
@ericsfraga@fediscience.org avatar

This is so true:

"Only a tiny part of written text is printed on paper, so the What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG) approach does not make much sense in the digital age. Plain text uses the What You See Is What You Mean (WYSIWYM) approach. "

from https://lucidmanager.org/productivity/why-use-emacs/

#Emacs #PlainText

@ericsfraga@fediscience.org avatar


And, as an aside, one the most underrated features of in is that there is a complete (almost?) implementation of under the hood, accessible via the : key binding (as in ).

And the combination of Emacs, evil mode, and is unbeatable for interacting with the . 🙃

@lproven @hajovonta @publicvoit

@publicvoit@graz.social avatar

@revk @lproven @hajovonta @ericsfraga

Oh, yes, that pretty close.

And I've learned a new English word for me: mage.

Seems to be an abbeviation for magician I presume. But don't stone me to death because of my potential wrong assumption.

🤣 SCNR 😉

@Mehrad@fosstodon.org avatar

I'm super interested to know/see the Venn diagram of :emacs: Emacs and :rstats: R users. 😏

I myself use Rstudio for work and Emacs ESS for my personal projects. So far I have managed to have a very comfortable setup for my Rstudio, but my ESS config can use some feedback/comment, especially from seasoned ESS users.

Mehrad, (edited )
@Mehrad@fosstodon.org avatar

On second thought, lets casually gather some data about Emacs and R users:

🔁 Please boost for reach


@klmr@mastodon.social avatar

@Mehrad Some time ago I created a survey about preferred R IDEs (https://forms.gle/gPAPvfVfp4AN4Gwk7). However, the response was underwhelming so I never did anything with the data.

Here are all the responses, maybe they’re useful to somebody: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Aly6bhnvqHq4flkr99I7YUuUISvZj_FTY1ZlnDxb6qg/

(Oh, and: Vim, I’m afraid.)

@uncomfyhalomacro@fosstodon.org avatar

how many plugins do you have as a

@amszmidt@mastodon.social avatar

@daviwil If everything is anything than it is nothing. Tools have a purpose, a hammer cannot ever become a screwdriver. That is why it matters. That you make this into an emotional argument is beyond me though, nobody was scolding anyone for using GNU Emacs as something for their purpose.

@daviwil@fosstodon.org avatar

@amszmidt I didn't say GNU Emacs is a motorboat, though.

Perhaps I misunderstood the intent behind what you were saying originally, but that's easy to do when you take a hard line stance on a point that clearly is not so black and white.

Anyway, I respect you and what you do and I'll just leave it at that.

@greg@gregnewman.io avatar

Keyboard arrived. Very impressed with the build on first inspection and glad I decided to stray from trusty black. The wood palm rests are super comfortable. There is going to be a bit of a learning curve and muscle memory shift from my HHKB Pro and I can see I will probably need to do some remapping for #emacs use. Thanks @ttscoff and @curtismchale for information on this before I ordered. #keyboard #ergomechkeyboards

@takeonrules@dice.camp avatar

@greg @ttscoff @curtismchale I love my UHK.

It took a bit but I settled on my bindings; with a focus on being as close to a laptop keyboard as possible.

Which meant that the rightmost bottom row key on the left panel doubles as SPC (on tap) and CMD (on hold). That was the missing piece in my progress. Left of that key was ALT/OPTION and left of that was CTRL.

It preserved my longstanding muscle memory

@greg@gregnewman.io avatar

@takeonrules I still don’t have mine dialed in. I’m misted acclimated to it so I’ll start making adjustments soon. Only thing I’ve done is swap keys to have ctrl on home row.

@AAMfP@fosstodon.org avatar

I have a problem with my configuration: I need to for some .
This https://marcoxbresciani.codeberg.page/emacs/emacs.html is my current Emacs config file.
The strange thing that happens is that when I yank into an Emacs buffer some text in Japanese (say, from Internet or Notepad), instead of proper characters I see lots of ??????
Font supports Japanese, I also have Japanese IME.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
I just started using Emacs so I'm basically blinding copy config pieces here and there.

@laotang@emacs.ch avatar

@AAMfP So now you use "(set-selection-coding-system 'utf-16-le)"? I have to write this down if I ever have to work with Windows again. Thanks for the follow-up!

@AAMfP@fosstodon.org avatar

And I'm writing it down as well!


A day ago: I'm gonna just stop talking about Linux.

Next day: Hey y'all Emacspeak and emacs are really nice sometimes.

The next day (probably): Hey y'all so I just installed Fedora 29 and here's what I found.

Next day: So I installed Fedora on my work machine and everything is up and going.

