atomicpoet, (edited ) avatar

is finally testing federation with "allow-listed servers".

They're finally taking the step of decentralization.

Many people will naysay this. But it's absolutely better that they move to decentralization than not do it.



darnell, avatar

@hankg @atomicpoet What shocks me most about is the fact that moderation tools were more or less an afterthought. Even the most basic social networks have moderation tools to handle spam & trolls.


@hankg @atomicpoet I’m very much in the “show me” stage with all of this.

I’m skeptical, but am perfectly willing to be pleasantly surprised.

atomicpoet, avatar

@hankg I don't think it's good, but I think it's slightly better than what Twitter is.

And I agree with you 100%.

atomicpoet, avatar

For those who are technically inclined, this is how federation through 's AT protocol will work.

It depends on three things:

  1. Personal Data Server (PDS)
  2. Big Graph Service (BGS)
  3. App Views

This seems quite different from how federation through ActivityPub works.

atomicpoet, avatar

For those who feel that 's federation is complex -- and it is -- here's a simplified understanding.

  1. There's a big firehose of data
  2. It goes through the "prism" of app view
  3. Then there's a curated feed of what the user sees

Basically, this whole thing depends on algorithms.


@atomicpoet How can Federation be an algorithm??

ActivityPub isn't an algorithm!

strypey, avatar

> How can Federation be an algorithm??

They're separate things. Federation is how posts travel between servers. Algorithms (in this context) is how they're displayed when they get there. 'Chronological ordering of posts by people I follow' is an algorithm. 'Everything on my server containing ' is another one. What BlueSky proposes is to make sorting and filtering algorithms a third-party service users can choose between at their end, and toggle on and off.


atomicpoet, avatar

From a dev perspective, this will probably be a big problem.

Right now, an ActivityPub server can be operated on a Raspberry Pi.

You can deploy one inexpensively with minimal investment.

Personally, I'm running multiple ActivityPub servers that serve many disparate needs.

Starting up a BGS will probably be out of reach for most people.

atomicpoet, avatar

AT protocol's method of federation isn't server-to-server.

It's personal-data-server (PDS) to big graph service (BGS) to labeler / app view / feed gen.

And I imagine the BGS might federate with other BGS.

Yeah, not only is this complicated, the BGS could prove problematic.

Ciantic, avatar

@atomicpoet But it says in last phrase it works both ways, I can imagine a lot of users want to use BGS, but some might want server to server.


@atomicpoet So Chris even as a techie I need to lean on your expertise here… is it possible that Mastodon and BS can co exist in a way that if my local news TV stations and local paper start putting content on BS it could be seen in my Mastodon feed?

strypey, (edited ) avatar

> is it possible that Mastodon and BS can co exist in a way that if my local news TV stations and local paper start putting content on BS it could be seen in my Mastodon feed?

Possible, certainly. Will it happen, who knows? Probably. Bridges are already being written to enable users of AP software (eg Mastodon) to connect with users of AT software (eg BlueSky). It depends if BS is cooperative with or obstructive of such efforts.



@strypey That’s kind of the feeling I have too. I really expected to see more traditional users of Twitter expand their content here but it really seems to have stalled. Now with BS becoming the new darling I fear it’s never going to happen and some kind of bridge similar to is the next best thing.


@atomicpoet Have they changed? Because the PDS was supposed to be able to federate with each other, at least that's how it is depicted in the Docs.

atomicpoet, (edited ) avatar

I'm wondering how easy this is going to be.

From both the description and diagram, it looks complex.

And complexity usually means a whole lot of effort will be needed.

maegul, avatar

@atomicpoet It might be interesting to see what “long tail of partial-network providers. Small bespoke BGSs could also service tightly or well-defined slices of the network” ends up looking like.


@atomicpoet why isn't your alt text matching the screenshot text?


@atomicpoet oh previous paste?

atomicpoet, avatar

@swansinflight Yeah, that's probably it. I'll fix that.



Here's what I read [annotated]:

"Bluesky is finally testing federation with "allow-listed servers""

This is how...Bluesky's AT protocol will work

1 Personal Data Server (PDS)
2 Big Graph Service (BGS)
3 App Views [created by the "allow-list" servers?]

1 There's a big firehose of data
2 It goes through the "prism" of app view [via alogorithm]
3 there's a[n algorith-generated feed] of what the user sees

...this whole thing depends on algorithms"

Who keeps the algos?


atomicpoet, avatar

So again, I'm glad that Bluesky is building out federation. Their decentralization efforts don't look like vaporware.

Do I think Bluesky's method for federation is better than what's current on ActivityPub? No, I don't.

And based on what they've revealed, I don't think AT protocol will win the "node battle" against ActivityPub.


@atomicpoet would you recomend any crazy developer to try to do it?

atomicpoet, avatar

I re-posted this thread on , and they're not happy about what I have to say.




