@pmonks@sfba.social avatar



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Living on Yelamu Ramaytush Ohlone land (#SanFrancisco)
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This is an authoritarian (both left- and right- flavours), bigot, MAGA, TERF, tankie, anti-vaxxer, climate-change-denier etc. free zone. Conservatives and libertarians should be on their best behaviour too - I have a small amount of patience for your nonsense, and a large block button.

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ai6yr, to random
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

Aha, I've been in front of Tom Petty's house before and had no idea! (helped one of his neighbors with some bees, although too late to rescue them -- they had been nailed by a pest service :-(

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@ai6yr It was on a Tesla in FSD mode?

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@ai6yr That has suddenly made me realise I’m told what to do by a computer (email, calendar, chat) all day. 🤔

somafm, to random
@somafm@sfba.social avatar

What are 2 SomaFM channels you listen to but are most different from each other?

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@somafm Groove Salad and Underground 80s? Though they’re really not that far apart I guess…

ai6yr, to gardening
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

Go out to the garden
Pull weeds
Take edible weeds inside and add to breakfast

Go out to the garden
Pull more weeds
Take edible weeds inside and add to lunch

But, are they weeds then?! 🤔

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@ai6yr Are there benefits to poison oak, by any chance?

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

It insane to me how often women are not given pain management for gynecological procedures, because many many years ago a male doctor who's never had a vagina, cervix, or uterus decided that there weren't enough nerve endings up there to hurt significantly. I think it's time to put this fallacy to bed. It most definitely does hurt, and people who have literally no experience with female equipment don't get to decide this for me. Trust me docs, you don't want to taste your own medicine on this.

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@godofbiscuits @RickiTarr What about straight men who look forward to this procedure? 🤔

pmonks, to random
@pmonks@sfba.social avatar
@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@Lizette603_23 It’ll always be here for you!

pmonks, to random
@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

You know I don’t even care if the numerous dipshits maliciously misinterpreting the 2nd Amendment to completely ignore the bit about “well regulated militia” are right or not; the point is that the grotesque lack of gun regulation in the US is resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent victims every year. If the 2A is the reason for that, then it should be amended!

mcc, to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

When I think about the security of a computer system, I have a specific scale I rate it on:

  1. The US government can crack it OR the government of China can crack it (equivalent)
  2. The government of Israel can crack it
  3. My friend Kristin could crack it
  4. The government of Russia can crack it
  5. A nation-state not listed above can crack it
  6. A well-qualified single infosec professional could crack it
  7. I could crack it
@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@mcc Question if you have the inclination to answer (and no worries if you don’t): how do you determine, for any given computer system, which level on the scale it sits in?

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@mcc Thank you! And yeah I’m technical enough to know I need to be concerned about novel (to me) computer systems, but not to the point that I could figure out for myself how secure they might be. It’s mildly anxiety-inducing at times.

Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

Got so annoyed at work that I lost my appetite for eating cookies.

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@Binder Do you need ads for cookies dropped straight into your inbox?

Binder, to random
@Binder@petrous.vislae.town avatar

“John Smith just posted something that might be of interest to you”


John: exciting! a co you don’t care about made the Top One Thousand Cos on the Meaningless List of Cos List!


@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@Binder Did you accidentally open LinkedIn?

ai6yr, to climate
@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar
@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@ai6yr @douglasvb Stoicism is the way.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Sometimes you realize what a dirty gossip you are, I saw this pop up on YouTube, and thought, "Yeah baby, tell me that Filthy Yarn Scandal."

Y'all I don't knit, I'm not involved in this, but now I kind of want to be. Please everyone guess what the drama is!

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@RickiTarr Knitters weren’t invited to the cigar bar with Mr & Mrs Tarr? 🤔

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar
RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

One time we went to this great cigar bar, and I convinced my husband to pose with a cigar, so I could get a picture, but then he said to not post a picture of him with a cigar, so I had to get creative.

My hubs holding a cigar to his lips, but I replaced the cigar with a cartoon banana

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@RickiTarr He escaped relatively unscathed imho.

cfiesler, to random
@cfiesler@hci.social avatar

The first rule of etiquette on Reddit is "remember the human" - this should apply to researchers, too! This blog post is a summary of our (myself, @michaelzimmer @profprof @sarahgilbert and Naiyan Jones) recently published paper (in PACM-HCI as part of the ACM GROUP conference) about research ethics for Reddit and public internet content more generally. https://cfiesler.medium.com/how-to-remember-the-human-recommendations-for-ethical-reddit-research-8fe34e30e21d

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@cfiesler @inthehands @michaelzimmer @profprof @sarahgilbert I very much don’t think Reddit should be used as a role model for etiquette.

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@cfiesler @inthehands @michaelzimmer @profprof @sarahgilbert It’s Reddit Inc.’s stated preference for behaviour on the platform, which is absolutely not the same thing as actual user behaviour on the platform (and tolerated by Reddit Inc.).

Source: I happen to be a moderator on a reasonably large Reddit sub (~150K members).

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@cfiesler @inthehands @michaelzimmer @profprof @sarahgilbert I guess I’m just pointing out that appealing to Reddit as an authority on such matters is not particularly compelling.

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@cfiesler @inthehands @michaelzimmer @profprof @sarahgilbert I did read it thanks, and do appreciate and agree with your general point about conducting research ethically. I’m simply pointing out that specifically appealing to Reddit’s “remember the human” guideline (as the title and first paragraph of the post do) as a source of authority on ethical behaviour, is not compelling given the actual behaviours exhibited (and tolerated) by Reddit. In my opinion it undermines your (valuable!) argument.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

What is a little white lie you were told as a child, that you believed for too long?

I was way too old when I figured out a human couldn't actually get sucked down a drain or flushed down a toliet. I used to cling to my little brothers, and pull them out of the bath any time my Mum would pull to plug.

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@RickiTarr That you can safely wear your underpants for four days before washing them:

  1. Normally
  2. Backwards
  3. Inside out
  4. Inside out & backwards

It wasn’t until I got married that I was reluctantly disavowed of this misconception. 😞

stefan, to Dash
@stefan@gardenstate.social avatar

Instead of penalties what if they face off in Teqball?

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@stefan I reckon they should have multi ball in extra time. A new ball enters the field every 5 minutes.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Hello! I want to do a Spooky Picture Prompt! So, find a picture in your camera roll that would represent the phrase:

Last Picture on the Camera Roll

This should be spooky, but completely up to your own interpretation. Here's one from me, with weird eclipse light.

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@RickiTarr Oh Cletus is not a ghost, let me tell you!

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@RickiTarr But in good news, apparently I have a “purdy mouth”. 🥰

@pmonks@sfba.social avatar

@RickiTarr @friscolala bad free hugs ? 🤔

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