@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar



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HeavenlyPossum, to random
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

So the World Central Kitchen convoy a) cleared its route with the IDF beforehand, b) traveled on an approved route, and c) departed at an approved time, so d) the IDF knew exactly who it was killing when it struck the convoy three (3) times.

It was so obviously deliberate, and so deliberately cruel—not just to murder these people, but to terrorize other aid workers into abandoning the Palestinians to be starved to death. To prove the IDF’s impunity and reach, and to compel the IDF’s defenders into apologizing for yet another unforgivable atrocity.

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum The absolute best case scenario is that the IDF is so trigger happy and its chain of command has broken down the the point they can't coordinate not shooting aid workers with themselves. Not seeing many good arguments for continuing to go along with this murderous farce.

ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs, to random
@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs@kolektiva.social avatar

It is a misunderstanding to think cats don't love us like dogs do, or that they are less social, or that they are lower maintenance and need less attention and care. Cats don't even like it when we go out of our way to greet the dog but not them. They get separation anxiety. They sleep when they are stressed or bored (relatable), so we often misunderstand these emotions in cats. Cats feeling superior, or not needing us, or not caring, makes me so sad for cats, knowing all this to be false.

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs they're just little guys! Little dudes who love to cuddle and play!

gwynnion, to random
@gwynnion@mastodon.social avatar

Republican politics is defined by a constant doubling down on unpopular policy because they are a bloodthirsty, theocratic, authoritarian minority of Americans and they literally don't care what the rest of us think.

There's a reason Republicans would rather do away with democracy altogether than change their tune.

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@gwynnion There are definitely moments where things got noticeably worse real quick, but they were all accelerations of past trends rather than breaks from them. You can trace things directly from Trump back to Goldwater at least without any loss of continuity. The Republican party has been in the process of becoming this for at least sixty or seventy years.

clarkesworld, to random
@clarkesworld@mastodon.online avatar

Currently on my way to Norwescon. Spending a chunk of the flight reading slush and banning people who are still trying to send us "AI" spam as their own work.

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@clarkesworld Is it ever hard to tell when it's AI or are they all complete garbage? I suspect the latter.

MikeDunnAuthor, to random
@MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar

Today in Labor History March 6, 1857: The Dred Scott decision by the U.S. Supreme Court opened up federal territories to slavery and denied citizenship to blacks. Dred Scott had sued for his family’s freedom, arguing that they had lived four years in the north, where slavery was illegal. The Court ruled 7-2 that people of African descent weren’t U.S. citizens and thus had no standing before the court.

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@MikeDunnAuthor The Supreme Court has always been terrible.

hrefna, to random
@hrefna@hachyderm.io avatar

Once again for people who were just exposed to the concept of "context" yesterday, evidently including Elon Musk:

The validity of tests is contextual.

If you have a test that is meant to detect COVID in a symptomatic individual, you can't give that test to an asymptomatic individual and expect it to work.

If you have a test that is designed to test if someone with a MD is ready to practice medicine, you can't give it to someone without a medical degree to determine if they are ready.


@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@hrefna I saw a study recently that ran GPT-4 through a creativity test for humans, which it aced, and some of the tests were like the exact optimal use case for an LLM. Like yeah, I bet GPT,-4 is superhumanly good at naming 10 words as semantically distant as possible, it's built of embeddings. It basically is a mathematical model of the semantic connections between words! But LLMs are super derivative! The process by which an LLM generated an answer to that test is completely different from how a human does, using it to try and judge intelligence in an LLM is not going to give you valid results.

HeavenlyPossum, to random
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

I am not the easiest person to love here on fedi and now that I’ve seen really horrible accusations flying back and forth over The Bad Space I’m wondering what ya’ll say about me behind my back.

Like I know the pro-genocide crowd has been stalking me and gossiping about how anti-Semitic I am but hopefully that’s it.

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum That's ironic because I also recall people giving you shit for criticizing Hamas and the Hoithis

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Spinoff of this thread: https://mastodon.social/@mcc/111948688438400327

I found out recently about Interlingua, where the design is any speaker of a romance language should be able to mostly comprehend it without being taught it first. And I'm frustrated to find I find the project pretty cool, and can in fact read it unprepared as an English/Spanglish speaker, and the reason this frustrates me is because the thing that introduced me to Interlingua was finding out that it had been adopted by the Urbit project

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@mcc Toki Pona is one of my favorites. It has great vibes!

