@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar



Slackware, OpenBSD, and a bit of a Debiantard.

FOSS and Privacy Advocate. Secure, Enterprise Cloud.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

danie10, to linux
@danie10@mastodon.social avatar

10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know You Could do With Nano Editor

OK, you probably do know at least one or two of these, but I’ve added the auto backup, line numbers, mouse support, and scroll bar to an alias for every time I start up nano.

See https://itsfoss.com/nano-tips-tricks/

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar


Not a huge fan, as I find that
is usually much faster for me, but I do use it in a pinch here and there, although I alias nano to ;)

On , at least at , nano is still the default install from the U of Washington contribs (not pico).

The other half of that equation is (alpine). When running , I do use nano over that of for authoring my emails.

Thanks for sharing those 's Danie :)


elb, to random
@elb@social.sdf.org avatar

I just went out to get my kid off the bus. It's cold outside, so I put on a gray pea coat over my T-shirt and blue plaid flannel pajama pants. It's snowing, so I added a black wool Stetson. Then the bus was late (probably due to the 2" of snow on the ground), so I pulled on some tan leather lined work gloves and shoveled the walk.

Fortunately it was my younger who was getting off the bus, and she is rather a sartorial free spirit. My older would have been mortified.

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

@elb bruh! You are rockin' the fashion world and don't let anyone tell you different.

As for the older kid, let's fix 'em - go back in and change into a power ranger costume and make sure all their friends are observing when they come down off the steps of the bus to greet them Muahahaha 🤘🤡🤘



jimray, to random
@jimray@mastodon.social avatar

Me, an idiot: “So, kids, by setting the thermostat a little lower and eating less meat, we’re doing our part to make the world more sustainable”

VCs, very smart: “We just raised $100 billion dollars from the sovereign wealth funds of three petrostates to build the world’s largest AI supercomputer. It uses as much power and water as Guatemala and the primary use case is for management consultants to autogenerate powerpoints for justifying mass layoffs.”

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

So you're about ready to come on over to my place so we can BBQ up some Humboldt grass fed beef 🐄🥩 on my propane fueled grill?

I can drive on over and pick you up from the airport at ✈️ LAX ✈️ in my big, fire engine red V8 powered 4x4 pickup truck with absolutely no apologies too, because I truly don't give a good goddamn about any of that nonsensically manufacturered emotional blackmail that you're so effectively and quite eloquently exposing as hipocracy. 🖖


shoq, to random

Or will it thread without one? {testing}

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

@tallship @tallship @julian

Bravo! You can haz ! 🍔

Here's a screenie depicting both sides of a typical Fediverse interaction between NodeBB and platforms like Friendica, Misskey, Soapbox/Pleroma, Hubzilla, Takahe, Socialhome, and others.

dansup, to random
@dansup@mastodon.social avatar

The oldest 30 active pixelfed.social users will be invited to beta test @loops this weekend if everything goes as planned.

More pixelfed.social users will be invited over the next few weeks and eventually we'll be ready to open to everyone.

I want to get Loops shipped ASAP, even if it means delaying some major features (comments, notifications, mentions, hashtags) by a few weeks.

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

@dansup @loops

Good idea, There's going to be a lot of effort during these next few months to produce something akin to Vine or YouTube Shorts, in anticipation of filling a void.

Shipping early to get those root balls well into spreading through the soil is prudent - just provide lots of sunlight and water :)


tedu, to random

I clicked the wrong video, and now all the YouTube recs for the Linus guy have been replaced with recs for the Theo guy.

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar


Theo de Raadt?

cheeaun, to webdev
@cheeaun@mastodon.social avatar

Does anyone use the "g" + letter combination keyboard shortcuts? I'm wondering where its origin are from. Also made a quick comparison table of them for Pinafore, Mastodon, X and Elk (Phanpy doesn't support them).

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar


I'm not sure I follow. Do you mean like "^g + ...", or "Alt-g + ...)"?.

Or just the letter "g" itself is a hotkey in one of those web clients?