I think the appropriate phrasing would be "speaks volumes"



@atomicpoet is it possible to see the thread on BS, or is it completely closed off for us outsiders? (honestly have no idea how the platform works at this point)

atomicpoet, avatar

The response to this thread on Bluesky seems to be, “Saying that regular people should be able to afford a BGS is like saying they should afford to operate a web search engine”.

Indeed, that’s what I’m saying.

Funny enough, the Searx project makes this possible.


@atomicpoet I think competing distributed social protocols could become religious wars like the blockchain world.

strypey, (edited ) avatar

> competing distributed social protocols could become religious wars

I'm seeing signs of this as people here react to the BlueSky beta in a way that suggests they see it as a threat. Those of us who've been here for a while know that competing protocols is just part of the way decentralized stuff evolves. Before ActivityPub there were Diaspora, OStatus, Friendica's original protocol (LFRN?), and Zot. Software running those is mostly dead (or dying), or running AP.



@strypey @atomicpoet I wasn't around this space when different protocols started federation. What did they technically do, have servers able to serve and request data in both protocol request formats?

strypey, avatar

> What did they technically do, have servers able to serve and request data in both protocol request formats?

Initially there were distinct networks. Then some of the apps started implementing other protocols, particularly Friendica, Hubzilla, and SocialHome, leading to a hybrid network. Around that time, reps from as many apps as possible were brought together in a W3C process that led to the AP spec. Most apps implemented it.

Is this a fair summary @deadsuperhero?


strypey, avatar

I forgot to mention the IndieWeb, which is another network again with its own set of minimalist protocols connecting personal websites into a social web. Some of them started linking into the fediverse too around the same time, through AP bridges like BridgyFed.

Is that a fair description


@atomicpoet the correct question is how many endpoints do i need to use



Are BS building a theoretically decentralised model, but in practice only the large outfits can afford, maintain & run?

lucid00, avatar

@ArtBear @atomicpoet the last line seems to refute this.

Looks more like they want to build a Google x AMP style relationship.
Your profiles and posts is the AMP server and the BGS is a Google-like service on top of it to save from having to worry about crashing servers and such.



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  • strypey, avatar

    > “the marketplace of algorithms” has a big “debate me in the marketplace of ideas” tone to it, to me

    The latter is a metaphor. The former is a literal marketplace, like an app store, where you can choose the filtering algorithms you want to use, and pay to access them (although there may also be gratis ones).


    strypey, avatar

    If you like, we can debate whether “debate me in the marketplace of ideas” is a useful metaphor or not. But that's an entirely separate issue :)



    @davidgarywood @atomicpoet to be honest, algorithms is a big missing piece of Mastodon for me. I just don't want to be beholden to one billionaire's algorithm.

    atomicpoet, avatar

    @acjay @davidgarywood What are you looking for in an algorithm?


    @atomicpoet @davidgarywood Typically something a lot like the feeds in most commercial social media apps. The right balance of

    • stuff from folks I intentionally follow, with some adjustment to balance out differences in how often people post
    • stuff I might actually be interested in discovering
    • the zeitgeist

    I think the strict reverse chronological default Mastodon feed just doesn't do it for me.

    atomicpoet, avatar

    @acjay @davidgarywood Have you tried ? It has the following feeds:

    1. Home
    2. Local
    3. Social
    4. Global

    There’s also Explore > Featured which gives you the zeitgeist.

    And there’s lists and antennas to follow stuff you’re interested in.

    As a bonus, there’s “Channels” for participating in topical conversations.


    @atomicpoet @davidgarywood I haven't. I'll look into it!

    KarenStrickholm, avatar

    @atomicpoet @acjay @davidgarywood Belated response - gonna try it, thanks!🙏💞


    @atomicpoet One of the things activitypub has going for it is that the first time I read the spec I was like “ok I can imagine how I’d write something that generated a bunch of posts someone else could subscribe to. AT is much harder to reason about and I’m not really seeing the benefit of that added complexity yet

    strypey, avatar

    > One of the things activitypub has going for it is that the first time I read the spec I was like “ok I can imagine how I’d write something

    You'll love Nostr then:


    paulschoe, avatar

    Thanks for showing the structure of BlueSky.

    Their idea of federation is totally different from that of the Fediverse. In the Fediverse you have thousands of instances (servers), they can be very low-cost to run, in Wordpress even as a free add-on plugin.

    Due to the load of BlueSky's Big Graph Server (BGS), the costs of running them will be way too expensive 4 most (all?) people. Even if eventually there are multiple BGS servers, they will all be owned by corporations.



    I think the BGS should be renamed to "Bottleneck Gateway Service".

    That is what it looks like to me: Essentially caching (and likely filtering) all data, maybe selling access to that data (for machine learning/data mining purposes) to third parties.

    lucid00, avatar

    @atomicpoet I'm not sure "resource-demanding" means it can't run on a Raspberry Pi.

    Nor does it sound necessary from the descriptions.

    This all sounds like Google AMP .sxg for posts and BGS's are just relay servers (like Google is for AMP .sxg).

