

2014 paper: "Inductive Representations of graphs" by @jelabra building on M. Erwig's 2001 paper on Inductive Graphs.
They wrote a implementation
and a one
There is an interesting note on the Scala page regarding banana-rdf.

> Banana-RDF contains a more general library to work with RDF from Scala. It allows different underlying implementations like Jena and Sesame. A long term project will be to unify our work with that library.

I was actually just looking to see how I could update the pure Scala implementation to
and after following links to Quiver a Scala library for Graphs based on Erwig's original paper very well described here


@hochstenbach @josd
Thinking about this it feels like graph blank nodes which in n3 are written { } should have their own type when translated to something like NQuads. As an illustration let us say that the translation of
Alice :says { :Bob :says "hello"}
to an nquads like language is:

Alice says _:g .  
:Bob says "hello" _:g .  

How would a parser looking at :Alice :says _:g know that this _:g is a graph and that therefore it should look in the fourth column to find the set of triples that correspond to it? For very large graphs where the interpreter does not know the meaning of :says, this would mean it would need to search both the graph for that blank node and the quad column.

josd, avatar

@bblfish @hochstenbach that's one of the reasons why the eye reasoner works with graph terms and not with quads.

nosherwan, (edited ) avatar

🔭 :typescript: :javascript:
Astro Survey:

What Type of component library would you use with Astro, knowing that it allows one to use standard HTML web components out of the box?

And the others you have to add as integrations.

Boosts appreciated. 🙏🏼

trevdev, avatar

@nosherwan I thought perhaps you were referring to the "shadow dom"

nosherwan, avatar

@trevdev well web components is a collection of features that browsers implement that does include shadow dom:

However you dont have to use it.

nuddlegg, avatar

Being faced with bad code people tend to blame more the programming language than the devs that wrote the code.

mjgardner, (edited ) avatar

@nuddlegg blaming languages for bad code are just bad devs recognizing other bad devs

nuddlegg, avatar

@clf @mjgardner

Oop is available in since the beginning of forever.

Part of the core language. No addons required. Simple, true. Hash based, true. Far from perfect, true. Yet scales well even for large systems. Decent enough and just sitting there for people to write well structured code with it.

And that's the main reason for oop in the first place.

Refusing to structure code well or not is more of a dev's personal choice ... independent of the tools at hand.

mjgardner, avatar

We will eventually have a local package repo cache, but not today.

( excuse via

mjgardner, avatar

If someone introduces themself to me here by calling me names in a thread that isn’t even addressed to them, you’d better believe I’m going to block them so that we don’t darken each others’ feeds any more than necessary.

GreenSkyOverMe, avatar

@mjgardner What would have been the kinder way to make the point, what would that look like?

jhx, (edited ) avatar

How many languages do you guys/gals code in? 🙂

(Comment your desired languages if possible)

rasmus91, (edited ) avatar

@jhx I program in Typescript, Python, Bash, Vala a tiny bit of C every now and then, and im trying to get into Rust.

But i have also used Java lightly.

Powershell and C# extensively.

And C++ a tiny bit.

Forgot SQL

bluGill avatar

@jhx bash, Python, Cmake, C++ come to mind as ones I.use regularly. I'm thinking about rust or ada as well, but hard to a fit them into a working system.

parcifal, avatar

Day 2 of "Secure Development" training, what will I learn today that will keep me up at night? 🤔😅

anderseknert, avatar

@parcifal lol, is Maestro still a thing anywhere outside of NL?

parcifal, avatar

@anderseknert thankfully, I can seem to use my cards outside of NL 😅 but it's always a concern when I go abroad

arda, avatar

Brain gymnastics: Which approach would work faster? And why?

arda, avatar

@teodorsandu You actually benched this? Thanks, that's awesome!

I also wonder how the results would change if the compared fields (['key1', 'key2'] part) is huge.

teodorsandu, avatar

@arda not exactly, i just added an equivalent, simplified version to the existing test i linked earlier. There's a Fork button you can use to add you own test cases.

astrojuanlu, avatar

Just prepared a lightning talk for in 1 minute: 3 tips to enjoy writing documentation!

0️⃣ Love @readthedocs
1️⃣ Follow the Diàtaxis framework (and never mix explanations and tutorials!)
2️⃣ You can use the second person, it's fine
3️⃣ You don't need reStructuredText anymore, write Markdown in Sphinx using MyST



@astrojuanlu That said, I’m aware of how many documentarians are big fans of Diátaxis. Even within my org, different docs teams are moving toward Diátaxis even as my team has moved away from it. It has a lot of weight in the tech writing industry.

