@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar



Powerful. Personal. Private. It’s a web browser. But fun. It comes with a bunch of clever features built in. It’s super flexible and does not track you. Get the Vivaldi browser for desktop, mobile, and your car!

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Vivaldi, (edited ) to Vivaldi
@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

Tired of those random browser crashes ruining your gaming or video streaming?

This Friday, upgrade your desktop browsing experience with the Memory Saver option on Vivaldi 6.7.

Game on, stress off! 🎮✨

Don't have the Vivaldi browser yet? Download it here: https://vivaldi.com/download/

#Browser #Vivaldi #VivaldiBrowser #Release #Releases #Desktop #Tech #Technology #Friday

Vivaldi, to random Japanese
@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

デスクトップ版 Vivaldi 6.7 リリースです✨

💻 メモリーセーバーでメモリを削減
📰 GitHub や YouTube のフィード自動検出が可能に
📂 右クリックからワークスペースを作成
🔑 パスワードとフィードのエクスポート
🍎 Mac でアプリのタイル表示


Vivaldi, to tech
@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

Love working with tabs? Then you’ll love this: a Memory Saver that automatically puts your inactive tabs to sleep, so you can experience faster and smoother browsing!⚡

Our built-in Feed Reader now lets you follow feeds on sites like Reddit and GitHub. You can now curate your very own news feed with your preferred content. 📰

There’s more: a new option to create Workspaces with fewer clicks, export of passwords and feeds, and a window split screen view for apps on Mac.

Read on to know more, and upgrade your browser to its latest version👇


Vivaldi, (edited )
@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

@ZaffreHue Thank you for those thoughtful words. It’s feedback like yours that adds to the team’s motivation at Vivaldi. And thank you, for spreading the word! 🙌🏽 🚀

@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

@gumbario For the time being, you can revert to the old menu design from Settings > Appearance > Menu > Compact Layout.

@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar
@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar


Interesting idea! 🤔

Please make a feature request on our forum, where it can collect upvotes from likeminded people. :tony_normal:


@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

@vekkq @damien

It is rather complicated. 😅 As I've understood it (and I might be wrong), the setting takes into account the available RAM your machine has. Then it also checks how frequently you interact with the tab (e.g. a tab you check once a day should be hibernated a lot sooner than a tab that you check regularly). Also tabs that play audio, update frequently (e.g. mailbox), include forms, etc. are kept active for longer.
So some tabs maybe be hibernated after 10 minutes while others after a few hours.

But we do recommend keeping the Automatic option enabled. :tony_normal:

weirdwriter, to accessibility

Great accessibility start here @Vivaldi but interface elements are still not labeled so screen readers can read them. Moreover, there appears to be no virtual buffer at all when trying to use your browser so I quite literally can't navigate web pages. Any updates after this post? https://vivaldi.com/blog/accessible-web/

@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar


Just this week we addressed some accessibility issues (also including missing labels and such) on Vivaldi on Android and hope to do the same on desktop (no ETA unfortunately).
It would help us a lot, if you could file a bug report on https://vivaldi.com/bugreport/ with issues that are especially annoying for you, so we could prioritize those.
If you do, please share the bug number(s) you receive in an email, so I can follow up. Thank you!

Vivaldi, to android
@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

If you're looking for alternatives to Chrome in terms of which browsers to use on Android, Talk Android has compiled this nifty list of the latest and greatest browsers you can switch to.

✍🏾 The tech writer and journalist, Irene O., talks about how she used our highly customizable Vivaldi browser and its features, like tab stacking, and the built-in Notes and Translator.

📝 It's nice to see writers and journalists alike share their appreciation for Notes, a noteworthy tool built right into the browser. This way, there's no need to switch between apps to jot down quick notes or to add text to an existing note.

📲 It even syncs across devices making it effortless to carry all important notes on your desktop, tablet, and mobile.

Read all about it 👇🏻

#browser #android #bigtech #google #vivaldi #Technology #tech


ovan, to random
@ovan@mastodon.social avatar

Gave Vivaldi another go, for reasons*. Uninstalled < 10 minutes later. Way too much settings, that ultimately don’t allow you to set the things you want. Good luck trying to disable/remove the start page, or paste the exact hex number for your theme and see it applied differently.

*I want some features from Arc (split, pip, command menu), with the minimal ui of Safari. That’s it.

@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

We're sorry for the experience you had trying out Vivaldi.
We try to pick good defaults, but since needs and tastes vary, we provide (a lot of) settings for you to customize the browser according to your preferences. Admittedly, it may be a little overwhelming at the beginning, but once you've set things up, the browser will be perfectly tailored to you.

What would you like to see when opening a new tab instead of the Start Page?

I also tested pasting hex values to Theme settings and it worked as expected. Could you describe the issue you encountered?

bazurk, to random
@bazurk@social.lol avatar

@Vivaldi locked out of my account after one attempt?

How would I go about fixing this? Whats the proper channel?

@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

Please use the contact form at the end of this Help article: https://help.vivaldi.com/services/account/registration-and-log-in-issues/ to send us a message with your account details and a short description of the issue.

Vivaldi, to productivity
@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

🚨Reminder to organize those tabs you have strewn all over! 🫣

Simply grab a tab (click and hold) and drop it onto another. Voilà – your tab stack is born.

In case you haven't been using the Vivaldi browser, there are cooler ways to manage your tabs on our browser. Take a look: https://vivaldi.com/features/tab-management/

4 second video of the tab stack feature on the Vivaldi browser. A user demonstrates by dragging and dropping one tab into another.

