@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar



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jeffjarvis, to random
@jeffjarvis@mastodon.social avatar

Guess who's profiting from AI. Consultants.
BCG says AI consulting will supply 20% of revenues this year

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@jeffjarvis 🤷 Well, what's new?

dangillmor, to random
@dangillmor@mastodon.social avatar

Human Rights Watch 101: "Peaceful protest is a human right. Freedom of speech is a human right. Freedom of expression is a human right." https://www.hrw.org/the-day-in-human-rights/2024/04/29?story=paragraph-8162

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@dangillmor 🤷 US citizens might not realize, but “human rights” have basically no legal standing in the USA.

The USA likes to discuss “Human rights” and use it as a tool to shame other countries with, but surprise, the USA has made a quite numerous detours to avoid signing any treaties obliging it to follow Human Rights standards.

Actually the fact that any rights you might have in the USA only generally apply only to legal residents is incompatible. ("Human" rights. remember)

craiggrannell, to random
@craiggrannell@mastodon.social avatar


@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@craiggrannell @sdarlington @uliwitness
Be careful what you wish for.

We already have ECJ verdicts lying around, that when read strictly declare the USA unsafe for GDPR data, basically due to fundamental legal issues. Our politicians and industry do not want to really apply it, but it's just a question of time till the current DC-Brussels circumvention strategy lands before the ECJ again, and it's only a question how explicit the court will be next time in its opinion.

publicvoit, to random German
@publicvoit@graz.social avatar

ist für dir Menschen, die stolz darauf sind, in der Schule schlecht in gewesen zu sein. 🤔🫣

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

„Gleichbleibende Preise schon seit Jahren trotz Inflation und Krisen“

Ich glaube, die Guten haben das Konzept Inflation nicht begriffen.

Teri_Kanefield, to random
@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

I am going to answer this question for everyone:


My answer is here:



There were possible crimes, but tax and reporting crimes are not election interference.

There is also a circular thing with Cohen and Pecker telling the court that they expected Trump to pay back the hush money payments.

If they expected to get paid back, it was a loan to Trump and not a contribution. Right?

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield 🤷
Wouldn't the sloppy accounting, and deducting his private hush money payments as a business expense, count as criminal?

dangillmor, to random
@dangillmor@mastodon.social avatar

Arizona voters elected a serious attorney general in 2022.

She's gone after the Trump world election fraud scams in a big, big way, charging major pols, lawyers, et al in the fake elector scheme.


Looks like the Arizona Republic wisely dropped its paywall on this huge story.

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@dangillmor That's so unfair, reality is coming after Donald's alternate reality with its alternate facts.

jeffjarvis, to random
@jeffjarvis@mastodon.social avatar

I wish all news sites would add what the Austrian Die Presse just added to its design: Click the little clock and you get the latest news in a reverse-chronological stream: a river of news, as @davewiner has long wished for, without promotion, repetition, and so-called news judgment.

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@jeffjarvis Well, Die Presse as such is right-wing enough, so I cannot agree that it's without judgment.

jeffjarvis, to random
@jeffjarvis@mastodon.social avatar

Galloway glibness: "People are opting out of America..,Young people aren't having sex.They're not meeting, they're not mating. The pool of emotionally and economically viable men shrinks every day, which lessens household formation...Our kids are more axious, more depressed, more obese, more addicted...We are producing too many of the most dangerous person in the world & that is a young, broke & lonely young man....I would like to see in the senior year of college [a course in] mating dynamics."

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@jeffjarvis Let's give this condition a name, I propose: “Terminal phase capitalism depression”

jeffjarvis, to random
@jeffjarvis@mastodon.social avatar

Haberman thinks she's channeling Arendt--"the mundanity of the courtroom has all but swallowed Mr. Trump"--but gives this defendant empathy when she should offer us Schadenfreude.
Trump’s Trial Challenge: Being Stripped of Control https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/21/us/politics/trump-trial-analysis.html?smid=tw-share

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar


"The process, they believe, is its own punishment."


Being a defendant is a burden. Funny how they notice only the billionaire is hit.