Maybe it works well for a subset of docs users, and my team’s docs audience isn’t among that subset?

polarweasel, avatar

@dachary @astrojuanlu My last job was at another database company, and I got much the same feedback as Dachary. Previously, I’ve had mixed results with separation of concerns. I think the ad-related brain training is a very interesting theory here.

lispi314, avatar
General thoughts: The swap issue is part of why you're supposed to mlock or mlockall your program. It prevents that.

Hibernation still causes issues though, as the manpage for mlock mentions the system's memory will still be copied to swap. Encrypted swap helps against external recovery, but any program with sufficient permissions to read from arbitrary block devices can just crawl it.

lispi314, avatar

@dekkzz76 I'm not sure if swap gets targeted by that like other mounted filesystems do.

I have no machine with which to test it at the moment.

You could test it simply by seeing if "fstrim -va" does it or not.

dekkzz76, avatar


no it does not, looked at that when ssd drives stopped coming provisioned

chumii, German daran bastel ich gerade

bis jetzt ist noch nicht mal das UI selber fertig, aber ich bin fleißig dran.

Das wird meine eigene persönliche Implementierung vom mit den default-Farben als Rosa-tönen natürlich.

Ich bemühe mich, es komplett plattform-unabhängig zu basteln!

Macht mir gerade richtig viel Spaß ❤️
#cpp #qt #qt6 #girldev

MagicLike, avatar

@chumii Völliger Quatsch! ☝️


@chumii ach Quatsch

hugovk, avatar

Calling all library maintainers! 🐍

Python 3.12 is in beta! 🎉

This means no new features are allowed in and it's now time to start testing your code. You might find things in your code to fix, or even better, you might find things to fix in Python itself!

Here's how to do it:

felixxm, avatar

@hugovk Django checked ✅

kushal, avatar

@hugovk Sadly not yet in CircleCI, maybe I should move everything actions.

brainwane, avatar

4 years ago, I listed some "missing stories in art about programming".

2023 has announced that they're seeking short films.

I hope some enthusiasts will use this opportunity to make new art that reflects the emotional experience of making technology.

brainwane, avatar

What does healthy disagreement look like? Many of us have never experienced healthy conflict at work, and so assume our only options are to either avoid conflict or have a nasty fight. But it doesn't have to be that way: professional disagreement can be direct without being nasty.

We want to show what that looks like.

"Argument Clinic: What Healthy Professional Conflict Looks Like": 5pm MT today. A play featuring me and @jacob with help from @K_REY_C .

brainwane, avatar

Conflict at work is inevitable; the answer is neither to stifle it nor to let hostility decide a winner.

What skills can you use to engage in GOOD conflict at work?

@jacob, @K_REY_C, & I demonstrate those skills in the 30-min. play "Argument Clinic: What Healthy Professional Conflict Looks Like", 5pm MT today at . Room 355ABC.

No Python knowledge needed; you'll understand this if you've ever worked at a job with other people.

AmenZwa, avatar

It's hard for a guy, like me, who grew up on electronics and assembly language to understand the reticence of today's embedded to use the C language.

It would, of course, be foolhardy to use C to implement modern web-based enterprise applications. But embedded systems is emphatically the province and domain of the C programming language.

systems are well defined, well designed, logical (reasonable), and small—nature demands so. You know, like the original AT&T , for which, and on which, C was created. No other language is better suited for modern embedded programming than this five-decade-old, simple language.

dekkzz76, avatar


OK got that now ;)

AmenZwa, avatar

@dekkzz76 Our industry needs consistent nomenclature.

thgs, avatar

What is a programming blog of preference that you keep reading and would recommend ?

#programming #blog #technical

scathach, avatar

@thgs Definitely check out Justine Tunney's work as well

thgs, avatar


Yea I have come across their work before

I found the really portable executable very inspirational.

I think those days I came across their work from my exploration of what is possible in the terminal.

nitrogenez, Ukrainian

There it is.

inspired application packaging format for .

I finnaly come up with a nice and clean format, and will publish these docs when all of the job will be done.

For running cuteOS app bundles I've made a little program in called "cute-exec". That will parse the app.json file, locate the executable, and run it.

It'll be better in the future, with bundle scan and bundle verification support.

app.json description coming soon.


@nitrogenez So let it be just "Linux" 🙂

Crell, avatar

1 does not mean true.
0 does not mean false.

