@dcreemer@sfba.social avatar



🇨🇦🇺🇸. Health Engineering @ 🍎. I post about #software #rustlang #cats, #rabbits, #housing, and #disability. Feminist. He/Him. Tooting via #hamradio @ N6DAC. SF Bay Area. Ask me about Usher Syndrome.

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dcreemer, to random
@dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

These Depokon oranges are amazing


dcreemer, to til
@dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

about the Ugandan community of Abayudaya


dcreemer, to Rabbits
@dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

Update. The score is now:

: 6
cables: 0

mdekstrand, to random
@mdekstrand@hci.social avatar

If a blind student wants to do a CS undergrad specifically to work in assistive technology, what schools would be particularly good for that? (Feel free to boost for reach.)

@dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

@mdekstrand @gvwilson Georgia Tech has a good reputation for assistive tech (or at least did many years ago)

dcreemer, to random
@dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

“Where are my pants?” he said.
“We took them from you,” Dahl said.
“Why?” Corey said.
“Because we need to talk to you,” Dahl said.
“You could do that without taking my pants,” Corey said.
“In a perfect world, yes,” Dahl said.”

Finally finding some time to enjoy Redshirts by @scalzi

dcreemer, to random
@dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

was very good

waldoj, to random
@waldoj@mastodon.social avatar

There's a village in England named Breedon on the Hill. "Breedon" is a combination of two words—the Celtic “Bre" (which means "hill”) and the Old English "dun" (which means "hill"). So the name of the village is “Hill Hill on the Hill.”

But, wait, there's another! Pendle Hill, also in England, comes from the Cumbric "pen” (which means "hill") and the Old English “hyll” (which means “hill”). So: "Hill Hill Hill.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breedon_on_the_Hill#History

@dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

@waldoj @jaybird110127 I learned this same fun fact from the History of English podcast, which I highly recommend


dcreemer, to showerthoughts
@dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

If turkey-bacon is turkey, then why is chicken fried steak not chicken?

Sarahp, to random
@Sarahp@mastodon.social avatar

Omg I have to buy a new desk. What’s your favorite home office desk and why? Pics welcome!!

@dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

@mike @Sarahp same.

ScienceDesk, (edited ) to science
@ScienceDesk@flipboard.social avatar

If you missed last week’s total solar eclipse, you’ll have seven opportunities over the next decade to bask in the shadow of the path of totality. You just might have to travel to get there. Live Science tells us what to know, from where to go, how long each will last, and more. https://flip.it/eKUvzt

@dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

@ScienceDesk @dgoldsmith after experiencing last weeks eclipse I want to become a full time eclipse chaser. Spectacular

TechDesk, to fediverse
@TechDesk@flipboard.social avatar

With Meta moving Threads — slowly but surely — into the Fediverse, @quillmatiq wanted to see if the Threads experience could be improved on Mastodon. He says what he discovered "went above and beyond" his expectations.


@dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

@FinchHaven @AAKL @TechDesk @quillmatiq

How so? As far as I can tell it’s a human at Flipboard posting an article to a nicely federated Mastodon account. Isn’t this why we’re here (to see interesting human sourced ideas)?

dangillmor, to random
@dangillmor@mastodon.social avatar

Some changes ahead:

I'm leaving academia to "help people who are working to save democracy, and by extension freedom of expression, in part by helping journalism perform its most essential role."

More in my new blog post:


@dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

@dangillmor @Cdespinosa good luck and please continue to keep us updated. I’m excited to see what comes next!

bethsawin, to random
@bethsawin@spore.social avatar

In an interconnected world we need interconnected people with the courage and the skills to span the silos that have chopped the world into pieces.

@dcreemer@sfba.social avatar


👏 on spanning silos!

I learned from James Burke’s wonderful “Connections” TV series and books:

“The key prerequisite to the successful exercise of this newfound empowerment will be to learn to think across disciplines." (writing on massive access to data).

He also quotes Norbert Wiener: “... the most fruitful areas for the growth of the sciences were those which had been neglected as a no-man's land between the disciplines"

schwa, to random
@schwa@mastodon.social avatar


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  • dcreemer,
    @dcreemer@sfba.social avatar
    dcreemer, to AdobePhotoshop
    @dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

    Every time I get asked to help someone “fix their slow computer” I’m amazed at the variety of shit people install and forget about. But there’s one constant: f*cking sitting there chewing up RAM and disk. Typically installed (and still being paid for!) because the needed to fill out one PDF form once.

    @dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

    @EverydayMoggie I suspect it’s what a non-technical person is capable of in terms of computer “hygiene”. The last two cases happen to be 2017 iMacs with 8GB of RAM. The “slowness” was due to memory pressure from so many extra, generally unused or unknown (to the user) things needless running.

    The good news is that some cleanup and less than $50 of more RAM can keeps these machines useful for another couple of years.

    taylorlorenz, to random
    @taylorlorenz@mastodon.social avatar

    “The existence of these uninspired and uninspiring people occupying the very best jobs in their industry is evidence of the limits of the ideals that liberal society purports to value.” https://www.hamiltonnolan.com/p/columnists-and-their-lives-of-quiet

    @dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

    @taylorlorenz 🔥“Other columnists are gifted with a fountain of ideas, but all of their ideas are bad. Thomas Friedman is the Platonic Ideal of this type: taken seriously by important people and utterly full of shit.”

    noah, to random
    @noah@finkasaur.us avatar

    I love how now if you turn watch history off, two of the most annoying parts of YouTube just simply stop working, it's great, I can just focus on my subscriptions and that's it

    @dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

    @noah yes! This has been the case for me for a year or so. Such a nice change

    unlambda, to random
    @unlambda@hachyderm.io avatar
    @dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

    @unlambda nice photos! Interesting that the flare at 6:30 was at about 5:30 over Dallas. I wonder if the perspective changed or the sun changed?

    dcreemer, to Dallas
    @dcreemer@sfba.social avatar
    @dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

    (Heavily cropped from a 70mm f8 1/320 ISO 640 Sony A7R5. I resolve to buy a longer lens before the next eclipse :-) )

    @dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

    @timonus yeah - quite the experience

    dcreemer, to Cat
    @dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

    My “likes” to wear his wizard hat

    @dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

    @JsonCulverhouse mostly evil geniuses I think

    fortes, to random
    @fortes@mastodon.social avatar

    I think I've been eating too much kimchi

    @dcreemer@sfba.social avatar

    @fortes I have not found this to be possible. I will keep trying though.

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