Moving to: m/AskMbin!

bornInbread, in Dear pre-migration Keebinetters, how can we NOT ruin kbin for you?
bornInbread avatar

best thing you could do prolly is to never use the word keebinetter again

Pegatron avatar

What's up my kbinsters?


Yeah, that word is giving me the keebeejeebees.



CynAq avatar


How about kbinians or kbinistas?

cacheson avatar


(kbinians is good too)

assbutt avatar

This isn't just kbin, that's kinda the whole point. A name based on kbin is short-sighted, because kbin is only one small piece of this thing.

Instead of instantly doing the same shit we did on reddit 15 years ago, why don't we do things differently this time? We don't have to call kbin users anything. In any case, please god not "keebinetter."

minnieo avatar

i like your name

assbutt avatar

Thanks, I picked it myself


Isn't this like saying that Chicagoans should just be called Illinoisans, which should just be called Americans, which should just be called Earthicans?

Pegatron avatar

What's up kpops?


"Dear Fediverse Citizen..."

Molliepop avatar


deaconblue avatar

I was thinking fediverts but I think fedizens works better


"Hey there, fellow feds!"

livus avatar

I unironically like this.


I hope it doesn't stick because it really sounds stupid, no offence.

assbutt avatar

It makes no sense. Without context, I would have no idea that "keebinetter" is supposed to mean "user of kbin." What's wrong with established naming conventions? And who reads "kbin" as "keebin"?

A name based on kbin doesn't make sense anyway, the whole idea is that this isn't just kbin.



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  • Cavalarrr,
    Cavalarrr avatar

    We've all missed the memo, I just found out it's officially the kawaii boys international network.

    AnakinSandlover avatar

    This is too funny and it's my headcanon for me now.

    MisterMoo avatar

    We could take a page from Utah and call ourselves Kbahns.

    Pegatron avatar

    Sounds like a German highway

    insomniac_lemon avatar

    Exclusively for Kei-cars

    UziBobuzi, in Can a rich person be a good person?
    UziBobuzi avatar

    People who hoard more money than they can spend in several lifetimes while people are literally dying in the streets cannot be good. These things are mutually exclusive.




    For me personally it's more a question of does your money hoarding system exploit people or is it family money that's been made unethically. I think keeping that kind of money to yourself is unethical. And I don't mean you should go living from riches to rags but recognize that you own something to society and do something about it.

    BeHereNow avatar

    Soros attempted to gain wealth to use it as a tool to fight for the oppressed. Didn't work out too well for him.


    Can you at least try to explain this take... I think we are having hard time seeing where you are coming from?

    How is some rich clown trying to influence political process for his own benefiting helping the homeless or the working poors?

    What about middle class?

    BeHereNow avatar

    If you're down voting please explain yourself. I'm guessing it's not because you are pro fascism/authoritarianism.

    I don't know much about Soros, but I find how effectively the powers that be (and wanna be) were able to turn him into a boogeyman fascinating.


    Without knowing the intent of people down voting, I think you miss what they mean.

    What most people criticise about Soros, gates or any other millionaire for that matter:

    -holds on to more money than he can ever spend while people starve on the streets. -only fights for small improvements instead of targeting the root cause (capitalism) -acts like he’s working mainlyforr charity while working mainly to get/stay rich. (Funds are a nice way to not pay taxes. Even if only 5% of your funds spending is for charity and the rest is for your own profit, you don’t pay taxes at all.)

    What right wing idiots criticise: -wants to take over the world -wants to make everyone gay -wants to chip everyone with vaccines -gets adenochrom from children to stay young.

    There are valid reasons to dislike millionaires. Just because some right wing idiots dislike them too (for wildly different reasons) doesn’t make your reasons invalid.

    If trump would demand free healthcare for all tomorrow, I would still want it, even when i have the same opinion as some right wing idiot.

    minnieo avatar


    IninewCrow avatar

    Another way to describe individuals who hoard enormous amounts of wealth to the detriment of society and other humans is ... pathologically unsound and incapable of compassion or empathy for others around them

    Bendersmember, in Is there any one else who feels like their life has been disrupted by this whole debacle with Reddit.
    Bendersmember avatar

    Reddit was something unique and personal to each user. Some it was new, some it was the only place to find specific tech or other advice that wasn't corrupted by ads and algorithms on goggle and other big corporations.
    Reddit was my way of disengaging from world news before I knew about anxiety, and how things could affect me and become personal even though I had no way to help world events. So I used it to personalize my mental diet, if I was creative I could sub to many craft subs like leather or metal etc, it's where I went to get other perspectives on movies and content that I didn't fully understand.
    End of the day, is all that possible still on Reddit, kinda, but it's going away, and they pushed me personally to leave as I could see it was becoming google/Facebook, ad algorithms to push what people pay for or get paid for. So time to reset.
    Become involved, I'm way more involved and adding to discussions on the new sites I'm on. Everyone adding comments and posts and perspectives and opinions are building this up from bottom up.
    You are the future, make your perspective part of the future by helping guide these new sites to something we can be proud of.


    While I feel a bit nostalgic to leave Reddit behind, I recently realised it had become stale for me. Time to move on.

    drinkleadsoup avatar

    Absolutely this. It got very homogenized. I joined reddit for the variety of people and their ability to understand topics I'd like to understand better. Then it all turned to bots and reposts. Then I would unsub from one subreddit and migrate to the new sub that was similar to the sub I just abandoned until the new sub became infested with bots and reposts, then rinse and repeat.


    This is a great answer.

    I feel like I can do away with the doomscrolling and time-wasting, but it's the specific advice and hobby subs that will be difficult to tear away from completely.

    drinkleadsoup avatar

    I'm also going to have trouble avoiding my city's local subreddit. It's definitely a hub for everything going on here, and I've made some real life friends on there who I plan on keeping up with.

    Hanabie avatar

    What I liked about reddit was its "googleability". You had a question and found an answer without reading through an endless article that winds it's way through rephrasing your question 5 times, adds extensive biographies of everyone mentioned, the wider history of the problem and the author's grandmother, all to pad the article and have you scroll through more adds.

    But now there's ChatGPT, so most of my "googling" can be done that way, and I don't have to scroll through walls of puns or "this is the way" or "thanks for the gold, kind stranger", or "take my updoot and get out". I wonder how much of that bullshit were bots, anyway.

    Bendersmember avatar

    First thing I did when I got chat got was use it as a search engine, it's not perfect, but google should wake up, when something is better at its own game accidentally, imagine what's possible if they don't fix their algorithm

    1chemistdown avatar

    Well said @Bendermember




    I’m upvoting your comment because you bring up great points, but I personally disagree with the disengaging from world events aspect. I’ll miss the niche subreddits that helped you solve the most random of issues, but I think reddit was far from a great place to disengage from news and the political discourse brought by news. Ever since the 2016 election cycle, I personally saw a considerable increase of posts regarding politics that came from both established subreddits and new ones that popped up (like /r/enoughtrumpspam which simply added more spam to the pile).

    I think Trump’s campaign and presidency really ignited a lot of this, and while I neither like nor support Trump, I miss when the biggest disruptions were from isolated events (like the Occupy Wall Street movement or the Ellen Pao fiasco) rather than 4 years of a presidential tenure.

    After years of nonsense, it all just got tiring. You can curate your reddit experience, but what happens when all the political doom scrolling finds its way into your favorite subreddits?

    Kbin and the rest of the fediverse will grow, and I’m aware that the same kind of posting will find its way here, too. Thankfully the fediverse lets you subscribe to multiple communities of the same name, so maybe /m/news isn’t up one’s alley but /c/news is, for example.

    I didn’t realize how shit reddit was getting until I stopped using it. The constant barrage of political shit accompanied by low effort comments/puns did a number on my happiness. I stopped using Facebook for similar reasons.

    I’m glad you’re also adopting the mindset of being an active contributor. For years I also just would scroll and seldom upvote, but if we want to make “this house a home”, we need to put in the effort ourselves! I look forward to seeing how this all plays out. So far, I am very optimistic. I hope you find your niche interested here sooner than later!

    Bendersmember avatar

    I always stuck with front page and never was on popular or all, I feel that was my saving grace. Also reposts and crossposted content drove me batty, so overtime unsubbed from groups that got political or negative. I wasn't subbing to just kitty cat pictures, more so hobbies, movies, and specific YouTubers like rlm etc. That's why I mentioned that everyone's experience was different, just a few different subs and the whole experience is different.

    I'm in a demographic that people actively try to push and radicalize as well, so even if I am frustrated with things and how they affect me, I always keep one foot out and try to be super aware of that. I feel some, not all obviously get caught up over time and it erodes who they are and normalizes some really crazy things. So when I realize something like American politics is affecting me and my day, as a Canadian, I step back and look at what I'm letting into my mental diet.

    End of day I hope we all learn from the past and can improve on what worked and avoid what didn't. There's no reason to not learn from the past and try to grow in a positive way.


    After years of nonsense, it all just got tiring. You can curate your reddit experience, but what happens when all the political doom scrolling finds its way into your favorite subreddits?

