9to5linux, to archlinux
@9to5linux@floss.social avatar

Immutable Distro blendOS 4 Officially Released, Now a Fully Declarative Remix https://9to5linux.com/immutable-distro-blendos-4-officially-released-now-fully-declarative

gnome, to opensource
@gnome@floss.social avatar

We've opened an additional call for BoFs and Workshops! If you would like to host an in-person or remote session make sure to submit your proposal by June 15. https://foundation.gnome.org/2024/06/04/guadec-2024-call-for-bofs-and-workshops/

kaffeeringe, (edited ) to fediverse German
@kaffeeringe@social.tchncs.de avatar


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Wie cool!


mkljczk, (edited ) to Polska
@mkljczk@fediverse.pl avatar

Dzisiaj zadałem dwa pytania do wywiadu @Maasha z ministrem @mcgramat, dotyczące publikacji kodu źródłowego mObywatela. Jedno odnosiło się do niedawnej zmiany w ustawie, a drugie — doprecyzowania, że opublikowany kod zostanie udostępniony na licencji wolnego oprogramowania.

Pierwsza odpowiedź była dość ciekawa, trochę nowych informacji, lecz musiałem odnieść się do „poprawka […] nic nie mówi o front-endzie”. Niejednokrotnie oznaczałem w mediach społecznościowych Ministra wskazując, że Ustawa o aplikacji mObywatel oddziela definicję aplikacji mObywatel jako „oprogramowanie przeznaczone dla urządzeń mobilnych…” od systemu mObywatel, czyli „systemu teleinformatycznego zapewniającego funkcjonalności niezbędne do działania aplikacji mObywatel oraz usług udostępnianych w tej aplikacji”. Jak nic, definicyjny podział na front-end i back-end. Punkt mówiący o publikacji źródłowego mówi jasno „minister właściwy do spraw informatyzacji udostępnia aktualny kod źródłowy aplikacji mObywatel…”. Czyli oprogramowania dla urządzeń mobilnych. Kod łączący się np. z jakąkolwiek bazą danych nie jest raczej odpalany na komórkach xD

Stąd w kolejnym komentarzu określiłem tę wypowiedź „kłamstwem”. Przytoczyłem jednak definicję z ustawy aby obronić swoją tezę, lecz nie doczekałem się odpowiedzi. Zamiast tego dowiedziałem się, że „strasznie się czepiam”. Szkoda.

Drugie moje pytanie było bardziej przyjazne, zasugerowałem by niezależnie od tej kwestii doprecyzować, że fragmenty kodu źródłowego mObywatela zostaną opublikowane na wolnej licencji. Obecnie ustawa zakłada jedynie możliwość wglądu do publikowanego w BIP-ie kodu, nie mówiąc nic o warunkach ponownego użycia. To nie ma nic wspólnego z ideą #PublicMoneyPublicCode, którą popieram od lat i na którą lubi powoływać się Gramatyka. Podałem przykład ukraińskiej Diji, wydanej na Licencji Publicznej Unii Europejskiej. Niestety wydaje mi się, że Minister nie zrozumiał przedmiotu tego pytania. A przez to że moje dwa komentarze doprecyzowujące te pytania zostały przez @Maasha przeczytane razem, ten temat niestety uciekł.

#polityka #polska #cyfryzacja #mobywatel #opensource

murena, to opensource French
@murena@mastodon.social avatar

✨ Support Our Mission for Privacy-safe, Sustainable, Open-Source Smartphones! ✨

Murena is growing, and we want you to be a part of it! We're considering a fundraising campaign where anyone can become a co-owner of Murena through investments big and small.

Interested? Sign up for updates ➡️ https://murena.com/investors

@e_mydata @gael @rikviergever @manojnair

9to5linux, to hacking
@9to5linux@floss.social avatar

Kali Linux 2024.2 Ethical Distro Released with 46, New Tools, and t64 Transition https://9to5linux.com/kali-linux-2024-2-ethical-hacking-distro-released-with-gnome-46-new-tools

rockylinux, to opensource
@rockylinux@fosstodon.org avatar

We are proud to announce that the Digital Public Goods Alliance has recognized Rocky Linux as a Digital Public Good, alongside other incredible projects working to achieve the United Nations ! Read the announcement at https://rockylinux.org/news/digital-public-good

libreoffice, to foss
@libreoffice@fosstodon.org avatar

Another #LibreOffice feature you might not know about! Starting from version 7.6, you can add page numbers quickly and easily thanks to a new Wizard (Insert > Page Number...) #foss #OpenSource

CollaboraOffice, to opensource
@CollaboraOffice@mastodon.social avatar

A small glimpse of the amazing atmosphere at the @libreoffice Hackfest in Budapest yesterday!

Did you have a chance to join? 🤟

eugenialoli, to windows
@eugenialoli@mastodon.social avatar

The mass exodus from to (and ) due to and continues. More and more articles, more and more youtube videos about it, or posts on forums. People are switching. If it continues like that, Linux should have 10% desktop marketshare by the end of the decade (and yes, that's a lot).

tallship, to foss

As a longtime provider of services in one form or another since the late 80's and early 90's, I felt the pain of having to write out the following blog post/update.

