stux, avatar

I want to apologize again for the sudden block from mstdn to .art💔

Some say it's because they where bashing on meta but that's untrue.

The admin was spreading mis information about the discussion that only fueled the fire and not the discussion with knowing any of the facts

If a "user" does this we can handle accordingly but when an admin does this it's getting worrisome

We should not figh each other but rather talk about it like adults, and also I am to blame in this

It won't happen again

stux, avatar

Another thing I would like to adres is the death threats against mods and admins in the Fediverse

No matter what you oppion is about the meta discussion, this is not acceptable behaviour and it hurt so damn much

Please try to be civil about this so we can talk and discus this and keep the channels open

But please, stop with making death threats to people. It really has an impact

Let's talk


@stux Also, a crime and should be reported to police.


@stux true, everyone who does this should be banned.

djvdq, avatar

@pax @stux everyone who does this, should be reported to the police. You don't know if they are only writing about it, or really planning to do it.


@djvdq @stux ah yeah, they should be jailed or deald with in less traditional manner, like making them unable to go out of their homes and all their devices should be taken from them.


@stux :blobcathearthug:

NorCal_Lynne, avatar

@stux I understand people have strong opinions about Meta but people really need to take a hard look at those who were threatening people with violence, some of the posts were absolutely horrible.

FlockOfCats, avatar

@NorCal_Lynne @stux death threats or threats of violence should be insta-bans, and instances that don’t moderate them should be defederated.

I hope that’s how it played out 😞

surak, avatar

@stux death threats? Seriously?

Come on guys, this isn't Twitter. Let's keep it that way.

wiredfire, avatar

@surak @stux the meta thing really feels like the “villain of the week” nonsense Twitter was known for..

I get the concerns , I do, but come on.. extending ActivityPub to something Meta will push is amazing. We can offer a hand at last to the “masses” and either walk alongside them or tempt them over to social-good spaces over for-profit.

What a vote of confidence in the technology as well!!

surak, avatar

@wiredfire @stux To me the most obvious part is:
We don't know anything yet.
Only that they are developing an app that will speak ActivityPub.

We don't know if it will be implemented completely.
We don't know if they will allow account migration (probably not, and that would be a deal breaker).

So can we please calm the fuck down.

Here's a cookie 🍪

wiredfire, avatar

@stux @surak absolutely right!

TomSwirly, avatar

@wiredfire @surak @stux

Meta has a twenty year history of malfeasance.

They are requiring people to be bound legally before even talking to them - in a Federated system.

They aren't even pretending to be good guys, now, in the early phases.

Hard pass.

wiredfire, avatar

@surak @stux @TomSwirly the NDAs make sense from a business angle, I get that they’re not wanting to show their hand as yet.

I’m more intrigued that they’re wanting to actively engage with some fedi admins.

Either way I’m more interested in having a route for the people who are less technical or otherwise interested enough to have a gateway to decentralised platforms. That is a HUGE opportunity.

TomSwirly, avatar

@wiredfire @surak @stux The NDAs benefit them, at the expense of us.

A gateway would allow people to leave FB with their data. But that will never happen.

Facebook is a morally evil company. Their goal will be to make as much money from the Fediverse as they can, by any means, honorable or not, and our ethos, our needs, our wants, will be worthless.

Hard no.

wiredfire, avatar

@TomSwirly @surak @stux I’m no fan of Facebook, but I am a fan of interoperability & removal of barriers.

Facebook opening up to ActivityPub gives people more access to participate & interact with fedi. Or at least it would if we weren’t seeing the preemptive blocks.

I’m interested in people and how this could open things up for folk who aren’t technical / in the know enough to “get it”.

Prising open siloed corners of the web to interact outside themselves is also tremendous.

wiredfire, (edited ) avatar

@TomSwirly @surak @stux but I get that you and I are going to disagree on this, and that is absolutely ok.

It’s a big fedi. There’s space for folk and communities to isolate themselves from it and places for those who want to explore how this goes. That’s the beauty of it. We have that choice and the option.

TomSwirly, avatar

@wiredfire @surak @stux

You don't address the actual issue - that Facebook is an evil company.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. We have decades of malfeasance and dishonesty.

Why should we federate with evil rapacious companies?

The moral and ethical questions are the only issues. You can't just ignore them out of existence.

wiredfire, (edited ) avatar

@TomSwirly @surak @stux it’s not that I don’t address the issue, it’s that you and I have differing philosophies on how to approach it.

Which, as I say, is absolutely ok.


