owncast, to fediverse
@owncast@fosstodon.org avatar

I’m hearing murmurs of YouTube blocking browsers that support ad blockers.

You know where you don’t have to worry about such things? Host your videos on a instance and use for your live video streaming needs.

But of course you already knew that.

gabek, to iOS

I was going to wait to talk about this until I could actually release it, but it’s becoming unlikely that will happen.

A few months ago I built an and app for watching streams natively on your phone and tv. You could browse the directory, or add your own private servers that aren’t listed publicly. It would send you push notifications when your favorite streams went live and it all worked pretty well.

Apple has been unable to understand how the “rights” work in this case. I can’t get them to understand that people opt into the directory, and the Owncast project owns and runs the directory. Instead they see it as me “using content without rights” and “accessing a catalog without proper rights”. They asked me to provide the paperwork detailing the agreement I have with every Owncast server. Clearly that’s impossible. The number of servers that want to be public on the directory change every day, I couldn’t send them new documentation every day. I tried to explain that the directory is kind of like a search engine and the application is like a browser. A browser doesn’t have explicit rights to every webpage ever made, as that would be ridiculous. I also tried to compare it to a podcast client. A podcast client can play back any podcast without asking for permission, and there are tons of podcast directories.

They’ll approve the application if I don’t use the directory and don’t have any Owncast servers directly available from the application, however. But I’m not willing to do that as that kind of defeats the point of the convenience.

I contacted a handful of attorneys, and I was willing to fight this. I hoped if I could get an attorney to draft a document that explains, in legal terms, something that Apple’s legal team would understand it could be cleared up. But I haven’t been able to have a meaningful conversation with any of them, as none of them understand what I’m doing or aren’t interested in working with a non-corporate entity.

So I think this is dead, killed by Apple. I tried to build something cool for you all, as a side project, to make viewing Owncast streams more convenient. It’s just not going to happen and I feel bad about it.

Screenshot from the Owncasts iOS application showing the stream detail.
Screenshot from the Owncasts iOS application showing the stream detail menu.
Screenshot from the Owncasts iOS application showing an offline stream.
Screenshot from the Owncasts iOS application showing an in-app action.
Screenshot from the Owncasts iOS application showing the landscape full screen player.

feditips, to fediverse
@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

The Fediverse has its own Twitch-style livestreaming platform called OwnCast:

➡️ @owncast

You can find out more from its official website at https://owncast.online

Because it's part of the Fediverse, you can follow OwnCast accounts from Mastodon etc, and when they go live you will see a post in your timeline to let you know.

For example, the RetroStrangeTV livestream can be viewed at:

➡️ https://live.retrostrange.com

...and it can be followed at:

➡️ @rstv

radiofreefedi, to streaming
@radiofreefedi@musician.social avatar

The NYD 24 Global Stream Parade officially kicks off in les than an hour at 0100 UTC.

This will be our thread for announcing upcoming stops on the parade route which can be seen at: https://radiofreefedi.net/nyd24

We and the broadcasters will use if you want to keep an eye out, or mute for the day. Boost the participants and let's celebrate discovering some of your fedi streaming friends.

caos, (edited ) to fediverse German

Hallo Fediverse! Bitte um Rückmeldung + Ergänzungen: Übersichts-Tabelle mit Fediverse-Diensten, Vergleichsdiensten und Funktionen

Ich schreibe einen Artikel über den und in dem Rahmen natürlich auch über das . Zielgruppe sind Leute, die wahrscheinlich zum Großteil noch gar nix vom Fediverse gehört haben.
Dazu bin ich dabei, eine Tabelle zu erstellen, in der einige Fedi-Dienste sowie deren Haupt-/ besondere Funktionen aufgeführt werden sollen.

Das ist der derzeitige Entwurf:

"ähnlich wie..."
Ein Vergleich mit kommerziellen Plattformen ist natürlich immer nur zum Teil passend. Ich kenne auch keinen der kommerziellen Dienste aus eigener Erfahrung, aber für die avisierte Zielgruppe kann so ein Vergleich vielleicht trotzdem eine hilfreiche Orientierung sein. Vielleicht gibt es da aber auch Vergleiche, die passender sind. Einige Dienste (bspw. Medium, Podigee) kannte ich auch noch nicht mal vom Namen her, sondern habe das nur aus ähnlichen Vergleichstabellen übernommen.

