caos, (edited ) to fediverse German

Hallo Fediverse! Bitte um Rückmeldung + Ergänzungen: Übersichts-Tabelle mit Fediverse-Diensten, Vergleichsdiensten und Funktionen

Ich schreibe einen Artikel über den #FediverseFachtag und in dem Rahmen natürlich auch über das #Fediverse . Zielgruppe sind Leute, die wahrscheinlich zum Großteil noch gar nix vom Fediverse gehört haben.
Dazu bin ich dabei, eine Tabelle zu erstellen, in der einige Fedi-Dienste sowie deren Haupt-/ besondere Funktionen aufgeführt werden sollen.

Das ist der derzeitige Entwurf:

"ähnlich wie..."
Ein Vergleich mit kommerziellen Plattformen ist natürlich immer nur zum Teil passend. Ich kenne auch keinen der kommerziellen Dienste aus eigener Erfahrung, aber für die avisierte Zielgruppe kann so ein Vergleich vielleicht trotzdem eine hilfreiche Orientierung sein. Vielleicht gibt es da aber auch Vergleiche, die passender sind. Einige Dienste (bspw. Medium, Podigee) kannte ich auch noch nicht mal vom Namen her, sondern habe das nur aus ähnlichen Vergleichstabellen übernommen.

Zu den "besonderen Funktionen":
Insbesondere Friendica, Firefish und v.a. Hubzilla haben so viele Funktionen, dass diese im Rahmen der Tabelle nur exemplarisch aufgeführt werden können und die Auswahl ist subjektiv. Hier wäre die Frage, ob das eine passende Auswahl ist, ob besonders wichtige fehlen oder ob andere Funktionen wichtiger oder besonderer sind.

Wenn Ihr also Anregungen oder Ergänzungen habt, gerne her damit! Danke!


#Mastodon #GlitchSoc #Ecko #Firefish #Misskey #Akkoma #Pleroma #Friendica #Hubzilla #Pixelfed #Peertube #Lemmy #kbin #Funkwhale #Castopod #WriteFreely #Plume #WordPress #Bookwyrm #Mobilizon #Gancio #Owncast #AskFedi

darnell, to Instagram

Threads by Instagram will launch on July 6th (thanks for the heads up @dansup!) & I noticed Meta collects a lot of data. So much data!

Threads is rumored to adopt ActivityPub later on (in October maybe‽ We will see), but when it joins the Fediverse (if not on launch day), it’s data collection policies will make it easier to convince some (but not all) to migrate over to Misskey, Pixelfed, Mastodon & Pleroma.

Note: Uploading on Misskey as my Mastodon account @darnell is being fixed server side right now.

ArtBear, to fediverse

The isolated corporate "social" sites we used have competitors here in the but here they all interlock and share communities. A picture to help out our who may not be yet aware of the wider Fediverse of linked platforms and software.

sengi_app, to mastodon avatar

Hello all, I'm trying something new to get a better vision of users, what you like in the app, what you don't like and miss.

(yes, it's a survey 😶)

You can find it here:

Since it's the first time I'm doing this exercise, don't hesitate to give me any feedback about the process by itself!

Also, boosting for visibility will be highly appreciated. 🙂

bumble, to fediverse

A reminder on the power of the

  • Posts, and replies, are discoverable across the
  • Click on tags to find similar posts
  • Build lists/filters based on the tags to manage your timeline
  • Subscribe to hashtags; if you don't follow someone you will still see the post and expand your horizons

Embrace the hashtag. It works across the fediverse: on , , , , , , .... and more

There's a whole world out there, waiting.

oskoo, to fediverse

Hello again #Fediverse, I may need your #fedihelp. So, here's a list of the Fediverse software I'm about to make temporary accounts for to test all the features and differences:


So, did I miss anything noteworthy? Does anyone have any tips or recommendations before I choose a server for any one of these? I'll probably be going for the most popular server on each for improved federation and maintenance.

Note: I'm using #Sharkey right now and Misskey forks are already overrepresented, so that's why it's not included.

sengi_app, to mastodon avatar

#Sengi 1.5.0 is out! 🎉

It's a "language support" update: new post language settings, translation, etc.

Also, if you're using the Electron build, update to the last one (1.7.0) and get spellchecker synchronization when you change the language in the post editor!

