@precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar



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CelloMomOnCars, to random
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

Vote in a right-wing government, get more gas production.

"The incoming Dutch government said on Thursday it will aim to expand offshore natural gas extraction and nuclear energy production as part of plans to reduce the Netherlands' dependence on "unreliable countries.""


As if Dutch wind is an unreliable resource.
(You can count on it to blow. Usually in the opposite direction in which you're biking).

@precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

@CelloMomOnCars I'm usually tolerant with nuclear (as a technology, not a much as it's use by capitalistic interests), but nuclear plants in the Netherlands... This country is called like that because reasons, and with increasing sea levels...

precariousmind, to random Spanish
@precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

Recordatorio de que la casilla de la iglesia no tiene nada que ver con la solidaridad ni con la caridad. Que casi todo lo que necesita Cáritas viene de la de fines sociales, y, aún así, mejor no marcar ninguna y votar por opciones que manejen adecuadamente los presupuestos.
Puesto el contexto, la publicidad de la iglesia es simplemente vomitiva.

jimray, to random
@jimray@mastodon.social avatar

Me, an idiot: “So, kids, by setting the thermostat a little lower and eating less meat, we’re doing our part to make the world more sustainable”

VCs, very smart: “We just raised $100 billion dollars from the sovereign wealth funds of three petrostates to build the world’s largest AI supercomputer. It uses as much power and water as Guatemala and the primary use case is for management consultants to autogenerate powerpoints for justifying mass layoffs.”

@precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

@yogthos @jimray I believe parallel fight on individual/societal levels.
That's why I train throwing molotovs while riding my foldable bike.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Trans people are "forever patients"?

So is literally everyone!

Fuck off.

@precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

@RickiTarr a diabetic I and hypothyroidism, so yep, here the insulin and T4 like forever.

DrALJONES, to random
@DrALJONES@mastodon.social avatar


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  • precariousmind,
    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @Npars01 @DrALJONES very bad, totally biased source. Whereas holomodor was aggravated (as the article mentions and then silences, famine affected a larger area and environmental causes were the primary factors; not to say these alone would have caused it) by very bad decisions by central and Ukrainian local government, it is very unlikely that there was a plan for causing mass starvation. In any case, incomparable with present situation in Palestine.

    pes_maravilla, to random Spanish
    @pes_maravilla@mstdn.social avatar

    Hay una isla en Bilbao (antes península), en la ría, que hace muchos años era zona industrial y de almacenes, pasó a ser una zona abandonada con un puñado de casas viejas y desde hace como una década se está intentando dar en ella un pelotazo inmobiliario. La cosa es que a Bilbao no le queda espacio para crecer, así y que era una zona muy golosa cerca del centro. Es una isla plana y baja y en zona donde todavía llegan las mareas. >>

    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @pes_maravilla algo que no entra en la cabeza para este tema particular (crecimiento de las ciudades), pero para muchos otros: si no es factible o sano que una ciudad crezca, no se crece.
    Se mueven recursos (industria, negocios) a otro lugar y se crean las condiciones para desarrollar otros núcleos de población.
    Parece lógico, pero cada alcalde lleva un pequeño faraón dentro.

    CelloMomOnCars, to SEOUL
    @CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

    "The enables people to use subways, buses and public bicycles without limitation by paying 65,000 won (US$48.33) per month.

    The city government introduced the card as a six-month pilot project to improve the convenience of public transportation use and to help cope with the crisis."


    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @CelloMomOnCars excellent! Nevertheless, these measures usually have little impact unless car limitations are enforced in parallel...

    precariousmind, to random Spanish
    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar
    RickiTarr, to random
    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    Last night, my husband asked me to look at something that felt weird on his back, and honestly, it looked like a cancerous mole. I told him he needed to go to the doctor this morning, so he did. The Nurse Practitioner said, Yep, that looks gnarly, and took a biopsy. Now we have to wait for a week, which feels way too long. I know basal cell carcinomas are very treatable, and almost never lead to death, but I still feel anxious. Has anyone else dealt with this before?

