technicat, to mastodon avatar

I've tested with , , , , , , , , , , and and can't say it works perfectly, but it works!

utzer, to fediverse avatar

Really sad that does not have good photo support, I really would love to just swipe through photos sometimes or have a timeline that just contains posts with photos.

There is only that comes close to what I wait for since 2015 to happen in the , but not really close. It seems to be very easy idea, but probably impossible to program or implement. 😔😢

Really sad.

linuxine, to fediverse

Dammit voilà que mon est tout cassé, je n'ai rien touché mais il n'accède plus aux notifications et aux interactions parce qu'un serveur dans la liste ne répond pas on dirait, ça vous est déjà arrivé ? 🤔

apps, to fediverse avatar

has been updated to 1.2.0

  • Detects instance limits
  • Timezone is stored in session
  • Fix issues
  • Fix polls not removed when hidden
  • Three new languages (pl, uk and ru)
  • Works with PHP 8.2+ (with Symfony 7+)
  • Installation possible with

glukozavr, to mastodon avatar

Am I correct, assuming that @tootapp is dead app? On AppStore no updates for a year and I seems not to find any activity around it anymore.

Which client would be the most versatile to work with and maybe some other services with iOS app and alive?

sengi_app, to mastodon avatar

Small #wip of what next #Sengi update might bring. 😉

Still lots of work to do, and it's clearly not really fun stuff. But I know some of you will be happy to get it. 🙂

(If you want to get it sooner, buy me some coffee via my patreon!)

#mastodon #pleroma #client #app

light theme preview

crossgolf_rebel, to fediverse

Fediverse-Serie: Pleroma & Akkoma: Einfache Kommunikation im Fediverse - GNU/

Pleroma und Akkoma gehören wegen ihrer Einfachheit zu den beliebtesten Diensten im Fediverse. Gegenüber Mastodon bieten sie default 5000 Zeichen und einige weitere Funktionen.

Herkunft und Einbindung ins Fediverse
Pleroma und dessen Fork Akkoma gehören einerseits neben Mastodon, Calckey/Firefish, Misskey, Foundkey und GoToSocial nicht nur wegen des Aussehens und Handlings zu der Sparte der twitterähnlichnen Microbloggingdienste im Fediverse. Es unterscheidet sich andererseits recht deutlich insbesondere von Mastodon, wobei das klassische Aussehen doch recht ähnlich ist - aber davon später mehr.

Wenn Du gerne eine Art Mastodon mit richtigen Microblogging-Möglichkeiten haben willst, dann würde ich tatsächlich stark zu Pleroma oder Akkoma raten!
Pleroma/Akkoma ist ähnlich wie Mastodon, aber übersichtlicher und mit mehr Funktionen: Es kann zusätzlich längere Posts (default bis 5000 Zeichen Länge) und Textformatierungen wie Markdown, "schöne Links", Zitate, Aufzählungslisten u.v.m. (was allerdings wie alle Textformatierungen nicht von Mastodon, aber von allen anderen Diensten dargestellt wird)....

ueckueck, to fediverse German avatar

Ückück und das Fediverse - meine neue Kolumne bei @gnulinux

Ein neues Projekt steht an und ich freue mich sehr. Ab diesem Monat werde ich regelmäßig für GNU/ über das Fediverse schreiben, mal spezielle Projekte vorstellen, mal von Veranstaltungen berichten, mal einen Blick auf die Meta-Ebene vagen - es gibt jedenfalls genug zu berichten, dass ich eine Weile beschäftigt bin :D

Mehr dazu erfahrt ihr in diesem Ankündigungs-Artikel der Redaktion:

Die Kolumne wird ab dem 6. Mai 2024 an jedem 1. Montag im Monat erscheinen.

#Fediverse #Mastodon #Funkwhale #PeerTube #Pleroma #Akkoma

coloco, to threads Spanish avatar
freakazoid, to mastodon avatar

While folks are thinking of leaving , just a friendly reminder that let a known TERF (Alex Gleason) join the project and only kicked him out because of conflict over code.

mima, to lemmy

Tbh I think the like and would make a lot more sense if they were simply frontends and perhaps a backend too but just for the forums themselves. IOW, no accounts live in Lemmy or kbin, all users post from their preferred account instead.

