Debian — The Universal Operating System

ben, avatar

It was an insane idea for to strip things out of like that and especially to that extent.

Stripping out network comms, I can sort of understand. But stripping support for browser integration? Madness.

IMO, the upstream maintainer was right when they said they should have created keepassxc-min instead.

None of that, though, excuses the subsequent pile-on.

crepererum, avatar

@ben Uh, didn't know that they had different plans in 2021. I was mostly referring to this post from 2022 (they seemed to have changed their PoV fast):

ben, avatar

@crepererum Wow, less than a year!

I can totally see their point though - it's essentially an example of the difficulties people used to have with long-term stable distros like CentOS, at some point you want to be able to use newer deps without breaking a chunk of your users

Willy_Wuff, German avatar

Momentan steigert sich meine Begeisterung von .
Nicht nur das nach der Installation einfach alles funktionierte, inklusive SambaServer und Ordner Freigabe im Netz, ich alles gefunden habe das ich unter Distributionen gewohnt bin.
BigLinux basiert auf Arch, nicht Debian.
Hier finde ich viele Programme, die es unter Debian nicht oder nicht mehr gibt.

Mal weiter stöbern mit BigLinux könnte Arch Debian bei mir den Rang ablaufen :-)

Willy_Wuff, avatar

@mina das ist es was mich an Big Linux so begeistert.
Alles was gehen muss funktioniert, das experimentieren hält sich verschärft in Grenzen.
Mit dem Big Store hab ich nen Paketmanager der unterschiedliche repositoris verwaltet.
Wenn nen Programm warum auch immer aus dem "Heimischen" nicht funktioniert hat er es in ein zwei Varianten im Aur .
Das Experiment beschränkt sich aufs ausprobieren welche Version funktioniert :-)

mina, avatar


Ja. Ist schon cool.

uhuru, avatar

Any idea why greek accents aren't working in latest message editor?
As a workaround, using autocorrection after writing message.

Problem is thunderbird specific, every other app in system works as expected.

Fully upgraded sid version.
Also tried v125 from experimental, same issue.


uhuru, avatar

@thunderbird so problem seems to happen in existing thunderbird profile..

no such issue with a new profile...
any hints how to fix existing profile?

btw, starting TB with --safe-mode doesn't help.

thunderbird, avatar

@uhuru Thanks for letting us know -safe-mode didn't help. We've looked for a possible solution but this isn't an easy problem or one that's been asked. It could be the particular Greek font, but we'd recommend filing a support issue on

minioctt, Italian

Per oggi avrei dovuto cacciare la soluzione di emulazione finalizzata per i giochi Windows [esenti da requisiti hardware irrealistici] con v86… ma a quanto pare è un po’ impegnativo, devo implementare almeno un’altra hack per soddisfare i requisti essenziali. Però, nel frattempo Boxedwine è rimasto un pensiero fisso, soprattutto dopo avaver constatato che la versione nativa su Windows e Linux funziona e basta: è praticamente plug-and-play con tutti i giochi che sono risaputi funzionare, al contrario del Wine “essenziale” proveniente da upstream o da una distro qualsiasi. 📦

Touhou 6 su Boxedwine per Windows mi è partito, e con una versione (la 5.0 almeno) gira pure bene, ci ho potuto giocare (anche se le ventole del portatile sono volate nel processo). Non credo che adesso magicamente riuscirò a farlo andare sulla versione web, perché c’è un inghippo: il giochino partiva con l’impostazione della grafica nativa, ma non se impostata su quella emulata (che credo sia l’unica utilizzabile nel browser), ma già è qualcosa: il vino inscatolato potrebbe tornarci utile quantomeno per creare repack di giochi che, con un singolo file che parte sia su Windows che su Linux, si giocano e basta senza alcun imprevisto dei soliti del gaming PC… 🦜