    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @RickiTarr yep, on my left cheek, and already with some dermal infiltration. Excised in 5 min, nice tiny scar and no more of that. Good thing, easy to spot, easy to be surgically removed, little risk of metastasis, so it should be gone for good at the cost of a few stitches. Good luck!

    precariousmind, to random Spanish
    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    Consejo no solicitado de que os vacunéis de gripe y COVID, por favor.
    Os podéis evitar unos días malos, como poco, y colaboraréis a proteger a otros.

    18+ ddritter, to random Spanish
    @ddritter@paquita.masto.host avatar

    Pero si lo que dicen los inscritos no gusta a Pablo Iglesias, Pablo Iglesias recomendará que la gente vote a otro partido.

    Esperando a ver cómo tratan esto en El Tablero.

    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @fmolinero @ddritter bueno, no le veo recomendando el voto para Sumar, con la tirria que les tiene, siendo lógico votar al BNG. Lo que no tiene sentido es atribuirle puestos que no tiene (y queda un poco mal por el toquecillo machista que supone) o declaraciones que no ha hecho (aunque aquí puedo estar equivocado).

    RickiTarr, to random
    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    Today's theme is Normal!

    You can take this test to see how "Normal" you are, and also how radically left wing you are! LOL Please share the results if you feel like it, or do nothing at all, because it really doesn't matter!


    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @mycotropic @kpl @RickiTarr I agosto del good with this!

    CelloMomOnCars, to random
    @CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

    Electrify everything -- and make sure the grid keeps up.

    Winter blackouts more likely as NYC climate goals force shift to electrical heat

    "The expected boom in electrical heating, cooking and transportation is “forecasted to have profound impacts on how the grid operates,” the report reads. “As the demand on the grid grows at a rate greater than the build out of [electrical] generation and transmission, deficiencies could arise.”"


    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @SusiArnott @CelloMomOnCars and with degrowth (and not in homes, but industry, malls, big buildings, etc.).

    RickiTarr, to random
    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    Alright, after all this talk of ketchup/catsup, I need to know:

    What are the Top 5 Condiments you have to have in your kitchen?

    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @RickiTarr olive oil (extra virgin), vinegar, mustard, Tabasco, soy sauce

    RickiTarr, to random
    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    I am bothered by the fact that neither the person asking the question or the person answering, understand the true horror of this post.


    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @RickiTarr here in Spain we cook rice like in a thousandths different styles (and only one is authentic paella!), and many of them include adding mashed tomato or tomato sauce. No ketchup, at least in original recipes, but yes, tomato sauce.
    I remember when I was a child my mother preparing rice on a long tray with a topping of tomato sauce along the center and mayonnaise along the sides. And it was one of our favorite dishes (there was tuna and other ingredients below the rice, btw).

    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @RickiTarr interesting, but this is Spain, so it fits. Maybe tomato use as a sauce was not very popular? Or maybe sauces weren't popular, just condiments: oil, vinegar, spices, added directly to food as seasoning or when cooking, with no "sauce" intermediate. I think of other countries around the Mediterranean, and I start thinking that in Europe maybe it's the other way, colder countries might have been more adept to the concept of long-life sauces (besides Roman garum and such).

    precariousmind, to random Spanish
    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    Comparto por si queréis contribuir a Thunderbird y que esté pronto en plataformas móviles:

    ChrisMayLA6, to london
    @ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us avatar

    Having just seen another casual allusion to 'this overcrowded isle', I think people who believe the UK to be over-crowded either don't understand the shape of population distribution or think the whole country looks like the suburbs of .

    There may be an issue about the carrying capacity of this island, but on a purely spatial level its not overcrowded, the population is just clustered in a few places.

    A less clustered population might also help re-balance regional ?

    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @danjac @ChrisMayLA6 @epistatacadam I had this idea for some time, mainly inspired by the Spanish example: an overgrowth Madrid vacuuming it's surroundings. Same for many other big cities.
    We need some kind of selfishness so huge cities accept degrowth, big ones to some degree (not only population, don't want suburbs, services, government centers, industry) in favor of medium/small ones. Regions articulated around towns within an optimal pop/services range.