    I'm not much into US politics, but you know, this reminds me of why I started disengaging from my own country subreddit. At the start it was mostly about the people and the community, and I liked talking to people and hearing their problems. I was hosting regular get-togethers and eventually became a mod. As Reddit got more mainstreatm, the anti-government political people started coming in and well, I don't want to be hearing about moaning all the time. These people also had a terrible persucation complex (not helped by my country's history of surpressing opposition views), so any attempt to moderate these people when their posts and comments got excessive and off-topic was met with fierce pushback. I just wanted a more positive place for people, instead of endless political bickering.

    livus avatar

    Until I got to the part about your country's history of suppressing opposition, I thought you were talking about my country's subreddit!

    We went through the exact same trajectory from being a small friendly place with meetups, getting bigger, becoming negative and political arguments all the time. In the end I stopped dropping in there at all.


    Yea, it's a shame. Thinking about it now though, maybe should've created a separate sub to dump those political posts to.

    livus avatar

    Might have worked. They created one for my country, and also we could filter out politics on the main sub, but some people still just bring it up in other threads.

    tal, (edited )
    tal avatar

    Some of it was also political activists or people paid to actively work to sway opinion on social media.

    Xeelee avatar

    "Some" is a huge understatement.

    1chemistdown, in Don't you think kbin has really gone downhill since the good old days?
    1chemistdown avatar

    Shit, I remember when I had to check the cloud flare box just to get into kbin and now all you just show up without any extra work. SMH


    Kids these days just have everything handed to them

    Otome-chan avatar

    yeah? well when I joined kbin, 503 errors said to check back in a few days!

    livus avatar

    But it would usually let you go to some other part of kbin 10 minutes later with a nice Capcha of some cat paintings...

    CoderKat avatar


    EROLoLICON avatar

    Those were difficult times


    You had it easy in my day we had to fight Godzilla, Superman and five Shreks before we would be even allowed to login.

    Eggyhead avatar

    Uphill, both ways!

    … and in the rain!!

    niktemadur avatar

    Godzilla, Superman and five Shreks before we would be even allowed to login

    On Captcha?


    I cant even remember what the Captcha was. I meant outside.

    MeccAnon, in What Reddit features do you *not* want kbin to have?
    MeccAnon avatar

    This might be an unpopular opinion, but karma/reputation points. It only encourages hivemind and echo chambers. I'm ok with thread-specific points so that content can be ranked, but that's it.

    Spiracle avatar

    There are some basic use-cases, imho. Quite a few subs required a minimum level of karma, age, and perhaps activity to reduce spammers.

    I see no reason to track karma above 1000 or so, though. Even the most choosy subs never asked for that much karma, so I assume that should be fine.


    No karma tracking above 1000 karma. Just display karma as "1000+" and that's it.

    exscape avatar

    Well, there are some, like /r/SupremeClub that requires 100 000 comment karma. Of course that's the entire point of the sub.

    Flaky_Fish69 avatar

    The reality is those restrictions/gates just became goalposts and frequently moved fairnebough that it was easier for the spammers to get past with a repost bot (or kharma farming sub)

    Spiracle avatar

    Spammers are not the only thing this is meant for. One example would be the give-away subs. /r/SteamGiveaway etc. Their requirements don’t prevent every malicious post, but it did keep people from just easily creating dozens of accounts to game the system.

    Flaky_Fish69 avatar

    Maybe the average Reddit lurker. But that’s the point I- and others- are making.

    People who are trying to game the system to get free loot, are…. Going to game the system…. And the karma restrictions made it harder for actual people who aren’t gaming the system

    Andreas, avatar

    The karma system was not even effective against spammers, while it did block out genuine new accounts and people with unpopular opinions. Bots would just repost popular posts and comments to farm karma and bypass the restrictions.


    It would have been if it was used right.

    Anyone with half a brain could spot a karma farming account. When I first became a mod of a very large sub there I looked at the recent ban log and spotted some accounts banned a couple months back for karma farming. They were being used for things like promoting drug sites, crypto, etc.

    The algorithm used karma and history to help filter/restrict accounts. The problem was that not everyone was committed to doing that. Most of the meme subs had mods who just didn't give a shit and when you sent them a modmail with: 'Hey these are clearly bot accounts reposting word for word popular posts including the links (which is a really good indication it's a script', they just wouldn't do anything or just very aggressively respond that they wouldn't do anything. Henceforth their subs became ground zero for botters and scammers who wanted to build history on an account.

    Reddit had an automated process, as far as I could tell, for banning/restricting these kinds of account. If enough large subs banned them in a period of time, it would seem like their accounts would be suspended almost immediately. So if they happened to post in the wrong group of subs when I spotted them, I'd modmail all those subs and they'd all ban them and the account would disappear, but if they hit the right subs where the mods didn't care, then they wouldn't, and it would take a lot more work to get them dealt with.

    Karma is a good way to track participation, but if people ignore/abuse the system it falls apart.

    The fact that reddit didn't have a process in place to track accounts posting word for word (including link) reposts and immediately ban them was really weak. Also the fact that the algorithm checked karma and history but the admin gave their blessing to subs like freekarma4u because some subs had karma requirements was a bit of a joke.

    Andreas, avatar

    At the size of Reddit, it's impossible as a mod to keep track of every account's individual activities. A mod of a meme sub with millions of subscribers isn't going to vet every user in the sub. To recognize a karma farming bot, you would have to know that their content is reposted. But if you're viewing the bot's post for the first time, how would you know? You would just assume that the post is original and upvote it. The karma bots also crop or filter their reposted images to make sure "repost identifier" bots don't catch them.


    You don't need to vet every user in the sub. It is trivial to write a bot that detects whether or not things are reposts. There was literally a repostsleuth bot that did just that. All they would have had to do is pay attention to it.

    I modded a sub of over 25 million subscribers and there wasn't an unfiltered post that I didn't go through. If you aren't checked out as a mod, it's pretty easy to spot the reposts after you mod the sub for awhile. It's also fairly easy to spot a bot that needs investigating if you actually click on their profile.

    The bots carried on for years doing little more than simply copying the previous post word for word and even if the image was hosted on reddit, they'd just repost the same link, they were trivially easy to catch and the mods of those subs couldn't even put that little bit of effort in. Right up until the end of pushshift bots were reposting top posts from subs.

    trying to dismiss their inability to act because bots have gotten more sophisticated doesn't excuse them because they didn't do anything when they were simple.

    Harlan_Cloverseed avatar

    I like this idea

    termagant avatar

    Yes, karma farming just encouraged reposting of popular posts. I can't stand seeing the same thing over and over again- across and in the same subs.

    SuiXi3D avatar

    I honestly prefer the way Fark handles comment voting. Smart or Funny. No upvotes or downvotes, just whether you enjoyed the comment for its humor or its intellectual content.

    Spiracle avatar

    Many forums have additional ratings/reactions. Sufficient Velocity has the most I recall off-hand: Like, Hug, Informative, Insightful, and funny as basic reactions. All of them are used regularly by users.

    Honestly, SV may be considered overdoing it, though I personally like it. They also have Meow for paid users and Facepalm specific posts in a subforum. Even further, there’s gilding and maybe a dozen more reactions which are only active during specific events. Very much unnecessary to have that much.

    lemonflavoured avatar

    That's nothing. There's a forum I post on during the NFL season called Sports Hoopla, which has the following post reactions: Like; Love; Haha; Wow; Sad; On Fire; Winner; Angry; Facepalm; You're Funny; Mind Blown; Boring; Bullseye; Poop; Wondering; Useful; Cake; Clown; Rainbow.

    LinusWorks4Mo avatar

    agree totally, the constant reposting to karma farm was one of the biggest annoyances

    thehatfox avatar

    I agree. People can never fully seem to grasp that upvote and downvote do not mean agree and disagree, which discourages real conversation and ferments a hivemind.

    People that want to put the effort in to have real discussions also don’t tend to care about internet points. But people that care about internet points are more inclined to only post low effort content and continual reposts.

    Notnotmike, avatar

    upvote and downvote do not mean agree and disagree

    Oh man, that really angered me with reddit. Make a controversial opinion and you are obliterated. It made subreddits like /r/UnpopularOpinion absolutely pointless, and having a discussion unfun

    It's why I personally chose Beehaw. Removing the down vote ability is truly, in my opinion, a wise decision if you want real discussion rather than anger


    That's not the fault of people, it's the fault of the UX design. Because psychologically, the most natural interpretation is Like/Dislike.

    In addition, while using it as a Like/Dislike can cause valid opinions to be lost when it comes to comments, it's far more useful at the thread level, where you do want thread positions to be based on what the users of that thread want to see versus don't want to see.


    However, someone else made an alternate suggestion, which is to have 4 arrows instead of 2.

    One set covers Like/Dislike, while the other set covers Relevant/Not Relevant. I'm not sure that applies on the thread level, but it might be a nice enhancement for comments.