@surak @stux Worse: It's the world of free and open source software, so some people realise they can have an impact and therefore start sending out death threats to the amazing people who sacrifice all their spare time for others 😓

I don't yet know on which planet that sort of logic makes any sense, but I think ESA and NASA are investigating it.



surak, avatar

@matias @stux let's not go there, ever


@surak the idea that this is somehow fundimentally different from Twitter is an ansinie, albeit attractive, idea. people here just have different motivations.


@stux holy shit man. Im so sorry you went through that. People dont realise you're basically doing volunteering work and out of the kindness of your heart.

Hope you wont have to deal with this kind of people anymore. I wouldnt know how to handle it besides insta-banning them.

Keep doing you, you're doing great!

yildo, avatar

@stux Darn! Sending thoughts of love to everyone! 💕

chiasm, avatar

@stux wtf?? Threats are not acceptable behavior. I'm sorry someone involved with either instance thought it was!! Good grief!! 😡


haayman, avatar

@stux serieus?

FaithinBones, avatar

@stux block them

cherold, avatar

@stux Jesus, I'm shocked this has lead to death threats. Some people see every single thing in their life as an existential crisis that requires a violent response. It's horrifying.



>"Another thing I would like to adres is the death threats against mods and admins in the Fediverse..."

In the US it is against the law to make a credible death threat. As a user, I've had a few and I report them to the FBI. They take that very seriously and you never know what else is going on with someone like that so it is best to report it to the authorities who have the resources to deal with it.

I would be surprised if the Netherlands doesn't have similar laws on that.

wiredfire, avatar

@stux the whole Meta debacle is running a risk of breaking fedi before they even come onboard.. people are so worried about “embrace expand extinguish” that they’re burning down their own house before Zuck can.

It’s truly crazy.

I’m filtering and muting my own timeline to see if I can chip away at the noise and find that really friendly, welcoming, community we knew just a few months ago.

qurlyjoe, avatar

I’m sure I’m not the only one who suspects the powers that be atop and behind meta are watching all the sturm und drang with more than a little schadenfreude, if not outright glee.

@stux @WideAperture

wiredfire, avatar

@qurlyjoe @WideAperture @stux wouldn’t surprise me in the least. But then I’m open the the outside possibility that Zuck sees the writing on the wall and is pivoting. I’m likely wrong, but I’m up for seeing how it pans out.


@wiredfire @stux So some admins are as fractious, opinionated, quick-to-overreact, etc., as any other cross-section of humanity.

wiredfire, avatar

@stux @stephenesherman
It’s almost like the biggest problem with the internet is that we let people use it 😜

cynaq, (edited )

@stux Since you invited talking, I'll have one simple question.

Why is it "let's welcome them in and wait to see if they do something bad to see if we need to kick them out" but not "let's watch from a distance what they are doing and see if they're really alright before letting them in"?

This way they can use ActivityPub, and everyone has less to worry about, right? Where am I going wrong?

stux, avatar

@cynaq Most certain!

Well, we are currently keeping a very close eye on it!

If we where to thread it from the other side from what point would they be 'good enough' or 'fair' etc to join the Fedi

We have strickt guidelines to keep everything nice for everyone so we can ban if a rule is broken like with other instances

I do agree in this case the 'lines' are somewhat thinner if it comes to Meta since their history with FB for example


@stux I understand.

My question is more about how the issue is framed by admins to the users of the fediverse.

Instead of saying "we're pro until we need to not be", saying "we're apprehensive but not de facto dismissive" (paraphrase as needed) could work PR wonders.

Maybe that's what's being said and I'm interpreting it in a more alarming way than needed but given what everyone knows about Meta, some apprehension is warranted I'd say.

Have a good one!

psymorama, avatar

@stux hello. I don't contribute much but I love it here and I really value you.

DarkAthena, avatar

@stux People were making death threats?? That outrageous and they should be reported to police and banned.


@stux It really is a shame you were getting death threats. Of the time I've spent on here I've seen almost no one who's vibe would raise those kind of red flags.

My intuition tells me that it is a group of bad actors vilifying the Fediverse... throwing poison into the punchbowl as it were.

I am one of the strongest anti-corp advocates out there, and personally believe Meta has no business here at all. Their values won't change.

I know the Admins aren't welcoming them in with open arms... I expect the conversation was more tech/impact based on the current Fediverse.

But Meta's values aren't going to change.


@the_Effekt @stux They’re bring the Fediverse down to the level they’re used to: Facebook/Meta/Shitter. That way it feels like home.