Vivaldi, to environment
@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

🌎 Earth Day is an important reminder to commit to big or small sustainable practices that can help preserve our planet. 🌱

We can all contribute in someway.

On that note, meet our colleague @Hlini , at our data center in Iceland powered by renewable, hydroelectric energy✨

One way you can contribute is through your choice of search engine on the Vivaldi browser.

The Ecosia search engine plants trees in over 35 countries with local organisations.


thegardendude, to random

Trying to figure out why #Sharkey doesn't render correctly in @Vivaldi

The two side bars show up but I don't see anything where my main feed should be. Everything looks normal in Firefox 🤷‍♂️

@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

Try opening it in a Guest Profile (https://help.vivaldi.com/desktop/tabs/guest-view/) or a new User Profile (https://help.vivaldi.com/desktop/tools/user-profiles/). If the page is displayed correctly there, take a look at our troubleshooting suggestions on https://help.vivaldi.com/desktop/troubleshoot/troubleshooting-issues/.

Vivaldi, to windows
@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

Who here wouldn’t want to remove unnecessary apps, save resources, and space on their computers? 🙋🏼

So, whether you just bought yourself a shiny new computer or want to optimize your existing one—@xdadevelopers tells you how the Vivaldi browser (and 9 other apps) can make your experience on Windows even sweeter 👇


Vivaldi, to Vivaldi
@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

Our first Live Community Talk starts in 10 minutes!

🎙️ Join here: https://audon.space/u/@Vivaldi@social.vivaldi.net

Not a fan of speaking in public? Share your questions and reasons to use Vivaldi in the comments.👇🏻

@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

@mike Thank you for taking the effort to join us. There will be more opportunities so we look forward to having you back.

And as they say in Norwegian when someone is sick- “God Bedring” to your kid! 🌸

thanhtunoo, to random Burmese
@thanhtunoo@burma.social avatar

@Vivaldi Vivaldi for Android should support these functions.

  1. Import/ export bookmarks
  2. Customized font of our choice
    as the default font of the browser
    to view web contents in correct Myanmar Unicode Rendering
    Our China-ROM mobile phones use NotoSan Myanmar Zawdecode as factory default font. Because of NotoSan Myanmar Zawdecode,non-Unicode font, we need to use that function of Stargon Browser .
  3. Full support for Free Download Manager as External Downloader.
    Currently, Vivaldi Browser doesn't work for this function.
@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar


  1. It's not possible on Android, but if you have a desktop version of Vivaldi, you can use the Sync feature and import/export bookmarks via that.
  2. Please file a bug report for it on https://vivaldi.com/bugreport/ and our devs can check if it can be done.
  3. If you have an external downloader app installed, you should be able to set it to take over downloads in Vivaldi. See https://tips.vivaldi.net/tip-80/.
beardedtechguy, to Vivaldi
@beardedtechguy@allthingstech.social avatar

Hey @Vivaldi team. It would be nice to be able to link other Mastodon instances on the Vivaldi blog instead of being limited to just your instance. 😉

@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

Do you mean the Share > Mastodon menu below blog posts on Vivaldi.net? 🤔 There social.vivaldi.net is just a placeholder and example and the person sharing the post needs to enter their instance's link. It's not limited to Vivaldi Social.

@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

Not anymore! 😉 We just did a little change to allow all instances. :tony_wee:
Thank you for using Vivaldi!

NewDay14, to random German
@NewDay14@mastodon.social avatar

@Vivaldi Can you improve your built in adblocker in the near future so that those annoying popups that want me to use their app are no longer displayed? Brave has managed to stop these popups from appearing.

@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

Hi @NewDay14!
Please make a feature request for this on https://forum.vivaldi.net/category/136/mobile-feature-requests. Then others who'd also like to see this implemented can upvote the request, which in turn helps us prioritize our tasks.

kunibiki, to random Japanese
@kunibiki@vivaldi.net avatar

Hello, @Vivaldi
I'm having trouble right now with a lot of tabs popped in the background, even though I'm not operating anything. I think it's probably a synchronization-related problem, since the pages I've viewed in the past are loaded. What should I do?

@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

I'm glad you're no longer seeing the issue, as I wouldn't have had good suggestions for a fix.
It is possible to use a keyboard shortcut and a mouse gesture to open a new tab in the background, but there's no key combination/gesture set for them by default and I would guess you would've recognized what's happening if you had created a shortcut for that action yourself. But you can still review your keyboard and mouse settings.

expert, to Vivaldi
@expert@attractive.space avatar

You know, as a Linux user, I can't unfortunately try Arc Browser, so I came up with this:

@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

That would be nice, but it's also very difficult to implement.

Vivaldi, to IndustrialDesign
@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

🍕🚀 Your browser experience, just like your favorite pizza, should be fully customizable to suit your tastes. And at Vivaldi, your feedback is the secret sauce that makes it all possible! 🌟

But like any great recipe, sometimes the ingredients don't quite blend as intended.

After the release of Vivaldi 6.6 on Android, our efforts to unify menus and toolbars led to unintended consequences.

📝 Get a rundown of what happened after the release of Vivaldi 6.6 on Android, where we turned your feedback into meaningful action. 👇🏻


#ProductDesign #browser #Technology #Tech #Android #VivaldiBrowser

@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net avatar

Could you make a feature request in the English speaking Mobile Feature Requests category for disabling gestures as well, so everyone could find and upvote it. Thanks!

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