That is a 50 year old hack in #C that we have not managed to escape yet; it's even inconsistent. (Unix error codes are the other way around.) It's high time we moved on.

Crell, avatar

@thalian That is true in C. It is not true in the abstract. C is not the definition of good type modeling.

itsjoshbruce, avatar

@Crell: Yeah, no. Or...1, 0

joaofbantunes, avatar

Look at what arrived in the mail 🙂
"C# For Babies", by some great folks from

khalidabuhakmeh, avatar

@dc Boooooooooo! I WILL WIN!

csnetprogrammer, avatar

@khalidabuhakmeh @dc
So your new campaign is for D'Net to replace .net? :P

nixCraft, (edited ) avatar

Poll: Do you do coding with or without music?


@nixCraft Unfortunately, the older I get, I have developed the attention span of a gnat, so I can't have noise around me any longer when I do any coding or even reading at this point.

logickinlambda, avatar

@nixCraft It is such a journey to coding with

keithjgrant, avatar

Why is @scope different than Shadow DOM? There are a number of similarities, but a couple things make @scope different:

  • it's more lightweight, so it's easy to sprinkle onto the page where Shadow DOM would be overkill
  • it allows for multiple scopes to overlap and provides control over styles when they do
  • it offers fine-grained control over which styles do or do not reach from an outer scope into an inner one

sarajw, avatar

@heydon @mia @keithjgrant Maybe bring in other languages, 'bis' from German here would be perfect 😅

stubbornella, avatar

@mia @heydon @keithjgrant I was just about to say the same thing :)


Having a lot of fun building a programming language! :D

a little snippet of code written in oki: let a = 21; print <- a * 2;


I suppose it's main point is bringing some of the ideas of smalltalk together with a bunch of ideas of functional languages as well.

But really I'm just playing around with it :D

@gregorni @_benui

array, avatar

@fkinoshita @gregorni @_benui If you are looking for being close to Smalltalk core concepts, such as "all values are objects" (so no "primitives", as in Java), and even classes are objects, then maybe Crystal could give you some ideas, as it is engineered just like that. It has other interesting concepts on it which come from other sources too, IMO. Oh, and Nim is another language with very cool ideas on it. :)

mjgardner, (edited ) avatar

Let’s have some chaos in the ranks this Monday morning.

How many spaces does your text editor or IDE use to display each level of code indentation?
[edited to emphasize display because apparently coders don't read too well and are replying about tab characters saved in files]

wordshaper, avatar

@mjgardner @aprzn I am now tempted to actually implement this when I’m done with vacation and slip it into the company shared .emacs file.

bluGill avatar

@mjgardner those better be the same thing: I often manually format tables/structs in code assuming a monospace font. My code will only make sense when the IDE doesn't mess up my formatting.

gregorni, avatar

I'm interested in seeing where Helix will go in the future.

gregorni, avatar

@mo8it How easy/hard is it for you, switching between Vim and Helix motions? If thrown into a Vim-style editor, do you still get on, or does it completely mess you up?


mo8it, avatar

@gregorni @vinbiodiesel I need to use Vi(m) on some servers, but these are just a few changes. You will never be productive on a machine without your editor and config, even if you use (Neo)Vim. Because your plugins and custom keybindings would be missing.

So yes, I recommend learning the Vim keybindings for Linux server adminstration, but you don't have to use that editor on your main machine just to be slightly more productive when editing some config files on some server.

parcifal, avatar

Hello! 👋

Potentially silly question, are automatically generated? or partially?

How should I tackle this?



@shaedrich @parcifal this is way too much for me. I'd rather create templates to fill pull requests and parse those than having each commit with this madness.

parcifal, avatar

@alombarte @shaedrich I saw this a while back and thought it was funny I could imagine someone sat there going through all the emojis wondering what the hell was going on, 😂


oblomov, avatar

I have a question for people with better theoretical background on and especially for developers.

Is the following pattern known and does it have a name?

I have a number of classes (call them C1, C2, etc) that all derive from the same class B. I have a superclass (template, actually) D that derives from C1, C2 etc. To have a single B, the standard solution is to go with virtual inheritance to close the diamond (so far, so good).


omalley, avatar

@oblomov most of the newer languages (eg. or ) don’t support inheritance between classes/structs. They only support implementation of traits, which only define interface and not implementation. In general, using inheritance for implementation reuse is brittle and I like to avoid it.

oblomov, avatar

@omalley as interesting this may be, it's not really what I was asking about 8-D

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