@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar



Pirate Politician, Software Developer, MA Musicology (he/him)

Culture, Math, Sociology, Philosophy, Music, Demoscene, Games, #NAFO, Writing, Disc Golf, Skateboarding.

Not here for snarky comebacks. A slur is not an argument.

Other fediverse accounts:
https://mastodon.green/@gimulnautti @metapixl.com
https://mastodon.green/@gimulnautti @mastodontti.fi


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gimulnautti, to psychology
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

A desire for a loud car in a man is linked to sadism and psychopathy, study finds.

Past psychological claims to attention-seeking behaviour fell unverified. The point was only to annoy other people, to cause uncomfort in them.

As we’ve been seeing elsewhere so much these days: Cruelty is the point.

Perhaps we invented attention-seeking to distract ourselves from noticing how much we promote and love these people? 🤔


gimulnautti, to ai
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

Humanity will always strive to create god.

We do it because lets us not accept responsibility of our own actions ourselves.

Any kind will do, as long as we don’t have to look in the hard mirror of ourselves directly.

Today, technology is the canvas we’re painting our need of a god on.

Proud atheists happily building a god for themselves. What a sight to behold!

gimulnautti, to random
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

Just a note for Americans, who think it’s a ”point of view” that Russia considers itself the rightful ruler of all of Eastern Europe.

Vladimir Medinski, Putin’s personal assistant, repeatedly states Finland, Ukraine & Poland were in fact created by Russia and the ”mistake” should be rectified.

Especially this should be considered by those critical of US imperialism themselves.

Imperialism starts with you knowing better than people half-way across the world.


realTuckFrumper, to random
@realTuckFrumper@mastodon.social avatar
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@realTuckFrumper ’I can get away with anything’, he thought perhaps. 🤔

gimulnautti, to random
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

Only cyan, white and black pixels in this image.

Your brain is simulating the rest of the colors.

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@harryomvlee Sure, those pixels i am experiencing as cyan& black are being corrected enough by feedback from the optic nerves though. But only those pixels, the majority. Rest is being guessed and filled in by memory.

I am experiencing a cyan & black grid obscuring a scene, for which I have an internal model.

tante, to random
@tante@tldr.nettime.org avatar

Balaji Srinivasan is the spearhead of the new fascist movement establishing itself in Silicon Valley.

It's easy to dismiss him as a clown given how bad, inconsistent and dumb his ideas are but he's a clown with a lot of followers in tech who listen to his visions of "ethnic cleansing".


@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@tante What’s definitely worth noting that to miss the tip of the hat toward fascism with ”gray shirts” is completely impossible with the level of education his supporters enjoy.

Just like with Mussolini, just like with Hitler, people can’t wait to dress up in their uniform shirts and start telling people what to do!

Fascism was not an anomaly.

gimulnautti, to random Finnish
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

Sillä välin kun poliitikot mietti että pitäiskö Putinille sittenkin antaa puolet Ukrainasta, internetin piirretyt koirat on lähettäneet satoja maastoautoja ja tuhansia drooneja sekä muuta elintärkeää siviilivoimin hoidettavissa olevaa kalustoa Ukrainalaisille veljillemme avuksi.

Älä ole Putinin sätkynukke, soita 1-800-NAFO tänään ja auta!


Glory to heroes!

Snowshadow, to news
@Snowshadow@mastodon.social avatar

Ok those of you who defend AI please tell me how this will help humanity!!

Big Brother is here!! I have been telling people don't post selfies!!

"AI detects individual’s political orientation accurately, a threat?

Study showed new threat in the digital age–AI’s ability to predict political orientation from even naturalistic images of individuals."


gimulnautti, (edited )
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@Snowshadow I think painting it off as a binary is the first mistake one can make on the path of criticising

AI does not have a mind of it’s own. Even if Silicon Valley tech bros are adamant about building that god for themselves, what you’re looking at are tools wielded by humans.

Humans make moral choices that can be challenged. AI emulates moral choices, but it cannot be challenged as its not conscious.

Bots should not be suspect to liberty or freedom of speech either.

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

If you want to read more about that, i’ve written a few articles about the topic about a year ago:


@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

Another one about AI art and the failures of copyright legislation to adapt


@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

On building a better & more fair information economy in the age of


@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@Snowshadow If you want my advice, against AI is a losing proposition.

We should not repeat the errors of Ludditism in early industrial England.

Luddites were about small private industry against big factories. They enjoyed broad public support as long as they kept their protest about social values and people’s right to a respectable life.

But murder of factory owners was a bridge too far. Public support dwindled and government decided in favour of the factories.

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

Private industries need to be protected against unilateral might of the giant AI firms that will be coming.

Google’s, Meta’s, Microsoft’s and Apple’s power will perhaps exceed that of any in the history of man.

I would support a right to compute, rather than being against compute.

Because if we don’t act decidedly, the future might well resemble feudal kingdoms of medieval Europe more than democracies of today, with the tech giants only deciding who lives or dies in the digital domain.

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@Snowshadow May I inquire how you came to that proposition?

