cstross, to random
@cstross@wandering.shop avatar


I have no idea how such a shitty product can exist. Same price buys you a Chromebook; there are plenty of software libre distraction-free writing apps out there (try opening a terminal and typing "vim"?).

Or you could chicken out and buy a Kindle Fire Max 11 with keyboard case for the same price.

Both of these let you type for more than a day on a charge: the only benefit of the freewrite alpha is an 80 hour battery, which is pointless with USB-C charging everywhere.

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@cstross some even recommended this shit to me instead if a when I was in school.
I told them unless it comes with the same voice as has I don't want them to ever be allowed to make any technical decision or suggestion in their life!
Those things are like : an absolute given even the shittiest with the abundant running is more versatile.
And I literally just started that distro.

lukemurray, to github

GitHub Universe Cloud Skills Challenge!

GitHub is the home for all developers—a platform where you can share code, contribute to open-source projects and much more. Join our GitHub Universe Cloud Skills Challenge and explore GitHub with us! 🐱

🌟 Learn about Artificial Intelligence with the Cloud Skills Challenge!
🚀 Create new projects for your portfolio with GitHub Copilot and GitHub Codespaces


@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@lukemurray I sincerely doubt people.will use this beyond impressing ...

thomy2000, to microsoft

Well yes I would like to connect to a Microsoft service without a VPN, that's a very comforting thought! Screw organizations that do this. No I will not turn off my VPN, I'll just switch to another country like always and hope that fixes it.

kkarhan, to random
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

Important Announcement - !
:boost_requested: :boost_animated: :boost_ok:

Please your 's - espechally at your "" parents' and friends' houses.
There's a -exploitable issue and it's really a big problem - and it also applies to those that don't have any or configured.


kkarhan, to tech
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

Thanks to for showing the of through aka. in a -friendly way.

We need to radicalize the and so they refuse to buy trash tech!

autonomysolidarity, to France German
@autonomysolidarity@todon.eu avatar

"The 7 french comrades arrested on 8 December 2020 will go on trial from 3 to 27 October 2023. They will be judged for «criminal association of terrorist criminals» (art. 450-1) in Paris. No terrorist project has been established after two years of investigation characterized by the use of white torture and a very intrusive surveillance. The criminal classification was not retained but the terrorist and collective dimension remains despite the total absence of evidence or even links between all the seven people. Several of them are also charged with “refusing to surrender a secret decryption convention” (Art. 434-15)."

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@autonomysolidarity Kenne den Fall:

Nach der Logik wäre jeder den ich kenne welcer keine r -Userin ist, eine Terrorist*in...

georgetakei, (edited ) to random

Ask your Fox-watching friends if they’ve seen stories about Rep. Lauren Boebert publicly groping with her date and vaping at a public performance of Beetlejuice, all with kids present. Bet they’ll look at you blankly because Fox has simply not aired the story since it broke according to media watchers.

Fox knows Boebert is in a district she nearly lost in 2022, and that the road to the House majority might run through Colorado’s 3rd. The network isn’t “fair and balanced.” That’s a joke. Fox is warped and twisted, just like the party it services.

Pro-tip: change the content controls on home cable systems so technologically challenged folks can’t access Fox. You might just save them from being sucked in further.

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@georgetakei Whilst it may seem bad to weaponize against at first, as I can assure everyone that the time and frustration saved by forcing relatives onto your tech stack is worth it!

It saves time, money, pain and frustration...

bnys, to random
@bnys@lasersword.club avatar

how rotten does your heart have to be in order to leave the public sector in a good job with great protections and retirement in order to go to waymo

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@bnys maybe paid better in a week that in a year?

I mean that's why I know almost noone in working in :

One would get bossed around by and have neother good promotion options beyond maybe a paygrade every 5 years and neither get bonuses not stock options for enduring shitty cubicles in buildings that are ugly inside and out...

bursaar, to random

Is anybody else deeply suspicious of the big tech companies like Tesla and Apple suddenly deciding that they're in favour of Right To Repair laws (that they've been bitterly fighting for years)? Maybe it's just surrender, but I worry that there's deviousness at work, like they've spotted a loophole.

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@cricalix @bursaar OFC they don't want and everything they did in that regard has been proven time and time again as a "" to pacify lawmakers.


mattwilcox, to random
@mattwilcox@mstdn.social avatar

I really wish @1password had a concept of tabs. When i'm trying to reference the structure of one entry to recreate it on a new one, it's a real ball-ache having a non-tabbed interface.