Full changelog here:

#Mastodon #Pleroma #app (with new compatibility for #Akkoma and #Takahe)

tk, to random avatar

@feld @lanodan Is there any way to switch to a different message broker than the one that's backed by Postgres? I'm wondering if the I/O issue that @sun and I ran into might be exacerbated by a DB-backed queue.

coloco, to threads Spanish avatar
BeAware, (edited ) to fediverse

Well, guess I won't be migrating away from Mastodon after all 😩🤦‍♂️

I use it strictly from my iPhone most of the time and I still haven't found an app that would work with either Sharkey or Pleroma.

So I guess I'm stuck unless someone knows of an app I could use...😔

Update: I have found a neat looking app that supports MULTIPLE Fedi softwares.

kuketzblog, to mastodon German avatar

Vielen, vielen Dank an @imke für die (erneute) Überarbeitung! Anbei die neueste Version des Fediverse-Schaubilds. 👇

Gerne teilen!

grischa, to fediverse

Ich denke, es ist so weit.

Vor ziemlich genau einem Monat habe ich mir eine Instanz aufgesetzt und schreibe dort als @grischa
Das gefällt mir da so gut, dass ich hier seit dem auf meiner Instanz keinen einzige Beitrag mehr verfasst habe, dafür drüben aber kontinuierlich.
Es gibt auf Pleroma ein paar (wenige) Dinge, die ich drüben vermissen werde, aber unterm Strich ist Firefish so viel mächtiger und spaßiger, dass ich jetzt dann doch endlich den Umzug vollziehen werde.

See you on the other side! 😊

sengi_app, to mastodon avatar

New (small) release of ! 🎉

It adds a new timeline header option: "Title + Account Icon + Username + Domain Name", provided to you by @hamzafarooqarif 🙂

lanodan, to fediverse avatar

#Pleroma Security Release 2.5.4

Fix XML External Entity (XXE) loading vulnerability allowing to fetch arbitrary files from the server's filesystem.

tk, to mastodon avatar

@lanodan I’m having trouble getting following to work now. My user on KBBS is following my GS user on both the Pleroma side:

pleroma=> SELECT id, ap_id FROM users WHERE id IN('0000016f-ee31-77b4-218b-430a336b0000', '00000188-d57c-611f-35da-dfec06df0000');
                  id                  |                  ap_id                  
 0000016f-ee31-77b4-218b-430a336b0000 | <a href="" rel="ugc"></a>
 00000188-d57c-611f-35da-dfec06df0000 | <a href="" rel="ugc"></a>
(2 rows)

pleroma=> SELECT * FROM following_relationships WHERE id = 18491;
  id   |             follower_id              |             following_id             | state |     inserted_at     |     updated_at      
 18491 | 0000016f-ee31-77b4-218b-430a336b0000 | 00000188-d57c-611f-35da-dfec06df0000 |     1 | 2023-06-20 14:11:01 | 2023-06-20 14:11:01
(1 row)

And on the GS side:

MariaDB [social]> SELECT id, profileurl FROM profile WHERE id IN(3, 29);
| id | profileurl                        |
|  3 | <a href="" rel="ugc"></a> |
| 29 | <a href="" rel="ugc"></a>          |
2 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [social]> SELECT * FROM subscription WHERE subscriber = 3 AND subscribed = 29;
| subscriber | subscribed | jabber | sms  | token | secret | uri                                                                             | created             | modified            |
|          3 |         29 |      1 |    1 | NULL  | NULL   |,2023-06-20:subscription:3:person:29:2023-06-20T07:11:02-07:00 | 2023-06-20 14:11:02 | 2023-06-20 14:11:02 |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

But I’m not getting non-mentions in my KBBS user’s timeline despite re-establishing this over and over. Any ideas?

LilahTovMoon, to bluesky

Billionaires are giving closed social networks a new hat!

Before people argue that is open, it's not open until there are many different servers that aren't controlled by Bluesky.

Before people argue that is open, it's not open until they implement ActivityPub (and in a fair way rather than embrace, extend, extinguish)

We've yet to see if they will actually be open.

, , , , , and others in the are actually open today.