But that's how the justice system works. Defending yourself is risky, expensive, burdensome. Read it up, DA all over the US have used this to make offers that many defendants simply cannot refuse.

But hey, '16-20 a certain DJT had the opportunity to work on justice reforms to make the system more just and humane.

ChrisMayLA6, to random
@ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us avatar

Whatever we might think about how migration is handled across Europe (in in the UK), one significant result is the underemployment of skilled migrants;

the Migration Policy Institute has a whole subsection on what they refer to as 'Brain Waste' - given the skills shortages across the world & its economic impact(s), we seem to be acting against our best interests because we are (politically) suspicious of migrants;

Its a political myopia of the worst sort!


@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@alexanderhay @ChrisMayLA6 No politicians, but especially conservatives hate intelligence.

And the UK class system is based traditionally in heritage. Obviously, you can see how intelligence that can hit to a certain level randomly any family, is incompatible with the UK system? How can it be that some peon might better than a duke? Some foreign, dark-skinned peon?

Sounds like High Treason, “undermining the line of succession”?

craiggrannell, to random
@craiggrannell@mastodon.social avatar

Literally every day now, mini-G comes home from school and at least one boy will have been an arsehole to her to some degree. She’s 9. But, hey, ‘boys will be boys’.

Last time we mentioned this, we were told she ‘needs to be more resilient’. When we suggested victim blaming wasn’t good, we were told things will get worse at secondary. When we said, OK, what specifically should she do, we were told… she should be more resilient. She was shouting today. The boy just carried on being a dick.

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@craiggrannell Considered speaking with the teachers/school about this?

(In our case, it was “easier”, actually the school called us, to inform us that our beloved daughter was being mobbed.)

craiggrannell, to random
@craiggrannell@mastodon.social avatar

Just read on MacStories that Delta is #1 in the US App Store. Last I looked, it’s #1 in the UK App Store. But, sure, no-one cares about emulators on iPhone. (Something certain commentators have been claiming for a long time now, presumably because Apple didn’t want emulators on iPhone.)

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@craiggrannell A well run private prison does have a system of privileged trustees (who e.g. run the prison radio station). And guess what, these trustees tend to tell all the inmates how lucky they are that they are in this best of all prisons, if squeeze your eyes a bit, you can claim you are just in a walled garden.

Side note: My wife today during our grocery run classified Apple together with Boeing, Tesla, Apple, these American bullshit companies.
Not sure how to take that.

craiggrannell, to random
@craiggrannell@mastodon.social avatar

Big test for the App Store: if someone submits an Apple II emulator. Apple has been quoted as saying the apps must be for emulating “retro console games” only. And yet:

  1. That would be a stupid arbitrary distinction – and tricky in the 1980s. What is an Atari 400? A console or a home micro?

  2. A (sadly dreadful) C64 emulator is already on the App Store, and no-one would refer to the C64 as a console.

Thought: I also wonder what happens if someone submits Retroarch or FBNeo?

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

And yet, a surprising number of people owned a basically as a video game player, never learning more than LOAD/RUN.

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@zirias @craiggrannell Well, totally accessibly. If you were willing to do assembly. Although Commodore was not nice enough to include an Assembler either.

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@craiggrannell @zirias 🤷 Well, you chose to make your home in a private prison. Arbitrary decisions of the warden, phrased in a way to make them sound legal, are totally normal for prisoners.

But you probably know my basic opinion upon Apple's “private prison”.
(If it's such a massive benefit to the consumer, they could make it a voluntary opt-in where the customers swear off non-Apple approved stuff. But guess it's about Apple's profits, so it's full lock in.)

craiggrannell, to random
@craiggrannell@mastodon.social avatar

So iGBA has now been removed from the App Store. The question is: why? Could be all sorts of reasons. Which is fun, because that means we still don’t know what Apple’s actual stance on emulation happens to be.

yacc143, (edited )
@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@craiggrannell Well, your warden happens not to be a human because understanding one human would be an option.

It's actually a cryptic bureaucracy.