Però allora ho pensato: se quello che cambia tra build nativa e web di Boxedwine è solo il codice macchina dell’emulatore (e le sue chiamate all’API host), che però esegue sempre le stesse robe precise al suo interno, com’è che escono fuori quegli strani problemi di compatibilità, tipo il fatto che Wine 5.0 non parte sul browser? La risposta è: il 5.0 che ho provato io non è lo stesso che scarica la versione desktop. Questo è saltato fuori dopo che ho provato a far partire quello da web, e in effetti non crasha come l’altro giorno! E, addirittura, ci gira il 6.0, che nemmeno credevo fosse supportato! Detto in modo diverso: questo progetto è mantenuto un po’ a culo da quello che vedo, ci sono diversi download nominalmente equivalenti sulle diverse pagine ufficiali, sia di questi filesystem Wine che dell’emulatore in sé (ma per quello non c’è dubbio che la versione migliore sia quella dal Jenkins). 🧬 fare tutte le prove possibili voglio ora avere sotto mano tutte le versioni dei rootfs che trovo, varie impostazioni di emulazione, e il caricamento immediato di applicazioni diverse, quindi ho iniziato a tirare su questo wrapper per la versione HTML; modificare file di configurazione o parametri URL ogni minuto era diventato doloroso, e la UX del launcher PC è scomodissima. Per ora è sul server casalingo, perché così posso applicare al volo modifiche ai file, ma se dovessi mettere troppe app e finire lo spazio allora creerò una repo Git. Boxedwine desktop offriva per il download anche queste tante altre versioni, quindi le ho messe… ma alcune sembrano ugualmente rognose (tra cui le 1.x, ironicamente), quindi indagherò meglio. Per il lago d’uria: 💦


o emulador de linux que executa o wine!!!

ManyRoads, avatar

For those who like to do 'stuff' (perform tasks) via scripts, here is a ditty I just published on a Forum LiliDog (Debian based).

This script is designed to clean & update my Debian Sid base.

It may be helpful or simply prove how little I actually know. 😜

#Debian #Bash #Scripts #Technology #News #Sid

tripplehelix, avatar

@ManyRoads Here's mine ;) Been evolving it for a while. Might add back nala/aptitude support.

tripplehelix, avatar

in the package has been sat at V0.12.2-2 for almost a year now. The latest version is stuck in the packages. I build alacritty myself using cargo crates and have had no issues with V0.13. I'm guessing it's the switch from YAML to TOML for the config that's the issue. But surely you can create a script to convert this? Poor stable is still at V0.11 :loading: .

tripplehelix, avatar

@kura I like laying the separate windows over each other when working in multiple terminals. It's just different ways of achieving the same result. I purposefully make sure I can only work in one at a time. I'm very easily distracted. Even when working in an IDE I sometimes have multiple terminals overlapping the sides of the window.

tripplehelix, avatar

@kura Here's me working on my update script, excuse the AI.

simon_brooke, avatar

Right, I've managed to compile UnrealEngine for Stable, which feels like an achievement. If only I could do the same for a reasonably modern version of Shotwell!

debacle, avatar


File a wishlist bug report at to ask maintainer for an official ?

debacle, avatar


I see! An option might be to have a testing or unstable chroot on your stable system and use it with schroot (yes, s + chroot). I did this many times.

solarbrass, Italian

How can I hide a service behind a proxy with ?
Like I have @navidrome running on standard port 4533 but I would like to Proxy it behind apache. So when I go to my website(dot)com/music I can reach it (as well with the apps so prolly websockets needs to be configured?).

I'm doing:
ProxyPass /music/
ProxyPassReverse /music/

But when i go to mywebsite(dot)com/music it goes to mywebsite(dot)com/app/


Apache2 running on

ryan_harg, avatar

did you succeed?


@ryan_harg yes. I changed Navidrome baseUrl to put it on /music and finally the Proxy/ReverseProxy worked

joahim, avatar

Cool idea - - a distribution based on unstable , polished XFCE with nice minimalist wallpapers + Calamares installer. Just why don't we have it on ? Strange...

tripplehelix, avatar

@joahim Seems their site is struggling right now. Would love to try it out.

Looks like they'll have to become Wayebian when XFCE becomes WayFCE.

plantarum, avatar

Question for users:

I'm running testing on my laptop, as I have been for a couple decades. I've been waiting for the t64 transition to settle out before resuming updating packages.

I think the transition is now (mostly?) done, but aptitude is still flummoxed when trying to resolve 1300+ package updates.

I've tried to find small groups of packages that I can manually select and upgrade, but with few exceptions pulling on one of these threads quickly leads to a tangled mess of broken packages.

Any advice for how to tackle this would be most appreciated!

tripplehelix, avatar

@HankB @plantarum That's when you use apt-mark. Gnome/KDE are incredibly dependency heavy desktops and will have breakages now and again. You should still update the rest of the system and unhold the gnome/kde packages once dependencies have been updated.

tripplehelix, avatar

@plantarum @HankB Using this as a learning opportunity and attempting to update could be good, if you're interested. If you're going to wipe anyway, there's no loss.

lukaso666, Polish avatar
yaqub, avatar

@lukaso666 elegent

lukaso666, avatar

@yaqub thanks

debacle, avatar

If you are curious and courageous, and run testing or unstable, you might like to try the latest snapshot of by @gajim. It features message replies and message reactions.

