InayaShujaat, to random avatar

#fediblock if you haven’t already. The entire instance is trying to impersonate someone I know.

jackyan, to random avatar

All right, who's this?

Report and report often.

InayaShujaat, avatar

@jackyan They’ve created a new instance: and have already nuked them. I’ve reported them to, and put up a post (that folks will most likely ignore since I’m a nobody 🤣).

ParadeGrotesque, to random avatar

Free Speech Extremist = Fascist Speech Exclusively.

Remember these guys?

Seriously, though, they just created a secondary instance called "" so they can continue spewing their hate all over the place.

Recommendation: everyone block and defederate ASAP.

Boost for reach please. 🔁

voltrina, to random avatar

victims of memorial day

Barmaid, to random avatar

We have suspended and today. After receiving a report about one of their users, we took a look at the instances and found them hosting neonazi content all the way up to reuploads of Trump staffers' videos, as well as racist, queerphobic, and antifeminist content.

cmdr_nova, to random avatar

Heads-up for those that would like to keep art theft out of their feeds and instances is an instance filled with generated theft, add to your suspension lists immediately

icedquinn, to random avatar

just wait until you see how much power those Visa mainframes cost :comfysmug:


frogzone, avatar

hi @nimda, a creepy @bot making creepy threats backed up by creepy links ^^^

tempted to invoke for this one.


BlueDot, to random avatar

@mstdn_jp @TheAdmin @berserker

Admins, is there some reason you have decided to ignore reports about your Holocaust-denying users? Surely five days is enough time, and surely suspension is the only reasonable response.
あなたがあなたのホロコーストを否定するユーザーのレポートを無視することを決めた理由はありますか? 確かに5日間は応答を期待するのに十分な時間です。

lightning, to random

I recommend that admins and The admin of both servers is, in this post, calling for ethnic cleansing against Jews in the [edit for clarity: historic] Palestine (called Israelis because of the supposed state most of them have the right to hold a passport from).


leviata, to random avatar

Nós, comunidade da Ayom no Fediverso, estamos vindo a público anunciar o bloqueio (#fediblock) da
instância de Mastodon Clube Social (
A instância está sendo bloqueada por ferir os princípios da Ayom, que se coloca
explicitamente como uma comunidade de esquerda, anti-fascista e defensora dos
direitos humanos. Os motivos estão delimitados e descritos extensivamente no seguinte link:

(continua a seguir)


leviata, avatar

Consideramos as provas mostradas no arquivo sinais de que o administrador da Clube
Social na verdade procura vigiar grupos de esquerda no Fediverso, ou aproximar
deles para se infiltrar.

Instâncias amigas da Ayom já haviam denunciado os acontecimentos em 2022 e chamado pelo .

Estamos vindo a público em 2024, portanto, para atualizar e reforçar o incentivo de fediblock da, que não é compatível com boas relações fraternas no Fediverso,
seja a parte dele brasileira ou não.

r000t, to random avatar

"I added Mastodon to Minecraft

First, I gave villagers the ability to spew absolutely horseshit takes for you to disagree with

But if you disagree with a villager that's higher on the oppression totem pole than you, you get a , which is like a normal block except that it can only get engagement by being an internet hall monitor"

tobi, to random avatar

Admin considers (and publicly declares) Black-led queer instance for Black folks to be "snake in the grass".

That's a fucking "yikes!" from me.

MuffelKanuffel, to random German avatar

Capy Bot
because of trans hostility, racism and incitement to violence in the toot at 09. Apr. 2024, 20:04

DieFurie, to random German avatar

Ihr lieben Tröten, ihr wisst, ich bin äußerst zurückhaltend, was das Blockieren oder Melden bekloppter Pappnasen hier angeht & konter lieber mit nem blöden Spruch.

Doch bitte meldet diesen rechten Hetzer, der unter Posts von @auschwitzmuseum Nazi-Lügen verbreitet!

Mich macht es wahnsinnig wütend, dass die Opfer des Holocausts von dieser Person noch einmal posthum verhöhnt & verspottet werden!!!

Ich danke euch!

kami_kadse, avatar


nach kurzer Betrachtung würde ich die ganze Instanz "" blocken.

inquiline, (edited ) to random avatar


ETA: also at @CensorsAreCultists


Whole (brand new) account is conspiracy theories, Covid denialism, and, in the post I just received as a reply, also antisemitic and Islamophobic

(don't click thru to the post if you don't wanna see those)

gunchleoc, to random avatar

New spam bot wave with multiple accounts - search for hashtag x4 to find them all. Some of them also include auth links to mastodon instances, looks like a phishing attempt or something.

I have reported a sample to:

gunchleoc, avatar

The following domains have taken care of the x4 spam:

Found another domain:

Moderators should also block the following e-mail domain:

BeAware, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

HIGHLY recommend Fediblock for user '@MKULTRADiamond' as they're tagging random users and spamming porn with no CW. Receipts attached in the screenshot.

Edit: The whole instance is Freeze Peach. Toss it in the trash.

BeAware, to fediverse avatar

Recommending Fediblock for instance '' as it's literally just a bunch of spam bots that are spamming hashtags.

atomicpoet, to random avatar

Yeah, this is why I say that @potus forced the hand of the Fediverse.

Like it or not, most Americans want to see President Biden’s messages. I therefore suspect that many people will migrate to servers where they can follow him.

I’m not saying certain servers are wrong for de-federating Threads. But just because a server enacts a policy doesn’t mean that end users agree with it. Both figuratively and literally, people have a right to vote in the matter.

If they haven’t already, they will vote with their feet.


HistoPol, avatar


So, why not just circumvent the if you are on suchvan instance?
What am I missing?

phnt, to random avatar

fishing for posts

beandev, to threads German avatar

Hello @apps

I've a big whish. Please add the possibility to follow a single person from another instance (which is potentially blocked by my instance), via the timeline feature.

It's possible to follow a complete Mastodon instance with , but it would be nice to follow only a single account (like @potus), because following makes no sense (for me).

schizanon, to mastodon avatar

@trumpet please stop blocking threads so that I can follow and boost @POTUS

This policy of blocking entire instances simply because you don't like who runs them is silly and detrimental to the Fediverse not to mention our democracy.

Barmaid, to random avatar

We have limited today after learning that its moderators have repeatedly failed to act on reports of transphobia, racism, and misinformation. Several reports were forwarded from us that were entirely without consequences; one such user continued to harass others and post nazi dogwhistles after receiving a warning from a moderator that was not followed up on. Even public complaints only resulted in a limit.

Barring any improvements in moderation, we will defederate from in two weeks (Monday April 15, 2024). At that point, all of our users who follow someone on (and vice versa) will be unable to do so.

— Eldritch Cafe team

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