Zu den "besonderen Funktionen":
Insbesondere Friendica, Firefish und v.a. Hubzilla haben so viele Funktionen, dass diese im Rahmen der Tabelle nur exemplarisch aufgeführt werden können und die Auswahl ist subjektiv. Hier wäre die Frage, ob das eine passende Auswahl ist, ob besonders wichtige fehlen oder ob andere Funktionen wichtiger oder besonderer sind.

Wenn Ihr also Anregungen oder Ergänzungen habt, gerne her damit! Danke!


SrRochardBunson, to fediverse

We don't need big tech.

Last night I watched 3 totally different live streams within 2 hours.

@venya walked us through the making of the albums including breaking down tracks on .

@luka & company transported me to a euro rave.

Then @teklynk was playing some crazy ass anime and having a fun chat.

We can do this. We don't fucking need them.

meljoann, to fediverse
@meljoann@topspicy.social avatar

music streamers!

On New Year's Day Parade, we were chatting how to find each other on the directory... Maybe using a tag, like this? https://directory.owncast.online/tags/bonk

Although I haven't YET submitted one of my many tracks to a comp, I like as a tag! What do yous think?

genebean, to fediverse
@genebean@fosstodon.org avatar

@errhead & @agates - I know you both do things with @peertube … what do you think about @owncast? I frequently see listed as a YouTube alternative and as a Twitch alternative. The latter is frequently mentioned as the best live streaming option that’s hooked into the but I see you all using PeerTube for this instead… thus my curiosity.

ArtBear, to fediverse

The isolated corporate "social" sites we used have competitors here in the but here they all interlock and share communities. A picture to help out our who may not be yet aware of the wider Fediverse of linked platforms and software.

deadsuperhero, to fediverse
@deadsuperhero@social.wedistribute.org avatar

I’m writing a brief guide for how to set up OBS to livestream with and . What questions do y’all have? What do you want to know about?

oskoo, to fediverse
@oskoo@mecha.garden avatar

Hello again #Fediverse, I may need your #fedihelp. So, here's a list of the Fediverse software I'm about to make temporary accounts for to test all the features and differences:


So, did I miss anything noteworthy? Does anyone have any tips or recommendations before I choose a server for any one of these? I'll probably be going for the most popular server on each for improved federation and maintenance.

Note: I'm using #Sharkey right now and Misskey forks are already overrepresented, so that's why it's not included.

fenarinarsa, to random French
@fenarinarsa@shelter.moe avatar

C'est l'heure du goûter ! Mais ne serait-ce pas aussi le bon moment pour regarder le replay (remonté et amélioré) du stream sur Mastodon, Misskey, Bluesky et tout ce qui gravite autour ?

J'explique et surtout... je montre les trucs et astuces 👀



atomicpoet, (edited ) to fediverse

This response from @owncast is befuddling.

Not once did I say that running Owncast is expensive. The server software itself isn’t costly to run, and doesn’t require much in the way of hardware specs.

I said that video is expensive. Which it typically is, especially compared to text, photos, audio, etc.

Now if @owncast knows of ways to save on the cost of video, I’m sure everyone would like to learn how. Because it’s not just me who’s concerned about the cost of video. It’s a whole lot of people who would be running an Owncast server but haven’t yet.

So tell me how to do it. If I’m streaming all my video games, I’d rather use than .

RE: https://fosstodon.org/users/owncast/statuses/110452997356582794

blake, to fediverse

Even though the shift is small, it's big enough. It's incredible watching the Fediverse grow; first with the Birdsite flocking to , and now with and growing in popularity (I only recently learned about Kbin)... this type of growth is enough to kickstart more people coming over here.

I'm looking forward to maybe joining sometime soon (oh, the memes you can see!), maybe some prominent Twitch people will try out , maybe I can get some of my family over here...

jebba, to PetBirds


The bird and wildlife cameras are up and running.

I'm testing Peertube, restreamer, Owncast and Icecast self-hosting.




Owncast stream 1:

Owncast stream 2:

The Owncast stream works with VLC/mpv, using:




didier, to fediverse
@didier@malenfant.net avatar

Now deep diving on the core boot sequence for the


feditips, to random
@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

A number of people have asked recently if there is livestreaming on the Fediverse.

Yes, there is!

The Fediverse has a dedicated livestreaming platform called @owncast. You can follow accounts from Mastodon etc and you will see posts from the accounts in your timeline when they start streaming.