HeavenlyPossum, to random
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

I’ve taken the year off from drinking. I was drinking too much, too often, and having a hard time stopping when I started. Too reliant on alcohol to manage stress.

So, at the end of the year, I’ll reassess: do I still want to drink? If so, can I do it without going overboard, or has that ship sailed?

We’ll see.

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum I'm taking a month off weed for similar reasons. Although predictably this turned out to be a shitty month to do that. I persevere.

KevinCarson1, to random
@KevinCarson1@kolektiva.social avatar

Ancap visions of a "stateless society" entail taking numerous elements of the present system which are actually the result of centuries of collusion between the state and the economic ruling class, treating them ahistorically as "natural" and "voluntarily," and then constructing an imaginary "stateless" order with the nominal machinery of the state removed but all those other elements left in place as the basis of their "free market" order.

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@KevinCarson1 Nobody likes wage labor. Wage labor sucks. Given any other option, most people will not perform wage labor. It's an agonizing and fairly new system and so many people act like it's as natural and inevitable as the fucking tides.

AnarchoNinaWrites, to random
@AnarchoNinaWrites@jorts.horse avatar

We are all in very grave danger, and at the rate things are going, you folks spouting theory in my mentions are going to end up very dead, having accomplished very little.

I tried it your way; maybe I was a bad messenger, but I tried it. The fash are still winning. I'm still trapped in a propaganda model environment where folks around me can't even agree on what the root causes are, what the problems are, let alone how to solve them.

But they do understand "fascists are bad." So I'm there.

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@AnarchoNinaWrites "Fascists are bad" seems like a good point to unify around and I don't trust anyone who isn't willing to do so.

Radical_EgoCom, to random
@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

Capitalism has NOT lifted millions out of poverty. The benefits of capitalism disproportionately favor the wealthy, and the majority remain economically marginalized. Capitalism commodifies individuals by reducing them to mere "human capital". Workers' value is exploited for the benefit of a privileged few. Capitalism's focus on private ownership and profit motives leads to unequal resource distribution, preventing equitable access to necessities.

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@floatybirb @Radical_EgoCom What capitalism frames as poverty reduction is in large part the process of proletarianization, where people living subsistence lifestyles are brought into economies controlled by capital. There are upsides and downsides to this process, but a significant number of the people affected are not doing this willingly.

cstross, to random
@cstross@wandering.shop avatar

All the types of science fiction: https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/all-the-types-of-science-fiction

(I feel SEEN by number 50, "Secretly just a treatise on economics")

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@cstross I like that the one that makes you feel seen isn't the one that mentions you by name.

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@cstross Oh shit I got you confused with Cory Doctrow. I have no idea why I keep doing that other than that you're both on Mastodon.

pluralistic, to poop
@pluralistic@mamot.fr avatar
@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@3dogcouch @pluralistic Taylorism is so damn dehumanizing.

simon_brooke, to random
@simon_brooke@mastodon.scot avatar

Jings, is dreadful as a political speaker. He has all the verve, energy, enthusiasm and eloquence of a geriatric tortoise on Valium.

Wake up, man! It's an ELECTION, not a wreath-laying!

How can we invest our hope in this useless rag-doll puppet?

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@simon_brooke That's true, but on the other hand he's also a coward whose only idea is to tack rightward as hard as he possibly can and sack anyone who disagrees.

gabek, to random

I plugged in a Roku yesterday, and it's already the device that's had the most blocked advertising and analytics requests on my home network. One day, and it's made the most gross requests compared to everything else that's been monitored much, much longer.

They are such a trash company in every possible way. I don't know why anybody chooses to use them for anything. I'm doing this for development purposes. But after I'm done, I'm locking this in a box and dropping it in a hole, just to be safe.

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@gabek What is the best option from a privacy perspective?

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@gabek @dpflug What if I also have an eternal nerd-grudge against apple? Am I SoL?