    Power user from Reddit here. Yeah, it helps create some of the toxicity. Definitely for not having that crap follow over to the Fediverse

    Leafeytea avatar


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  • arth,
    arth avatar

    It's my understanding that "reputation points" isn't fully implemented yet and means nothing right now. I can't point to a source for this. Something I read somewhere that I've forgotten.



    dominoko avatar

    I agree. The fear of losing karma gave me "posting anxiety"

    0xtero avatar

    Yep this ^

    The comment/article up/downvote functions combined with personal filters/ban/blacklist tools is all that's needed. Some kind of strange "karma" or global reputation over time is the detrimental to the site and discussions and encourages bandwagoning users.

    arth avatar

    Agreed. This place shouldn't be a popularity contest.

    WorriedGnome avatar

    @arth or a race to the top with the wittiest one liner. Or a serious thread just consisting of one liners. I've loved kbin for how verbose people can be on here, really getting into the spirit of discussing and debating. Proper conversations, not just pun after pun

    Flaky_Fish69 avatar

    Some of the pun chains were fun.

    But never on a serious topic. Let’s add to the list, that “this is the way” bot that the dude then botted comments in a restricted (or was it private?) just to “win” on the bots leader board.

    Nepenthe avatar

    God yes. Not even close to unpopular. I've been going back and forth about it because it was sold as a barrier for entry to bots but, as was already noted, they just all hung around that damn free karma sub or reposted a single meme and then it was off to the races.

    I get the feeling behind including it, but its only inarguable value is sorting the feed. Easy enough to just hide it outside of articles and then we'd all be better off.


    I agree with this. Fake internet points ruin the internet.



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  • DreamySweet,
    thehatfox avatar

    With hobbies involve lots of data. Anything with an excuse to make a spreadsheet or Grafana dashboard. My latest one is home weather monitoring.

    Or if you just want to see a number get bigger, Cookie Clicker is a surprisingly deep distraction.

    MothraCultist, in People from Reddit or redditors, people from Boston are Bostonians, people from Canada are Canadian. What should the people of this site use for a demonym?
    MothraCultist avatar

    partial to kbeans myself (to explain: kbin beings -> kbeans)


    That's pretty good!

    bean avatar

    I agree!

    CynAq avatar

    I like kbeans too. Cute and way better (and easier to type) than keebinetters. Also where tf is the "kee" coming from?

    ProbablyNotCarl avatar

    I like the Beans in general for the Fediverse or whatever the union is here. Kbeans for Kbin, Lbeans for Lemmy, etc. Like a way we can be all united under a Bean Banner while still being unique beans at the same time.

    ReCursing avatar

    is /m/BeansInThings a thing yet?

    MothraCultist avatar

    i am pleasantly surprised that there has been so much support for beans and i love the broad bean concept you've outlined here


    I might be green here, but I think that we should runner the bean thing past a few more people first. Maybe from Boston?


    to explain: kbin beings -> kbeans)

    Change the G to a K and we have our mascot (it also sorta looks like the reddit alien too.

    MothraCultist avatar

    lmao this is somewhat terrifying but i'm not entirely against it

    LegendofDragoon avatar

    Me and the homies at 3am looking for (k)BEANS

    It's pretty funny, I like it.

    Kantiberl avatar

    I sure hope we sprout and grow towards the giants.

    Flaky_Fish69 avatar

    Honestly, at 3am, coffee is necessary.

    stackPeek, in If brands were brutally honest. What brand would have what slogan?
    stackPeek avatar

    Cloudflare: We're the single point of failure of the internet

    kaupas24 avatar

    I love it

    Fatalchemist avatar

    Funny and relevant with it breaking the federation on kbin right now. Nice job.

    stackPeek avatar

    Hopefully it will change. I'm aware that this is a temporary solution

    neonfire avatar

    It might for the time being, but it's stupid to think a single point of failure and be fixed permanently. I don't get why we continue to centralize things when everytime we do it's a bad outcome. We have to be smarter

    vrojak, in People from Reddit or redditors, people from Boston are Bostonians, people from Canada are Canadian. What should the people of this site use for a demonym?
    vrojak avatar

    The bin in kbin stands for the enclosing structure. We, as its users, are its content.
    Therefore, I present you, the correct way to call ourselves:


    seasideghost avatar
    StaticBoredom, in Have encountered racism, hate speech or homophobia on the fediverse yet?
    StaticBoredom avatar

    I have not seen it yet, though I have no doubt that it exists.

    I believe that in real life as in the fediverse, hate speech and bigotry of all kinds needs to be very firmly shot down. Immediately downvote and block that shit. It has no place here, or anywhere.

    That being said, debating or even engaging with these pricks is worse than pointless because you’ll never change their minds and will only give them a platform.


    Won't it make them angrier and more racist, though?

    mmmplak avatar

    Is that their go to reaction? Be more angry and racist?

    Flaky_Fish69 avatar

    it's really all they have, yeah.


    Accepting them and letting them continue being bigots won't make them stop being bigots.

    Pseu avatar

    To change someone's mind, the person needs to respect you. Bigotry largely comes from a place of disrespect, so the targets of bigotry cannot change that person's mind.

    Now, when my mom was starting down a pretty homophobic path, I had the opportunity to talk to her, to explain that her misconceptions weren't what most gay people were like. Because she respected me more than she respected internet strangers, I was able to change her mind.

    But to strangers, no matter how much I type, or how convincing I am, I'm never going to convince someone who's racist or homophobic to stop being that way. They simply do not respect me enough to believe what I say, to trust me over their own friends, family or news sources. I don't have the time to build the trust and rapport with someone to be able to change their mind, so the best thing to do is just minimize the trouble they can cause me by blocking them.

    neonfire avatar

    Yeah, and then once they are banned from the public places they find the hell holes with the other racists and form groups that dress as nazis and march on washington. We literally drive them into echo chambers where people will agree with them, whereas we should be heckling them and showing them that the general public at large disagrees with them. It's impossible to show that your community is the general public when you ban people right away. Then they think they aren't allowed to be there and it's not because they're wrong, it's because you're woke or whatever. You can't concentrate the evil, you have to dilute it.

    Bloonface avatar

    The problem with this assessment is that we've tried the approach of reasoning with people like this and all it does is allow them to proselytise. They don't want a polite debate, they want a pulpit.

    A neo-Nazi who's stuffed in a box talking to other neo-Nazis is a neo-Nazi who's not infesting some other place trying to spread shit about "race realism". They'll find it a lot harder to "march on Washington" when it's just a couple hundred Nazis and not a couple hundred Nazis plus thousands of others they've radicalised.

    Sunlight's a shitty disinfectant. I prefer bleach.

    neonfire avatar

    No, you don't argue with them. You berate them. You harass them. Treat them with their own medicine. They aren't intelligent enough to get got with knowledge. That's why it hasn't worked. You've tried to outsmart people without brains.


    Yep. Deplatforming them works. When forced to their safe spaces, they have a much harder time recruiting.

    exohuman avatar

    Who cares? They aren’t going to stop being racist so just let them bang on their keyboards in frustration.

    rosatherad, (edited )
    rosatherad avatar

    Reporting their content means the content can be moderated which means us normal folks don't have to suffer the displeasure of reading hateful garbage

    EDIT: oops, lack of comment collapsing confused me. I misunderstood! Sorry!

    StaticBoredom avatar

    Racist is racist. Fuck them. I have no interest in appeasing these people, and even if I did, it wouldn’t calm them down or make their hatred tolerable. Sexists, racists, homophobes and the lot should be shunned without compromise. As the saying somewhat goes, there should be no tolerance for intolerance.

    Forosnai avatar

    Only caveat I'd add is to differentiate between A racist/homophobe/misogynist/whatever, and someone who just expressed an ignorant viewpoint. Whether or not there's actual malicious thinking behind things is important in figuring out if you can reason with someone or not.

    Quickest example I can give off the top of my head: I'm gay, and one of my best friends is a straight man who, when I met him, had some reasonably-significant issues with his own masculinity, probably stemming from being short and slim and the resulting treatment he'd often get from both women and other men (which also lessened as we got older and out of the early 20s). That occasionally extended to things like worrying that other people would perceive him as gay because of hanging out with a bunch of LGBTQ+ people and women from work, or his slightly defensive reaction when I told him he looked good one day where he had a particularly nice outfit on and had styled his hair well, as if I'd propositioned him. Both things are a little insulting, but he also was never one of the types who views us as basically child-molesting mentally-ill deviants who don't deserve equal rights.

    We got closer, enough that he was willing to open up on the subjects, and I was able to explain how that kind of thing looked from my perspective and, in turn, kinda figured out where it was coming from on his end, but it was always from a place where he just didn't understand why what he was saying or doing was wrong or hurtful, not because he intended to cause hurt. And he's significantly better about that sort of thing now in general, because it made him do some introspection, and he got better at doing that for other things as well. And in all fairness, I learned a bit, too; I knew short guys often got made fun of for it, but being average size myself it wasn't something I really had to deal with and I didn't understand just how pervasive and wearing it is, so now I better understand how he might have gotten there in the first place.

    StaticBoredom avatar

    I wholeheartedly agree, and it was the use of the word “fool” that was my only minor problem with the article, which is also what I expressed in the thread by @Kupo_Knight, to whom I’m grateful for posting the article in the first place.

    As for your experience with your friend, that’s a touching story and I think you’re both lucky to share such close bonds of friendship. You handled it perfectly. Congrats.


