StefanMuenz, to fediverse German avatar

[1/7] Mit dem Standard-Web-UI von Mastodon hab ichs einfach nicht so, und nutze es üblicherweise über alternative Web-Clients. Auch den bekanntesten davon, , habe ich schon verwendet. Lange Zeit jedoch am ehesten den Web-Client von . Jetzt aber steige ich gerade auf um, das unter erreichbar ist.

Wie bei anderen alternativen Web-Clients für Mastodon muss man auch dort erst mal seine Heimatinstanz eingeben, also, oder wie eben heißt. Dann muss man noch die Erlaubnis erteilen, dass der Client die im Browser aktive Anmeldung bei der Heimatinstanz nutzen darf. Somit kann der Client die API der Heimatinstanz genauso nutzen wie der Web-Client der Heimatinstanz selber.

Obwohl sie auf die gleichen Daten via API zugreifen, können alternative Web-Clients diese Daten durchaus anders aufbereiten. Phanpy strengt sich dabei besonders an. Nachfolgend ein paar Beispiele:

nicksalt, to fediverse avatar


I'm piloting this today at Fishguard Soap Box Derby. That's today's fun sorted 😁😂

deep, to fediverse avatar

@mkljczk dwie rzeczy nie pilne ale przeszkadzające w codziennym używaniu i sugestia poprawki ->

  • ikona edycji posta w mobilnym gdy już się edytuje / pisze powinna zniknąć, gdyż zasłania obszar edycji.
  • Druga rzecz też mobilne. Przy dłuższych postach dodanie ikony jest niemożliwe, ponieważ pole wyboru ikon wykracza poza obszar ekranu.

nie sprawdzałem czy jest to zgłoszone do poprawki... rzucam.

atomicpoet, to mastodon avatar

ANNOUNCEMENT: The world’s first general purpose server is here!

With great excitement, is open for registrations!

Akkomane is an alternative to and that provides incredible stability with a beautiful and futuristic Twitter-like front-end for the .

I have launched to demonstrate this software’s unique capabilities.

Currently, I’m capping memberships to 20 people (not bots). While membership preference is given to those who’d like to build and maintain an Akkomane server, everyone is welcome to apply! More membership slots will be available in the coming weeks.

To sign up for, visit here:



tassoman, avatar

Well, it's just a fork of @soapbox frontend

filippodb, (edited ) to fediverse Italian avatar è il social di Donald Trump, se assomiglia molto ai social del fediverso è proprio perchè usa il codice di mastodon e non solo, l'interfaccia usata è quella di , usata da molte istanze, questa scelta perchè l'autore Alex Gleason lavorava proprio per Trump!! Ora è ingaggiato da Jack Dorsey per lavorare a Nostr:

E chi sta facendo il bridge Mostr per unire Nostr a Mastodon? Ma proprio il nostro Alex Gleason!


kubikpixel, (edited ) to fediverse German avatar


  • Loading...
  • c,

    @kubikpixel Alex Gleason ist der Gründer und CEO von #Soapbox. Er hat Soapbox für Donald Trump angepasst und so die rechtsextreme Plattform #TruthSocial aufgebaut.

    Wenn das für dich wie eine gute Empfehlung klingt, habe ich ein Problem mit dir.

    youronlyone, to fediverse avatar

    The family of services:

    Theme: single-letter domain name.

    1: — a Mastodon software instance. ()
    2: — a Rebased+Soapbox (fork of Pleroma with Soapbox frontend) software instance. (microblogging)
    3: — a PeerTube software instance. ( hosting)
    4: — a Lemmy software instance. ()

    Inspired by

    notizie, (edited ) to fediverso Italian

    Poliverso è un progetto indipendente per mettere a disposizione modi alternativi di usare il Fediverso. Ecco i motivi per cui è importante sostenerlo. Anche se sei un utente di altre istanze

    Il progetto Poliverso, da cui nasce lo stesso progetto, è stato creato per mettere a disposizione degli utenti italiani un'intera istanza basata su Friendica, che non è solo la più completa alternativa a Facebook, ma è anche il software più potente per l'esplorazione del Fediverso!

    Con puoi interagire con tutti i profili delle Fediverso, ma puoi anche collegare il tuo account Bluesky; a differenza di Mastodon puoi scrivere post lunghi con il testo formattato e le immagini in linea, ma puoi anche creare eventi o interagire con gli eventi di Mobilizon, seguire il feed RSS di altri siti web o addirittura di canali telegram e puoi impostarne anche la pubblicazione automatica dal tuo profilo.
    Con Friendica è possibile anche creare utenti di servizio gestiti da uno staff di più utenti ognuno con un proprio account.
    Infine è possibile creare gruppi del Fediverso, come i gruppi Facebook, ossia degli account che quando vengono menzionati ricondividono automaticamente il post pubblicato, cosicché venga visto da tutti gli utenti (utenti di tutto il fediverso!) che seguono quel gruppo.

