avatar

@zeitverschreib @ConnyDuck ... it literally does say that third party apps don't work with 2FA and need app-specific passwords in the docs! That will teach me to do more research.

wolf, to fediverse German

Mich frustriert es wirklich nicht (mehr), dass das Fediverse offenbar bisher nur eine überschaubare Minderheit der Gesellschaft anspricht. Damit kann ich sehr gut leben.

Was mich aber doch etwas wurmt, ist die Realität, dass es hier meiner Beobachtung nach nur wenige junge aktive Menschen gibt. Weshalb finden z.B. TickTock oder Instagram ansprechend, kommunizieren dort mit ihren peer groups, während die ganze interoperable Breite und Vielfalt des (, , , …)) für junge Leute offenbar komplett uninteressant zu sein scheint?


@vegos_f06 "Berieselungsnetzwerke" gefällt mir, werde ich bei passender Gelegenheit klauen. 😉

@ulrichkelber @wolf

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