    Yes, it's really unfortunate when I see people of a given oppressed group start attacking an ally simply because the person hasn't kept up to date on the latest preferred words. I know there is an angry subsegment of people that feel that everyone should spend all their time keeping completely up-to-date on the latest terminology, but it's a really unrealistic and damaging expectation.

    There are often people who want to do the right thing and are simply out of date, or not well enough informed. These sorts of people can and should be educated as they generally want to help. When they get canceled for minor transgressions it's not constructive.

    rosatherad avatar

    The internet has a big problem with people forgetting to read things with nuance, which leads to the behaviour you described. In the past decade, social media has convinced millions of people that all-or-nothing thinking is acceptable (because it causes conflict, and conflict is cash).

    StaticBoredom avatar

    @Kupo_Knight posted an article recently that I think is very relevant here:

    Bloonface avatar

    Yudkowsky really is one of those people who's a stopped clock. I wish he'd focus on that sort of stuff more than the mad AI crap.

    zalack avatar

    Similar idea:

    Tolerance is a peace treaty between society's sub-groups. When one group breaks that treaty it's moral and necessary to respond in kind and not tolerate them.

    If a country rolls tanks into your country it's not immoral to respond in kind to defend yourself. Same idea applies to intolerance.

    Th4tGuyII avatar

    Almost certainly, as you say, only way to control it is report it wherever you see it. Don't let it spread.


    I try to wake up each day and not be offended by everything. This way I don't see a racist/bigot behind every tree.

    Th4tGuyII avatar

    Oh I'm not saying about being offended by everything. There's a difference between disagreeing with someone's PoV, or even them saying something disagreeable without malice, vs. Someone being a plain old hateful bigot.

    Like my Mum will say things that aren't necessarily PC, but I know she doesn't mean anything hateful by it. I wouldn't even think of reporting anything of that nature.

    But someone disseminating hateful ideologies or being bigoted towards other people, then you need to shut that down.

    Otome-chan avatar

    this honestly. There's a huge difference between "waaah this person disagreed with me!!" and someone actually being fucking rude and hateful. People who are progressive in their politics tend to conflate them for whatever reason.

    Like, yeah, no one likes when someone is going around shouting slurs at people and generally just saying blatantly hateful shit (death threats, slurs, etc style content). But so many people end up crying that "oh you're pro-life therefore you're a sexist and misogynist and pushing hate speech you bigot!" like wtf?

    I get this a lot as someone who is transsexual. I'll merely talk about my transsexualism, explain the science and biology behind my condition, and then suddenly I'm a "hateful transphobic bigot" because I had the audacity to agree with the scientific literature rather than some random person's political beliefs. Like no, I'm not being hateful towards you simply by talking about my medical condition and the science around that. What's happening is that you're disagreeing with me.

    Whenever people place huge emphasis on "combatting hate speech" unfortunately it's always this "disagreeing with me is hate speech" shit, and not actually dealing with hateful content.

    Saying shit like "if you're a gay man who doesn't want to fuck someone with a vagina, you're a bigot and you're choosing to be like that" is blatantly homophobic and hateful (my phrasing here is nicer than some I've seen), yet it gets praised and rewarded and declared "not hate speech" because it happens to align politically with those constantly crying about "hate speech".


    This is the great part of the fediverse - if one server isn't moderating a magazine well, another server can step in to help blacklist that other server's instance pretty easily.

    CoderKat, (edited )
    CoderKat avatar

    You're phrasing this as if it's something great about the fediverse, but centralized sites can just ban the magazine-equivalent directly (since they only have what we'd call local magazines). In fact, the fediverse may be worse. What's stopping bad faith actors from constantly creating new servers pushing bad content? Centralized sites can generally do more to control who can use them with things like captchas, but federation can't have such measures.


    Saw some in the comments of a post yesterday about Starbucks and Target. It'll likely pick up as more and more people come onto these spaces just by virtue of a larger population.


    Yeah, that was absolutely vile.

    It also sucks that reporting it did nothing, and despite being heavily downvoted, it was at or near the top of the default sort. That wasn't a productive conversation, it was just a modern version of blood libel. I don't have high hopes for this platform if it can't nip overt bigotry in the bud.


    I saw that too. I asked and if you click on a person's username you can then just block them.

    JoeKrogan, avatar

    This Is the way. report and block

    Taywub avatar


    Proverbs 26:4
    "Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him yourself. Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes."

    Sometimes the fool has a platform already, or starting to gather attention. It's important to diffuse inflammatory noise with truth. To handle it properly, we must be careful not to fall to their level by responding with an insult.

    Responding with truth is the best path to expose their inflammatory deceit.

    Ephesians 5:11
    "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them."

    Proverbs 15:1
    "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."

    CoderKat avatar

    I don't entirely agree it's pointless to debate or engage. While there's something to be said about not feeding trolls, at the same time, there is value in making sure trolls don't get an unopposed platform to spread bullshit.

    If their posts aren't being quickly removed, then I think it's ideal if their post has a response that at least makes it clear that the troll post is bullshit. This isn't to convince the troll. You'll never convince them. This is for other readers. How does it feel for someone to read a homophobic comment? It feels like shit. But when there's comments opposing it, it gives it some feeling of hope. A reminder that there's people who not only disagree with the homophobia, but also don't just ignore it.

    As well, while you're not gonna change the troll's mind, there are other, more reasonable people who are basically on the fence. They might agree with the troll, but can be persuaded against it. If the troll's comment is allowed to stay up unopposed, then only the bad opinion gets expressed, which allows that opinion to spread.

    I'm not saying you or anyone else has to respond to trolls and bad faith actors. The ideal is that their comments are removed very quickly. But there is some value in replying to them, especially in places where the troll comment won't get removed.

    PS: replying to trolls can be seriously bad for your mental health. I appreciate people putting up the good fight, but don't put others before your own mental health. It's entirely valid to not want to deal with that bullshit.

    sj_zero, in Edit: TIL it doesn't matter if you make your community on Lemmy or kbin, they're federated and will have equal exposure

    Lemmy can see kbin magazines. I’m on a lemmy instance right now. itself has had some federation issues in the past month, but I think that’s more growing pains of a new platform than anything inherent in the system itself.

    AnonymousLlama avatar

    Yeah this seems to be a temporary thing. I've been following the federation issues we've been having on kbin and I'm hoping they can resolved as everything stabilizes.

    I'm unsure if the ingest from kbin > Lemmy was working because last I checked they were returning error responses on requests that had "kbinbot" in the name.


    There definitely seems to be something going on but I haven't found solid problem replication steps.

    For example it may be because the instance the thread was posted on is but I expected the thread here: would still sync up with where the version of the thread where the OP is located even if it the instance where the thread was posted (maybe?) doesn't federate with

    It's possible my mental model of fediverse working is just still very basic and thread instance is the ultimate arbiter?

    AnonymousLlama avatar

    Yeah that doesn't look like it's federation correctly. I'll raise it again with some of the other devs, maybe one of them will know. Pretty annoying ;(

    Pamasich avatar

    I'm unsure if the ingest from kbin > Lemmy was working because last I checked they were returning error responses on requests that had "kbinbot" in the name.

    It's only, not all of lemmy, that's returning a forbidden response on requests from kbin.


    I hope kbin gets federated by it seems they have been rather trigger happy with blocking. It seems we will have to wait and see which instance is the most free.


    A lot of the original Lemmy instances are quite trigger happy. It’s one really nice thing about the new instances with new admins who block but still prefer not to unless it’s really necessary.


    i kind of knew what i was signing up for with this lemmy ecosystem, so at worst people will just switch instances and the most free gain the most leverage, it beats this hopping from one centralized service to another by far.


    I’ve been all-in on the fediverse since early 2021, including the threadiverse. It may not be the future for the masses, but I think it might be the future for people who value freedom and autonomy.


    there are like 10 times or 20 times more users online than back when reddit even started, i think we will be fine even if it wont be for "the masses". I respect that you got in early, a true pioneer.

    UnhappyCamper avatar

    Oh, maybe that's where I got the idea that Lemmy couldn't see them, I've only been on the fediverse for a couple weeks. People were saying Lemmy couldn't see kbin, but I didn't realize that was temporary.

    wjrii avatar

    There's some suspicion that the specific instance is rejecting incoming requests from kbin via a configuration, but,, beehaw, etc. seem to be federating well enough.

    VerifiablyMrWonka avatar

    Not really suspicion at this point. They are proveably 403 rejecting requests from the KBin useragent. You have the letters "kbinbot" anywhere in your useragent (case insensitive) you ain't getting content.

    As a bonus they're still sending out stuff to instances though. But since KBin can't then resolve it it amounts to a DoS attack as the messages just build up in KBin retry queues.



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  • VerifiablyMrWonka,
    VerifiablyMrWonka avatar

    A number of kbin instances already have. But not .social - which is obviously the largest instance.

    Aggravatingly .ml users can browse and interact with kbin magazines just fine as we let them in. It's very much a bad faith thing at this point.