Next hour: I'm posting this from Mastodon-mode in Emacs and wrote an Emacspeak module to work with Mastodon-mode.

Next hour: I've submitted a patch to Gnus to allow new users to set it up by just typing in their email address and password, and Gnus looks up an alist of domains and their mail settings and just sets up the account that way. 2FA support coming soon.

Next hour: Oh no there's been an update that breaks ATSPI so I gotta go back to Windows.

Just writing it out so I don't try to experience it in real life, lol. Very exagerated, but that's kinda how my sense of humor is. Now maybe I will get emacs and Emacspeak working on the Mac again since that's where it's the most responsive.

@talon@dragonscave.space avatar

@devinprater @bgtlover I know this is possibly unpopular and someone's gonna say oh but I don't have these issues, as always, but personally I'm a bit worried at the eagerness with which people are excited about new Orca features, whereas I'm here like hey... can we please please pretty please first focus on getting the whole stack to actually be stable? We should be minimizing the amount of times speech randomly dies and required an orca restart. If there is one thing that's most important, after the whole reading of screens of course, is that the thing is reliable. Not a single fancy feature matters if the main experience is able to come to a complete stop because of an app or other. The very first thing should be to remove the need for the very first thing I do to be to assign a global shortcut to restart the whole thing. I don't want to keep ending up in a situation where I've accidentally used flat review and brought the system to a crawl. Or launched some app and now don't know if it's just inaccessible or things crashed again. And if this isn't possible with the current technologies we have then we sure as hell shouldn't build even more stuff on top of it.

@ppatel@mstdn.social avatar

@talon @devinprater @bgtlover I continue to be baffled by Linux discussions that don't take into account the various platform layer issues before front user experiences. As much as screen reader features matter, stability and reliability issues are far more important. Crap is going to continue to spil out unless the plumming is fixed.


So, I'm not sure if I've said this here, but with Emacspeak, a lot of stuff that's hard for a blind person to do in, say, a terminal or manpages or info documents, is really simple, because it's a keyboard-driven interface. Want to move up to the previous prompt to review output? Control + C, then Control + P. Or it may just be C-c p. Want to move to the next heading in a manpage? Just hit N or P. Like, it's a bit like Powershell, where normally terminals are just a stream of text, but Emacs is objects. And objects, like elements on the web, can be navigated or used as landmarks, or searched through if nothing else works.

Now, I'm not saying Emacspeak is perfect. It still suffers from being a programmer's tool, so definitely not for everyone. But what it does do well, especially not messing with my tags in HTML unlike VS Code's nonsense where it'll just jumble everything up for you, and even stuff like reading through processes in ProcEd-mode, Emacspeak makes that really visual information a lot simpler for audio.


@sukiletxe Hit Control + E, then Tab.


@devinprater I do so and it says file not found and opens the top of the info dir (the main index that is)

@daviwil@fosstodon.org avatar

If you've got questions about Emacs, Guix, Guile, or other related topics and want a friendly place to ask them, come check out the new System Crafters Forum!


Things are a little bare for now, so feel free to come introduce yourself and tell us about something cool you've been working on lately :)

More information in the news post: https://systemcrafters.net/news/new-system-crafters-forum/

@daviwil@fosstodon.org avatar

@sqrtminusone @publicvoit @ericsfraga it seems like this may be the admin API, not sure if a user can use the same endpoints. There is a way to get a user API key though but I haven't looked at whether there is a different set of endpoints for that purpose

@publicvoit@graz.social avatar

@sqrtminusone @daviwil @ericsfraga I'd prefer a Discourse to NNTP gateway instead. Then you'd be able to use it with maybe hundreds of clients not just Emacs. 😉

majorlinux, (edited )
@majorlinux@toot.majorshouse.com avatar

On behalf of my new friend @LinuxRenaissance, we must know!

You must pick one!

@LinuxRenaissance@fosstodon.org avatar

@publicvoit @darth @majorlinux how about n for down and p for up ergonomics?

@publicvoit@graz.social avatar
@mattsheffield@mastodon.social avatar

A question for the community: Is it possible to use the Tramp feature to connect to a remote Emacs daemon? I ask because I have a file which I always have open on a remote pseudo-tty, but sometimes it would be nice to use my desktop Emacs with its nice proportional fonts and custom sizes to edit.

I want to connect to the same remote daemon so I can see unsaved changes and not have to worry about sync.

@mattsheffield@mastodon.social avatar

@noahf I want to avoid file sync because the buffer will always be open in one of the many devices I use regularly. Don't want to worry about out of sync copies. There is zero worry about crashes or power failures.