    ProfeAlemania, to random Spanish
    @ProfeAlemania@paquita.masto.host avatar

    Buenos días. Hoy os voy a contar una triste historia de obsesión por la deuda cero en un país.

    2009: Alemania modifica la constitución para prohibir el endeudamiento superior al 0,5% del PIB. Excepción: caso de emergencia nacional
    2021: la crisis del coronavirus. Alemania declara la emergencia nacional y empieza a endeudarse para superar la crisis.
    2023: se dan cuenta de que no han usado 60.000 millones de euros de la crisis del coronavirus

    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @freites @Illuminatus @fmolinero @ProfeAlemania efectivamente, es virtual... Pero existe. Ese dinero tendría que estar en la sociedad, tal vez amortiguando la crisis, pero en vez de eso "cuenta" como deuda (que no es tal*, sino dinero que se ha creado para gasto público y que eventualmente se destruirá en forma de impuestos). Al evitarse su realización, lo que han creado es una "singularidad" económica...
    *Como los países de la UE no tienen independencia económica, no estoy seguro de esto).

    jik, to random
    @jik@federate.social avatar

    Some of y'all were doubtful when I told you it was only a matter of time before the US system completely collapsed. Read this article and then let me know if you're still skeptical.
    We do not have nearly enough doctors, nurses, or aides. is going to put unprecedented demand on our healthcare and memory care systems. It's impossible for us to fix this in time. Collapse is inevitable. Indeed it has already begun.

    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @jik @kdnyhan @novid yeah, staying healthy and of course alive is a preretequisite for human interaction. I hope he eventually notices.

    CelloMomOnCars, to cycling
    @CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

    A LOT of people are heard complaining that people riding e-scooters go so fast.

    I would like to know:
    Does a person riding an e-scooter at velocity v APPEAR to go faster than the same person on a bicycle at the same velocity?

    Could it be a kind of optical illusion? Something to do with the wheels and the frame of a scooter being much smaller than those of a bike.

    Anyone know of any research on this, ?

    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @CelloMomOnCars since I ride a bike daily and I'm aware of relative speeds of other vehicles, yes, a large proportion of e-scooters are way faster than they should, especially in sensitive areas: pedestrianized and sidewalks (and yes, they never should go on the sidewalks, but a large proportion do).

    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @CelloMomOnCars I believe than the drivers* are the ones afflicted by a flaw in perception: feeling they are not so fast... Because it requires no effort and they don't have the leg feedback a person running or cycling has. Moreover, they are not competent for riding a motor vehicle (indeed, applicable to a good proportion of ppl driving a car, especially SUVs).
    *Yes, drivers; these are motor vehicles. We had bikes and e-bikes, these are unnecessary capitalist-induced toys.

    RickiTarr, to random
    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    What do you sleep in:

    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @RickiTarr 20 all year round.

    cstross, to random
    @cstross@wandering.shop avatar

    REMINDER: ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, and other large trained neural models are NOT "artificial intelligence", they're just stochastic parrots, remixing and regurgitating what they've been fed. There's no theory-of-mind involved, so no understanding: there's no "there" there. (A real live parrot exhibits more intelligence than this.)

    Don't call it AI; call it parrot-tech. That way you'll have a better perspective on what it can (and can't) do.

    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @cstross I feel there is a purposeful intent to "AI-washify" these enshittified technologies. We are continuously fed a stream of mixed news about the "stochastic parrots" and the progress and advantages from real AI (or, at the least, big data science), trying to diffuminate the differences.

    ch_Nahon, to random French
    @ch_Nahon@masto.bike avatar
    @precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

    @kierkegaank @ch_Nahon if we change the proposition to "the other guy" (pedestrian, byciclist, or in a smaller car), then we can swap the dates.
    By the way, the vehicle on the right being built nowadays is as safe, if not crashing with the one on the left (always the unsafe one).

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