    I_Miss_Daniel avatar

    G'day from a Kbinaut :)

    EnglishMobster, (edited ) in What’s the difference between Kbin and Lemmy?
    EnglishMobster avatar

    Lemmy very much tries to be "federated Reddit". It's Reddit as it was in 2010ish, and that's all it tries to be. And that's fine, but it limits the development of what the Fediverse is. You can use a Mastodon account to browse Lemmy, but you can't use a Lemmy account to browse Mastodon (and the devs aren't planning on adding it - I asked).

    Kbin, however, looks at things from a different perspective. On Kbin, you have both threads and microblogs. This replicates modern Reddit's ability to post to your own profile, except instead of going to some user subreddit that nobody reads - it's treated like a post on Twitter or Tumblr and shared more widely. You can follow people on Mastodon from Kbin, and vice versa. There are plans in the future to support more things that make the Fediverse great - you can read the roadmap here.

    Note Kbin as a project is less than a year old, and this "main" server only came online a month ago. Until very recently it was just ernest talking to himself... this amount of growth wasn't planned for!

    Long-term, Kbin will be somewhere that connects the Fediverse platforms - you won't need a Mastodon account and a Pixelfed account and a PeerTube account. I really like that approach. Rather than trying to do one thing to the detriment of everything else, it goes beyond just a Reddit clone and is also its own thing. That's why I joined; it's a completely different approach to how the Fediverse should be interacted with.

    greatwhitebuffalo41, avatar

    I keep looking at it, I need to pull the trigger and make an account lol.

    readbeanicecream, in What's a dead giveaway that someone is a bad person?
    readbeanicecream avatar

    When they do not return the grocery cart to the cart corral.

    TheArstaInventor, (edited )
    TheArstaInventor avatar

    I doubt you can judge someone as bad based off that

    EDIT: I'm gonna go with better terms here: Not responsible enough and ignorant, I still don't believe someone can be considered bad as a person for this.


    OP doesn’t put his cart back! Shame!

    TheArstaInventor avatar

    Wow, arguing another perspective (with a valid arguement) made me a victim, RIP


    I find the people who judge others based on cart return status are the real assholes.

    TheArstaInventor avatar

    Yeah I mean, I have seen people do that countless times at the walmart near my house for example, I feel like that's just calling a very high portion of the population to be bad people unfairly.


    Yea I mean just because a lot of people are doing something doesn’t mean it’s okay. And yea, I think a large portion of people (Americans especially) are bad people. I don’t think it’s unfair, if you can push a cart walking several miles up and down a Walmart supercenter, you can take an extra 2 mins to push it back to the corral. Or if there’s no corral, just take it back to the front of the store, its really not that hard.

    theinspectorst avatar

    I rarely see that and I definitely judge people when I do see it. Maybe you just live somewhere where anti-social behaviour is normalised?

    harmonea avatar

    Okay but....

    There's really no reason not to unless you just give zero shits about the damage a loose cart can do.

    That's exactly the kind of sign you want: it's a person who thinks "it won't affect me because I'm leaving, so it's not my problem."

    RickRussell_CA avatar

    Or maybe it's because I have a special needs child and I can't always leave them alone, even for a minute or two?

    When you make snap judgments based on initial appearance, that's precisely the kind of error you can make.

    harmonea avatar

    What error, exactly? If someone makes a choice and doesn't take responsibility for that choice, there's no error in judgment calling that person irresponsible. Mitigating circumstances like a person's childcare situation are only mitigating circumstances because there was irresponsibility in the first place to mitigate. It's still irresponsibility. There was no error.

    RickRussell_CA avatar

    . Mitigating circumstances like a person's childcare situation are only mitigating circumstances because there was irresponsibility in the first place to mitigate. It's still irresponsibility.

    I took the cart into the store to shop with my cognitively disabled child. This was a responsible decision.

    Due to my child's medical disability and changing circumstances resulting in a behavior meltdown, I had to take him back to the car and stay with him, to prevent elopement that could put him and others at risk. This was a responsible decision. Due to the changing circumstances, I can't return the shopping cart to a particular location.

    At no point do I abdicate responsibility. My first responsibility is to the safety of my child, and others who might suffer if he elopes. If you think I'm a bad person who "gives zero shits" because I put that first, then I call that error.

    If you want to live in you self-righteous bubble and judge people from afar without knowing jack squat about their circumstances, I call that error. I'm sure my situation is not unique; issues must come up all the time with children, pets, the elderly that necessitate putting a shopping cart aside and attending to the needs of others, and it's not always possible to return the shopping cart.

    I can't stop you from making an error, of course, but I'd hope than when the error is explained to you, you'd commit to avoiding it.

    TheArstaInventor avatar

    If you want to live in you self-righteous bubble and judge people from afar without knowing jack squat about their circumstances, I call that error.

    This is exactly what she/he has been doing here unfortunately.


    Red flags aren’t always accurate. That’s the point, it’s a quick gut check, not a foolproof way to analyze someone’s worth. Your neighbor who stares too long and had red stains on his shirt could be a surgeon with myopia, but there are some red flags.

    RickRussell_CA avatar

    Then we should probably call it a "red flag" instead of a "dead giveaway" (per post title) :-)


    To be fair, read the comments. There’s exceptions to all of them, because it’s impossible to draw a line about what only good people or bad people do. Was Oskar Schindler a bad man?

    TheArstaInventor, (edited )
    TheArstaInventor avatar

    Actually as I was explaining to another person, unfortunately, there is a reason.

    I am living in Tampa, Florida, the nearby walmart to my house, has a huge parking lot, but a car corral near the entrance and ONE on a huge damn parking lot.

    The thing is, while I am not against returning carts when possible in anyway, what can I do if I park my car all the way on the other side on the parking lot and not near the cart corrosal? And the reason I park there is because it's one of the few parking spots available in a busy day? I am sorry but in such cases, people will just leave the carts on the side and leave with their car.

    Not to mention, the damn sun here, it gets absolutely hot here at times, even I don't see myself walking halfway to the other part of the parking lot just to leave a cart when I already walked all the way from the entrance carrying all of my groceries, I don't see myself returning in that case.

    Again we need to think in practical real-life scenario, so not only should people start returning carts, stores that don't have enough cart returning points in parking lots especially, should increase them.

    I am not saying I don't return carts because that actually doesn't apply to me, atleast lately, as I have been mainly ordering stuff online mostly.

    I do also want to make it clear, I am in no way giving justifications for those who make these basic mistakes without a genuine reason, I don't ever see myself not returning a cart when there is indeed a fairly nearby cart corrosal, and unfortunately, there are people who won't return their cars even if they have a nearby car corral, and i'm not arguing for them!

    RandomStickman, (edited )
    RandomStickman avatar

    I've crossed a parking lot and a street in the snow to return it before. If I pushed it there I'm getting it back. Simple as.

    TheArstaInventor, (edited )
    TheArstaInventor avatar

    Do you think it's fair to think that just because you are able to, others can too? I've been living in Canada before moving to florida, opposite weather here, extremely hot, I try to stay cool as much as possible, it's good that you "crossed a parking lot at a street" (assuming that is long distance, don't extactly understand the meaning here), but I am not you man, different people, scenarios, circumstances.

    I know people are going to downvote this for me lol, again I ain't justifying for those who actually don't return when there is actually a cart corral nearby, but I am not trying to justify my own actions or argue for those who make this mistake without a genuine reason wantedly, in-fact as I''ve mentioned in several other comments in this thread, I do online shopping mostly these days, so this does not even apply to me.

    I am simply trying to discuss from another not so popular perspective here in this thread.

    I am also wondering if people have different definitions of what "bad" could be, because to me, this is more about lack of responsibility and ignorance when you are able to return a cart, but you still don't. If I saw someone doing this without a genuine reason like I have stated before, I don't think that'd still make them a bad as a person, I'd consider them not so responsible and kindly ask them to return it.


    Just accept that this thing that you do is bad. Then be better.

    TheArstaInventor avatar

    It's interesting how you assume I do it when I am not even exactly arguing for it, you people just can't seem to understand or deal with the fact that some stores out there don't have enough car corrals and practically in real-life out there, people are bound to do this if the stores aren't bothered enough to have enough cart corrals in a big damn parking lot.

    Nobody will cross to the other half of the parking lot, especially if it's busy with moving cars, to return a cart, if we can't come to this agreement, those who have been downvoting me are being delusional in my opinion, remember, in my opinion.

    And it's wrong to judge someone of doing that just because they are arguing from a different perspective, I am not even saying it's okay to do that when you do have a cart corral nearby, there are people who do that and don't return the cart even they do have a cart corral nearby, but expecting customers to do that even with the lack of cart corrals is nice to hear, but UNREALISTIC.


    You said you do it, and why.

    RandomStickman avatar

    If they're physically able to push the cart somewhere they should be able to return it. Bar some edge cases I don't see why someone wouldn't return the cart.

    I think you have stricter definition of bad and a looser definition of acceptable reasons. For me "not responsible" is bad, like a minute amount but still in the bad zone, and tough weather and distance isn't enough of a reason to not return the cart.

    TheArstaInventor avatar

    The thing is, pushing the cart to take groceries to a car is a must for a person isn't it? The same can't be said for returning it, and while I respect a lot that you seem to have returned the cart every single time even if there is no nearby return spot, I don't see everyone being that way, especially when some stores barely have enough cart return spots on parking lots with PAID staff who are there to collect leftover carts.