    Ma il progetto Poliverso non si ferma qui: insieme al blog abbiamo aperto, la prima istanza italiana basata su Lemmy, un'alternativa a reddit perfettamente federata con il resto del Fediverso.
    Su puoi scegliere una delle tante comunità tematiche presenti e aprire un nuovo thread, come su un subreddit, e segnalare o commentare i link di articoli di giornale o di post interessanti, visualizzandoli in un interfaccia che ricorda quella di un forum. non è soltanto uno spazio a disposizione dei suoi utenti, ma tutti coloro che dispongono di un account Mastodon, Friendica, Pleroma, Misskey o Pixelfed [b]possono aprire un nuovo thread (anche dal tuo blog WordPress!) creando un nuovo post e menzionando la comunità di proprio interesse![/b]

    E questo è esattamente quello che abbiamo fatto con questo post che è stato creato da Friendica, menzionando l'account Lemmy @fediverso e che può essere visualizzato nella relativa comunità.

    Il terzo progetto di Poliverso è costituito da, la prima istanza Mastodon in Italia dedicata al mondo dell'università e della ricerca ma anche a quello del giornalismo. Se sei un ricercatore, uno studente, un giornalista o se semplicemente sei interessato a questi temi, poi iscriverti e partecipare alle discussioni.

    **Poliverso vuole essere un servizio non solo per i suoi utenti ma per tutto il Fediverso italiano, grazie agli account di informazione di Poliverso (come il nostro bollettino sul Fediverso, la rassegna sulla Cybersecurity, quella sulla Privacy e quella sulle notizie dei Pirati internazionali), i gruppi Friendica e le comunità Lemmy.
    Per questo motivo, saremmo molto lieti di ricevere un contributo anche da parte di utenti italiani di altre istanze, italiane e straniere. Se vuoi contribuire al progetto Poliverso, puoi fare una donazione su questi due canali di raccolta:

    1. Ko-fi
    2. Liberapay**

    Se invece vuoi contribuire in maniera specifica al solo progetto, puoi offrire un contributo economico di sostegno al manutenzione dei server a questa pagina Liberapay

    Grazie di cuore ❤


    Effettivamente per un pò ho utilizzato #soapbox per visualizzare il mio account #friendica in #poliverso per beneficiare di una grafica migliore. Ovviamente con le dovute e tante limitazioni.

    Se riuscite ad ottimizzare soapbox per friendica fate una gran cosa!

    Per gli utilizzatori di friendica segnalo inoltre l'app #Relatica attualmente in beta.

    cliffwade, to Vivaldi avatar

    This is awesome to see right here! @Vivaldi has added new themes to their Mastodon instance.

    Those themes include BirdUI by @rolle and Tangerine UI by @nileane

    realcaseyrollins, avatar

    @cliffwade @Vivaldi @rolle @nileane Why does the screenshot look so much like ?

    youronlyone, to japanese avatar

    It looks like the made platform is soon to take over in the number of forks.


    As an myself, I'm happy to see that ideas, developers, and software from are going mainstream. There are a lot of things the West, and the world for that matter, can learn from Japan.

    Not only from the Japanese, to be exact, even from made software. I talked about last year how created its own Internet culture that not even and can compete with. (See: 's amazing interconnected platforms; what Google would have been if they had a vision.)

    youronlyone, avatar

    A bit related to the original post, regarding Japanese-made software/platform.

    If I am not mistaken, is also a Fediverse software from by a developer.


    Pleroma itself also have a lot of forks, though not as much as and . One such is .

    You can give the Rebased fork a try over at featuring the frontend. ( that the Soapbox frontend originally started as a custom frontend for Mastodon?)

    user8e8f87c, to mastodon German avatar

    Kennt Ihr ?

    Wenn so aussehen würde, hätte es sich vielleicht durchgesetzt. Ich habe vorher benutzt, aber ist noch schicker.

    notesnook, to fediverse

    Asking all the #activitypub and #mastodon #fediverse experts:

    Would it make sense for Notesnook to be able to publish notes to ActivityPub? Is that a right use case for it or would it require hacks? What would be the best way to approach/implement this?

    From a very quick research, it'd require a self hosted fediverse compatible server. Users would have to sign up or their accounts would need to be created there.

    What then?



    Thank you for putting out that query - short answer is...