Expect bugs! This is not a release version, but a snapshot. It's called "experimental" for a reason.

echo "deb https​:// experimental main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/experimental.list

sudo apt update

sudo apt install -t experimental gajim

kzimmermann, avatar

@debacle very nice, this fits my current stack of Debian right now. I did not know there was this release branch in there!

grifferz, avatar

More heartfelt pleas[1] for 32-bit x86 to remain in Debian, without an appreciation of the dire state of 32-bit x86[2].



grifferz, avatar

TL;DR: If you're willing to overlook the fact that upstream Linux kernel doesn't really care about keeping 32-bit x86 secure or working, the next problem is that Debian can't build some packages any more because the package's build process wants more than 4G RAM. Would require people resources to optimise that and perhaps drop some packages; arguably limited time is better spent elsewhere.
Saying "but I want this" doesn't change these things.
Which is why every distro drops 32-bit x86.

strigohabro, German avatar

hmmmmm ... unter lassen sich mit Paket "android-file-tansfer" sehr einfach und schnell Dateien via ISB-Kabel von einem -Telefon holen. 👍


@strigohabro Ich mach das immer auf der Kommandozeile mit "adb pull".

Oder für Documente und Fotos mit Syncthing.

tulpa, avatar

if you install with , you get the xfce4-goodies package, which means you get xfburn. LOL, CD burning. I don't even have an optical drive in this machine.

"What year is it?"

tripplehelix, avatar

@tulpa Never understood why xfburn is still a part of xfce4-goodies

tulpa, avatar

I think maybe 12 with is literally perfect for me. And that's without doing anything in terminals, only clicking around in GUI settings. I didn't even have to install any additional packages.

apgarcia, avatar

@tulpa Debian 12 with Cinnamon is what I'm currently doing. Cool thing about Debian is that it's easy to try different desktop environments by choosing at the login screen.

tulpa, avatar

@apgarcia I had a problem doing that recently. I had MATE and XFCE installed at the same time, and the MATE components being present seemed to make trouble for XFCE. Specifically, I had theme and sound issues.

tommi, Italian avatar

Non ci credo, lo sto vedendo veramente?

“Il futuro è in mano ai deb”
“the future is in the hands of deb”

Palesemente i linuxxari graffitari di preferiscono un certo tipo di pacchetti…

oblomov, avatar
schenklklopfer, German avatar

Wie kann ich in /etc/network/interfaces in es einstellen, dass auf allen Interfaces gemacht wird, auch wenn ich jetzt noch nicht weiß, wie das Interface in Zukunft heißen wird?

Jetzt steht da halt:
iface enp1s0 inet dhcp

Aber auf einer anderen Hardware heißt das Ding ja vielleicht eth0 statt enp1s0...

Also was tun?
Brauch ich ein Startupscript, dass die Config generiert?

linuxmagazine, avatar
RL_Dane, avatar

@amin, have you gotten scli to work in ?

I gave up because pipx refuses to install urwid, and I think Debian's version is drumroll way too old. ;)
I wish pipx just had scli. There's an scli package in PyPI, but it's literally an empty placeholder for nothing.

tripplehelix, avatar

@RL_Dane @amin I can't see it in Sid, so F

eugenialoli, avatar

The funny part about the removal of networking from the default #keepassxc package on #debian, is that they did it for "security" reasons, without thinking that the MOST INSECURE way to transfer a #password to your #browser is via the CLIPBOARD. Absolutely every running app or service can read the clipboard! And yet, that's the default way they expect users to do it now!

That maintainer didn't think it through at all.

#linux #security #opensource #foss #firefox #passwords

jbzfn, avatar

🌀 16 years of CVE-2008-0166 - Debian OpenSSL Bug

"A patch in Debian's and Ubuntu's OpenSSL packages broke the random number generator, effectively limiting the number of possible keys to a few ten thousand plausible variations"

9to5linux, avatar

Endless OS 6 Is Here Based on GNU/Linux 12 “Bookworm”, Here's What's New

gnulinux, German avatar

Gaming auf Debian und Derivaten Teil 2: Lutris

Der zweite Teil einer Serie, die sich damit befasst, wie man auf Debian/Ubuntu spielt und am besten Probleme schon im Voraus vermeidet.

tripplehelix, (edited ) avatar

How "unstable" is Experimental? I've been thinking of adding to Sid.

hrakaroozorn, avatar

@tripplehelix uncertain if joking, and if not, i apologize, but Sid is unstable

tripplehelix, avatar

@hrakaroozorn Oops, I meant Experimental/RC-Buggy

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