Fun side note: under the DMA they actually have to explain in detail all these decisions, and be fair and consistent, or the feudal landlord risks getting punished.

publicvoit, to microsoft German
@publicvoit@graz.social avatar

"Gesundheitswesen überlastet, will mit und KI helfen"
"Microsoft wirbt stark für den Einsatz seiner Dienste im Gesundheitswesen. Die Cloud-Infrastruktur sei dabei sehr sicher, verspricht das Unternehmen."


Es kann sich dabei wohl nur um einen Scherz handeln, oder? Nachdem die Kronjuwelen von Azure seit mehreren Jahre nachweislich infiltriert sind und kürzlich Millionen öffentliche interne Dateien aufgetaucht sind ... 🤦‍♂️

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@publicvoit Genau mein Kommentar :)

Und Heise druckt das frei von Kommentaren ab.

Wohl zu sehr abhängig von MS Werbung?

Die bekommen ja nicht mal die Angreifer aus ihrer Cloud raus.

Ja wäre schmerzhaft, aber wenn die Toplevelkeys potentiell komprimiert sind, dann müssen sie komplett getauscht werden. Autsch.

Nach einem „Einbruch“, putzt man Systeme nicht, und lässt sie weiterlaufen. Man setzt Systeme frisch aus bekannt sauberen Quellen neu auf.

jeffjarvis, to random
@jeffjarvis@mastodon.social avatar
@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

What a genius idea.

Because most under-16 years old buy their own phones, and only a tiny fraction gets their phones via their parents.


jeffjarvis, to random
@jeffjarvis@mastodon.social avatar
  1. It is not journalists' job to predict.
  2. Their predictions reveal their biases.
  3. They can also find "some people" to say what they want said.
  4. This does nothing to inform the electorate. This is not journalism.
@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@jeffjarvis Opinion polls are just that, polls of the opinion of a certain population.

If done correct, they can predict correctly the opinion of the whole population by only visiting a sample of the population.

Opinion polls are NOT facts. No matter how you try to present them.

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@jeffjarvis One thing never to forget with authoritarian regimes is that eliminating democracy is not a black & white proposition, it's fluent thing.

Suppressing voters. Controlling the media. Controlling the candidates. Not conceding a lost election.

There are literally 1000s of tiny cuts to make democracy work worse till it breaks down.

jeffjarvis, to random
@jeffjarvis@mastodon.social avatar

While they're at it, why not step up the fight against lies fueld by Microsoft Word, Photoshop, radio, and TV? Technology is not the target. The liars should be...
Hundreds of groups urge Big Tech CEOs to step up fight against AI-fueled lies https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/09/hundreds-groups-urge-big-tech-ceos-step-up-fight-against-ai-fueled-lies/

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@jeffjarvis Don't forget the printing press.

Literally the granddaddy of all the evil conspiracy theory distribution technology nowadays in use.

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@jeffjarvis And bluntly, the fact that journalism, for the biggest part, got bought.

It's in for the clicks, ad views and revenue, and literally nobody cares if selling ads requires showing “entertainment” that does not irritate the money people, instead of facts or hard researched analysis.

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

“A fundraising event hosted by a charitable org and linked to may have broken the law if it explicitly benefited his campaign, as an IRS rule bars charities from endorsing candidates for elections.

Border911, a Trump-backed charitable org led by Tom Homan, his former Immig & Customs Enforcement chief, hosted a gala on April 4 that Trump attended. Other attendees included Vivek Ramaswamy & Matt Whitaker”

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@GottaLaff So when will anybody do something about this serial criminal?

Any normal American who would show that level of criminality would have his/her bail long withdrawn, and would be preparing for his/her criminal trials in a small room when his/her attorneys visit.

But I guess as the great swamp drainer he's allowed to be criminal?

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@GottaLaff Somehow it's not glacial for poor people.

They look them up and let them wait for their trials in jail for even a tiny percentage of what this joker is overstepping.

(Somehow, nobody cares about the 1st amendment rights of poor people when they try to intimate enemies while waiting for their trial.)

Donald seems to be out to demonstrate loudly how differently the US justice system treats the poor and rich, etc.

ernie, to random
@ernie@writing.exchange avatar

Doing a Proxmox install of MacOS. They have mostly made it shockingly simple. I haven’t done passthrough yet, but this script is pretty much all you need.


@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@ernie But what is the underlying hardware?

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