Elpher (a Gopher/Gemini client in Emacs) uses in this manner, as do some other cli clients (vi/Vim), etc., but in a GUI I'm mostly used to seeing either the Ctrl (^), or Alt keys used, even in most terminals, i.e., "Alt + Shift +v" to paste in most Linux/BSD terminal clients, analagous to Windows' "^v", While Tmux is "^b + ..."


tedu, to random

Funny thing about Therac-25. Comes up in literally every discussion about how dangerous software can be (still is), but it's been 40 years. I don't think we should forget the lessons of the past, but at some point maybe we should acknowledge the past is the past not the present.

The amount of software in life critical medical systems is magnitudes greater than in the Therac times. If nothing has improved, shouldn't we have more recent tragedies to reference?

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar


That's not freaky-deaky at all... NOT.

Couldn't even find the programmer after he left the corporation. A software maintenance nightmare.

But until just the past couple of years, there's been major concerns with login access to medical equipment - especially wrt insecure WiFi SSIDs.

I don't think that really falls under the "hindsight" proverb either, IMO, it's kinda moronic at the outset. Machines that monitor and administer delivery of medication, pacemakers, Etc.


mjj, to random
@mjj@mstdn.dk avatar

The new Thinkpad T14 Gen 5 has swapped Fn and Ctrl keys and a Copilot key?

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar


I loathe those little mouse pointer controls popping up like awhackamole in the middle of the keyboard - every time I see one of those I just wanna grab a pair of pliers, rip it right out of the keyboard, and stick it onto the end of a pencil as if it were a brand new replacement eraser, lolz....

to this day I even disable the track pads and carry around a little USB mouse. Otherwise my lazy palm wreaks havoc on any document I'm currently editing 🤣


mikedev, to random

Took less than 15 seconds for the cat trap to snare its first victim.


@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar


Nice Flying V there ;)

mikedev, to random

Interesting little dilemma I'm facing with the testing of conversation containers. The parts I'm having the most difficulty with are 1) groups and 2) moderated comments.

Ironically, conversation containers make both of these things a piece of cake. A constrained conversation by definition relays all content to its audience, which is exactly what a group does. A constrained conversation also by definition is a moderated conversation because a comment isn't part of the conversation until it has been added to it by the owner.

So why is there a problem?


We altered everything we did in bizarre ways a few years ago just to make our consent-driven communications compatible with the elephant in the room. And even though this new architecture does away with all of the ActivityPub hacks and performs the same operations in completely legal ActivityPub objects without requiring any extensions, Mastodon doesn't recognise the entire concept of groups and moderated content. So we'll either need to come up with hacks that make our stuff compatible with their primitive data model, or just say "fugg it" and do it the right way and "fugg them" if they don't want to play in a more capable vision of the ActivityPub universe.

I'm leaning towards the latter. We're creating a better, friendlier, and safer fediverse. This train has been building momentum for 14 years and has no brakes.

Please don't stand on the tracks.

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar



it, and Fugg them - they don't play nice in the sandbox anyway, and can take their little broken toys and go home.

Just concentrate on:

1.) Doing it right (as you relate you are).
2.) Doing what you can (within reason) to accommodate and interoperate with the other prominent, responsible projects. A few I would note would be:

  • Friendica
  • Mitra
  • The Pleroma family of forks
  • The Misskey family of forks

runs !


snarfed.org, to random

Fediverse! I’ve been building a bridge to Bluesky, and they’re turning on federation soon, which means my bridge will be available soon too. You’ll be able to follow people on Bluesky from here in the fediverse, and vice versa.

Bluesky is a broad network with lots of worthwhile people and conversations! I hope you’ll give it a chance. Only fully public content is bridged, not followers-only or otherwise private posts or profiles. Still, if you want to opt out, I understand. Feel free to DM me at @snarfed (different account than this one), email me, file a GitHub issue, or put #nobridge in your profile bio.

A number of us have thought about this for a while now, we’re committed to making it work well for everyone, and we’re very open to feedback. Thanks for listening. Feel free to share broadly.