    My only worry is how a private page would work, but nobody seems to really have this sorted out (except for maybe SSB and that comes with large tradeoffs).

    atomicpoet, avatar

    @lucid00 I was told by Jake Gold, who works at Bluesky, that a PDS could work on a Raspberry Pi. A BGS, not so much.

    lucid00, avatar

    @atomicpoet does "not so much" mean "the code wouldn't run" or "the concept doesn't fit"?

    rbos, avatar

    Are they planning to route literally all traffic through a handful of hosts? That sounds like an infinite money kind of solution.



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  • atomicpoet, avatar

    @hankg Yeah, that’s possible.


    @atomicpoet how serendipitous that you post this while I'm listening to Dark Side of The Moon

    Ciantic, avatar

    @atomicpoet I read the same post

    1.) I noticed that they plan to open a federation in the future for "all". Hopefully no allow-listing anymore after that.

    2.) You can somehow use server-to-server federation, even if it's not default:

    > "BGSs instead of server-to-server isn’t prescriptive. The protocol is actually explicitly designed to work both ways."

    atomicpoet, avatar

    @Ciantic We’ll see about that last part.

    viktor, avatar

    @atomicpoet Thanks for breaking it down. Basically, BlueSky miniaturized how the internet works 🤣 PDS = PC, BGS = Google, App View = Google's search algorithm. Nothing new, technically.

    atomicpoet, avatar

    @viktor That's a pretty good summary.


    @atomicpoet Wow, near thread. I feel like we still haven't hit the sweet spot. ActivityPub is nice because of the low hardware req, but the data accumulated for say a Mastodon instance is still large.

    AT/Nostr don't fix this, but it's the defining challenge I think.


    @atomicpoet A few thoughts from a non-technical wonderer:

    Does the announced profound need of recoding imply it's going to apply and absorb AT-protocol, to federate first with and perhaps within itself too – on multiple server centers.

    Who governs the AT-protocol, if it's not open-sourced (like 'ed )? Who owns it? Who's going to buy the core infra of such walled gardened ? 🤔

    jesseplusplus, avatar

    @atomicpoet glad to see it! The first attempts at a new thing can take a while to work out, so I was getting worried that since they hadn’t started this already, it could get deprioritized. I’ll be keeping my eye on their progress.


    @atomicpoet @mike saying finally as if they've been around for decades.

    strypey, avatar

    > saying finally as if they've been around for decades.

    They've been around for years and had more funding than any decentralized social web startup since Diaspora. Probably more than all fediverse software put together. Putting up a beta without even finishing the federation protocol, let alone their implementation, is kind of embarrassing. Particularly because it also meant their moderation system was unfinished.

    @atomicpoet @mike

    atomicpoet, avatar

    @strypey @thull @mike Specifically, Bluesky has been around since 2019.

    It’s one year younger than ActivityPub’s validation by the W3C.


    @atomicpoet They literally only even have employees since 2021.

    It's an invit-only beta with <100.000 people. There's no "finally" here. They are right on pace.

    atomicpoet, avatar

    @thull At least they have employees. Most ActivityPub projects are made by volunteers.

    Calckey has no employees.

    strypey, avatar

    > They literally only even have employees since 2021

    ... or to put it another way, they finally got employees in 2021 ;)

    But none of this changes the fact they've rushed into production before finishing a full working prototype. Which suggests the marketing department is in charge of the release schedule, not the engineering department :/

    So whether or not they're on schedule is kind of beside the point.


    mattsheffield, avatar

    @atomicpoet I think you mean 'step' instead of 'stop?'

    atomicpoet, avatar

    @mattsheffield Thanks for the correction.


    @atomicpoet IMO, this is the only part of the story folks should be looking at.

    This is Jack Dorsey, a founder and former CEO of Twitter. He has started a new social media forum almost exactly like Twitter called .

    You may find this background on Dorsey revealing.

    strypey, avatar

    AT is a documented federation protocol. Source code is available. We can evaluate on technical merits without going down rabbitholes about one of the people involved.


    strypey, avatar

    This kind of gotcha "journalism"...

    ... serves nobody except the publisher who gets clicks, the ad networks who get data from clickers, and the advertisers who get eyeballs.



    @strypey I humbly disagree sir.

    strypey, avatar

    > I humbly disagree sir

    About which bit?


    @strypey One of the people involved? He owns the company.

    strypey, avatar

    > He owns the company

    Even if true, unless this gives him magical powers, it has no bearing on the technical merits of the BlueSky software or the AT Protocol. One correction to my last post, apparently not all BlueSky source code is available (yet?).

    Secondly, Dorsey is the major funder since Titter pulled out and he sits on the board, but he is not the CEO (@arcalinea is). I've yet to find solid evidence for who owns the company. Can you link me?



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  • atomicpoet, avatar

    @hankg Me too. I want DIDs.


    @atomicpoet Do you think there will be a bridge between AT and ActivityPub?

    atomicpoet, avatar

    @Jdreben A bridge is being actively developed right now.

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