Sure you can already technically do that from your or or whatever fedi you're in, but that means using whatever app you're on right now, which almost certainly means it's not a UI. Not ideal at all.

If I had any good programming skills I'd make it so that the link aggregator is merely a client that uses the Mastodon (with extensions too) and Misskey APIs, treat (almost) all actors as their own forums or subs, and each post would be a boost from said actor. Users authenticate from their preferred fedi account. Voting would be tallied by few special actors, which internally receive votes via direct messages (the app will make this transparent, but this also means you can technically vote without the app if you know the exact command), which will effectively make votes secret to non-admins like in . Users can also choose which vote counters they want to rely from.

This would make the fediverse-powered link aggregator very flexible and minimal, imo. It may look janky but that's the general idea I have. ​:seija_coffee:​


fastfinge, to fediverse avatar

I don't use them, but just for fun, I decided to try #tweesecake and #twblue on #pleroma. They both fail differently. First off, both require that you log out or authorization won't work. But if you log out then log in again while authorizing, they will. But at that point, #twblue will just crash. The error in the log says it's trying to do something with Pleroma that it doesn't implement. Tweesecake, on the other hand, pretends to work. It loads the messages and mentions buffers just fine. Then it adds exactly 160 items to the home buffer, all of them blank. If you leave it open, new items will stream into the home buffer. They, also, will be blank. I didn't expect either client to work; I just find the wildly differing failures amusing.

dfdx, to mastodon avatar

After unsuccessfully trying to get #mastodon, #pleroma, #akkoma, and #honk working on #OpenBSD, I installed and configured #snac relatively easily.

What a nice surprise. Thanks @grunfink

youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

A popular multiservice scrobbler for Android, “Pano Scrobbler”, added scrobble support for #Pleroma and forks.

I haven't seen how it looks, and unfortunately I can't test it myself. It's hard to find a good Pleroma instance with an open registration, and my original Pleroma instance closed and I only found out a few days ago.

(I did found a good instance, but I haven't received the verification email yet, for a few days now. Unless there's an issue, or I typed my email wrong? Hahaha.)

Anyway, anyone tried it? Not Pano directly, but scrobbling to a Pleroma instance. How does it look? Is it posting one message per scrobble? Or, it shows on your profile only? Or, does it add a scrobble footer automatically when you create a new post?

#Android #scrobble #LastFM #LibreFM

kuketzblog, to fediverse German avatar

Was meinst du @imke, müssen wir mal wieder ans Schaubild ran oder passt das noch so? Was meint ?

BeAware, to fediverse

It's so crazy to me to think that I was on Xhitter for like 4 years and had a total of about 120 followers, most of which were spammers messaging me about "stream graphics".

I've been on Fedi for less than a year and have 5x that amount of followers and probably only enough spammers to count on one hand. I love this place.


sengi_app, to mastodon avatar

Hello all, I'm trying something new to get a better vision of users, what you like in the app, what you don't like and miss.

(yes, it's a survey 😶)

You can find it here:

Since it's the first time I'm doing this exercise, don't hesitate to give me any feedback about the process by itself!

Also, boosting for visibility will be highly appreciated. 🙂

tk, to fediverse avatar

Is there a skin that mimics the old look of ?

tk, to random avatar

@feld @lanodan Is there any way to switch to a different message broker than the one that's backed by Postgres? I'm wondering if the I/O issue that @sun and I ran into might be exacerbated by a DB-backed queue.

crossgolf_rebel, to fediverse

man man man ist das Anstrengend mit jemanden aus dem "Mastodon-Netzerk" zu diskutieren, der davon überzeugt ist, das mastodon die besseren Features hat als alle anderen Fediverse Dienste.

Ich frage mich nur, was soll das sein?
Die Software, die die BenutzerInnen am meisten einschränkt, soll also die bessere sein?

Also , , , , , , usw., ihr könnt EINPACKEN1!11

Mastodon hat die besseren Features. Und außerdem sind sie das bessere Netzwerk....1!11

tallship, to foss


Hi Teri,

I'm writing you because I came across your blog site and thought you may be able to leverage the Fediverse in conjunction with your WordPress site's publishing horsepower.

As a advocate with great enthusiasm for mass adoption, I'd like to suggest a couple of things for you to consider, and the following treatment can also benefit others who also have bridged over to the Fediverse that already have a WordPress installation, or have been looking to deploy one.