Drew is an opinionated perfectionist with an attention to detail and his perspective that chafes some, endears others, and deservedly, receives the respect earned when someone strives toward par excellence for those for whom they provide services for.

I have some differing set of conclusions from my understanding of what he laments as the ordeal he's been through in the past year, like, "why would anyone consider a carrier besides DHL for international overseas shipments?" Also, I fail to see the logic in moving his entire infra from the U.S. (where there are many affordable top-tier carrier hotels - aka datacenters) to Amsterdam, which also has fine facilities and maybe it is because of privacy concerns which depending on what those are, may indeed be quite valid from my perspective.

But not having IPv6 fully deployed (as a result of datacenter choice?) is puzzling, although almost inconsequential operationally, in production, ... Almost.

Considering I've always looked directly at the carriers themselves, used my own delegated IP infrastructure for core operations, I tend to look at a datacenter as three things:

  • Electricity
  • Fail-over electricity (Generators)
  • Air conditioning

Most folks rent a rack that comes with transit, I ask how much the XC is - I can find, mix, and pick my transit providers. I just wanna know that my shit is secure in a suite or cage behind locked cabinets that I personally have 24/7 access to at anytime (even though I'll rarely do so) and have 24/7 remote hands to swap drives, hot-pluggable power supplies and plug cables into the designated ports I specify, etc. Those things typically come w/zero cost.

For DDoS'ing, I do like to outsource this as part of a package, and I'm open to any offers of included transit/XC and want to know how much each additional 20A of electricity cost me each month in addition to the rack fees. Putting the onerous of protecting my customers from a good DDoS'ing on someone else like my upstream takes a lot of worry away.

Shipping machinery though, that's a bit distinct too, I've been burned a few times domestically, although always recovered my *tangible costs - time? well, I've lost a couple of customers because their infra was lost or damaged in transit, but insurance is important - Drew had that. What I'm really wondering though, is who besides DHL would you even trust to ship servers over the Atlantic Ocean?

That's a cost I would not consider skimping on - A girl I almost married worked for DHL for over 20 years and they'll cut a check at the drop of a hat, which might have worked out well for Drew considering these were old boxes ready for retirement anyway and the replacement cost (new stuffs) is what you insure for.

Anyway, I've really admired much of what Drew has done over the years, was cheerleading for him as he migrated from full time paycheck person to finally being able to announce that he "thinks" he can make enough money for a living by devoting himself full time to FOSS with his fledgling SourceHut.

Yah, sometimes his head swelled up pretty big, making it hard to fit through doorways, and I've butted heads with him here and there on technical matters only, but have always respected him, and in truth, he was never not correct even if his way was the wrong way, or there was simply a better way - usually those were matters of opinion coz there's more than six ways to Sunday to skin a cat.

Anyway, he's been kicked in the balls really hard, which if you know much of him, must have been really hard to lay all of that out in some manner of detail (He's almost always brutally transparent). For that, and moreover for getting right back up after being knocked down (maybe by da man?), I applaud his candidness. His devotion to those of you reading this that may have free repos at SourceHut, and I'm also encouraging everyone to kick in at least a few bucks - fuck that dumb app that you don't need, let alone pay $2.95 for the exclusive right to be tracked - I urge you with all FOSSiness in mind... Give it a read, and send him whatev, ... I guarantee it will come back to you tenfold.

Drew is a consummate FOSS warrior, do it for yourself, please - Five bucks, fifty bucks, heck, whatever isn't going to cut into your budget for porterhouse steak this weekend would be nice.

And it will make you feel good too.

Full disclosure: I'm not getting shit from this article. Drew and I only converse occasionally and usually it is to disagree - some folks are just good coz of what's in their heart, their commitment to the community, and whether you're a fan or not doing this for him really is doing this for yourself and everyone else in the FOSS world.

Here's the link to the article/update.


maelmorin, to android French
@maelmorin@bzh.social avatar

Je lance une bouteille à la mer. Je cherche une #application #Android #Libre et #opensource permettant d'effectuer un #contrôle #parental complet.
Évidemment Family Link de Google est proscrit d'office, tout comme les freemiums qui émanent de je ne sais où.
J'ai bien trouvé #KidSafe qui fait exactement le job, mais il ne fonctionne pas et ne semble pas être maintenu (ni ses forks sur GitHub)
Des pistes ?
@sebsauvage @louisderrac @interventions_numeriques je me permets une petite mention ^^

beardedtechguy, to foss

For all you users like myself, this seems like a nice little alternative.


cassidy, to GNOME
@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

Shout out to Text Pieces! I needed to URL-encode a big ugly string (creating a template form from URL parameters, yay!) and yep, sure enough, it made it stupidly easy.