Simpsons episode "Lisa vs Malibu Stacy" with a kid pointing at a "new" Malibu Stacy. It's captioned, "They changed closed social networks that lock you in! They're better than ever!"
Simpsons episode "Lisa vs Malibu Stacy" with Lisa taking the hat off Malibu Stacy. It's captioned "Wait, don't be fooled! It's just a regular closed social network with a stupid new overlord."
Simpsons episode "Lisa vs Malibu Stacy" with Smithers pointing and saying "But it's got a new overlord!"

Calixthe, to fediverse

If I'm following you, u were boosted by someone I’m already following.
I am @Calixthe on a few instances, including , , , , and formerly and

The #Fediverse has a myriad of #instances that you can join running #software like #Mastodon, #Misskey, #Calckey, #Pleroma, #Kbin , #PixelFed etc., to name a few. You can join more than one.

utzer, to fediverse avatar

Do any of the platforms have a function to swipe through a whole timeline of media/photos? I mean like in one post with several photos you can click/swipe through them, this function for a whole timeline.

Any Mastodon kompatible app? Maybe hidden somewhere in Pleroma?

tk, to fediverse avatar

Does this #ActivityPub look weird at all? #Pleroma is rejecting it from #GNUSocial for some reason. #Fediverse #Mastodon

    "@context": "",
    "id": "",
    "type": "Create",
    "directMessage": false,
    "to": [
    "cc": [
    "actor": "",
    "object": {
        "@context": "",
        "id": "",
        "type": "Note",
        "published": "2023-06-20T02:18:41Z",
        "url": "",
        "attributedTo": "",
        "to": [
        "cc": [
        "conversationId": "",
        "conversationUrl": "",
        "content": "Another #<span class="tag"><a href="" rel="tag">test</a></span> .",
        "isLocal": true,
        "attachment": [],
        "tag": [
                "@context": "",
                "name": "test",
                "url": ""
gnulinux, to fediverse German avatar

Fediverse-Serie: Calckey/Firefish - Kommunikation im Fediverse auf einem neuen Level

Calckey/Firefish gehört im Fediverse zu den Microblogging Diensten aber ist auf Grund seiner Herkunft und Fähigkeiten schon weit mehr als das allseits bekannte Mastodon.

#Fediverse #Artikelserie #Microblogging #Calckey #Firefish #Mastodon #Pleroma #Akkoma

Shinra, to mastodon French avatar

tiens je vois que ça parle de #firefish (#calckey auparavant)

côté ressources matérielles , ça se positionne où par rapport à #mastodon ?

#pleroma était plutôt bien placé si je me rappelle des infos glanées

stefano, to fediverse avatar

I've just updated my article about the Fediverse software, including a description of snac2:

Deploying a piece of the Fediverse

gombang, to Tuba avatar

First post from #Tuba. It seems rather out of place with #KDE, (it's a #GNOME app) but it does work with #Pleroma, unlike #Tokodon.

darnell, to fediverse avatar

After rewatching this video of melting down, I realize that the may have a new problem: 300 million migrants seeking out new home.


If you are on a , , , , etcetera instance, you might want to consider sending some funds to the site owner (& Fediverse platform creators) as they will need it sooner rather than later.

I expect the cost of instances to increase further once embraces .

utzer, to fediverse

Yesterday I tried to setup my own version of, which does #OCR on pictures attached to posts on the #Fediverse, which I find an intriguing idea. During the process to set this up I was lazy and asked #ChatGPT to guide me through the whole process, which is fairly easy to be honest, but I an playing around with this #AI for fun.

I wanted to run the OCR #bot on my own #Friendica server, because I like to run on my own tech too.

So I asked Chatty to guide me and it worked well, I logged in with the Python bot and wanted to start it and got an API error, it was only then when I told ChatGPT that I am actually trying this with Frienidca and that the API might have its limits.
I then looked up the API documentation of the Mastodon API that Friendica implemented and asked ChatGPT if there is any essential parts missing that are needed to run the bot.

ChatGPT 'read' the documentation of both, the bot and the Mastodon API of Friendica and explained:
"Since Friendica doesn't support the Mastodon streaming API, the OCRbot, which relies on these endpoints, may not be compatible with Friendica without significant modifications to either the bot or the Friendica server."

Just wanted to write a bit about this experience with Friendica, the bot and ChatGPT.

Maybe I will setup a #Pleroma instance for this, a single user instance for me and the bot, maybe better a Mastodon instance?


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