queenslight, to fediverse


If ya so desire, you can now follow me among the side of the by visiting


For mobile clients that maybe friendly to the , check out for Android:
Milktea - Misskey App - Apps on Google Play
, and for IOS


@queenslight What are the differences between and ?

youronlyone, to fediverse

To everyone trying out Calckey, don't forget to hashtag in your post. ^_^

Here are some of the features, I think, worth mentioning

  • Add users in list without following them first.
  • Follow the public ‘local’ timeline of other instances/servers.
  • Filter by keywords, not only by hashtags (more powerful).
  • Flavoured (MFM for short) - check this page: https://wxw.cat/mfm-cheat-sheet
  • If you are in calckey.social, the character limit is 3,000
  • Cat ears.
  • A better Deck UI (see attached screenshot)
  • You can install your own .
  • Groups
  • Pages
  • Reactions
  • Migrate your Mastodon profile into Calckey.
  • Import your Mastodon content/posts into your new Calckey account.
  • Customisable notification sounds
  • You can add more than 4 links in your profile.
  • Quote-replies! And if it's done and viewed within Calckey, the quote-reply is displayed within the original thread, too! Great way to keep context!
  • Better polls
  • You can attach more than 4 images (but only the first 4 will appear in mainline Mastodon, that is a well-known limitation of mainline Mastodon for years).

If you are looking for an app supporting many, if not all, of Calckey / Misskey features, look for: in the Play Store. Or, click here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.panta.misskeyandroidclient

Last, but definitely not the least, friendly developers!

File feature suggestions and bugs here: https://codeberg.org/calckey/calckey/issues

Enjoy and welcome aboard!

queenslight, to fediverse

Want to check out the world of , Here's a list of servers!

NB. The below link sorts them by English.


jojobii, to fediverse

iOS finally supports PWA notifications, meaning we can get Misskey notifs now!! ​:misskey:​

youronlyone, to fediverse

If you are a new #Calckey or #Misskey user, and want to try a #theme not included in your instance's default list of #themes, this site can help: https://assets.misskey.io/theme/list

You can also create your own based on the existing themes, or the themes found in the mentioned site above. Just don't forget to share your own themes. ^_^

#MycelialNetwork #Fediverse

youronlyone, to fediverse

A to those trying other software: Treat your new account as you would signing-up in a new .

A more detailed :
1. Let each of your account grow separately.

It is fine to follow certain groups and users. These are your ‘core’ interaction. But for the rest, keep them separate and let it grow organically.

2. Define a certain theme or topic or purpose for your new account.

Since we are in an interconnected network, you will end up having a major overlap between your first account and your succeeding accounts. Which might confuse you later (as well as your followers).

For example, I still post my new articles through my @youronlyone account, for two major reasons: Follower Badge, and support via .

3. Use this opportunity to learn how discovery, growth, and reach, works in the (or )

By letting your new account grow organically, and keeping the overlap with your first account at a minimum, you will be able to observe how discovery, growth, and reach, works in the network.

I have an account for at @youronlyone

I also have an account for at @youronlyone

The Misskey and Calckey accounts are organically growing. I also discover new people, new content, that I haven't seen in my account (@youronlyone). And I asked myself, why? As I find answers to that question, I slowly adjust my interactions, and this in turn helped me discover more and reach wider.

The Mycelial Network (as I now prefer to call the Fediverse), is huge. When it started in 2008, it was small, and we all know each other. Today, I've probably only discovered and reached 0.5% of the network. It grew that fast.

Jdreben, to fediverse

Come join me on .social!

Registrations open to everyone I believe :) Calckey is a cool alternative to .



I'm trying out #Kimis, an #iOS #Misskey client. So far seems to be working with #Calckey!



@Jdreben do you or @maikelthedev or others know of a comparable app for Android?

m0bi13, to random Polish
@m0bi13@pol.social avatar

Zapraszam do lektury nowego wpisu na moim blogasku "m0bi o Fedi":

O metodzie Kopiego Pasta
Czyli dlaczego bez “Wyszukaj lub wklej adres” na Mastodonie się nie da.