    If I am being honest, when I do physically grocery shop, in most cases since I mostly order online, when I really only have to, I do physical visit and I don't buy much, I just carry them with my hands to the car, I never had this issue lol.

    RandomStickman avatar

    I think a lot of people, me included, have been cart pushers or other similar minimum wage jobs so it's a bit emotionally charged. For me even if there are staff it's still not nice to pile work on them, you know? Like others in the thread said, I don't value my time more than theirs.

    TheArstaInventor avatar

    I do understand where you are coming from, and I really hate to sound like that guy who wants the other to do the work for him, but unfortunately a few others (and I think I myself have done a not so great job at conveying what I am really trying to say here) have done a great job at making me sound like that.

    What I am just saying is that it is unrealistic to expect that from the majority of the public customers from doing that if there is not enough cart corrals, this is bound to happen until stores take action to make cart returns a must, and add more cart return points in the parking lot for customers with cars.

    Again I don't really oppose this, I support this in-fact, I am only saying that we have to address this issue in a way where we are not JUST blaming the people doing this (excluding those who do this despite having a nearby cart corral), we also need to consider the lack of cart corrals issue that some stores have realistically.

    Other than that, I really don't want to be that guy who is irresponsible and lets the other guy do the work for him, but if I go do physical grocery shopping on a very busy day with moving cars in the parking lot, asking me to travel to the other side of the parking lot to return a cart seems a little bit unreasonable, and that's if the store is one of those that lack cart return points.

    But if there is one near me or even in the next row or after that, I am more than happy to walk there and return the cart, really, I am just talking about stores that have barely cart carrols, and if they do, it's like, on the whole other side of the parking lot, you are basically walking back and forth from one side of the building to the other.


    I actually took the five minutes to look at all 10 Walmart stores in Tampa on Google Earth, and I can see more than one cart corral from space... How are you missing them in person?

    TheArstaInventor avatar

    Sigh, I live near Tampa, I don't live there, not in the main city/area (outer part near to Tampa for added context. I don't think Ill give my exact location here though.

    YeetPics, avatar

    So if the cart corral was in you immediate vicinity you would bother to return it?

    You could just carry the groceries through the store and not even use the cart at all…

    harmonea avatar

    Not to mention, the damn sun here, it gets absolutely hot here at times, even I don't see myself walking halfway to the other part of the parking lot just to leave a cart when I already walked all the way from the entrance carrying all of my groceries, I don't see myself returning in that case.

    Lost me here, nope, nooooope nope nope nope. The weather is the least justifiable excuse -- Someone has to walk all that way to return that cart in the hot sun if you don't. If anything, making someone else do it is worse because of that weather.

    I also saw you throwing out "but they have employees who do that" in another part of the thread. You wouldn't throw trash on the ground instead of walking it to a can just because a place has a janitor, I'm sure. It's exactly the same logic, and the reason you wouldn't ruin a janitor's day is the same reason you shouldn't ruin a cart collector's day.

    I get that your local shop sucks for only having one corral. I really, truly do. But you know what I do when my closest store has practices I can't deal with? I don't make someone else clean up after me, I take my money elsewhere.

    TheArstaInventor avatar

    Lost me here, nope, nooooope nope nope nope. The weather is the least justifiable excuse -- Someone has to walk all that way to return that cart in the hot sun if you don't. If anything, making someone else do it is worse because of that weather.

    Interesting, you do realize the employee who collects the carts get them when the store closes, hence at night? It would make 0 sense to do that in the morning because customers will keep coming.

    I also saw you throwing out "but they have employees who do that" in another part of the thread. You wouldn't throw trash on the ground instead of walking it to a can just because a place has a janitor, I'm sure. It's exactly the same logic, and the reason you wouldn't ruin a janitor's day is the same reason you shouldn't ruin a cart collector's day.

    This is a very bad example and a comparison, why? If I have trash, even if there is not a garbage bin nearby, I can keep it with me until I find one or just take it with me to home and throw it there.

    Now with carts, that's a whole different story, I wish there was a machine where it could carry it for me until I reach to the whole other side of the parking lot, in a very busy moving parking lot with cars, but such magical machine doesn't exist.

    Companies like Walmart earn millions and billions of dollars, maybe they should be installing more cart return points as the customers are the people who are keeping them in business.

    I get that your local shop sucks for only having one corral. I really, truly do. But you know what I do when my closest store has practices I can't deal with? I don't make someone else clean up after me, I take my money elsewhere.

    I already countered the point that I am making someone else do that for me, because first of all, they are just doing their job, and I am not being disrespectful here, but even if you may be okay dealing with the inconvenience the lack of cart return points, I am not, you can't expect everyone to be okay with something just because you are.

    Regarding taking my money elsewhere, that'd be travelling twice as much, which is dooable, I have a car, but that just makes 0 sense, i'm wasting double the time of mine, and there is no guarantee walmart has enough cart return points there too, considering another person said walmart has been removing them on california, if they are doing that there, then I don't expect it to be any better.

    Also, asking me to do that for a damn cart, seriously? And the employee is just doing their job, they will do it anyways even if I go or not, and please, don't compare that again with trash, it's a whole different story, because you make it sound like I am the type of person who throws trash on the ground wantedly near a place where there is a garbage can, so I can watch the janitor pick it, that is crazy.

    zzmthesurand avatar

    I know someone (in California, for added context) who works as a shopping cart collector at Target during open hours, so this isn’t the case everywhere.

    harmonea avatar

    I really don't have the desire to deal with this level of unhinge over carts, especially when most of it is self-contradictory, begging the question, and/or straight up incorrect.

    If I was willing to meet you halfway with "just irresponsible, not bad" before, this response right here eliminated all that.

    TheArstaInventor avatar

    I really don't understand you took this so seriously in the first place, and many of the arguments you made make 0 sense like that trash comparison, and the fact that you asked me to go somewhere else so what, I can return a cart? Or the fact that if I don't return the cart, I am making someone else do the work for me when some stores have people PAID TO DO THAT, because they lack cart return points, and how I am making them do it for the same reason I don't want to: climate, when they wouldn't even pick up carts from parking lots till night.

    Not to mention how me returning would mean that employee's will be free from getting the carts until that is not true, because people are bound to just let the carts on the sides if the store did not bother to make return points, and literally have someone ready to pick them up at the end of the day, which tells me even they ARE NOT bothered from the store. Even if I stop, that wouldn't matter a bit if others didn't do the same, there are tons of people living nearby, and customers are bound to do this if the store doesn't give proper return points, this is reality.

    Man, that's just a whole other level of insanity, glad you can't deal this argument anymore because I am really not interested in this either.

    If you think this is bad or irresponsible given a genuine reason, then you haven't really seen the real irresponsible and bad things out there in the world, because this is nothing...

    There was once in walmart a year back when they asked us to return the carts properly because it was too windy outside so it won't hit properly


    Again, I find this funny, you sound like an absolute perfect person who wants everyone to be extremely responsible and do it despite inconveniences i've mentioned above...

    Look, it's nice to hear that, but in the real practical world, people WILL leave their carts if stores are not bothered or care enough to install return points in the first place.

    Come out of your delusional world, seriously.


    “Nobody else’s time, wants, needs or desires couldn’t possibly matter more than mine. Because I think and feel this way, no one else feels thinks differently.”

    harmonea avatar

    that's just a whole other level of insanity

    glad you can't deal this argument anymore

    If you think [...] then you haven't really seen

    Incidentally, I've got another measure for when someone is probably a bad person. Someone else in this comment section said it, so I'll quote and link.

    they get angry with you for enforcing your boundries.

    Now, see, that up there was me enforcing my boundaries, and you hauled off and insulted my sanity and made all kinds of assumptions about my life experience. Painted yourself into a corner on this one, my dude.

    TheArstaInventor avatar

    Please don't take this in a different direction against me lol, I am only calling this discussion and your arguements as "insansity" like the trash comparision you made that makes no sense to me, I obviously don't even know you personally, so that no way was mean't to apply for you, just the arguement and some of those points you put forth.

    I didn't mean or never called you as a person as insane lol

    Good job trying to shift it that way though

    TheArstaInventor, (edited )
    TheArstaInventor avatar

    And it's funny how you left out 90% of my arguements, cherry picked them as per your liking and highlighted them against me.

    EDIT: And I just realized you have been cherry-picking since the very beginning, leaving a lot of the good points I put forth, only highlighting some points alone like the weather, making it seem like I am being ridiculous with excuses, although I had a bigger context behind it.

    You also said: "I don't really have the desire to deal with this...."

    Yet you can't put a full stop and try to understand another perspective rather than your own, you seem to have a very locked and closed mindset, atleast from having this conversation although that may not be the case.

    But you need to understand, it's nice to speak like a very responsible person, expecting everyone to be that way, I admire that, but the reality is, people won't go to another store and find a place with huge cart corrals just to be able to return it (I am saying this as you wanted me to take my money elsewhere), that's just not practically possible and it simply isn't convenient out there in the real world,

    nobody is going to travel somewhere else that could be much further away just to be able to return a cart, I bet it's not even something people think off when they go do grocery shopping, you have to be considerate when demanding people to be more "responsible".

    andyburke avatar

    The problem here is arguing on the Internet.