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@gabek @dpflug Goddamn it, I hate the fucking tech industry.

shiri, to Israel en-us

Just recently had to break it down in a group because it's been flaring up, figured a post would be nice.
This may seem like a Jewish specific topic, but it is important for non-Jews to know as well.
Zionism vs Anti-Zionism.
First of all, if you're a non-Jew it's best to identify with neither as for non-Jews is almost always antisemitic. (And yes I mean both).
This is a one of the biggest bones of contention in the Jewish community and is absolutely a loud argument right now due to current events. Worse yet, it's generally so because of a mix of misunderstandings and extremism.
Originally this was the belief that the only way Jews could find some stability and safety would be to form a Jewish state. Once the state was formed, this turned into rabid support for Israel. For the milder of them, it basically boils down to patriotism... for the extremes it's nationalism
The loudest and most well represented of Zionists, however, believe basically that any criticism of Israel is inherently antisemitic, even by fellow Jews.
(How can this be antisemitic for non-jews? Short answer without derailing: Nazis are often Zionist)
Originally this was opposition to the creation of modern Israel, though each person had their own wildly varying reasons.
After the creation, many Anti-Zionists became Zionists. For the rest it mostly transformed into minimizing and addressing the damages caused by the creation of the state (ie. the occupation of Palestine). Many do dream of the potential of dismantling the state, but don't see it as feasible because creating a new humanitarian crisis to solve another isn't an acceptable solution.
They're generally painted by Zionists as if they want to abruptly end the state without addressing the crisis it would cause. (As such even mild Zionists often believe Anti-Zionism to be inherently antisemitic)
(Non-Jews can criticize Israel, but being/identifying-as Anti-Zionist is pretty much reserved for Jews; the exception being victims of Israel)

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@cstross @shiri @witewulf Hard not to note that German, Italian, and various Balkan nationalisms were also terrible fucking ideas that killed tremendous amounts of people. Kind of feels like nationalism as an ideology was a terrible, murderous mistake in general.

HeavenlyPossum, to Israel
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu has suggested using nuclear weapons against Gaza.

Minister without Portfolio Gideon Sa’ar has suggested annexing parts of Gaza.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel have separately advocated for resettling Palestinians outside of Gaza.

Gamliel’s ministry circulated a paper on expelling the population of Gaza into the Sinai desert.

Agriculture Minister Avi Dichter said that Israel is “rolling out the Gaza Nakba.”

Minister of Heritage Amichai Eliyahu has threatened to hand over Gaza’s land to former Israeli settlers and current Israeli soldiers.

It’s really hard to understand the Israeli state’s explicit policy as anything other than ethnic cleansing, at the mildest—of killing enough Palestinians and making life sufficiently unbearable for the survivors that they have to flee.

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum The disconnect between the Israeli governments rhetoric for western audiences and Bibi's ministers rhetoric for domestic audiences is kind of driving me insane. Are we just supposed to ignore all this? Times of Israel has an English edition, all of this shit is very easily verifiable and it makes a compete mockery of every argument apologists for the occupation expect us to take seriously. It's kind of insulting.

simon_brooke, to random
@simon_brooke@mastodon.scot avatar

In what sort of a world do I even need to say this?


@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@simon_brooke @Micha_Silver The fact that the leaders of Hamas aren't even in Gaza, they're in fucking Qatar, drives me nuts. How is killing all these people supposed to stop Hamas even in theory other than by ethnic cleansing?

HeavenlyPossum, to random
@HeavenlyPossum@kolektiva.social avatar

The Israeli state is starving the people of Gaza and I don’t know how to wrap my head around the horror of this.

I watched Asad do this to Syrians for years and it is a horrific way to die. People with diabetes will die first, in agony, and then children and the elderly.


@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@justicesandwich @HeavenlyPossum They're not saying October 7th didn't happen, they're saying Hamas couldn't do it again.

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@HeavenlyPossum @justicesandwich No, probably not. Still worth setting the record straight, if only for the sake of any spectators.

gwynnion, to random
@gwynnion@mastodon.social avatar

I think Americans particularly don't understand how much of their view of the Middle East has been crafted by apocalyptic Evangelicals, neoconservative warmongers, and Christian Zionists, most of whom are both antisemitic and Islamophobic and would be happy to see the whole region go up in flames.

@EmbraceBecoming@kolektiva.social avatar

@JoeQuinlan @gwynnion It's also a convenient place for them to dump all of their country's Jews, because they are also giant antisemites.

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