@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar



Pirate Politician, Software Developer, MA Musicology (he/him)

Culture, Math, Sociology, Philosophy, Music, Demoscene, Games, #NAFO, Writing, Disc Golf, Skateboarding.

Not here for snarky comebacks. A slur is not an argument.

Other fediverse accounts:
https://mastodon.green/@gimulnautti @metapixl.com
https://mastodon.green/@gimulnautti @mastodontti.fi


This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

rysiek, (edited ) to fediverse
@rysiek@mstdn.social avatar

Well if it isn't cryptocurrency spam coming from the biggest, open instance on the . 👀

I wonder if this is at all related to challenges with moderating an instance of checks notes 200k active accounts? Or with moderating new accounts on the only instance actively promoted in the official apps? :thinking_rotate:

Thankfully we can always defederate! What's that? It's the biggest instance so there are real concerns about a lot of people losing connections? Whodda thunk it!

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@rysiek ”Too big to block”, brilliant coining of a phrase! 🫶😅

SecurityWriter, (edited ) to random

I had a lot of people engaging about last night, and for those of you that follow me for security and tech wondering if my account had been hijacked. It hadn’t, and this will probably be my last post about Eurovision Song Contest this year.

But I’d like to go into some of the minutiae and nuance of the contest, and explain why not everything is as it seems from the outside.


@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@SecurityWriter Thank you!

And might I get a little theoretical and add: that’s not to say our tribalisms, nationalisms or whatnots cease from existing in that moment.

But the carnival/ritual framework, the masquerade, the ”liminal space”, gives us a common ground; a platform which is remote enough for them to be backgrounded.

A bit astranged from our usual selves, we are free to meet as equals.

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@SecurityWriter Rituals bind people together. Eurovision is a huge for a huge number of people.

It is also a . Those have through time featured as liminal spaces where values can be wrestled free for a limited time.

And lastly, it is a . Through all it’s special circumstances, it allows us to see ourselves in it’s image of playfulness and experimentation.

tzimmer_history, to random
@tzimmer_history@mastodon.social avatar

It’s really hard to overstate how acutely dangerous this is: All strands of the Right - leading Republicans, the media machine, the reactionary intellectual sphere, the conservative base - are openly and aggressively embracing rightwing vigilante violence.

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@tzimmer_history @rjblaskiewicz It’s easy to sell the ”our way of life is under threat” line. In fact, it’s probably the easiest way to crawl into power. The same playbook is playing out everywhere, and there’s always a personalist strongman ready to act out ”the will of the people”. And I’m talking global, and history.

LadyDragonfly, to random

At what point while dreaming up utopic futures where robots perform all the menial hard labor for no money leaving humanity to pursue meaningful lives of leisure writing music and making art did my parents generation fuck up and instead create the opposite

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@nycCatHerder @LadyDragonfly Yup. That was it. The limits on the financial sector were lifted and off they went, power gaining ever since in the hands of fewer and fewer. Before that there was still a semblance of being ”in this together”. But that appears to have been the exception.

seldoncrisis, to ai
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@seldoncrisis I appreciate this conversation. But also I would like to ask you, do you assign agency for the machine, or do you consider it more of a datamining UX from the treasure trove of digitized human output?

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@seldoncrisis I think we’ll learn more once we give ML a body, goals and self-modification capabilities. But, that is a huge risk to take to begin with. Hopefully we’ll have much more research before that eventually does happen.

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@seldoncrisis Haha 😂

stux, (edited ) to random
@stux@mstdn.social avatar

This ‘YouTuber’ crashed a plane for views..

Now he’s going to prison because he cleaned up the crash site which was under federal investigation. He’s being charged with felony count of destruction and concealment with intent to obstruct federal investigation

Play stupid games… win stupid prizes

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@stux As far as the game goes, it’s always going to be there whether we like it or not.