    Yes. You definitely have a use case here, but first, being just a little familiar with your product I'd like to welcome you to the #Fediverse even though your arrival coincided with the November Rain phenomenon that was much todo about nothing, and in the end, most Twitugees simply returned there after creating accounts here - I'm glad you stuck around! You're product is FOSS, and this is a #FOSS world here in the Fediverse, so it makes sense, this being your natural home and where people can expect to find you :)

    Ever since I decided to ditch the proprietary Evernote, I've been using a #Vim Plugin that uploads my buffer to a Gist in an easy peasy way - it would be really kewl if I had a way to send (encrypted or unencrypted) notes to myself as a Fediverse DM, or share some of them with a select group of others in such a manner - Maybe (if it's textual in nature) actual clips I've saved. The graphics, well, if they are uploaded as a graphic that will work too, and they can even be sent to #Pixelfed accounts (if there is a graphics or movie file).

    So, you're concerned about having to setup a centralized server or something that your userbase can be recognized on or something? Perhaps like a relay of sorts? I don't think that's the way to go actually. It sounds like a lot of heartache that might not even surivive beyond the intial proof of concept is rolled out - Spam being just one reason that makes the likelihood of failure a distinct possibility.

    Here's what I think you can try doing, and it will alleviate any grandiose plans you may have been kicking around - Keep it in the client. A feature mechanism that either lets you clip and post it as an #ActivityPub NOTE to a user's actual instance (server) where they already have an account - You can collect the user's Fediverse account credentials and use that to post to their own existing account - no additional infrastructure is required on your part.

    Those posts can be a single post to oneself (a private Fediverse DM to themselves) or it can include a list of recipients - just like any other post you can make.

    This will also afford you the absolute maximum in #Spam_control too! You don't have to accept any registrations obo your Fediverse features - you're merely allowing people with existing Fediverse accounts to enter their credentials into your client and then your users make the decision as to whether they want to use your existing store or their Fediverse account to publish the clips to their stores there.

    Since you've been around here for a while now, I'm sure you've realized how severely limited mastodon is when it comes to ways you can exploit the existing capabilities in the Fediverse - I've already mentioned Pixelfed, but there's a lot of other platforms that support HTTP signatures necessary for backfills and e2ee constructs; the support for BBCode and/or Markdown; post containing text with character counts greater than the paltry 500 characters that masto can muster, #LaTEX (actually, only Misskey and Firefish support that at this time AFAIK); local only posts (shared only with those who have accounts on the same instance), and a host of other unsupported features in masopub.

    I appreciate that you made the effort to address this as an ActivityPub and Fediverse capability, and not simply, "yet another mastodon branded feature". Especially when mastodon won't be able to take advantage of many of the advanced features you already offer that other more capable Fediverse platforms can make use of :)

    Platforms like #Friendica, #Firefish, #Mitra, #Hubzilla, #SocialHome, #Soapbox, #Peertube, Pleroma, #Epicyon, #Castopod, #WriteFreely, #Quanta, #Drupal and even #WordPress - those latter three have potentially, especially ambitious use cases with clips and notes being able to be actually published on platforms already built for long form or 'blobs' to be pushed to them. Hubzilla, #Streams, and Friendica have special features to accommodate your products notes too :)

    If you focus on adding support for people to enter their Fediverse account credentials, or multiple accounts like #Takahe and #Fedilab and #Misskey support, Then those are the servers you need right there! The spam problem remains as it is with the particular instances, since they control the new account registrations.

    There's also the rapid adoption of #smolweb and single-user focused Fediverse platforms too, such as:

    • MicroBlogPub
    • Tapir
    • Bovine
    • And of course, any platform, now matter how heavy or resource intensive can be deployed as a smolweb or single-user instance (even the klunky kludgey mastodon). And speaking of which, there are several popular forks that don't have these limitations that are very popular like #Hometown and #Glitch-soc, Etc.

    There may even be some use cases for #Lemmy and #Kbin too, as link/discussion boards too - perhaps posting from a users vault/store to those platforms? There's a lot of different possibilities but ActivityPub can open up a huge market for you while at the same time Fediverse is exposed to large numbers of people who will discover that they too may have a good use case to adopt for themselves a Fediverse account :)

    tl;dr: Basically, yes! there's a huge use case for your thoughts there - and if you're reading this on a Mitra, #Pleroma, Soapbox, #Akkoma, Firefish, Friendica, Hubzilla, or Misskey server, you'll see some very pretty formatting in Markdown - if you're reading this on a regular mastodon server (not one of the really good and popular forks), then... not so much - but at least mastodon does degrade Markdown and HTML somewhat gracefully :)

    Well I hope that helps and do feel free to reach out to me via my contact methods listed in my profile or in the Fediverse-City Matrix room, and I'm sure that we can get a few of some of the more prominent Fediverse platform devs to round-table with you for some wire framing sessions.