If it’s about me not acknowledging the dangers you brought forward explicitly, i completely agree. It was implicit in my intention all along, but you may have missed that. I hope we are clear on the topic now?

I was acting on good faith to your request for comments. I hoped my views could provide the balancing information you wished for.

I acknowledged your request. You are welcome, and may your wisdom interpret them.

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@Snowshadow You are so silly. I guess your post was about yourself after all, not looking for those opposing views you said you wished to understand.

Not blocking you, but you completely missed a kind soul trying to help you.

This will be my last reply. I’m not here to be gendersplained.

gimulnautti, to random Finnish
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

Muistutus siitä, että rasisteille, lapsiperheiltä ja opiskelijoilta leikkaajille sekä natseille on aivan täysin turhaa teroittaa sitä kuinka mulkkuja ne on.

Se mulkkuus ON SE JUTTU, niin niillä niinkuin Trumpillakin. Kukaan ei voi syyttää kaksnaamaisuudesta jos oot ”rehellisesti mulkku”. En voi korostaa tätä tarpeeksi!

Älä siis tuhlaa aikaasi, et voi pelastaa niitä. Keskity siihen että teet jotain joka murskaa ne poliittisesti!


@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@Matti_Vuori Tää klassikkovideo siitä kuinka konservatiivisessa ajatusmaailmassa sun arvo on yksinomaan miten taistelet itses huipulle tai et taistele, ja kaikki muu on vaan yritys huijata huipulle joku joka ”ei sinne kuulu” sopii hyvin tähän kanssa.

Se on ylpeyden aihe että saatiin joku ”itseään huijaava kommunisti” näyttämään ”kuinka tyhmä se on”, koska ”oikeasti maailma vain on tälläinen”.

Peilin toisella puolella on ihan sama meno, eri syistä vaan.


nf3xn, to random
@nf3xn@mastodon.social avatar

Just when you think MAGA scum could not get anymore vile you find out that Kirsti Noem South Dakota shot a puppy because she could not train it. She brags about this in an 'autobiography' which tells you all you need to know about her. My Seal Team Six would be hella busy is all I am saying were SCOTUS to give me the green light.

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@nf3xn Cruelty is the point.

From their viewpoint, pity and humanism are weaknesses that need to be rooted out.

It’s almost as if Russian folk-mysticism of ”what needs to be done” has effortlessly swam across the Atlantic.

Their world is one where enemies lurk behind every corner, hence any act of compassion is giving territory to the enemy, which is everything that is not them.

Oldest story in the book, really.

wjmaggos, (edited ) to fediverse
@wjmaggos@liberal.city avatar

If every article, podcast episode and video was natively an post, we'd need quote posts but want them to operate differently. They should count as a boost but with a clear indication that the person you are following also wants you to see their comment. How should that look? Maybe they wouldn't themselves be boostable...

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@wjmaggos Interesting concept. Perhaps boosting should be off by default, but by accepting the author could make quote posts boostable again? 🤔

foone, to random
@foone@digipres.club avatar

the world needs more recreational programming.
like, was this the most optimal or elegant way to code this?

no, but it was the most fun to write.

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@foone With the world full of AI shit code in a couple of years, I’m sure there will be a need for it. 😏

EU_Commission, to random
@EU_Commission@social.network.europa.eu avatar

Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.

We are working on a solution to ensure our continued presence on your feeds, taking full advantage of Mastodon's identity portability.

And we are even growing the team behind our Mastodon presence, increasing efforts to engage with your comments on our posts.

We are fully committed to being a real part of the conversation in the fediverse.

Interested in our next steps? Follow us as we take on this new chapter.

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@EU_Commission Go Europe Go!

Commitment to open systems can only be shown. Talk is cheap. 🫡

gimulnautti, to c64
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

So how many rasterlines are there exactly in a ??

Weird stuff happens when you poke video control registers after line 255

I think this is how they do the tricks 🤔

@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@cobbpg Thanks for replying.

I’m experiencing some problems with VIC retrieving character memory incorrectly if my raster interrupt lasts too long.

However, it does happen on the main program right after the interrupt terminates, and then rights itself at the next time it fires.

Puzzled. Even my demo gods couldn’t help me so far. Any help appreciated!

gimulnautti, to Ukraine
@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

Aid bill for Ukraine finally passes, with the all-important 155mm cannon shells & long-range weapons & continuation plan. Because this will take a while.

Finally, we can expect Ukraine to be able to hit Russia on an equal footing, not outgunned 5-to-1 and banned from hitting the actual supplies far outside Ukrainian borders.

That’s going to change a lot of things.
Slava Ukraïni!


@gimulnautti@mastodon.green avatar

@TheEmpororHasNoClothes Name your sources.

Mine are former and current military analysts of the the Finnish armed forces, journalists who actually speak Russian and spent considerable time there before the 2022 invasion started, resources in Estonia who have half-a century of experience dealing with KGB.

I live on the Russian border, you live in a far-away country halfway across the world, with a population as suspecticle to the factory of lies as the one east of me.

Cut the bullshit.

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