We should work together to make the rules of it better and fairer. And certainly less encouraging of stupidity. 🙂

stux, to random
@stux@mstdn.social avatar


I really hope his dictatorship ends.. Yes, Erdogan is a dictator

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@stux Another strongman leader and a builder of empire, selling his wares through fear from foreign influence ”endangering our way of life”.

rolle, to fediverse
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I sense elitism rising on . People, we're on the , you have the power to make your corner yours. Tired of seeing the fedi police telling others what to do. Feels like Jehovah's Witness is constantly knocking on my door.

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@rolle ”too big to block”, priceless term coining

antmetsa, to random Finnish
@antmetsa@mastodon.social avatar

Saksassa on noussut melkoinen kohu äitienpäivän ympärille.
Kaikki sai alkunsa siitä, kun eräs katolinen päiväkoti Frankfurtin seudulla ilmoitti luopuvansa tänä vuonna lahjojen askartelusta äitienpäiväksi äideille ja isänpäiväksi isille. Perusteluna se, että siinä yhteydessä monet lapset tuntevat itsensä ulkopuolisiksi.
Tästä raivostui Tilman Kuban, 35-vuotias CDU:n kansanedustaja, juristi, katolinen ja puolueen nuorisojärjestön entinen puheenjohtaja. (jatkuu >)


gimulnautti, (edited )
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@antmetsa @Tuumaru @juuhaa Naulan kantaan. Ei kannata katsella horisonttiin fasistisen uhkan perään, kun valtaa vallan vuoksi tavoitteleville riittää ihan sekin että saadaan vastustajat hiljennettyä pelolla.

Samalla tavoin Tynkkynen tuossa juuri antoi ymmärtää Ylen rahoituksen vähentämisen liittyvän, ei budjettiin, vaan tiettyjen sinkkunaisille suunnattujen ohjelmien näyttämiseen.

Toimittajilla voi olla journalistinen vapaus, mutta jos ei ole rahoitusta eikä turvallisuutta, kirjoita siinä sit.

andymarfia, to random

My one complaint with Mastodon is that I sometimes don't see very important local news as quickly as Twitter. For example, Chicago has a giant snapping turtle that we've named Chonk. https://blockclubchicago.org/2023/05/12/chonk-an-enormous-snapping-turtle-on-the-chicago-river-is-stealing-citys-heart/

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@andymarfia damn that’s awesome, totally a chonker!

w7voa, to random
@w7voa@journa.host avatar

A bicyling Joe Biden in tells pool reporters the situation at the US- border is “much better than you all expected.” Asked if he plans to visit the border: “Not in the near term no. It would just be disruptive.”

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@w7voa In a media landscape dominated by fearmongering, it is a radical thing to say: ”everything is going to be just fine” 😃

ilovecomputers, to random
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@crlf @ilovecomputers Also confirmed. I was vegetarian long enough to confirm that (10+ years).

Perhaps it is a matter of gut microbe or other factors, but for me it remained an issue. Moderation in legumes was definitely required to sustain a vegetarian diet for more than a decade.

amydiehl, to random
@amydiehl@mstdn.social avatar

The stigma around remote work is coming from the top—CEOs who are likely high-earning, older white men with stay-at-home wives. Instead of creating supportive workplaces, they are telling moms that flexibility is not compatible with advancement.

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@amydiehl great article 🫶

Noupside, to random
@Noupside@saturation.social avatar

More on Google’s plans to watermark AI generated images, detect watermarking in others (Midjourney apparently on board), and more readily display image provenance. All good initiatives.


@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@Noupside This is important. We very often dismiss these actions as useless, because ”the smart can circumvent them”.

But what we miss is that AI tools also enable - and excuse me - the stupid. We are socially blind to that, because an incapable group suddenly becoming capably doesn’t compute in our social matrix.

Saramo, to random Finnish
@Saramo@mastodontti.fi avatar

Taas puhutaan poliittisista nelikentistä. Esimerkiksi Norjassa, Tanskassa ja Yhdysvalloissa vasemmistolla tarkoitetaan erityisesti arvoliberaalia vasemmistoa. Se syntyi alunperin vastustamaan säätyeliitin etuoikeuksia ja istui Ranskassakin vasemmalla, ennen teollistumisen myötä syntynyttä työntekijöiden asiaa ajavaa sosialistista vasemmistoa. Tämä historiallinen jaottelu kuvaa minusta nykypäivääkin paremmin kuin yleisesti käytössä oleva versio nelikentästä.