Owncast has a built-in Twitch-style chat system which you can use either anonymously without logging in, or with an account from Mastodon etc.


owncast, to fediverse
@owncast@fosstodon.org avatar

Last month @gabek spoke to the attendees of @ubuntu Summit in Riga, Latvia, about Owncast and how live video streaming works.

I can’t promise it’s the most entertaining thing you’ll watch all day, but if you’re into , or even streaming video in general, you might get something from it.



venya, to reaper
@venya@musicians.today avatar

Alright, gotta test the new streaming setup () this week.

What would be at least marginally interesting?

Walking through making-of for some Salvation album tracks?

My workflow for making/recording lines using

Talking about my favorite books so far?

Pedal demos?

Playing along badly to my own bass lines that I forget 2 minutes after recording?

Just jamming along with some tunes? (Suggestions/permission solicited)

shom, to fediverse
@shom@fosstodon.org avatar

experts I'm having a difficult time finding information about how to host @owncast locally (as in do all the stream encoding) but serve it through a cheap VPS, so that I'm not exposing my residential IP address. Is that possible? I would appreciate any tips or links to resources.

I'm using a digital ocean droplet with the Owncast referral code but I won't be using it enough to justify ~$20/mo after the promotional credit runs out.

laurenshof, to fediverse

Twitch has officially announced that streamers on Twitch are now allowed to simultanously stream (simulcasting) to all other live platforms. They state that ‘We believe that you should have the freedom to decide which services you want to live stream on.’ The new policy comes with a few restrictions, such as making sure that the quality of the stream on Twitch is not lesser than on other platforms, and they are not allowed to advertise the other platforms on Twitch. Still, these changes will significantly increase options for streamers to experiment with other platforms such as YouTube.

Allowing simulcasting will likely also benefit open source fediverse streaming platform Owncast. Owncast allows you to completely self-host your streams, and connect them with the fediverse for easier social connections. The software itself is pretty great, but the platform does feature a lack of streamers actually using it. Most times when browsing the directory, the only streams listed are 24/7 music live streams. Allowing Twitch streamers to simulcast to Owncast is a first step, and it seems likely that a few more dedicated fediverse fans will use this opportunity. It is still a very long way away of mainstream appeal, but this new policy change does provide Owncast with an opportunity to get at least a few more streamers on board.


gabek, to fediverse

One of the most amazing things about the Fediverse is that you can run your own services and set your own rules, building something that represents what is important to you.

If you chose not to run your own software and services, and instead utilize services somebody else runs, it's unlikely you'll be 100% aligned with those who you rely on to run them for you. People are unique, and companies are... companies. It's impossible to be completely on the same page for everything. Therefore, you shouldn't be surprised when they decide not to offer you those services any longer for any reason they choose. Their house, their rules. They owe you nothing.

I've relied on botsin.space to host the @owncast account for a while, but I only recently noticed it's been reduced to a restricted account. Their house, their rules.

So my options are to run my own microblogging service for this single account, or take that functionality offline. If I run it, my service, my rules. But like anybody else, I have to weigh the pros and cons of running yet another service I need to maintain, and this time it's not personally worth it.

Hopefully, this bot has been helpful in sharing live streams to those who wouldn't have normally seen them.

While every server doesn't choose to be on the Fediverse, hopefully those who want to be shared with others decide to be. And if so, this bot isn't needed anymore, anyway.

chiefgyk3d, (edited ) to fediverse
@chiefgyk3d@social.chiefgyk3d.com avatar

The thing that frightens me about the is there is nothing stopping me from getting drunk one night and setting up an or and pretending to be Joe Rogan or Alex Jones and make a podcast. Like an immature 12 year old boy which I know I still am sometimes 🤣

jay, to Kubernetes
@jay@toot.zerojay.com avatar

Decided to sit down and try to learn despite the fact that I don't have any real need for it on my little home server. Still, it's been interesting and - I won't lie - a bit frustrating at times. It's very much like using a chainsaw to butter my bread for my use case, but I had a nice feeling of satisfaction when I succeeded in getting set up through it. I've had some odd issues with Docker failing to launch certain containers through containerd that I have not been able to figure out, however.

I was putting thought into maybe redoing my server setup with kubernetes but I sincerely worry that I'll run into this same containerd issue with some of my other apps.

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