youronlyone, to bluesky avatar

From what I was able to gather from

  • through the will be enabled sometime in early 2024

  • The service is ready to handle bridge AT protocol and ActivityPub protocol posts and replies once federation is enabled in production (already working in sandbox test server).

The format will be:

  1. To follow a account from BlueSky / AT protocol: <username>.<server_domain>


  1. To follow a BlueSky / AT protocol user: <username>


This allows users from each side to see new posts and to reply to these threads.

What is more interesting is that, if you have IndieWeb support on your website or blog, you will see comments from BlueSky / AT protocol appear as a comment, thanks to . It is already possible to do this with Fediverse / ActivityPub. ^_~, to fediverse

Inspiring mix of perspective expanding and personal talks at border:none ( @border_none) the past two days. Thanks speakers, volunteers, and especially organizers (@marcthiele @marcthiele) and (@jkphl @jkphl).

Looking forward to the next two days at Nürnberg (@tollwerk @tollwerk) of personal site demos, brainstorming sessions, and making, creating, & hacking things from UX to protocols to improve & interconnect our websites, with each other ( ), ( & ), and others ( ).

Still a few spots if you’re in town or can hop on a train and join us Saturday & Sunday!

🎟 Tickets:
🗓 Event:
ℹ️ More info:

nhoizey, to privacy French avatar
nhoizey, to privacy French avatar
nhoizey, to privacy French avatar
nhoizey, to privacy French avatar
matthiasott, to random avatar

Working on updating my Webmention plugin for Craft CMS…
Any keys missing? 😅

matthiasott, to random avatar

Finally back at redesigning my personal site. 🎉

And I just took a deeper look at my plugin for CMS, which I will now update (from Craft 2 to 4…). But: I wrote so much code that looks so unfamiliar five years later. 😂 There is also no way this can be a quick port to v4 because Craft has changed a lot. I’ll have to rewrite the whole thing from scratch, I guess. 😅

hugo, to random avatar


Is there such a thing as an embed / quote posting tool for the ? An easy to use tool like the hosted Endpoint but for displaying a snippet of a page based on its h-entry / other ?

otter, to random German

Wieviel Aufwand das erzeugt einen blöden bereitzustellen - und Kosten (wenn man nicht eh nen Server irgendwo hat)

Wer hat sich denn so ein beschissenes "Protokoll" ausgedacht?!

Über Cloudflare Worker, kein Problem. Bisschen JavaScript, feddisch. Aber wer will schon Cloudflare DNS nutzen?

Free-Ressourcen auf Azure nutzen, ggf. möglich - scheitert aber entweder an APEX-Domäne oder wahlweise meinen Programmier-Skills.

Also jetzt einfach per Caddy auf ner VM lösen. Solang die läuft.

voxpelli, avatar

@otter The original version of Webfunger that @blaine defined did support using static files for the lookup and was essentially just a convention for how to look up user accounts using host-meta:

Later on some people decided that convention didn’t cut it and that host-meta was overkill and so they hijacked it and sacrificed it all to make its own standard that required dynamic lookups

bekopharm, to wordpress avatar

Is something up with the plugin for ?

Been 3 times this week that an endpoint came back with a http 500 error.

One with a trace:

Uncaught Exception: DateTimeZone::__construct(): Unknown or bad timezone ()<br>in <b>wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/Handler/class-wp.php</b> on line <b>164</b>

Checked mine with and it seems to work fine 🤔

esther, (edited ) to random

If you’re running your own website and publish stuff there, do you have a comment section on the site itself?

h4kor, avatar

@esther Went from Wordpress to static site. Only got 2-3 comments while still having them. Now moved to self built blogging software to add some interaction back in again via and other means.

bekopharm, to random avatar

Yikes. Sometimes I wish would not drag in a whole conversation via just because I dropped a link somewhere 😅

Sadly I get that it can't distinct between a "legit" mention and a random conversation. How should it - that's a moderation job 🤷

maffeis, to threads avatar

It’s clear to me some folks don’t know/understand the difference between protocols and services.

is (allegedly) going to support federation via the protocol, meaning that users on other services implementing the protocol, like Mastodon, will be able to interact in some form.

That doesn’t mean you’ll be able to use Threads with your Mastodon client. Clients don’t implement the protocol directly, they instead use Mastodon’s API which is specific to Mastodon.

voxpelli, avatar

@maffeis is for federation whereas and are for interacting with your instance, so they are not really exclusive though.

Micropub is already supported by tools like, @ia Writer and such.

Not sure if anyone has implemented it on top of an ActivityPub backend though.