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

@J12t @tallship @fediversenews @fedidevs @activitypubblueskybridge @snarfed.org@snarfed.org

Yes, we do try to respect the Creative Commons licenses - it's a great thing.

And statistically, studies have revealed that we also do our very best to respect the wishes of publishers who rebuke and refuse to allow their works in a distribution channel where items are DRM encoded.

People should have more faith in the intentions of folks trying to do good, methinks :)

There will always be bad actors

tallship, to foss

Reprinted from the Fediverse-City Matrix room, with permission from the author (myself):

I was just participating in another discussion elsewhere on the connotations and perceptions relating to a global feed of the entire known Fediverse, as it pertains to what various platforms call it (in their selector tabs).

Lots of suggestions, and every platform uses a different nomenclature. Some use 'global', some use 'live', and there's a few others as well that try to convey that type of extremely busy feed.

But then I touched on the subject of Local feeds - not all Fediverse platforms utilize this type of concatenated feed. I related that the Hometown fork of mastopub was [at least one of] the first to incorporate this as both a feed, and a type of post that is localized to only that particular instance.

I also, because I've read his contention, included the Dev's reasoning on having such a utility as a feature - because he intended Hometown to be a Fediverse platform that could encourage a Highly localized "community".

So you can select the other various, common types of scope for a post when making a post, as well as posting something that is only viewable to other users on your local instance - thereby supporting the 'local community only' aspect that has eluded and mostly deluded users on other platforms.

Why "deluded", because having a Fediverse account in the minds of most folks coming from the deprecated, monolithic silo space is something that has been heavily promoted by Fedizens as one of the reasons why it's better to use the Fediverse instead of those impersonal deprecated silo systems.

And that's simply not true.

Take me, for example. I have several accounts and interact using them with different circles of people (I won't get into the power of recursive circles as they were implemented in gplus). So I'mma just use mastodon.social, one of the biggest monolithic-like silo instances in the Fediverse, as an example here.

People there, most often n00bs from the November Rain or later) talk about the sense of "community" they have there, when they're really only speaking of the connections they have by following and being followed by not just people on that instance, but across the entire Fediverse.

The sense of community that almost everyone in the Fediverse perceives is mostly a compilation of the follows and followers that they each have, and is unique to themselves alone.

For example, I prolly know 4 or 5 people on each instance I have an account on. My community is comprised almost entirely of the direct connections I have made with others across the Fediverse at large, and yes, people on platforms with 'local-only' feeds to see my posts, know them to be local, but so do folks on other instances watching their 'global feeds' (or home feeds where someone they follow includes a follow of my account).

So to me, in my experience, my community is comprised of those who I've made connections with and the people they are connected to, with very little traffic from the local instance I am on at any given time.

To think that you're going to have a community on mastodon.social consisting of people primarily from that instance is a bit naive, IMO, coz your default feed grows exponentially with foreign user's posts the more you connect with anyone - not just the people you follow that are local to your instance. You see something, you interact because it's interesting, pertinent, or relevant to you - you don't do that because you've discerned that you will only interact with local accounts... that just ain't natural, human tendency.

So the creator of the Hometown fork realized that one type of vehicle in the feature set to mark this kind of delineation was that of the ability to post and see in your feed, local only posts, with the overt assertion that Hometown is a fork that in part, is a platform that can facilitate the social diaspora consisting of a 'mostly local' community.

Even entire instances, named or stated as localized geographically or topically, as having publicly open registrations miss this mark in a big way - people for whatever reason, want a Fediverse account, pick a host/instance, by whatever criteria, and then inadvertently end up creating their own diaspora of social connections across the entire Fediverse anyway.

nostr, Bluesky (when it eventually fully supports other instances), Threads (yeah, I know, it's a bastard, lolz), Minds, and other, bigger instances or monoliths, don't try to capitalize on this notion of "Your instance is your community" because overwhelmingly, it just isn't the case in reality.