    Aldi has entered the chat.

    osarusan avatar

    Yeah... this sounds like someone who is making excuses for their bad behavior instead of owning their mistake and correcting it.

    TheArstaInventor avatar

    Yeah I already made myself clear, I don't even do groccery shoppings in-person anymore, but Im leaving this there now 🤷

    snooggums avatar

    Just put your cart back already.

    TheArstaInventor avatar

    I do when I can! (although lately I have been doing a lot of grocery shopping online)


    I had this discussion on here a week or so ago. I guess I’m just lucky enough to live somewhere where the summers are mid 80s and the winters are high 50s. My three friends who got jobs at the local Target all said that the best part of their day was collecting carts.


    They still collect carts if you put them where they’re supposed to be, it’s just a safer job, because they are where cars expect them to be instead of all over the parking lot fishing lone carts out of bushes and off medians


    And they get to get home to family, or relax, or bed faster without getting yelled at or written up for going over budgeted hours.

    YeetPics, avatar

    Cart narc got you, huh?

    BaroqueInMind avatar

    Someone sounds like they are projecting...


    It’s actually a great indicator as to their view of the social contract and obligations to others.

    Alto avatar

    There's two possible scenarios

    1. you think your time is more valuable than others, thus making you an asshole
    2. you simply don't give a fuck about inconveniencing others, again making you an asshole
    YeetPics, avatar

    I mean… you asked people for red flags that someone is a bad person, not ‘what actions make someone a bad person’.

    I think they’re right and Cart Narc did all the field research for us.

    Check it out


    Cart Narcs demonstrates that you can lol

    Coskii, avatar

    There are two main reasons you wouldn’t return carts to a cart return location:

    1. Fuck them people
    2. My time is worth more than this

    At the very least the person is inconsiderate, and worst a complete psychopath. Both are not great signs, and all the ones between are also not positive aspects.

    You’d think something that small wouldn’t be much of an indication on a person’s overall nature, but it’s nearly always the little things that add up to the whole thing.


    I think really the only excuse for not doing it is you get a call from the hospital and someone is either being born or dying. Otherwise, yeah, put back the fucking cart, you spent an hour in the store, thirty more seconds isn’t going to fuck up your schedule.

    TheArstaInventor avatar

    I understand where you are coming from, but most people who do this at times are more likely just ignorant than even "fuck them people". In-fact, the walmart near me has a guy waiting outside along with the security most of the time to collect carts once the store closes, so many people are like "he is going to collect all the leftover carts anyways".

    Especially for those who have parked their cars a bit away, I really doubt such people are going to return all the way just to put a cart on the cart return location, rather than just putting the car on the side and just take off with their car.

    To make things worse, there are staff on stores often these days that organize and collect leftover carts, so it's been a while since I have seen a good chunk of people return their carts to their return location, especially from parking lots, unless they are close to that return spot.

    Coskii, avatar

    Most if not all big box stores have cart corrals out in their parking lots where you are meant to return the carts so that they can be collected more efficiently without having some employee run all over collecting carts. Andtheres the matter of run away carts especially if it’s a windy day. Those carts can really get moving and cause some damage to cars parked out in the lot. No one is saying to take them back to the entrance of the store, simply to put them in the collection point so they don’t wander.

    TheArstaInventor, (edited )
    TheArstaInventor avatar

    I stand corrected especially on one area, I just remembered that there are indeed cart corrals out there in the parking lots, unfortunately my walmart has like 1 on a huge parking lot which is really not enough, but it is true that most stores do have a lot of them, if they are nearby a car and that person still doesn't return the cart, then that's a problem.

    Maybe that's why I see staff collecting carts, due to the lack of cart corrals, maybe stores that lack enough of them do this instead, but I am also debating within myself about the fact that there are tons of people that still do this mistake with enough cart corrals.

    So I personally think the right conclusion would be, such people are not bad, but not responsible and are ignorant. When possible, returning would make life easier for staff that do collect carts too, they don't have to go all the way to collect all of them. And of course, avoiding the risks of the carts hitting other cars in-case of natural wind, great points that didn't come to my mind at first.

    I think this one wouldn't go under bad though as I said, it has to be a lot more than not returning cart back to the car corrals to be a bad person....right??

    Coskii, avatar

    Yeah, I can see it being an issue when there’s a massive parking lot and no return locations. I’m sure some stores did the studies on how much time and workforce it saved to put those corrals out in the lot as most people are inclined to do a bit to help out others.

    TheArstaInventor avatar

    The newer built stores especially have no problem with this, but the older not so well planned ones are the ones with these issues.

    RickRussell_CA avatar

    For reasons that I can't quite fathom, they've been taking them away in California. Stores that used to have them, don't any more.

    Often there isn't even a safe place outside. You could put them up on to the sidewalk in front of the store, but is that the best place? It's convenient for the workers but it also gets in the way.

    Zeppo, avatar

    I view not returning carts as inconsiderate or lazy, but most employees I’ve heard discuss this say they don’t mind going out to get carts, because they get the chance to be out of the store for a while.


    “he is going to collect all the leftover carts anyways”.

    This mentality is just selfishness and self-centeredness. This is the same mentality of people who cause a huge mess at restaurants or movie theatres because “it’s their job, I’m giving them work to do.” It shows an extreme lack of empathy, and it’s very much a “they’re beneath me, I’m helping them” disgusting mentality.


    Yes. How one thinks of/treats hired help is a big clue.


    Oh man. I live not too far from a Walmart (about 3 miles by car, but 1 by foot with shortcuts). Recently, someone in my neighborhood has started walking to Walmart, filling their cart, then just bringing the cart home with them and abandoning it on the access road in our neighborhood. We are 6 carts deep and my anger towards the perpetrator grows every day.

    noughtnaut avatar

    This is such a strange phenomenon to me. In all the countries I've lived in, all but a few select stores have a dongle on each cart that takes a coin to unlock it from the chain of other carts. It's perhaps the cost of a back of toilet paper, but that seems to be sufficient for it to be exceedingly rare to see an abandoned cart. One can only imagine that any such carts are quick prey for enterprising teens looking for a quick boost to their candy fund.

    Kerrigor avatar

    I'd say it's conditional. At a certain point, it's on the business themselves. For example, a giant parking lot with one or two cart returns only, in a front corner.

    A massive sprawling Walmart parking lot with only one return, and I had to park really far away, and it's super busy and trying to get the cart to the return requires going through multiple rows? I'm a goodie two shoes who will clean up after others, and tries to improve places... but I've got limits with time, effort, and desire to deal with crowds of people in parking lots.

    If they have good placement though, then yes, it's absolutely on the individual.

    RickRussell_CA avatar

    This is the kind of balanced, nuanced take that will get you absolutely murderlated with downvotes.

    Alto avatar

    "But I have to walk a bit further!" Is not a reason to be an inconsiderate asshole

    Alto avatar

    Unless you have a medical reason for not being able to walk to the front to return it, you're still an asshole if you don't.


    Not disagreeing with you here, but just for fun, what would you say about a restaurant asking you to wash your own dishes when you’re finished with your meal?

    Alto avatar

    What an outright laughable false equivalency


    Moreover, considerate people stack their dishes to the side closest to the walkway.


    I’d say, if they make it clear that you don’t need to use their dishes, but if you do, you have to wash them, that you’re an asshole if you don’t wash your dishes afterwards.

    Ski, in Dear pre-migration Keebinetters, how can we NOT ruin kbin for you?

    I'd wager keeping our narwhals and bacons out of this is probably a good first step? I'm here to join Kbin not turn Kbin into reddit 2.0. Hope we can get some real feedback on this one from people who have been here for a minute. lol

    unlimitedbacon avatar

    *Looks around awkwardly


    Oh I don't know, the when-does-the-narwhal-bacon era of reddit was pretty good all things considered.

    bee avatar

    I totally agree, Reddit had a way better vibe back then. The narwhal bacon/chili soap/advice animals era was really stupid but it was also pretty fun.

    dmc avatar

    Thanks for the chili soap reminder! I hadn't thought about that in a long time.


    How do you feel about references to broken arms or that one guy's wife?


    I yearn for the pure delight of NEW jokes, that haven't been repeated half a billion times.


    What are those?

    I think I remember apps with those names. But it sounds like you mean a particular kind of user?


    It's an inside joke from the early days of reddit. Basically if you ask someone in public "When does the narwhal bacon?" and they reply "The narwhal bacons at midnight." then you know they're a redditor. I don't know if anyone was ever stupid enough to actually try this in real life though. lol


    Aren't you kinda just doing the reddit thing of "I'm not who you asked but I'll chime in anyway?" Yes, you may be right, but why don't we let them answer rather than just turning it into another reddit hivemind circlejerk based on what we assume the answer is.


    To be fair, the whole place is less than a month old my friend. Not gonna find many, if any, people newer than us.