The next time you need to encode, transform, or convert some text on Linux, reach for this pretty little offline app instead of pasting your data into some random website. 👍


Podman_io, to opensource
@Podman_io@fosstodon.org avatar

@rhatdan is starting a new video stream talking Podman and all things container-related! Each video will be about 5 to 10 minutes long, and the first one should drop tomorrow. Here's Dan talking about the upcoming videos.


neuSoM, to fediverse German
@neuSoM@bewegung.social avatar

Zwei wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaften haben einen eigenen -Server aufgesetzt.
Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für und
die Gesellschaft für in der
betreiben seit dieser Woche die Instanz https://higher-edu.social
Herzlich Willkommen im Fediverse @dghd_info und GMW !

Beide Gesellschaften schreiben dazu: „Wir teilen und fördern die Prinzipien von , Open Education und für die Hochschulbildung und wollen sie auch praktisch umsetzen. .... Darüber hinaus setzen wir uns damit für Konzepte wie digitale Souveränität und gemeinschaftlich organisierte Dienste im Sinne einer Kultur der Digitalität ein. Die Bereitstellung solcher Dienste im Fediverse (wie ) ermöglicht uns als wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaften, Gestaltungshoheit zu wahren und unabhängige, Infrastrukturen zu fördern.“


allthingsopen, to opensource
@allthingsopen@mastodon.social avatar


2024 is now live! We have a brand new website, over 100 of the best speakers in , and our $99 Early Bird Registration!

Learn all of the latest details by checking out our email & register today!

📨 https://mailchi.mp/allthingsopen/registration-now-open

foss_academy, to opensource
@foss_academy@mastodon.social avatar

Verpassen Sie nicht die @foss_academy Sommerschule!

5-tägiger Kompaktkurs im September

Aufbau einer #GDI #OpenSource #Geospatial & Arbeit am eigenen Projekt

02.-06.09.2024 in Bonn

#GisWeiterbildung #OSM #FOSSGIS #OSGeo #PostGIS #QGIS #Mapbender #MapServer #GeoServer #MapProxy & mehr


Jetzt anmelden!

Lesen Sie mehr unter https://wheregroup.com/unternehmen/aktuelles/details/foss-academy-sommerschule-2024-5-taegiger-kompaktkurs-zu-aufbau-einer-gdi/

openuk, to opensource
@openuk@hachyderm.io avatar

Take 20 minutes and complete OpenUK's 4th annual survey, which captures your insights to create a crucial understanding of the economic impact of open source in the UK. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfP66TTJmfwezc-93jsEFgusaOolsVUzcXfOsedCdBH8R2jhw/viewform

improbite, to opensource Polish
@improbite@mastodon.social avatar

powli staje się dla mnie podstawą pracy na laptopach i komputerach generalnie. Brakuje mi paru rzeczy, które są na Windows, ale to marginalne rzeczy. Jenak uważam, że Linux nadaje się dziś naprawdę do podstawowej pracy biurowej i konsumpcji mediów.

Przynajmniej taka jest moja obserwacja po miesiącu zabawy z nim. A jestem po obu stronach twórczo-konsumenckim.

yabellini, to opensource
@yabellini@fosstodon.org avatar

✍️ Day 30. 3 Things I Learned Writing Online Every Day For 30 Days In A Row.

Today is the last day of writing and publishing online content for 30 days. I completed the challenge and learned some things along the way.


🚀 https://yabellini.netlify.app/blog/2024-06-04-30ship30-day30/

rhazn, to startup
@rhazn@mas.to avatar

A fascinating hardware (!) startup story by @michael. All blog posts are worth reading, take a look at the project introduction: https://mtlynch.io/tinypilot/ and finale: https://mtlynch.io/i-sold-tinypilot/.

Papeleo, to opensource German
@Papeleo@mastodon.social avatar

Alle zwei Jahre wieder: Das EM-/WM- unter Freunden oder Kollegen.

Gibt's eigentlich auch -freundliche Tippspiele, die attraktiv gestaltet sind, aber ohne die üblichen Google-, Cloudfront-, Akamei-, Haumichblau-Komponenten gebaut wurden?
Gerne und zum selber hosten. ⚽😃

sustainrelease, to opensource
@sustainrelease@mastodon.social avatar

Though, "we" know most of the alternatives around, I like @Framasoft's approach of presenting and promoting various services in a bundle. And, I have to admit, there is always one or the option in that range, that I had not known about! Merci, ! 👍

🤝 https://degooglisons-internet.org

collective_zero, to Software German
@collective_zero@ipv6.social avatar

#SPD, #Gruene und #FDP haben eigentlich in ihrem Koalitionsvertrag vereinbart, dass Aufträge für #Software „in der Regel als Open Source beauftragt“ werden. Denn der verbreitete Einsatz von #Microsoft-Produkten steht schon lange in der Kritik. Bereits 2019 stellte eine Studie im Auftrag des #Innenministerium‘s eine Abhängigkeit der #Bundesverwaltung von wenigen Software-Anbietern fest…“
#opensource #floss #deutschland


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