I'm not saying that there aren't Fediverse instances are successful in cultivating small communities consisting of connections with others on those particular instances, but the most successful of those are the instances that have actually disabled Federation on those instances, lolz.... There's lots of examples of that, which is kewl - to each their own.

But the tendency of everyone to follow the Ew! Shiny! paradigm of simply liking and following what you like irrespective of whether it's on your local instance or not is the lions share of how people interact with each other.

Your thoughts, observations?

Attached graphic attrib: A Jack Russell, happy as can be, sitting in the pilot's seat flying a Cessna, not knowing WTF he's doing.... but he's really happy! The caption reads: "I have no idea what I'm doing".



@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

@tallship @jgoerzen

John, I thought of you when I first saw this little doggy - not the caption, but the puppy is just so happy in the pilots seat, in a sort of, "Look Ma, No hands! w00t!", way.

Get it? 'No hands'? kinda gives one "Paws", lolz.

Kindest regards,



tallship, (edited ) to random
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar


This "Challenge" is completely safe (except for what it might unlock in your minds eye).

It will not cause you to choke to death on a tablespoon of cinnamon, or cause brain trauma due to you trying to prove that your TikTok cranium is harder than the ice of a frozen lake bed, or some other stupid fucking stunt that you saw so-called, "creators" on that platform inducing your to perilously subject yourself to harm.

No, it will only hopefylly enlighten.


@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

https://zotum.net/channel/tallship?mid=b64.aHR0cHM6Ly96b3R1bS5uZXQvaXRlbS9jYTIxMGVlNC1jNWQ2LTQ1OGUtYjk5NS1kYWI4OTIzMWQ5YTM in case you want to follow the breadcrumbs, due to your insatiable curiosity of all things humanitarian ;)


dansup, to Pixelfed
@dansup@mastodon.social avatar

Pixelfed was forked, I joined their discord and gave them a piece of my mind

Forks fucking rule, I'm happy to see this. Open source is crucial to the fediverse, and while we all might not agree on everything, it feels amazing to desire to work with forks

Y'all are the real winners, even more so when devs like me do the unthinkable and bring awareness to forks

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

@swelljoe @dansup

Yeah I was going to chime in about that - BIG RED FLAG when a/any/new project or fork of one dismsses the importance of on in favor of a proprietary, privacy disrespecting monolith like discord.

That tells me everything I think that one needs to know about this so-called, "pre-fork".

When a few boneheads made up some issues on why The GIMP offended them, they forked it (calling it Glimpse), they withered and died in embarrassment.

toddsundsted, to random
@toddsundsted@epiktistes.com avatar

https://epiktistes.com/uploads/c34e37a4/e56e/4f48/1.jpegc1978 schwinn spitfire 5’slatest project… we got my wife’s parents bikes out of storage where they’d been collecting dust for about 25 years, put new tires on them, tuned them up, cleaned them up and went riding!

@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar


Those are some pimped out Strand Cruisers!

Thanks for sharing!

tallship, to random
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar
tallship, to random
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar
tallship, to random
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar
tallship, to random
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

US announces visa ban on those linked to commercial spyware


> Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken announced today a new visa restriction policy that will enable the Department of State to ban those linked to commercial spyware from entering the United States.

tallship, (edited ) to psychology
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

I mean.... lolz...


Hey! It's public! As are your posts public too, lolz.



tallship, to foss
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

This goes back to July. Good read then, and still a good read now.

Why? Why not? and the "Becauses" are included as well :)



tallship, to random
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar


You do realize that you're not blocking bluesky, but rather, you're "de-federating" yourself and disenfranchising your users from vast portions of the Fediverse without consent.

You said:
"Pagan Plus will be blocking the blue sky bridge for automaticly opting unaware users into sharing and introducing the fediverse to bluesky’s moderation problems."

Ad an admin, that's certainly your prerogative, but you're not really blocking Bluesky - you're blocking everyday people - like you.

tallship, to debian
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar
tallship, to history
@tallship@social.sdf.org avatar

From the dark abscesses of the mind belonging to the most prolific butt-pirate in the world...


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