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@case2tv I chose since it literally runs on everything* - espechally and and doesn'r equire some subscription or charges people for the "privilegue" of self-hosting, like .
It's also -friendly.

*Okay it doesn't run on and except macOS & iOS, but then again:
People who daily drive , or are usually enough to basically setup their own storage system from scratch & sync and backup stuff.

neurovagrant, to random
@neurovagrant@masto.deoan.org avatar

This story by @josephcox to kick off 404Media is a barn-burner.

Bad actors are using false identities or compromised credentials to maintain persistent access to credit reporting data and automating its sale with bots to the tune of $15 per.

Address history, cellphone details, driver's license details, relatives and other sensitive data.


@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@neurovagrant @josephcox I hope is also coming to the :fediverse: .

But yeah, "identity fullz" aren't really new and the automation did drop the cost of production, increased supply and lowered purchase prices...

But it's good to see that info being made public knowledge to even :
Because in the is absurdly trivial, cuz all one needs is the !

beebles, to random
@beebles@beebl.es avatar

I've mentioned this but I'm gonna make a real post.

If you are setting up Windows 11, select "English (World)" as your language (English Europe also works), and you will have NONE of the third party bloatware installed.

No Candy Crush, no Netflix, just the first party apps

Please do share this info with anyone who may be setting up Windows soon


@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@toby not really.

I migrate #TechIlliterates all the time to #UbuntuLTS /
@ubuntu because at the end of the day, NO #TechIlliterate cares about what OS / Distro / ... they use.

All they want is being able to #consoom social media, maybe write and print a letter and check their eMails.

They don't care if they have #Windows, #Ubuntu, @bunsenlabs or #PorteusKiosk at their disposal, as long as they can click and type and get shit done...

tod, to random
@tod@hci.social avatar

The entire city of #Yellowknife is being evacuated. This is unprecedented and terrifying.

And thousands of citizens aren’t aware because Meta continues to block news in the country.

This is what happens when citizens are convinced to use an American multinational corporation as their community’s primary communications channel — a corporation that couldn’t give two shits about anything except its “fiduciary duty” to shareholders.


@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@JustinLachance but since that requires politicans to actually have a spine and ve principled, it's up to the individual to act accordingly and boycott them just like one would boycott a North Korean (regine controlled!) Restaurant or some shitty ultra - "fast fashion" label that manages to run sweatshops so inhumane that they manage to break labour regulations in Bangladesh & "P.R." China...

It's just that most people are #TechIlliterate #Consoomers that literally give 0 f**ks even confronted!

kkarhan, to random
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

Ja so wird das nichts mit der Verfolgung von und der

Hier sollte das @bmi mal Nachschulung machen...


@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@NDR So oder so wären hier genug Beweise damit der wegen und bei den verdächtigen eintritt...

Immerhin sind jene Operatives so dass sich deren trivialst verfolgen und entsprechende / ausfindig machen lassen...


anarchopunk_girl, to random

I hate how children get to have absolutely no privacy or autonomy (bodily or otherwise) in the name of "parental rights" and protecting them. Discord recently introduced a feature that would allow parents to have a dashboard that lets them see who their kids are talking to and when and like — that would have actually made my life horribly worse when I was a teenager and my only friends were kids from a writing server online and I had to keep it secret from my mom because she didn't think online friends were real and that it was unhealthy to have them (despite her homeschooling me in the middle of a retirement suburb so I couldn't really make friends elsewhere). It would have actually probably led to the death or homelessness of one of my friends, who found me, and supportive people, and that she was trans, through that writer's discord. Fuck parental controls.

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@anarchopunk_girl nodds in agreement

being welded as a weapon doesn't make it less bad and inacceptable.

In fact the problem are literally to the point that I've told people 20 years ago to not give their parents any admin rights because they'll fuck up everything and activate or install some "Youth Protection" BS and fuck up everything!

Even I who acts as in IT will go out of my way to never breach a users' privacy, minor nor adult!

viel_zu_negativ, to random German
@viel_zu_negativ@mstdn.social avatar

Ich lese ja via nitter.net bei einigen ausgewählten Accounts immer noch beim X vorbei, und inzwischen bin ich regelmäßig irritiert über so selbstverständliche Dinge, die sie dort nicht haben, wie z.B. >400 Zeichen und einen Edit-Button.