@nuncio @stux Yes that is what I believe is happening.


@stux Sounds like the Fediverse has gone full-on Facebook/Meta/Shitter idiot-encrusted. Nice. Let Fascism reign.


I'm so sorry people would even consider indulging in this level of hostility. It doesn't help anyone. It doesn't do any good.

ifixcoinops, avatar

@stux Did you get death threats, or know of someone specific who got death threats, or is this just, like, shady-ass word games you're playing here

stux, avatar

@ifixcoinops Well that's a big unfollow there.. ✋


And a block as well from me. I won't deal with such comments. Keep your head up.


@stux @ifixcoinops Well, if your reaction is to unfollow them, that answers the question.

rysiek, avatar

@ifixcoinops here is an example of death threat received by someone almost certainly in relation to the whole meta debate:


ifixcoinops, avatar

@rysiek @stux so not one to stux from .art then

rysiek, avatar

@ifixcoinops but that's not what you asked for.

You asked if Stux knows of specific death threats, and implied this is made up. Now you're moving the goal posts. That's just crap, my friend.

Stux did not say he personally got death threats, nor that they came from .art. He mentioned death threats against mods and admins on fedi.

If you can't get yourself to acknowledge that death threats are not an acceptable way to react to a conversation, then maybe you have some soul-searching to do.

ifixcoinops, avatar

@rysiek alright, did he or didn't he, and were they from .art users or not, that's what I'm asking.

rysiek, avatar

@ifixcoinops I don't know, and it's immaterial. He did not say that he did, he did not say they came from .art.

I am waiting for you to acknowledge that death threats are not acceptable conduct, on fedi or anywhere else.

ifixcoinops, avatar

@rysiek bet you stux hasn't had any though :P

rysiek, avatar

@ifixcoinops what does this have to do with anything?

And how is this kind of personal jab appropriate here?

ajroach42, avatar

@rysiek @ifixcoinops Stux phrased his comments in a way that implies that he had received death threats from the admin or a user of .art, and that this somehow excused or justified his decisions and behaviors.

Perhaps he didn't mean to do this, but his choice of language has consistently shifted the blame for actions he took on to other people.

This, to me, is concerning. I am glad I do not depend on him as an admin.

rysiek, avatar

@ajroach42 I did not read it that way at all. I don't really see how it could be read that way. But if anyone read it that way, the right way to react is first asking if this is what he meant. Not going all "shady-ass games" on the thread, as that only escalates an already very heated situation.

And I think we can all agree that the situation needs to become less heated, pronto.


ajroach42, avatar

@rysiek @ifixcoinops indeed.

It's almost as if what happens here is important to people.

rysiek, avatar

@ajroach42 because it is. All the more reason to keep things in perspective, and do our best to de-escalate.

In the end we're all on the same side, even though it's easy to lose sight of that in the heat of the moment.

People might have different approaches to the Meta problem, but when the rubber hits the road, the more fragmented we are, the weaker we are.

And we can be undivided even if we have different approaches to the problem at hand.


ajroach42, avatar

@rysiek @ifixcoinops oh sure.

And I've long since made my mind up about meta.

What I'm concerned about now is stux's recent behavior towards other admins, and the abusive nature of the language that he employs to defend himself.

(I am assuming stux uses he/him. Stux is suspended from this instance, so I can't check. Please do let me know if I am wrong.)

rysiek, avatar

@ajroach42 @ifixcoinops (I am making te same assumption, no explicit mention of pronouns on the profile)

I've seen abusive language from all directions over the last few days. Stux at least apologized publicly for some of it. Does not make it okay, of course, but it's a step.

People got all sorts of angry, and did all sorts of very unexcellent things. And now we all have to live with the consequences. So I will do my best to push back against any escalation I see. Because we can't afford it.

ajroach42, avatar

@rysiek Fair enough. I wish you the best in that.

rysiek, (edited ) avatar

@ajroach42 thank you.

I hope fedi admins can maybe sit down, off-fedi, and talk stuff out, instead of holding grudges and fragmenting fedi.

I see Stux's apology as a potential first step in that direction. I hope others could to, with time.

But I guess that's just me. 🤷‍♀️

ajroach42, avatar


  1. Why do we have to talk out of band?

  2. The fediverse is already pretty fragmented, that's part of what makes it work. I'm here to build a community, I'm not here to provide a neutral utility.