    Bendersmember avatar

    It's been super refreshing to have some change, before I'd check comments on Reddit I could generally guess the top 3 comments and be right almost always. Take into account that sometimes things get crossposted and reposted and it starts to show you how unoriginal it all can be.

    cyberian_khatru avatar

    before I'd check comments on Reddit I could generally guess the top 3 comments

    Yeah that's also because reddit has been botted and astroturfed to hell and back. I don't believe for a second that more than 50% of r/all are actual humans. Also, karma manipulation was taboo in 2014, but it's standard procedure today.

    Bendersmember avatar

    It was nice that the past year there was a user? Or bot? That would call out when a bot Cherry picked a comment and pretended it was its own. But too little too late in the end.

    Nepenthe, (edited )
    Nepenthe avatar

    I got so fed up with them that I started doing that. Reddit Boost allowed me to tag people, and I was using it to keep track of which posts were bot posts, call them out, and collect more names since they usually followed each other around.

    Got asked whether I was automated once or twice and I did mistake a frequent r/tumblr user for the same because they were so incredibly efficient.

    This was a very interesting and useful experiment for me, but seeing reposts here and there that were made and populated entirely by 20-30 bots with like two real people unaware they were talking into a void left me with dread in my stomach.

    You're right. Too little far too late, and probably nothing could have stopped the flood the way reddit functioned and as little as they cared. The free karma subs were a damn cancer imo because of the way they enabled that.

    cyberian_khatru avatar

    Look, now, that's working as intended. It gave reddit a huge boost to engagement numbers that it could boast about. Bots are a double edged sword, or a sort of forbidden magic. They enable bad actors, but they are a hell of a number incline for the circles they follow and interact with. Happens in other platforms, too: 1/4-1/3 of most celebrities' followers are bots trying to pass off as normal-ish users. And, as long as their presence results in a net engagement per cost increase, publicly-owned platforms don't have an incentive to purge them.

    Bendersmember avatar

    Well thank you for your service, I definitely noticed and appreciated it! I never understood the karma thing, ya there's a tiny part of me that thinks "oh cool, people agreed" but not to the extent so many took it. I even was frustrated when I had a post take off because I had 200 + people commenting the same suggestion and I couldn't figure out how to turn of notifications for a specific post. Now I post things that maybe have a chance of a discussion, not a question with tons of one word answers haha.

    Nepenthe avatar

    Oh lord, I've had to mute comments once or twice because very obviously nobody read them to see if someone already said it, and I was drowning in identical replies. I don't get people.

    But then, the thing that got me to stop caring about karma was under a video of a guy rating the sexiness of children at an ice rink.

    Some guy was whining about how of course the person recording wasn't doing anything about it, because if he spoke up what if he got punched, and why does everyone expect guys to do everything.

    I'd responded that their own mothers, smaller and weaker, would absolutely risk that same fight to protect any kid and that he could stand up to pedophilia visibly in action if any woman could.

    At -13k, it is still my least popular comment I've ever made. I find I am ok with that. May we never be what we were.

    Bendersmember avatar

    I hear you. I was once downvoted for saying "life is short, I had recently lost my dad and it's free to be nice", in a thread where someone was upset about a parent over a small squable. There is a part of you for a second that takes it personally, but I'm glad I pretty much instantly remember that hurt people hurt people. I got better things to do than be hurt by strangers that are projecting, and I don't want to pass it along to the next person I interact with.

    Nepenthe avatar

    It does hit home sometimes. On the positive side, most of the people arguing with me have never met me in their entire life, and usually are visibly taking something out on me. A lot of people have it rough these days, and that's likely even more true of those who turn primarily to the internet. No one gets to be on a hair trigger if their life is going well. A couple times, the cause of the argument had branched from what was clearly a shared hobby, and I've wondered if we actually could have been friends if they'd stop screaming at me for a minute.

    Depressingly, in my repeated experience, nothing will ever piss anyone off faster than telling people to be nice to each other. Gonna do it anyway, though. Be excellent, fucksticks.

    Bendersmember avatar

    "So it goes" is one of my favorite quotes, I've experienced what you describe on Reddit and in real life. Hard to wrap our minds around fact everyone has a whole jumbled up life and mind and experience life same as we all do. I'll keep doing my best to take the higher road and keep focus on the big picture, life is too short to argue with strangers in my opinion.

    Xperr7 avatar

    What do you mean, the same song lyrics or an endless string of "nice" after the number 69 show up is sooooooooo funny the umpteenth time.

    Bendersmember avatar

    Endless strings of "nice". I'm all for a good laugh, but you'd literally have to make a separate post and tag it as serious to be able to talk about people replying "THIS!!!" under most top comments. Then that post would get downvoted to hell haha.

    LunarLoony avatar

    Or a transcript of the entire Spanish Inquisition sketch.



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  • yunggwailo,
    yunggwailo avatar

    nothing about reddit is worth saving

    eatmoregreenfood avatar

    Honestly large scale things like this sort of organically self organize and evolve. I'm sure some people will be the old Reddit people, some will be new, etc etc. I started using reddit around a year after its launch and was super active. Over the years my interaction with reddit became mindlessly browsing. Kbin has been fun because I'm way more motivated to be active as it's a new, exciting community.

    I think we should all just be friendly and let things go how they go. That's pretty much what's going to happen anyway. I like that people here generally seem nice and thoughtful though.

    themadcodger avatar

    Agreed. I've found in general the fediverse is made up of people who are usually nice and thoughtful. There are dark corners to be sure, but we're trying to create a place that is welcoming and without the toxicity that exists elsewhere.

    WorriedGnome avatar

    @themadcodger and the great thing is if a corner of the fediverse becomes too toxic, you can move to another instance and create a new less toxic community. This is where I love the concept of the fediverse, no walled garden

    @spirinolas @Ski @NumbersCanBeFun @eatmoregreenfood

    themadcodger avatar

    Exactly! Each instance (here, on Mastodon, etc.) has its own rules and culture. There's a place for everyone, and the bad actors get shunted onto islands by themselves.

    themadcodger avatar

    To some extent, but I agree with @ski. I was on Reddit pre-Digg and did my fair share of baconing at midnight with France. But that said, I don't really want Reddit 2.0.

    To agree with you, though, @NumbersCanBeFun, I think we can show Reddit that we don't need their platform by creating something new and unique here that fits our needs. The fediverse is a pretty cool place, and we can create a section the way we want it. Let's make it awesome on our own terms, not beholden to any ideas of "how things have always been done".


    The only change I can really think of is to have fewer copy/paste boilerplate meme comments. I'm struggling to imagine what is unique to reddit, and what "something new" would look like. It's still just be everyone sharing entertainment, ideas, knowledge, and advice wouldn't it?



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  • eamus_catuli_,
    eamus_catuli_ avatar

    This cordial exchange evidence this [isn’t yet / won’t be] Reddit 2.0??

    Alto avatar

    That sort of thing was the norm on reddit once upon a time


    This whole exchange is reminding me of how reddit used to be. I didn't realize how far the site had fallen.


    Do you remember how proper grammar used to be a big deal and any typos in the post title would get eviscerated in the comments?


    I actually miss those days, before it devolved into “language is fluid so I can use ‘there’ however I want.”

    Alto avatar

    How about when people actually followed reddiquette for the most part? Reddit really did use to have a cozy feel to it. Big enough that there was something for everyone, but not so big that you never saw the other parts of the site.

    LunarLoony avatar

    Side note, is there an agreed-upon 'fediquette'?

    aroom avatar

    be nice. don't downvote to make you feel good.


    Versus the past several years where people would just say "whatever its reddit" without recognizing the irony. Like saying "whatever its just a english convention, not a grammer convention" and then they don't end the sentence with a period 😤

    awsamation avatar

    It still happened every once in a while. Not often anymore, but not extinct either.


    Finding that perfect balance would probably help a lot. Enough of the Reddit flavour to draw people over, but not so much that it becomes, well, Reddit 2.0

    ultrasquid, in People from Reddit or redditors, people from Boston are Bostonians, people from Canada are Canadian. What should the people of this site use for a demonym?
    ultrasquid avatar

    I think "Kbinners" is the best option because it keeps the ambiguity on how you pronounce it, is easy to type and remember, and will be easy for newcomers to understand as well.

    LexaPrime avatar

    Kbinners works well, although I can't help but pronounce it as "combiners"... which maybe could actually fit the theme of combining different communities/topics, or links from different places in the fediverse/internet, within the platform?


    I would go for Binners. Rolls off the tongue a bit more nicely. And somehow makes me think of loot diggin' which is an apt analogy to riffling through threads and posts.

    Kbeans holds up too

    Darkrai avatar

    Binners is our word, you can say binna though.

    LegendofDragoon avatar

    Oh right, I guess it could just be Kbinner. I completely overthought myself into a dumb spelling while making the post! Lol

    seasideghost avatar

    i like kbinner. reminds me of carabiner.
    kbean is the runner up


    Literally my first thought as well was carabiner

    chrimbus, in What's an innocent misconception about your hobby/profession that drives you up the wall?
    chrimbus avatar

    I write electronic music. Misconception is that some assume people actually listen to my music.

    kill avatar

    do u use a notebook sir


    everyone knows only robots listen to electronic music. well i guess not everyone.


    I like electro. Share some of your work.

    ReCursing avatar

    Post a link and that might become true! (by which I mean I'll give it a go)

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