  • First, that you think about establishing a Fediverse account other than that of a stock Mastodon instance. Sure, keep your account, just create another account for yourself on a platform that will afford you more options that can facilitate your creative freedom (let's not dissect that word, lolz) to publish posts that are in excess of a paltry 500 characters, along with things like Markup capabilities, Etc. Just a thought. ...

This leads into the next suggestion, ...

  • Second, why not make that account your existing WordPress blog, where you already have a permanent, branded presence and readership? Let's supercharge your WordPress site by making it a full and complete publishing platform completely integrated with the Fediverse.

There's a couple of methodologies, but generally speaking, once you install the ActivityPub plugin any future blog posts are on the Fediverse as well as any other distribution channels you may already have (say, by virtue of having installed the JetPack Social plugin that propagates into the deprecated silo networks).

One method I can recommend is to follow this basic procedure to popularize your blog posts and gain followers - just like you probably have been with the account you already have:

  1. ) If you've already created a new account on a more feature complete platform that's better suited for long form posting, inline images, Etc., like , , any or family fork platform, , or (They all have excellent Markdown support too); simply follow your user account @<username> If not, then simply follow your WordPress Fediverse user account from your existing masto account - which you should do anyway since I gather you have some respectable measure of followers.

2.) Everytime you publish a new news article / blog post on your WordPress site, you'll see it in your stream on your fediverse accounts.

3.) Boost each article from those accounts, your followers will see what you boost in their streams.

4.) encourage them to boost as well and/or comment - you'll see those comments in the reply section of each article on your WordPress site - Awesome!

5.) Now that you have followers of your WordPress user's Fediverse account you should be able to garner more direct interaction on your WordPress site, instead of having to post links to those posts from your account.

  1. ) From your @<username> account at your WordPress site, you can now directly interact with your followers, even those who post replies/comments to your articles, whether or not they are a follower of yours.

I'm taking the time to write because I see that you have a relatively decent circulation and engagement between readers and your blog articles, and the more people that see you engaging with others in the Fediverse directly from your WordPress site, the more people are encouraged to Join the Fediverse.

I am, as stated in my profile and also leading in to this, a FOSS and Privacy Advocate.

So here's a couple of links, one to the plugin itself - it's easy to install and deploy. Another older one that's still relevant that shows you how to do the install, and I think that's about it. We'll see ;)

  • WordPress ActivityPub Plugin - This is where you get the plugin
  • HowTo with Video - Really simple, easy install, right from your WordPress admin panel
  • JetPac Social - I'm definitely not a fan of this kind of engagement (with the privacy mining, deprecated, monolithic silo networks), but you do you - it can afford you with even greater reach through syndication, and if you write about the Fediverse, well, ... So much the better!
  • You should also consider following the magnanimous @pfefferle - one of the primary authors of the .

I hope that helps! All the best!


tk, to fediverse

Put up a test card for my instance since it's going to be a couple weeks until Linode offers NVMe storage. :(

Agrippina, to fediverse German avatar

❓ Hier hat jemand mal den Link zu einer richtig guten Tabelle gepostet, in der Funktionen verschiedener Dienste wie , , , usw. sehr detailliert verglichen wurden. Es kann sein, dass die Tabelle sogar editierbar war. Vielleicht Cryptpad?
Leider finde ich den Link nicht mehr.
Habt ihr eine Idee, wo es sowas im Netz gibt?
Ich suche eine Alternative zu Friendica, das ich mag, bei dem die Posts aber für manche wohl zu schlecht lesbar sind.

BeAware, to fediverse

I have so many follow relationships with so many talented people here!

It's so great to see all of you and your interesting projects and creations across such a variety of hobbies and professions.

It's only going to get better with Threads federation under way! Future of Fedi will sure be interesting and I'm glad to be a part of something that could fundamentally change the way "Internet" is done as a whole.

The future awaits. After years of gaining steam, Fedi has arrived.

BeAware, (edited ) to fediverse

Well, guess I won't be migrating away from Mastodon after all 😩🤦‍♂️

I use it strictly from my iPhone most of the time and I still haven't found an app that would work with either Sharkey or Pleroma.

So I guess I'm stuck unless someone knows of an app I could use...😔

Update: I have found a neat looking app that supports MULTIPLE Fedi softwares.

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