I'm trying to make it easier for people to self host, so that conversations like this become less significant.

rysiek, avatar


Because talking in-band seems to only create more fractures.

Because talking in-band ends up talking publicly and with an audience, with all the baggage and egging-on and whatnot that this brings.

Because maybe a change of venue will help break out of some of the assumptions involved in all of this.

rysiek, (edited ) avatar


Yes fedi is already fragmented. But this feels different.

It feels, sorry to put it so bluntly, like admins holding grudges and acting on them, with communities turning into mobs and cheering and egging them on.

Stux's block of .art is a great, extremely sad example of exactly that. But it did not happen in a vacuum.

It's not about a neutral utility, it's about not acting out mob mentality.

I am not personally accusing you of it, I am saying this how last few days feel like.

ajroach42, avatar

@rysiek Sure, tensions are high and people are holding grudges, but I think that it's disingenuous to ignore the facts that

  1. Stux, the admin of the instance you're using, instigated a lot of this behavior by agreeing to speak with facebook under an NDA.

  2. Stux exacerbated these tensions by acting out against his critics, unilaterally suspending another large instance, and then blaming the admin of that instance. Then repeatedly doubled down on claims that the admin was "nasty" (a term which is often used in sexist contexts).

  3. Stux runs some of the largest instances on the fediverse.

It's not like people suddenly just decided to start a fight. They are specifically responding to a difficult, tense situation, and to the poor way one of the people at the center of it handled this tense, difficult situation.

If a smaller instance admin had started this kind of drama, I would have already defederated and moved on with my life.

rysiek, (edited ) avatar


> 1) Stux, the admin of the instance you're using, instigated a lot of this behavior by agreeing to speak with facebook under an NDA.

He did not.

Asked directly, he very clearly said he did not attend the meeting, and that he did not sign the NDA. I see no reason to doubt his response here.

Edit — receipt link:

rysiek, avatar


> 2) Stux exacerbated these tensions by acting out against his critics

Critics who kept insisting, without proof and after his explicit, public denial of this, that he did did attend and sign. Which again, I have no reason to believe he did, after his unambiguous denial.

rysiek, avatar

@ajroach42 so put yourself in this situation.

You get accused of doing something like that.

You deny it clearly. People ignore that and keep insisting that you did it anyway.

Emotions are riding high, people start being angry with you based on a thing you did not do.

Very easy for yourself to get into a mental state where you say or do things you would otherwise not have said or done.


@rysiek @ajroach42 not firmly siding with violence brokers, data and agency thieves woulda gone a much longer way in calming the waters all around

being accused of sitting in on the bad faith NDA is damn near immaterial when you are one of the biggest voices with the biggest impact saying "come on yall it's not actually Facebook, give hate a chance guys"

rysiek, avatar

@controlfreak see, this is exactly why I suggested fedi admins need to maybe talk out of band about this.

I am trying to lower the temperature and convince people to come to a table and talk some basic things out. Doing it with an audience means others can jump in and start escalating things again…


bobjonkman, avatar


Fedi Admins (or at least StatusNet admins) used to use a mailing list. It's still running on my server, last used in 2013 by about 25-30 instance admins. Looking at the membership is a blast -- some are still active in the , but I don't know if they're still running instances.

Looks like the mailing list fell out of favour, replaced by an IRC/XMPP bridged chatroom.

Anyway, don't use it, I don't think my server can handle the 1000s of admins today.

@controlfreak @ajroach42

ajroach42, avatar

@rysiek Certainly.

Except that if I did it, 17 people would be impact, not thousands.

When you put yourself in that position, you have an obligation to hold yourself to a higher standard.

szbalint, avatar

@ajroach42 @rysiek and this is the bottom line, that guy is unfit to be what is essentially a community leader (large instance admin)



  • Loading...
  • rysiek, avatar

    @jcrabapple please untag me.

    @szbalint @ajroach42

    rysiek, avatar

    @ajroach42 no doubt about that. And as I said before in this thread I think, explanation is not a justification. I am not trying to justify Stux's actions and words, I want to be very clear about that.

    But he did apologize. Which again, does not wipe the slate clean. But it does count for something, one can hope.

    And I'm sure there are other people that might have a bad aftertaste in their mouths after what they said over the last few days. I know I am one of them.

    ajroach42, avatar

    @rysiek Fair enough.

    So now what?

    rysiek, avatar

    @ajroach42 not sure. But I am glad we got to this point, that's already a step.

    Mind if I drop into DMs?

    ajroach42, avatar

    @rysiek sure, go for it.


