pepecyb, to fediverse


Ich habe die Gruppe "FirefishTalk" (umbenannt in "KeyTalk", wobei das leider lediglich den Titel, aber nicht das Handle änderte) geschlossen und eine neue Gruppe"MisskeyTalk" erstellt. Ich hoffe, auch hier entstehen interessante Threads, die Nutzern und Admins ggf. weiterhelfen können:

Eine Gruppe für Nutzer und Administratoren des Fediverse-Dienstes Misskey für Fragen, Diskussionen, Anleitungen, Nutzererfahrungen, Hilfsgesuche, Hilfe und mehr...

In der Gruppe sind auch Nutzer und Admins der Dienste Sharkey, Iceshrimp, Catodon, Firefish und vergleichbare willkommen.

I have closed the group "FirefishTalk" (renamed to "KeyTalk", which unfortunately only changed the title but not the handle) and created a new group "MisskeyTalk". I hope that interesting threads will also be posted here, which may help users and admins:

A group for users and administrators of the Fediverse service Misskey for questions, discussions, instructions, user experiences, help requests, help and more...

Users and admins of the services Sharkey, Iceshrimp, Catodon, Firefish and similar are also welcome in the group.

Amelia, to random

Im honestly kinda disappointed in all the people jumping on catodon now and calling it firefish successor its kinda very bad as the devs don't intend it to be a firefish successor nor is it trying to be anything like firefish or misskey in general, talking about migrating to catodon while also calling it firefish sucessor is like punching the catodon devs in the face

as they try to create something simple for newer users, not something for existing key users that enjoy fun shit like MFM

please everyone do you research before spreading shit this is also very harmful to the project at least from my POV. if everyone starts hyping the project for something that it is not.

please just give @panos and @catodon some time, and don't put them under pressure for something its not.

If you want a Misskey fork that is unlikely to die as its a softfork (updates with misskey) anytime soon and is community focused and includes inspired changes go with

if you really really want to stick with the firefish sort of thing of doing things try the firefish fork

and if u want something new more geared towards new users / casual users try looking into

but don't just jump the gun on things u don't even know fully about

tournesol, to random avatar

Je ne sais trop laquelle mais une de ces traductions me semblent plus proche de la réalité ​:thonking:​

Non mais sérieusement ​:meow_melt_sob:​

Traduction de la même phrase du japonais au français : "Le Nouvel An, c’est pour les pivoines en feuilles."

ArtBear, (edited ) to fediverse

So, with there being so many, should we collectively refer to all the different forks of etc as


A partial list here

blingbling, to FirefishTalk German

, oder ?
Leider scheint ausgebrannt zu sein. Wo geht die Reise hin? Vorteile? Nachteile? Ausharren?


@blingbling Meine Kurzversion:

hat sich aus entwickelt, hat einige neue Ideen rein gebracht und den "asiatischen Touch" für uns leichter verdaulich gemacht.

ist ein Fork von Firefish 1.0.3, was wert auf Stabilisierung des Codes legt (also Bugs bereinigt bevor es an neue Features geht), ansonsten sich aber sehr stark nach FF anfühlt.

startete offenbar mit der Prämisse, dass der Code von FF inzwischen kaputt ist, und deshalb wurde so zu sagen zurück gespult: Sie setzen wieder auf Misskey auf und wollen eigene Änderungen so machen, dass sie Änderungen von Misskey einfach re-integrieren können. Das fühlt sich noch sehr nach Misskey an, aber die Dev Version sieht schon deutlich interessanter aus und zeigt, dass sie tatsächlich Community Wünsche umsetzen wollen.

ist ein Projekt eines Teils des FF Teams. Laut eigenen Aussagen wollen sie trotzdem an FF weiter mitarbeiten. Catalon ist jedenfalls ein Projekt, dass in naher Zukunft nicht veröffentlicht werden wird.

So ist aktuell mein Wissensstand.

Aktuell sind all diese Projekte noch recht jung, deshalb ist es schwer abzuschätzen, welches davon ausreichend Puste haben wird.

Ich muss mir IceShrimp (und das Team) noch mal genauer ansehen, aber Sharkey geht in eine Richtung, die mir zumindest aktuell am viel versprechendsten aussieht.

Aber.. Firefish 1.0.5.RC läuft bei mir (und vielen anderen) gerade völlig reibungslos. Es gibt für mich also gerade keinen Grund zur Hektik. Ich teste und beobachte vermutlich noch ein bisschen die Alternativen. :)

.. und irgendwie warte ich auch noch auf ein offizielles Statement vom Firefish Team. Bisher kenne ich nur die Sorgen Dritter ..

@FirefishTalk @catodon @Sharkey @memo

tournesol, to random avatar

being overused by french is so funny to me

grischa, to fediverse German

Ich habe vorhin mal ein wenig mit herum gestestet, ich fand es bisher .. leider enttäuschend.