    I'm confident that you'll find a lot of support in your endeavor to achieve this initiative.

    Well I hope that helps. Enjoy!

    #tallship #Notesnook #Federation


    attached: Fediverse logo in gummy bear jelly colors

    mk2, to fediverse French

    Y a-t-il des admins Pleroma / Soapbox / Akkoma qui peuvent me confirmer si l'on peut empêcher l'indexage des moteurs de recherche comme le fait Masto ?


    reiver, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

    🚨 POLL 🚨

    Have you tried Soapbox before?

    Soapbox is an alternative front-end for Mastodon, Pleroma, and I assume also AKkoma.

    (Also, if you have any thoughts about Soapbox, please (also) leave your thoughts about it in the comments.)

    jerrylevine, to fediverse

    I have been liberally 7-day muting people the past few days. It's one thing to share your opinion about a topic, it's another thing to just make shit up.

    There's already enough crap out there. Take a few minutes to cut through the BS. You might just save someone's life.


    alex, to random avatar

    سبحان الله للشبكة الاجتماعية اللامركزية

    realcaseyrollins, avatar

    @alex Is translation working yet on ?

    realcaseyrollins, to fediverse avatar

    @alex I haven’t had enough time to A/B test, but have you noticed anything funky with the compose section in the ? Specifically when typing or pasting

    olmitch, to fediverse

    @alex , you absolutely overachieving motherfucker. That is a nice touch.


    apps, to mastodon avatar

    Extra-features (disabled by default) is somewhat confusing in .
    This option allows to enable features that doesn't support (quotes, reactions, submit messages in a specific format, etc.)
    But softwares like , , , don't support (currently) same features.

    We plan to use to automatically enable features depending on the user's instance (ie: software).


    has proven invaluable to me and also many of the public Fediverse databases, for example, with things like:

    • The particular MRF settings implemented for a particular instance
    • Fingerprinting exactly which platform and version is being examined
    • How many local users have accounts on the instance
    • Average number of posts in various different perspectives - total, per user, this period, Etc.
    • Whether or not the instance is operated by Good, sharing Fedizens or people that choose not to disclose.

    A for this can go a long way toward stabilizing this defacto standard as dejure.

    's commitment to support the most popular platforms such as , , , , , , , , , and other, unnofficially supported platforms like is commendable, and Nodeinfo is a great way to enter into the foray of deterministically providing the users with that support.

    It also encourages instance operators to make this information public - as it should be in almost all cases.



    Attached: Fedilab Logo - standard.

    SynAck, to Batman avatar

    RE: my previous post about The Flash:

    Another thing I wish that Hollywood would do regarding is just pick a genre of Batman and stick with it, you know?

    I mean, there are so many:

    • Burton-era garish art deco noir vision
    • Nolan-era gritty near-future Gotham
    • campy absurdist versions (‘60s Adam West or Kilmer/Clooney but-the-Batsuit-has-NIPPLES! and Bat Shark Repellant)
    • dark and vaguely scary Batman the Animated Series version
    • most recent Reeves-era brooding Arkham Asylum dark detective (now with 50% more emo!)

    I mean, just pick one! They can’t all be canon, and this is what happens when every generation’s up-and-coming action director is given a crack at telling the same damn story over, and over, and over again. It devalues the whole thing and makes silly retcons like The Flash necessary to bring them all together.

    Look, I know that actors change and age out. But at least pick a constant genre to operate within regardless of who is playing Bruce Wayne this week. It will make things so much better for everyone because there’s consistency there.

    This is what happens when you make movies from books that have been written by tens or hundreds of different authors over the span of 80 years. Hey Hollywood, you don’t have to duplicate every single one of those stories and genres!

    sesivany, to mastodon avatar

    A very interesting in-debt article on how they built a instance that scales better than itself.

    get, to fediverse avatar

    transparent gleeson

    slcw, to fediverse avatar

    What a disgusting and completely unnecessary remark by Mike . He's clearly trying imply he's a better than President because of the different life choices and pressures faced by Biden, all but patting himself on the back as he kicks sand in the 's face. Remember this the next time Mike climbs up onto his to lecture everyone about what a great he is.

    RL_Dane, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

    When people are getting PhDs that have no intention to teach or do research, PhDs are just another worthless job certification.

    P.S., The "D" in PhD is for "Doctor" and doctor means teacher.

    P.P.S. Clarification: I'm not referring to those who are unable to work in academia, or even those who are wanting to get a PhD to be a subject expert in their field outside of academia.

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