    @rysiek @ajroach42 least important "gotcha" in the entire scenario

    ajroach42, avatar

    @rysiek Fair enough. I've had him blocked for a while over previous concerns, so I missed that.


    @rysiek I just reported him for sealioning.

    ifixcoinops, avatar

    @rysiek death threats are not acceptable conduct on fedi or anywhere else

    rysiek, avatar

    @ifixcoinops glad we can agree on some absolute basics. Sad it took us that long a thread to do so.


    Death threats are a matter for the police, not a polite request to criminals to stop. 😟

    Who did this to you needs some time isolated from society, in jail, to reflect a little on life.


    @stux What is going on? Can you clarify this whole Meta thing once and for all Stux?


    @stux I don't actually understand what is happening. In just a few words, toots are "saying" some fedi admins held a meeting with Meta staff and "signed" a NDA. Is any of this true? What do you know?

    stux, avatar

    @maperal Please see these posts :blobcathearts:


    @stux Ok, thanks! So, answering the questions based on this link:

    1. Yes, there has been a contact, or even a meeting with Meta. This could had been done by email or even video conference ¿right?

    2. Meta didn't ask for an NDA from these fedi admins ¿right? They just wanted to know "things" because they want to use the protocol ¿right?

    Just making sure I'm understanding the posts. 🤓

    stux, avatar

    @maperal Sure thing :cat_hug_triangle:

    1. Yes and yes haha! It would be indeed via digital channels since we're all over the world

    2. Yes they did.. I guess because some info about their project is not public so an NDA is quite standard I guess 😉


    Ok. So what people are concerned about is the NDA.

    This has to do with the big fish eating the little ones, and I'm sure you understand this.

    On the other side, since you were in the meeting (am i right?), you know about what can't be revealed. So, in this matter, and according to your own judgement, is this related to pure technical reasons, meaning, develpoment of software, infrastructure and such, so that (in appearence) won't hurt the community?

    And I ask this, because since this is a HUGE company that will join the fediverse, it is important we all know about the implications and even if this is viable in a long term.

    appagalcrochet, avatar

    @stux Nobody is perfect Stux, at least you are willing to talk unlike many in our current society. Small mistakes within a tapestry of life barely show when you stand back at look at all of your collective threads woven together. Instead... it offers character to the whole piece.

    Your work is really appreciated.



    Ah so now I think I know why one got suspended.

    cainmark, (edited ) avatar


    Thank you. I understand the anger of some users, though I don't agree with the level of it.

    I've appreciated you as an admin who tries to do the right thing. I value you as a human being who sometimes makes mistakes.

    The threat of violence to anyone is unacceptable and sorry you've had to deal with it.

    BBS old school had problems, too.

    Technical problem solving doesn't help with people interactions.

    We're only human, and you're doing the best you can.


    @stux absolutely. There is no place for death treats in a civilized community. Also no place for meta.


    @stux I think just ignore these .art people at this point. They still have their pitchforks out and want to keep the drama going because not everyone signed onto their purity pledge.


    No worries 🙏
    Have a mistake it's normal, be aware of it and admit it, require humanity and kindness.
    I agree that always the way is talk. :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

    Weirdaholic, avatar

    @stux You may say it's "misinformation", but speculation was bound to happen. The way, how the meeting with meta representatives went, was shady at best.

    Also please start to account for the perspectives, where people are coming from and how others may percieve your actions (when in doubt, ask questions). I do understand, that seemingly unjustified criticism hurts, but being that reactionary and quick with your judgement about others, only causes more problems than solving them.

    stux, avatar

    @Weirdaholic Absolutely and I agree! That’s why I posted my apology

    jbaert, avatar

    @stux 🙏

    stevelord, avatar

    @stux what was the misinformation they spread?

    stux, avatar

    @stevelord Found it..

    zer0 knowledge but still posting like there's no tomorrow

    stevelord, avatar

    @stux which bit is misinformation? Apologies for drilling down but i'm not seeing specific people being named here so forgive me for not knowing who said what.


    @stevelord @stux

    slicing up a tasty chunk of those meta billions

    This part make it sounds like admins are corrupt and accepting money from Meta when it was just a meeting, no one is buying the fediverse.

    I’m also not sure about the "clandestine" part. It’s not a secret that they met, only the content of the meeting is secret and under an NDA. It is also like basic procedure for any meeting with a big corpo. Especially when you’re talking about an unreleased product.