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@Saramo tossa hyvä puoli on se, että siinä on myös näkymätön akseli:

Alhaalta ylös kulkee autoritarismi, jolloin kun ylitetään tästä neliöstä vielä pidemmälle ylös, löytyvät Mussolinin ja Stalinin luomukset vierekkäin. Ja alhaalta kun mennään yli löytyvät anarkismi ja laissez-faire kapitalismi samalla tavoin vierekkäin.

Timantin muotoinen ”kyljelleen” laitettu kuvaaja vuodelta 1969 jota tämä muistuttaa tunnetaan myös nimellä .


Magiciandavid, to random

My Question

Mastodon ...

Think About

Bluesky Copy Everything

Just Let You Know 😃

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@Magiciandavid imitation is the highest form of flattery.

But if they’re smart, they’ll federate, or there’ll be a gateway.

Because they want us geeks. We’re great content. 😋

GrimmReality, to random
@GrimmReality@beige.party avatar

This is like me demanding stop being a drooling yayhoo fascist shitsack. I have zero power to make him do it, he doesn't give a shit that I have demanded he do it, my demand is entirely irrelevant to his daily schedule of being a drooling yayhoo fascist shitsack working mightily to encode pointless predatory bigotry as law, and he's not going to stop. https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/news/greg-abbott-demands-answers-from-dominion-over-tucker-carlson-s-exit/ar-AA1baniB?rc=1&ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=d9fb4a4ca57148f283e08ec845b2a0ab&ei=32

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@GrimmReality @panamared27401 The good thing about claims made without basis in evidence is that they can also be dismissed out-of-hand without evidence.

evanwolf, to ai
@evanwolf@mastodon.social avatar

I like Rick Beato's take on in the business. People who can generate new music, including fakes, are artists do we need a name for them like aiJs?). Everyone is puzzling revenue and rights. Many old assets will become worthless. And technology moves forward despite your attachment to old business models. [


@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@evanwolf Definitely no stopping it.

Instead of trying to fight it, I recommend we develop ways of authenticating human generated content.

Because we’ll be swimming in a sea of AI soon, would be good for our sanity and safety to really know who is human and who isn’t.

I’m not anti AI, but there’s gonna be a lot of stuff hitting the fan, because the agency behind actions depends on the context and if we aren’t equipped to know, our strings can be pulled in pretty malign ways.

verdantsquare, to random
@verdantsquare@gratefuldread.masto.host avatar
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@verdantsquare The world is changing, one generation at a time, seeing through the hubris of the last.

GreenFire, to random
@GreenFire@mstdn.social avatar

"Trump is not actually running for a second term—he is running for a forever term," Chris Hayes said.

I'm not so sure that he is, just like I don't think he really was in the beginning of 2016. I think it was just an attention-grabbing PR schtick. Skipping the Iowa debate I think reinforces that thesis.

Now, I think that he knows he can't win, but he's learned how to earn a lot of money campaigning plus he just loves to be given so much attention.

Anyways, he's still fucking dangerous.

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@GreenFire Even he wasn’t, there’s plenty of people who would use the situation to clear out a few people they don’t like, and ensure no-one else ever has power though. His rhetorical style is perfect for ”soft fascists” to latch on to.

gimulnautti, to random
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

, on a closer look they might just be one more way to sell a ”me against the world” hero myth for folks that want nothing more than be

The boring reality being: We are a pack species, we have evolved to do our best problem-solving communally.

gimulnautti, to gaming
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

”Don’t hate the player, hate the game!”

Analysis: This is actually a and that sets the scheme up for never being able to influence the rules of the game.

It’s anathema to what democracies are supposed to be about: Rewriting the rules of the game so it’s more fair and more just for an increasing amount of people.

And the most succesfull of them turn in a huge profit, because they increase amounts of win-win over win-lose & lose-lose.

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