Verglichen mit fühlt es sich wie ein (teilweise erhebliches) Downgrade an. Das ist schade, denn die Idee, eng am Code zu bleiben, ist natürlich gut! Es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall, das weiter zu beobachten. :)

Ich werde mir als nächstes wohl ansehen. Das ist eine Weiterentwicklung bzw eher Stabilisierung von 1.0.3. Die Devs wollen fixen was da ist und gebraucht wird, anstatt auf immer neue Features zu setzen. Dürfte mir deutlich besser passen, aber es kann halt irgendwann auch "den selben Tod sterben", wie offenbar Firefish gerade: Zu wenige Devs.

Na mal schauen. Im Moment schnurrt meine Firefish Instanz ja, also keine Eile von Nöten. 🙂

Sidoine, to android avatar

Premier message posté depuis mon nouveau smartphone (qui me permet d'installer un client fediverse) ​:duck_disco:​
En revanche, j'ai essayé #milktea sans succès, je me suis rabattu sur l'app mastodon classic qui fait le taff (même si bcp d'options manque à l'appel)
#firefish #android #mastodon
Cc: @tournesol

tournesol, avatar

@Sidoine on est passé sur qui est bien plus compatible avec les apps (mais en perdant des fonctionnalités évidemmement)

En clients mastodon, j'aime bien qui est très agréable et avec des fonctionnailités en plus, t'as qui est un bijou aussi

sinon en client pur et dur pour l'instance, y'a pas grand chose à part et mais c'est pas la panacée

le mieux je trouve reste la PWA ​:neocat_hug_fox:​

syn, to random avatar

Why is repeatedly reminding me to post an even though I've already put up quite a posts? Keeps popping up, any time I refresh...

clement, to random avatar


Petite question aux admins :

Rencontrez-vous aussi des soucis sur votre instance -key liés au flux principal ? Depuis que mon instance s' "agrandit" (en termes de pub/sub, pas en termes de comptes), le flux principal échoue de plus en plus à se charger avec la simple erreur "Une erreur est survenue".

Ca le faisait par moments il y a encore une ou deux semaines, mais maintenant c'est permanent...

Avez-vous rencontré ce souci ? Avez-vous trouvé une solution de contournement ?

J'ai vu un ticket sur le git de mais ça n'a pas l'air d'avancer alors que c'est à mon avis un souci majeur...

panos, to mastodon avatar

I know that people who run servers are probably somewhat frustrated right now, since the project's last stable release was back in July. I do hope Kainoa gets more active and things start rolling again, however I checked the closest alternatives/firefish forks. Another thing that makes open source software great: you never run out of options!

So, still pretty much looks and feels like firefish, but they've added some nice (performance, mostly) improvements and also have better api support. They also plan to do a full rewrite, which is quite an ambitious project. It's certainly a project worth watching.

on the other hand started as a firefish fork (from what I understood) but rebased to v13 (Firefish had cut ties with upstream misskey on v12) and is building on top of that. This is also a great option if you like Misskey's direction but want improvements like post editing.

And finally with , which is in the making and will soon be another option, we're taking a different approach. We'll implement some improvements from Iceshrimp, like the great work they've done on mastodon api support, but in general we won't exactly be taking the "improved misskey" direction. Instead, we'll be using Misskey/Firefish as our starting point, but we also want to simplify some things - as well as build extra functionality on top of the essentials. So some of the less important and useful features will be removed in order to offer a more consistent and user-friendly experience.

More on specific changes we're doing in a few days!

box464, to fediverse avatar

The number of Misskey forks continues to expand. How do we mention them collectively? I'm veering toward Forkeys, as in "Catodon is the latest Forkey to enter the stage." or "The Forkeys have one thing in common - emoji reactions."

I suggest checking them all out - each has their own strengths. ​:blobcatstrong:​

KazukyAkayashi, to random

Ce fail d'update de ... Impossible d'avoir le client web ​:pikaneutral:​

chikorita157, to random avatar

I’m happy that I made the move to @Sharkey in late November as I was not really confident in the direction Firefish is heading. It was evident with the slow performance and local timeline would fail to load. Activity was decreasing on Sakurajima Social before the move because of how bad of an experience it was.

After the move, activity started to pick up again thanks to the improved performance. Misskey 13 resolved all the issues Misskey 12 forks are facing that caused Foundkey to go EOL with Firefish in the mess it’s currently in (Iceshrimp has the same scaling issues, but at least from what I heard, that team is at least responsive.

With Firefish Social in a worse mess as there are reports no new posts are being fetched, making the timeline 5 days old and the admins completely unresponsive. At this point, I don’t know if it’s even possible to migrate the account off Firefish Social if federation is not working on that server. This is why we dumped Firefish for Sharkey.

With that, besides our server, a handful of established Firefish servers are starting to jump ship to IceShimp or Sharkey. Infosec Exchange’s Firefish server transitioned to IceShimp. It should be even easier to migrate to Sharkey as there are documentation on how to do it.

