thelastpsion, to retrocomputing avatar

Now in - 0.265!

Sorry, I meant to post this last week (see the date of the screenshot), but I've been tied up with other things.

x64 only - i686 fails at linking, because it's just too big for 4GB. I'll try to work on that when I set up an i686 installation of Haiku.

As usual, showing off screenshots, because of course.

BTW, is running via SSH on the Haiku box (r1b4). It's more stable on nightly, so I'm looking forward to r1b5!

governa, to linux avatar

: Modern Drop-in Replacement for Command on

publicvoit, to emacs avatar

"I hope you don’t mind me asking but what keeps you coming back to ? I am currently wondering whether to look at again - it does seem to be faster and with a strong community around it."

Protesilaos Stavrou answered:

JLW_the_Jobber, to RSS avatar


I installed and customized . Installed . Now I can easily move between panes with a mouse or with a keyboard.

has been a fun way to surf the web. I can confirm that @geerlingguy & @thelinuxcast sites look good on Lynx

Running and give it that “hacker” feel. Now I just need to find a reader.

JLW_the_Jobber, to random avatar

Outside of not having Newsboat (for the time being), I think I have my set up how I want it.

I think it looks pretty snazzy. Gotta give a shout out to @thelinuxcast for having a Lynx friendly website

Btop RiscV

gregorni, to programming avatar

What does your development environment look like right now?

(IDE/Text Editor? Terminal Multiplexer? Package Manager? Shell? Programming Language? Containerization? Command Runner? Terminal Emulator?)

blainsmith, avatar


Terminal emulator: terminal
Terminal multiplexer:
Linux Desktop: @system76 !

changelog, to golang avatar

In which @jerod's atuin stats reveals a command he uses often that @ellie & @adam hadn't yet heard of...

(a session manager written in )


thelastpsion, to random avatar

0.264 for currently building. Please stand by...

pmbauer, to random avatar

Would you like to use Touch ID on Mac OS to unlock sudo? With ?

thelastpsion, to random avatar

Apologies for the delay, fans. is currently building. I foresee no issues, so I should be able to get the pull request done to HaikuPorts tomorrow morning (UK time).

is really handy for this sort of work. I need to see if there's something better than VNC for remote desktop access of Haiku from Linux for testing graphical apps.

governa, to ubuntu avatar

How to Install and Use on and Other Distros 🐧

chepycou, to linux in I feel like I'm taking crazy pills avatar

@llii @Presi300 It was made for apple users and evidently so (it's basically and but closed source, cloud-based and with some AI bullcrap on top of it)

edfattell, to linux avatar

Linux vim, emacs, neovim and/or tmux users, what terminal emulator do you use and why? I heard about kitty, but idk if I really need all of that. For context, on mac I use neovim with iterm.

vwbusguy, to vim avatar

The good news is, I found a way to sync and across ssh and sudo sessions.

thelastpsion, to neovim avatar

I'm definitely in danger of spending too much time tweaking and , and not enough time programming.

But I just need to do a few... more... tweaks...

artfulrobot, avatar

@mforester @thelastpsion naa, once its done you'll discover to replace and I don't think there's an end to tweaking!

dmt, to random

I’ve been a staunch enjoyer and advocate for many years and only now am I giving an honest shot.

Truthfully, there isn’t a big difference between the two, but what little there is feels pretty distinct.

Who knows, I may permanently be switching to :gnu:

thelastpsion, to random avatar

For the zero people waiting for the update to the port of MAME, bear with me. I'll get working on it in the next couple of days.

thelastpsion, avatar

0.262 for patched and compiling. Please stand by...

( on Haiku is very glitchy, whether running locally or over SSH. Look about halfway down the htop list. Getting a "stable" screenshot takes time.)

craigbro, to emacs avatar

Over the last decade, I had to adopt several "modern" professional tools, pulling me out of the bubble I had built up over the first 3/4 of my career. Graphical Email, modern browsers, video conferencing, Slack, Outlook, Calendaring and Jira. My return to in on my server, my happy place, has been eye-opening.

I still have a bailout for interacting with modern shit, and my work laptop is still MacOs. I am still cursed with Slack and Jira and Chrome for work. But now that I have my safe space back, I don't find myself as frustrated during the day when I have to use the modern sub-standard tools. It's saving me some stress budget for sure.

craigbro, (edited ) avatar

@louis Heh, sounds like we are on a similiar trajectory. I am considering a X1, but first I'm going to take a crack at dual boot on the M1 Air.