, and would be the more direct “competitor” to ActivityPub, but eg and @pfefferle are both showing that the two can be bridged

matt, to random

Anyone inclined able to ping me a please? Thanks! Just need to see if this is working

RyunoKi, to random avatar

The moment when you realise that you lacked the reference.

For more than a year 😭

Going to look into deploying a service by @voxpelli for a spin.
Let's see whether I can self-host it now.

hyde, to piracy avatar

Just followed this ex reddit group @piracy ... And wow there are so many chats over there 😳

cjerrington, avatar

@benjaminhollon @hyde @shinnoodles I’ve been using for my comments. Been also thinking about switching to a style Ben is using to pull from the Mastodon API as that is where I share my blog posts the most. Webmentions seems to miss a few things for me.

youronlyone, to random
youronlyone avatar

It's hard to follow a “magazine” and a “user” from , or maybe from, through another instance (tested on,, It is usually not found,

I'm thinking it's the CF settings. I once encountered errors when I was setting up my / for my blogs. It is related to CF's “Bot Fight Mode”, from my experience it should be turned-off because it is blocking everything, and it doesn't allow any CF bypass settings to bypass Bot Fight Mode.

Again, just a wild guess.

cjerrington, to random avatar

Need to look into this plugin for and might need to update my site as well.

bekopharm, to internet avatar

Hm… I don't do but apparently a certain site set a bad example with it's API pricing:

Not the first huge player clamping down on it's API killing off 3rd party apps and burning bridges. This seems to be the nature of silos (or so called walled gardens).

If only there would be a solution to this dilemma. Something interoperable. Ideally without an API at all.

Like and |s or |json|atom feeds.

Ah well, will do for now 🤓

ayo, to random avatar

🤔 Why I Stopped Tracking Traffic on My Personal Sites

ayo, avatar

🎉 So happy I got working on my blog now, and it accurately shows engagements. I also implemented a replies section to show the conversations we have here. :)

It's the inevitable next step after I stopped tracking traffic on my personal sites! :) I've been wanting to implement this and join the in my efforts to further ditch


screenshot of the replies section in a post on, showing a reply from Aral Balkan

rubenwardy, (edited ) to random avatar

My blog now shows likes from the fediverse. To like a post, you just need to favorite my toot sharing the post.

The only remaining thing to complete backfeeding is to show fediverse replies on my blog, I don't think I'll do this as it seems like a privacy issue.

Thanks to the maintainers of and .io for making such great services freely available

matthiasott, to random avatar

Now, this is super interesting. Last night, I asked how people display on their () sites. I already got a few really good answers, including e.g. the sites of @sia, @nhoizey, and @andy. 🙏

But now, I want more. 😁 And I’ll write a summary (with details), of course.

Have you seen a Webmention implementation with great UX or anything that looks like a great best practice? LMK below!


voxpelli, avatar

@matthiasott I show them on my site, even have a hidden mentions page:

Though: My blog is about to be overhauled and haven’t gotten attention technically in years

And: My service is also due for that:

Positive thing: I probably have the time to do that very soon, considering I have no freelance assignment at the moment 🥳

bauripalash, to blogging avatar

For last couple weeks, I've been working on a lightweight , 🦕 Dinolog. It can be surfed and managed using or netcat, in addition to the official client.

It is compatible with , and will have an optional Http frontend (WIP). The http frontend will have total support.
, , and .

I've not yet, settled on plaintext or markdown. Specs doesn't yet suggest any text format, but I'm working on that.

pfefferle, to wordpress German avatar

CloudFest Hackathon: WordPress and the IndieWeb

Vom 19. bis 21. März fand der CloudFest Hackathon in Rust statt und ich hatte die Chance ein Projekt einzureichen und zu leiten:

WordPress and the IndieWeb

The IndieWeb is a community of individual personal websites, connected by simple standards, based on the principles of owning your domain, using it as your primary identity, to publish on your own site (optionally syndicate elsewhere), and own your data.

There are a variety of WordPress-plugins implementing these standards and principles, to help people to stay independent. Most of these plugins are very basic, have no or only little documentation with a poor user experience. Help the movement to mature and gain a broader audience.

Ich hatte mir im Vorfeld nicht viel Gedanken zum Hackathon gemacht, hab aber insgeheim gehofft, der Version 5.0 vom Webmention Plugin (einer nahezu kompletten Überarbeitung an der David Shanske und ich schon eine halbe Ewigkeit arbeiten) ein wesentliches Stück näher zu kommen… Das Wochenende lief dann aber doch etwas anders… auch großartig, aber anders 🙂

  1. Tag

Wir waren eine wild zusammengewürfelte Truppe von 8 Leuten mit den verschiedensten Lebensläufen und ich hab mir den ersten Tag viel Mühe gegeben, das IndieWeb und Webmentions zu erklären. Die Diskussionen waren spannend und hitzig und gingen sogar so weit, dass ich zwischendurch den generellen Sinn und Zweck des Webmention Plugins verteidigen musste.