I do recommend Sharkey over IceShrimp since it has a public timeline view (for visitors), more moderation tools and performance. The Sharkey Team is very responsive and helpful. Of course, they are adding back features that are in Firefish.

But I have a feeling that at the rate things are going for Firefish, it may have a bleak future ahead unless it can turn things around.

It’s unfortunate to see Firefish turn out like this, but it’s not surprising.

pfefferle, (edited ) to fediverse German avatar

and seem to have problems with the WordPress Plugin. Could be the signature maybe!?! Is there someone who can help me debug this issue?

box464, avatar
morethanplanets, to fediverse

Dear , , and users, are links and markdown working for you in apps using the Mastodon API?

For me, apps like moshidon just display raw markdown or link texts without them being clickable...

box464, to random avatar

After looking at the changelog for , I have to say I applaud their direction. They are focusing on the basics, and it may not seem flashy or new, but it sets the foundation for a more stable environment. Things like improved API performance, caching, and OAUTH enhancements have been re-worked. Kudos to the team for sticking to the core components instead of throwing out the razzle dazzle


CatDad, to mastodon avatar

I'm going to miss the longer post sizes and better post editing tools in or . instances have some catching up to do in a lot of basic usability.

Oh well, it works, mostly, and I didn't feel like scrounging around for another Firefish or Iceshrimp server (or setting up my own).

AntoineD, to random

​:iceshrimp:​ Nouvelle MàJ 2023.12 Stable d’ !

Nous avons principalement consacré ce cycle de publication à l’amélioration des performances, nous espérons que vous aurez une expérience plus réactive !

Nouveautés principales :

  • Refonte de la recherche plein texte, retrait de Meili/Sonic/Elastic en faveur de Postgres gin_trgm avec prise en charge de filtres de recherche avancés.
  • Amélioration significative des performances du backend et de l’API.
  • Un cache HTML a été ajouté à l’API client de Mastodon, améliorant considérablement les performances (voir l’exemple de configuration pour plus de détails et d’options de configuration).
  • Les filtres de mise en sourdine des mots ont été complètement retravaillés pour améliorer les performances, en particulier à grande échelle.
  • Quelques régressions de Mastodon OAuth ont été corrigées.

Changement d’UI/UX

  • Les bugs des onglets «pages» et «galeries» ont été corrigés.
  • Les balises MFM centrale et petite s’auto-complètent désormais correctement.

Pour les autres changements techniques, vous pouvez lire le changelog complet


tournesol, to random avatar

wtf, why regex is so hard ??

We just want to find how to get a word and I’ve been looking everywhere !!

Using bcatb or (?<span> is only looking into the litteral regex command </span>​:akko_wtf2:​<span><br></br><br></br>WE JUST WANT CATS<br></br><br></br></span><a href="" rel="tag">#iceshrimp</a><span> </span><a href="" rel="tag">#firefish</a><span> </span><a href="" rel="tag">#FRadminKey</a><span><br></br><br></br>RE: </span><a href=""></a>

prawned, to fediverse

Ok, I need help! How do I create an antenna that fetches two short words like for example cat and top. I heard regular expression can be used, but I have had a hard time writing them here. If someone could provide me an example, I think it could help me find the appropriate learning resources. Thank you!

ewan, to webdev
tournesol, to CSS avatar

J’ai trouvé ce snippet pour que les publications parentes ne soient raccoucis qu’à la photo de profil et la première ligne

j’aimerai bien l’améliorer mais bon c’est compliqué

.wrpstxzv.reply-to {
  max-height: 70px; /* 38px profile pic + 16px padding bottom */
  box-sizing: border-box;
  overflow: hidden;
  transition: max-height .6s, box-shadow .6s;
  box-shadow: 0 -15px 10px inset var(--bg);

.wrpstxzv.reply-to:hover {
  max-height: 100vh;
  box-shadow: none;
rtw, to mastodon avatar

What’s the difference between and ? They both seem to be microblogging platforms in the fediverse. Are they able to talk to each other? I’m a bit ignorant on this atm.

tournesol, avatar

@rtw Two microblogging platforms, like ​:gotosocial:​, ​:akkoma:​, ​:iceshrimp:​ or even ​:misskey:​

They all have their specificity but they can all communicate (via Activitypub). For example, Misskey and its forks (Firefish and Iceshrimp) can make emoji reaction on posts or even use animations in posts like this. For Mastodon users won’t see them but that doesn’t impact on the communication.

In brief, they are all microblogging services with their own characteristics and UI ​:akko_thumbup:​

  • All
  • Subscribed
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  • Leos
  • tsrsr
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  • thenastyranch
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  • PowerRangers
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  • GTA5RPClips
  • Durango
  • osvaldo12
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  • InstantRegret
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  • All magazines