P.S. Artykuł o migracji niebawem ;)

@otwartezrodlo@101010.pl avatar

@m0bi13 Potwierdzam: warto nauczyć się korzystania z wyszukiwarki w i przyzwyczaić się do jej używania. Fajnie, że o tym napisałeś! 👍 Tym bardziej, że to działa nie tylko w -ie, ale też w innych usługach ( itd.).

gnulinux, to fediverse German
@gnulinux@social.anoxinon.de avatar

Fediverse-Serie - Foundkey: nicht nur Microblogging

Foundkey ist eine Microblogging-Software, die aber nicht nur Microblogging kann.



@crafti gnulinux selbst hat ja einen Mastodon-Account @gnulinux, daher ist diese Perspektive sowieso schon vertreten. Aber gerade die (noch) unbekannteren -Projekte vorzustellen ist ja das Ziel unserer Fediverse-Artikelserie !
Hier sind auch immerhin schon 11 Projekte vorgestellt worden: &
In Planung sind bereits: &
Zu allen anderen werden noch Leute gesucht, die einen Artikel dazu schreiben. Vakant sind bspw. noch & . Es sollten Artikel aus der Binnen-Perspektive sein, damit es auch wirklich anschauliche Einblicke gibt. Das kann auch nur ein kleiner, bespielhafter Erfahrungsbericht aus User-Perspektive sein oder auch (wie u.a. jetzt bei dem Foundkey-Artikel) von Leuten, die das Projekt selbst entwickeln oder mitentwickeln und/oder Admin-Erfahrung haben.

Hier im Podcasts ab ca. Min. 15 werden auch noch mal von @Lioh einige Hintergründe zum Fediverse berichtet, an dem sie auch selbst aktiv mitentwickelt hat (auch sehr aufschlussreich in Bezug auf die aktuellen Zentralisierungs-Tendenzen im Fediverse)

Für alle Themen und Projekte gilt aber: gnulinux.ch ist ein Community-Projekt, an dem alle eingeladen und aufgerufen sind, mitzuwirken und selbst zu schreiben: gnulinux.ch/mitschreiben
Je mehr Perspektiven hier eingebracht werden, desto besser! @Kaiteki @caos

dansup, to fediverse
@dansup@mastodon.social avatar

Misskeys Explosive Growth Approaches #2 Spot

PeerTube has held the #2 position for years! Congrats to #Misskey 🚀 #fediDB


Misskey.io user growth

IPEdmonton, to fediverse
@IPEdmonton@mstdn.ca avatar

I just learned about Misskey, which is apparently ALSO a microblogging service that is part of the #Fediverse. Any tech-history-aware folks among my followers feel like taking a stab at explaining how the Fediverse came to be home to TWO microblogging services? Do they tend to be distributed across different parts of the world? Or get used to talk about different kinds of things? Are there people with both Mastodon and Misskey accounts?

@msh@coales.co avatar

@IPEdmonton there are more than two... #Akkoma and #GoToSocial are others, and there are mastodon "forks" like #Glitch and #Hometown that have different features too (my server is Hometown instead of plain Mastodon)

This came about because not everybody has the same tastes and needs such as:

  • Mastodon can be complicated to set up and consumes more resources. Some alternatives are easier to set up and cheaper to run

  • Sometimes there are geographic preferences due to origin of the software (#Misskey is from Japan, Mastodon is German)

  • Mastodon is written in Ruby and some people like to run servers in languages they are more familiar with (such as Elixir, Go, Python...)

  • Some people don't agree with Eugen's priorities or management style and want features or UI designs he doesn't want to implement like formatting posts or quote-toots so alternatives arise that do those things

Since they all interoperate not many people deliberately have multiple accounts just based on the platform...

byte, to fediverse
@byte@misskey.io avatar


youronlyone, to fediverse
@youronlyone@c.im avatar


What I know to be in the lightweight category are:

There are also the following in the middleweight category:

You can find a great list here: https://codeberg.org/fediverse/delightful-fediverse-apps For example, maybe a writing-centric platform might be more fitting (depending on what you have in mind).

narF, to fediverse
@narF@mstdn.fr avatar

I'm glad to see the different #ActivityPub apps organizing together to build improvements.