@mattsheffield@mastodon.social avatar

@hajovonta @amszmidt I fear I may have to just use Tramp. But it's not the end of the world. It just is interesting to have run into a use case that Emacs maybe can't handle. Never had that before!

@rml@functional.cafe avatar

about every two years I ditch my init.el and build back up from scratch, and every time it feels great. I'm finally breaking off from org-roam which, for all the good its done me, has become a thorn in my side due to the centralized store. about to give a try, which I've been interested in for a while now.

learning via @ramin_hal9001's presentation a couple years ago at conf

@mousebot@todon.nl avatar

@rml have you replaced roam? i have never managed to happily combine zettel-ish notes with emacs... with roam i baulked at the db, having been irritated by another db-dependent note-taking programme in the past. so i never moved my notes into emacs from zim.

also org tags seem really lacking (or just annoying, or mayb i just don't get it) to me, from the pov of zettelling...

tho org is great for note-taking in the sense or planning/brainstorming large writing projects...

@ramin_hal9001@emacs.ch avatar

@dekkzz76 Hyperbole creates a set of rules for identifying links which are only activated when you press the hyperlink activate key chord "M-RET" key. Of course, Emacs can already assign hyperlink properties to arbitrary text, but Hyperbole provides two advantages over an ordinary hyperlink:

  1. Since the Hyperlink rules are only applied on the "activate" key chord, you can apply very sophisticated rules to just the text under the cursor without having to parse the whole buffer and assign hyperlink properties to text, which would be very slow. This makes the Hyperbole hyperlinking rules much more versatile.
  2. The key chord is enabled as a global minor mode, so the hyperlink rules work in any buffer, regardless of what mode the buffer may be in. It is basically a markdown for links that can be included anywhere. The advantage of markdown is of course that it is human-readable, even if your editor does not recognize it as markdown. So you can include Hyperbole links in the comments of source code, in e-mail messages, or as the output of shell scripts, and the hyperlinks all just work (as long as you are in Emacs).


@andros@hostux.social avatar

I publish a new article: «Creating desktop applications using the Emacs core»

In summary, I can use Emacs to create GUIs with an Elisp backend.

mjgardner, (edited )
@mjgardner@social.sdf.org avatar

@andros @marcolas The problem is that developers have prioritized their own convenience while wasting users’ time learning each app and wasting users’ money on more computing power, memory, and storage

@mjgardner@social.sdf.org avatar

@boo_ @andros I didn’t foresee anyone turning Google’s browser engine V8 (2008) into the server (, 2009) and desktop (, 2013) runtimes that ate the world, but here we are.

And Electron was originally developed for ’s text editor (2008) before they were acquired by in 2018, subsequently discontinued in favor of in 2022.

Don’t tell me what you can’t see happening if you don’t remember what already did

@thgs@phpc.social avatar

Ok so NOW, I will learn

@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

@scathach @thgs in my last days of c++ i had started replacing the self-insert keys to completely eliminate holding shift (because it was a source of RSI.) so things like typing ;; would become :: and - would become an underscore if next to an identifier character kind of stuff

@thgs@phpc.social avatar

@icedquinn @scathach

so much to explore and learn..

@louis@emacs.ch avatar

I had my first Emacs coaching session with Prot today. It was even better than I could have imagined.

We focused mainly on the minibuffer:


  • icomplete
  • fido
  • which-key


  • vertico
  • marginalia
  • orderless with customized matching rules for different completion categories.


@ctietze@mastodon.social avatar

@daviwil @louis It's v29. Can tell because I don't have that, yet :)

@schmudde@mastodon.social avatar

@louis Prot is the best! I also have had coaching lessons with him. It’s a real joy.

@summeremacs@fashionsocial.host avatar

And last, we got an thing from Irreal and Emacs Elements. Emacs 29.1 was just released a few days ago now, but people are already checking out Emacs 30 - which is kinda insane to me. But you know what? It's actually made me consider checking it out as well. I may compile it from source (try to at least) and see what happens. I'm supposed to be relaxing but hey…I like this stuff more and more.

See what you guys did to me? 👩🏼‍💻

Irreal: What’s New in Emacs 30

@mykhaylo@fosstodon.org avatar

@summeremacs did you see this?

@summeremacs@fashionsocial.host avatar

@mykhaylo hi! sorry, for the delay. yes, i saw that and i did do that, but it still didn't compile.

  1. during compile, it popped up the security/login window because git was asking for permissions for something.

  2. i put in my credentials (three times) - my password for github - and then it quit and said that it couldn't compile emacs.

i did reinstall libgccjit and gcc btw. it just wouldn't compile.

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