I'm already compiling a list of tasks for that, starting at gettting my pwget util able to handle write operations on pwsafeV3 DBs, then figuring out why is munging lined with wide utf-8 characters, and then on to whatever drivers I'll need to touch up to get the M1 usable as a daily driver (if any?).

Decided that I'll limit several sources of content, youtube, patreon, podcasts to my phone or AppleTV for now, makes it an easier leap. The M1 will always be dual boot.

To keep my setups in sync, I previously used . I had a single flake that would produce nix-darwin or nixos systems and home-manager modules. That required gigs of disk space, and the declarative power came with several layers of abstraction to learn and debug.

All of this leads me to unwinding a decade of Apple patronage. My mind if just calmer, my soul happier, with text and a ps auxww where I know every process, and have read large parts of it's code and man pages in the last couple decades.

It all let's me focus on the "problem domain" that interests me most -- connecting with humans, collaborating, and mutating our brains together.

My parting shot, err, question. What is it holding you back? And what if you didn't have to make some clean break, or declare some purity, but just make it a game, an experiment, an art project?

azcoigreach, to linux avatar
mwop, to random avatar

Hit the three week mark of my advent blogging, with today's post on tmux.

The post incluces a shoutout to the wonderful book by @bphogan , as it taught me a ton about tmux I'd not have learned myself.

brokenix, to random avatar

is amazing
this is the best $TERM experience I ve had yet
hon mention -


michenriksen, to golang avatar

I seem unable to scratch a personal itch without turning it into an open-source project. 🤷

📯 tmpl: a simple tmux session manager to launch project-specific sessions with all the windows, panes, and tools you need, ready to go.

simplifiedprivacy, to random

Linux distros for dummies

A Linux distribution is a similar concept to a phone’s app store. It allows you to download software that’s pre-vetted. This reduces the chance that it’s malware and allows the different dependencies to work together to reduce redundancy. However, you MAY optionally get software OUTSIDE of the package manager and directly from the software’s developer, through universal systems such as Flatpak, AppImage, or Snaps.

If you get software from OUTSIDE the package manager, then you’ll have double dependencies which takes up space and causes some minor delay in starting up the program. Many in the Linux community argue and debate over if the delay, space, and security issues matter, or if it’s more important to have software that works across distributions and is released faster. The delay on Snaps is worse than others, leading SOME to criticize Ubuntu which heavily uses them. This is why Mint is a fork of Ubuntu but WITHOUT Snaps. Others point out that without universal package managers, it can take YEARS for new software to make it to distributions with slower release cycles such as Ubuntu and Mint.

A Linux distribution is NOT the way Linux LOOKS. That’s the desktop environment! So if you like a distro’s software, you can swap it for any other desktop environment than the default. For example Linux Mint’s “Cinnamon flavor” look, could be put on Debian or anything else! At the end of the day, distros DON’T matter that much and anything is better than Windows… even snaps =)



OH! Cringe!

But true, lolz.....

>"At the end of the day, distros DON’T matter that much and anything is better than Windows… even snaps =)"

That having been said, I'm a firm believer that "Friends don't let friends run ewb00ntew!" Yah, that's kinda a little disparaging tagline I came up with a decade or so ago. I think it's cute, but it does express my sentiments.

I was sooooooooo tired of answering the same question for about twenty years, searching for new ways to say it, and shifting from one fav distro of mine to another, and then back again. But I really failed to acknowledge the need for to experience instant gratification to hold their interests long enough to just ditch the of Redmond (Windows) for that of freedom and privacy in the form of one of the most incredibly steep learning curves I was actually expecting those people to climb after having their questions answered.

still tops the list to this day - it is so powerful and.... yes, simple - but that's what us sysadmin's say. Concepts like sbin/lilo and fdisk partitioning or manually editing etc/fstab real quick coz I know what I want as special mountpoints over NFS or whatev.... "OH the Horrror!", is prolly what any of those n00bs seeking to escape the apron strings of likely said, right before making a pinata in my effagy to bludgeon.

, and I am a proud and self-described Debiantard, isn't (wasn't) really much better back in the day, even with auto provisioning of partitions and the based install it sported... "non-free-firmware... huh? Why am I looking at a blank terminal with a command prompt's blinking cursor, instead of pretty little windows with a mouse pointer?"

, , and others not historically worth mentioning at this time weren't any better, because they were better, and far superior to the semi-n00b-friendly distros at the time. 5.0 - 7.22 weren't that bad actually, the newcomer could actually fumble their way past the installation (and even choose the Redneck language for foshizzles and giggles), but like you mention above, obsolescence loomed imminently with gobs of Hell, especially if you went out to somewhere like or another place where you could do an rpm -ivf <packagename> and then discover you broke your google... (prolly Alta Vista back in those days), but you could seriously want a really good application and find out that you have to put the lotion on its skin - or at least have a current copy of the AutoTrader to take your mind off the predicament that landed you in the bottom of a pit.