Letztendlich haben aber nicht meine Argumente die Gruppe überzeugt, sondern eine Präsentation des Plugins mit all seinen aktuellen Features. Wer diesen Erkenntnisprozess nachvollziehen möchte, kann gerne Hagen Grafs „Webmention Journey“ auf Twitter verfolgen 🙂 (Nachtrag: Hagen hat seine Journey mittlerweile auch „verbloggt“)!

Meine Fazit des ersten Tages?

Man muss nicht die Geschichte des IndieWebs verstehen und auch nicht den Webmention Standard gelesen haben um von der Funktionalität begeistert zu werden, vor allem in der Kombination mit ( schlägt eine Brücke zwischen dem Webmention Standard und den proprietären APIs der bekannten Social Networks. So landen dann auch Likes auf Facebook und Kommentare auf Twitter, im eigenen Blog).

Ich werde Versuchen mich zukünftig weniger auf Geschichte und Technologie zu konzentrieren und auf Vorträgen und Hackathons mehr Fokus auf die Funktionalität zu legen.

Ich hab die Plugins in erster Linie erstmal für mich Gebaut. Frei nach dem Motto „eat your own dogfood„. Das hat für die IndieWeb Community ganz gut funktioniert, aber um eine breitere Masse anzusprechen, muss das Plugin verständlicher werden.

Für den Hackathon haben wir uns deshalb dazu entschieden, die Usability und die User Experience des Plugin zu beleuchten und (im besten Fall) zu verbessern.


Die Einstellungen setzen relativ viel Kenntnisse über die Funktionsweise von Webmentions voraus. Ein Teil der Gruppe hat sich daran gemacht, die Seite zu überarbeiten und zu vereinfachen.

Das Resultat ist eine Art Wizard, der beim ersten Aufruf gestartet wird und den User Schritt für Schritt durch die Einstellungen führt und sie ausführlich erklärt. Der Wizard soll nur beim ersten Laden starten und die klassischen Einstellungen nicht ersetzen.

(Der Pull Request dazu: )

Die zweite Idee war tiefer in das Webmentions Plugin zu integrieren. Die aktuelle Diskussion dazu findet auf GitHub statt.


Im Gegensatz zu Trackbacks und Pingbacks, müssen Webementions nicht immer „nur“ ein simpler ping sein. Es ist auch möglich dezentrale Likes, Bookmarks, RSVPs oder Reposts zu verschicken.

Aktuell muss man dazu im Block-Editor auf die HTML Ansicht wechseln und dem Link eine CSS-Klasse hinzufügen:

<pre class="wp-block-code"><span><code class="hljs language-xml"><span class="hljs-tag"><<span class="hljs-name">a</span> <span class="hljs-attr">class</span>=<span class="hljs-string">"u-like-of"</span> <span class="hljs-attr">href</span>=<span class="hljs-string">""</span>></span>Example<span class="hljs-tag"><span class="hljs-name">a</span>></span></code></span><span class="shcb-language__label">Code-Sprache:</span> <span class="shcb-language__name">HTML, XML</span> <span class="shcb-language__paren">(</span><span class="shcb-language__slug">xml</span><span class="shcb-language__paren">)</span>

Das ist nicht praktikabel und in keiner Weise anwenderfreundlich. Aus diesem Grund hat eine zweite Gruppe, an einem User Interface für den Response-Type gearbeitet.

Response-Types für Links im Block Editor

Am Ende des Hackathons gab es auch einen ersten Draft, mit der man Links als Likes auszeichnen konnte. Den PR gibt es leider noch nicht, aber ich werde ihn nachreichen wenn es soweit ist.

Webmaininnat suomeksi

…ja Carolinan ansiosta Webmaininnat-laajennus on nyt saatavilla myös suomeksi! Kiitos paljon 🙂


Es war extrem spannend mit Leuten, außerhalb der IndieWeb und (teilweise) auch außerhalb der WordPress-Community, über das IndieWeb im Allgemeinen und das Webmention Plugin im Speziellen zu sprechen.

Vielen Dank an Moritz Bappert, Stefan Euchenhofer, Marko Feldmann, Hagen Graf, Carolina Lindqvist, Jason Rouet und Jan Vogt für eure tolle Arbeit! Danke für die neue Perspektive und für euer Feedback!

Danke auch an Robert Windisch und Alain Schlesser, mit denen ich viel über das Potential von Webmentions im WordPress Core geredet habe.

Die 5.0er Version des Webmention Plugins wird großartig!

Das IndieWeb Team auf dem Cloudfest Hackathon

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