    The basic facts are :

    • Meta invited a few big actors of the fediverse for a meeting

    Makes sense. They’re implementing a federation feature, make sense that they’d want the input of a few actors who already run federated social network.

    • Meta’s condition to the meeting is an NDA

    Kinda sucks. Totally fair to refuse an NDA. But also normal procedure for a corpo, no need to shame people who did sign the NDA.

    • Some admins accepted the NDA some didn’t (and didn’t join the meeting)

    And the reactions from the most extreme people were like:

    • Accusing them of treason

    For simply being in a meeting call with some Meta representative.

    • Accusing them of selling-out the fediverse, their instances/users or accepting money

    This is completely wild and based on nothing

    • Shaming them for signing an NDA

    Instead of shaming Meta for demanding one in the first place.

    • Shaming people who DIDN’T sign the NDA and DIDN’T meet, just because they were name-dropped in some thread

    Absolutely wild

    And the dot art admins are not innocent in that libel and harassment campaign. Their messages are encouraging it and certainly not helping people to clear up misunderstandings.

    thatdosbox, avatar

    @matthieu_xyz @stux @stevelord don't forget this lovely gem.

    CW: implied death threat (edited to remove username)


    @stux she was literally paraphrasing Byron saying "...if they do find success and make billions - why would some instances not want to carve out a piece of that to earn a living wage and run a legit business"

    YOU are the one making false accusations here.

    Semmelstulle, avatar

    @stux I understand things can get heated and not everyone is self reflected. Some don't know better.
    But if people send DEATH THREATS it's over. People who do this need to be blocked in my opinion. Misinformation is never okay, too.


    @stux .art deserves to remain blocked. hey would not extend you the same respect

    grus avatar

    @stux Jeez, I decide to check on what's going on in the fediverse/microblogging thing for the first time and people are having death-threats drama? Holy hell. Can someone of you kind folks fill me in? What was all of this about?


    @stux There can never be a dialogue with the mastodon ART administrator, it is irrational.

    jik, avatar

    @stux I am so disappointed in your handling of this, and this apology is no exception.
    You're still pointing the finger at others instead of owning your own actions. And I include in that your decision to talk with Meta under NDA.
    I'm not here to argue with you about this, but I do feel the need to speak out, to support others who feel as I do.

    paul, avatar

    @jik @stux

    Jonathan Kamens, seems like you have your 'dander' up over misinformation. Now you're spreading that misinformation and been fooled by misinformation.

    Since Stux's post yesterday, Stux has repeatedly said he didn't sign a NDA nor meet with in toot posts and replies, one of which is below.

    Stop spreading misinfo, Kamens.

    You owe Stux an apology. Make it genuine, too. It appears you like genuine apologies.

    Oh, Kamens, I'm so disappointed in you.😜

    @stux I am so disappointed in your handling of this, and this apology is no exception. You're still pointing the finger at others instead of owning your own actions. And I include in that your decision to talk with Meta under NDA. I'm not here to argue with you about this, but I do feel the need to speak out, to support others who feel as I do. Jun 20, 2023, 11:34 · · 0 · 0
    stux⚡ @stux It’s kinda sad to see people think I’m ’bribed’ by Meta.. I have not signed anything, I did not attend anything from them nor did I accept anything but still the worst is assumed when I don’t agree on blocking a still in development project that we don’t even know the (domain)name from right away I don’t have any love for Meta or any of such companies whatsoever, that’s why I’m putting all I have in these platforms and guard it with my life so don’t expect Meta to get a ‘free pass’ on anything Jun 19, 2023, 09:12 · · 17 · 0
    mozillafoundation giphy misinformation alert

    jik, avatar

    @paul @stux Thank you for the correction! I will update my post to reflect it, and I apologize for my mistake.
    Doesn't change my feelings about his handling of the whole affair.

    stux, avatar

    @jik Like I said, the blocking was my bad and I take my blame in that

    That doesn't take away the fact there are a lot of issues going on on the other side and it seems when someone adresses them they are the baddy..

    At some point it's enough..

    jik, avatar

    @stux I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume your intent is good here. In that spirit...
    You may well be right that there are other people involved in this debate who are behaving poorly.
    But sometimes you have to accept that you're not the right person to address that.
    You disqualified yourself from being that person by how you reacted to it.
    That you continue to lob criticism at the other side suggests that you don't get that.
    An apology with a "but" isn't an apology.


    @stux btw what instance will insta-block meta when they join fedi?

    Grant_M, avatar

    @stux I 💛💙 you

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