Enter ... Lemme say that again: Enter LMDE!!!

Now I had something I could recommend to n00bs that split the difference between a rolling distro and a plug & pray installation! All that non-free firmware that was so confusing for so many back then (can't get your display to work, can't this or that and aaarrrrgggghhhhh).

LMDE tracked Debian Testing but installation was as easy as just installing Mint with all of the firmware you needed - people started thanking me twice (they always thanked me once, and then a week later swore to unleash painful, bloody vengeance upon me for burying them in documentation that they could in no way comprehend). The problem, previously, was one of the tenants of my religion - "You can do it right.... Or you can do it twice!"

The truth was, they couldn't even do it AT ALL the first time, and I'm telling them to use a simple distro like Slackware or Debian - nevermind the the 3 stages of Gentoo (They don't even offer those staged platforms anymore, it was too involved for even seasoned aficionados of source based distros).

There was SuSE, but it was as ephemeral as Redhat, and for a while in those early days, I was able to wholeheartedly recommend Mandrake Linux, which had a beautiful DE and easy install, but they went public just prior to that big "POP" of the dotcom bubble and were vaporized.

Yes, When Mint came along I was elated. I could recommend LMDE, and the user could install and easily manage their desktop - and it was a rolling distro too!

Then came the realization by Clément Lefèbvre that without considerable funding there was no way the team could even have a life of their own or watch their kids grow up if they continued to support what was almost effectively two separate, but equally in appearance, distros. I must applaud the Mint team because they did gracefully migrate the LMDE folks back into the mainline Mint over a period of a couple of years.

Then I stopped recommending Linux Mint - "Friends don't let friends run ewb00ntew!"; Remember? Then, a couple of versions back, I caved with the announcement that Clément had decreed those evil "Snaps" would be disabled (If you tell me what you want what you really really want... as the Spice Girls said...). Yes, of course, you could manually enable it - just like Shuttleworth hiimself defended the Shopping Lens malware because the users could simply disable it - Huh? Disable shopping Lens? How in tarnation could a n00bie even know what to look for in the package manager to make that malware go away????

But I digress. If you really wanted to, you can enable Snaps in Linux Mint, but it's disabled by default - and for good reason, as you pointed out. Now, it's been a couple of years since I've looked, coz I no longer can be persuaded to answer that question anymore (um.... Okay, I'm back to recommending Slackware, Debian, or Arch again, but prefer to just set up a laptop for friends and say, "see? Just like Windows, huh?"). But here's what I would really like to see.

Now that non-free-firmware (since the pre-Bookworm vote in the community) is a very easy option in Debian proper, I would really like to see Linux Mint migrate back to a Slick Debian and just fricken' ditch Ubuntu altogether. My thoughts have always been that the firmware was the major issue that prevented them from getting 100% behind the upstream in the first place (I could very well be wrong about that).

Things I like about Ubuntu??? Um..... gimme a sec... Lemme think... Errr...

  • Byobu

That's it. . And IMNSHO, that's really just a pretty skin over anyway, but it's got some kewl status widgets you can embed at the bottom of the screen. Speaking of , Byobu IS NOT screen - it's tmux underneath, but it does default to ^A instead of the tmux default of ^B, but that's easy enough to change. What I really like about it is that it's a bit more user friendly in that you can customize it for your users and have it AutoStart sessions as soon as they log in - but there I go again, imposing what I think is kewl on people who really just need things as close to point and click on next ==> next ==> next ==> next as we can get it for them.

You see it wasn't all that long ago that even Windows needed an occasion tuning from your local PC Field Tech, much like our pianos do. I see no reason why we can't at least instill the responsibility for having a third party on retainer for quarterly or bi-annual maintenance of our Linux laptops either - I mean, just look how assimilated everyone still running Windows has become since Windows is free to pillage your privacy in the wake of Win10 forced updates?

Well, I'll close now, but did want to mention that your profile's stated mission sounds really refreshing to me - and I might just doing a copypasta of the link to your profile the next time someone asks that age old question.... Which Linux distro should I start off with?.

All the best!

haskman, to neovim avatar

I run inside inside a inside a window manager. Coming up with window/pane management shortcuts for each of them that don't clash, AND remembering them all is a big pain 😑

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