Diese Selbst-Antworten, die nötig sind, um ein Wort oder einen einzigen Buchstaben zu korrigieren, ganz, ganz furchtbar.
Und dann weißt du, dass die nichtmal die Beiträge von Leuten sehen, denen sie folgen, wenn der Algorithmus das anders entscheidet.

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@viel_zu_negativ ...die größten Painpoints ist eher die #Glibc und andere #GNU-Schrott welcher konsequent mit minimalsten Updates nativss bricked, weshalb ich hoffe dass auf #musl oder andere #c-libs umgdstellt wird.

Ansonsten funzt #Wine ganz gut - es bräuchte natürlich Feinschliff vgl. #Proton / #DXVK-Integration in #Steam.

Ansonsten dürften #TechIlliterate #Normies, #Consoomer & Co. bereits besser unter #Ubuntu #LTS #Linux bedient sein, weil's anders als #Windows nicht halbjährlich bricked.

leak, to random
@leak@hachyderm.io avatar

Cryptography is a tool for turning a whole swathe of problems into key management problems. Key management problems are way harder than (virtually all) cryptographers think.

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@thatandromeda @leak did so.

The problem isn't , but the fact that are allowed to use and that leads to the digital equivalent of 12 year olds driving gasoline tankers with neither license nor permit nor experience.

would not be the widespread issue it is today if we didn't allow the to groom people into !

The problem are people being ignorant and openly hostile to the obvious issues...

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@roywig @thatandromeda @leak it is "good enough", cuz we ain't 15 years ago where eberything needed archaic commands.

integrates / out of the box for some time.
& do support - and like are so easy, it literally took me 5 minutes to explain the use and setup a complete in it.

People aren't stupid, they are lazy and get groomed into being ...

That is the problem!

JorisMeys, to Signal
@JorisMeys@mstdn.social avatar

Got sick and tired of Suckerberg's attacks on the data on my phone. I'm throwing out and giving another go.


@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar
heiseonline, to news German

Sichere Messenger für alle: Matrix-Gründer im Interview

Was die Matrix Foundation für einen frei verfügbaren und verschlüsselten Messenger-Standard tut, erklärt Mitgründer Matthew Hodgson gegenüber heise online.


@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@buzzdee @chbmeyer @heiseonline Gute Frage.

hat mit Abdtand die schlimmsten die ich je gelesen habe...

als öffentlicher Gruppen- und als Individual-Chat geht wunderbar.

Und für Organisationen gibt's -freundliche Lösungen wie die alles von & über & bis hin zu und VS-NfD sowie darüber hinaus erfüllen können!

thomholwerda, to random

When you listen to The Verge's podcast and they're legitimately saying Mastodon is a "no girls allowed" club? And we don't want Facebook here because Instagram will bring women here?!

What the fuck is wrong with these American tech pundits? Mastodon is the gayest, transest, most feminine social network I've ever seen. There are so many more outspoken, smart, odd, and downright weird women here than I've ever seen on any other social network. It's fucking great.

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar
Jyoti, to random
@Jyoti@mas.to avatar

If email was invented now, it'd be something like:

WeMail™ by Meta

and be totally walled. You're either on it or not and if you're not, no email addy for you! You just have zero email service.

IRL, people understand that you can have email provided by Gmail or Microsoft or Apple. Many servers! That doesn't hurt their brains.

The fact that so many think Mast is "complicated" is not because they're stupid but because walled-gardens have ruled for the last 15+ years.

Time to change that.

@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@Jyoti yes, also we need to force people to learn tech and actual because they got groomed by the into being Consoomers!

And that is bad...

kkarhan, to France
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar


goes full :
literally classified using , @torproject , , @protonmail and 's as "suspicious activity" in terms of ...


@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@dalfen yeah...

We're ruled by that got voted by Voters that all think @torproject's network is illegal and that there are no legitimate applications to use for...

OFC they don't care about the fact that these things are obviously not true and they'll go out of their way to neither listen to accept any or true that doesn't reinforce their bs bias.

Seriously, it's sickening and tiring me hard...

black_intellect, to random
@black_intellect@mstdn.social avatar
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@pixelpusher220 @black_intellect don't underestimate the lazyness of and gullibility of mostly [] people!

Some still use 10 years after PDF.js got introduced to all relevant Browsers...

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