@reay@mastodon.social avatar



Dad. Writer. Amateur photographer. Dabbler in tabletop game design. Fan of books, tabletop/video games, comics, music and movies. Neutral Good. He/him.
Thoughts and opinions are my own.

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reay, to random
@reay@mastodon.social avatar

Damn you, Toronto Raptors, for having me need to be more verbose when typing in search criteria for literal birds of prey in Toronto.

bBuck, to random
@bBuck@mastodon.social avatar

Climbing the step ladder, I poked my head over the gutter and mama Robin gave me a nasty stare before flying off in a fury of flapping wings yielding a big surprise. The gutter cleaning project is tabled for now.

@reay@mastodon.social avatar

@bBuck @otterlove We have mourning doves that have been nesting on a pillar of our front porch for the last few years running. There’s nothing like peering up to meet the indignant, beady-eyed stare of a nesting mom who is clearly trying to convey, “Do you MIND?”

reay, to animals
@reay@mastodon.social avatar

🎵For I am a

the_etrain, to random
@the_etrain@beige.party avatar

Watching little league is like watching really drunk people play baseball. One kid fell on his face just running out to play shortstop.

@reay@mastodon.social avatar

@the_etrain Sounds like it’s a team of those fainting goats.

reay, to random
@reay@mastodon.social avatar

The problem with breaks you get during your workday is that they don’t last the whole day and then you get to go home.

aaron.rupar, to random

"The Republican discourse around the Arizona charges consists of whining that Dems are engaging in lawfare. But if MAGA had an ounce of self-awareness, they'd recall that Trump filed a staggering 63 cases in an attempt to overturn the election results."


@reay@mastodon.social avatar

@aaron.rupar @lisamelton It’s amazing how much of politics — but AHEM some parties in particular — is them working illusory stagecraft: I’m going to distract you over HERE to draw your attention away from what I’m doing over THERE.

What’s sad is how many just accept what they see and don’t stop to question it, so the trick works again and again.

reay, to animals
@reay@mastodon.social avatar


I PROBABLY don’t need dog poop bags in my jacket pockets at my job as guest info and traffic control for shuttle buses, yet here we are.

reay, to books
@reay@mastodon.social avatar

I’m reading Triptych, the first Will Trent book, by Karin Slaughter.

Very well written to start, but a quarter or so of the way in she starts veering into what I THINK I see setting up a twist. If I’m right, it’s a hell of a swing but needlessly lengthy.
So I’m probably wrong.
Either way, curious to see if/how she pulls it off.

reay, to random
@reay@mastodon.social avatar

Ariana Venti.

apilsetas, to random
@apilsetas@mastodon.social avatar

by Yosuke Ohnishi

@reay@mastodon.social avatar

@apilsetas I’ve always loved this image. I had a poster of it in my room in high school. 🙂

reay, to random
@reay@mastodon.social avatar

I’ll tell you THIS for nothing:
If I didn’t need the money, I wouldn’t work at a job.

Sorry to get so controversial.

reay, to music
@reay@mastodon.social avatar

Holy crap.

Just heard Two Evils by Bastille for the first time this morning.

Want to hear what amounts to classic blues sung by a guy with fantastic range?



@reay@mastodon.social avatar

@feld Mainly just the singles I’ve heard on the radio. One of which was something of an ear worm for me this morning, leading to the discovery of some of his other stuff.
Can’t fault the singer on his range, that’s for damn sure.

reay, to HashtagGames
@reay@mastodon.social avatar

“Yes, you have it right. He’ll never give you up, let you down, run around and desert you, make you cry, say goodbye, OR tell a lie and hurt you.”


purplepadma, to random
@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

Cat… on chest… heavy weight… upper… arms pinned… hard… to toot… send halp

@reay@mastodon.social avatar

@purplepadma You type very well with your nose.

reay, (edited ) to random
@reay@mastodon.social avatar

Just reminded that part of the reason I’m so tired of seeing the Leafs play Boston in the playoffs, beyond having seen it so many times recently, is because of how frustratingly dirty some of the Boston players are.

Marchand is hugely talented, but rather than just letting that do the talking for him, he’s always gotten in the cheapest, dickish shots on the opposing team instead. And McAvoy isn’t far behind.

reay, to animals
@reay@mastodon.social avatar

May I formally introduce the newest member of our family, Radar…

@reay@mastodon.social avatar

@tuban_muzuru He’s the best boi.

@reay@mastodon.social avatar

@willaful We’re pretty sure he was previously abused, so trust is still getting built. But then all the boops will certainly be booped.

@reay@mastodon.social avatar

@willaful He’s already settling in nicely. Much patient training (for him and using ) still needed, but he’s already making surprisingly good progress.

@reay@mastodon.social avatar

@Chip_Unicorn I’ll pass along the message. 🙂

@reay@mastodon.social avatar

Update: He seems to feel we’ll do.

reay, to random
@reay@mastodon.social avatar

Reminded myself today to not think there’s an issue with the unwitting messenger throwing a spotlight on my flaws, but to focus on dealing with those flaws.

mkwadee, to books
@mkwadee@mastodon.org.uk avatar
@reay@mastodon.social avatar

@mkwadee @cstross I feel seen.

healyn, to random
@healyn@mastodon.social avatar

With every new grain of knowledge archeologists present to us about dinosaurs (lack of mobility, feathers, etc.), I become more and more convinced that someone skilled in the art of Capoeira could easily defeat a t-rex in combat

@reay@mastodon.social avatar

@healyn @babe That’s a UFC fight I may actually want to watch.

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