If we want the network of apps to grow, developers needs to talk together and find consensus. This initiative looks like it's moving in the right direction!

I hope we'll see more participation from the smaller apps like #pleroma #pixelfed #misskey #calckey #epicyon and others!

Uraael, to fediverse

CalcKey is awesome but currently almost no mobile apps support it. It runs fine in a mobile browser but sometimes you miss having a dedicated client for it.

Give https://kaiteki.app/ a try. It's still in Alpha but honestly day-to-day its stable and does the job with little fuss.

It's built for MissKey, CalcKey's poppa, but handles CalcKey very well too, as far as I can tell. It seems to be a simple web app, without...any...settings once you get logged in, but that invisibility just lets CalcKey do all the shining. ☺️

Oh, and Kaiteki means "comfortable/comfy" in Japanese and so far that seems very apt. (Apped, geddit?) #CalcKey #MissKey #Kaiteki

fell, to fediverse
@fell@ma.fellr.net avatar

After testing the fourth #Fediverse software I conclude that #Akkoma just isn't for me. It has some nice features, but the whole #Erlang / #Elixir setup is just, idk, weird. And inefficient, too. Contrary to popular belief, #Mastodon seems much more streamlined, and faster. I think I will shut my #Akkoma instance, and stay with #Mastodon alongside #GoToSocial. #GTS will be my ultimate destination once it has matured just a little bit more.

@fell@ma.fellr.net avatar

I haven't looked at #MissKey yet. I'm a bit afraid that the UI will be as overloaded as #Soapbox which is pretty, but I want something efficient. How "neat" is the back-end side of #MissKey?

darnell, to fediverse
@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

@KelsonV Thanks for creating this! I was able to find my #Misskey RSS feed to hook up to #IFTTT. 👍🏾

halfey, to fediverse

Haven't used Misskey in a while. Back then I registered on misskey.jp and one other instance. Misskey.jp was gone some time ago, while the other instance I mentioned has turned into NFT shit. When I heard a new client is now available, I decided to register a new account on misskey.io (same username) to give it a chance again. Anime and Asian people are not often seen on Mastodon so I naturally feel welcomed on Misskey even if I don't speak Japanese #misskey #fediverse


KelsonV, to RSS
@KelsonV@wandering.shop avatar

I got tired of forgetting where the / are on various platforms and having to track them down, so I started a list.


Currently covers deep breath , , , , , & forks, & forks , , , , , and


Feel free to let me know what I should add to the list (or any corrections I need to make) in a reply to this post!

ada, to fediverse
@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

The more I use different #fediverse apps, the more I feel that we are on the edge of a different future, in the early stages of something that we haven't seen before.

In the last few months, I've used #Mastodon, #Misskey, #Calckey, #Funkwhale, #lemmy, #Peertube, #Bookwyrm and #Pixelfed. Soon, I'm going to try an install of #kbin. In the not too distant future, we will see #GreatApe bringing more options for video chat to the Fediverse. There are countless more platforms that I haven't had a chance to try.

The network formed by the interconnections between those apps is the Fediverse; a Federated Universe. Federated, because everything out there is connected with everything else, in one giant network. What I am truly beginning to appreciate is just how real that vision is, and just how disruptive to our future it's going to be. More than a truism, these the fediverse platforms really will allow us to see and interact with nearly anything else out there.

The platform we use no longer determines the information we can access; it doesn't build walls around us. Instead, what out choice of platform determines, is how we interact with information, rather than determining what information we are able interact with in the first place. The walls in the walled garden haven't so much been torn down, as simply never built.

I can write a blog post, and someone on Mastodon can reply to it. I can make a group post on lemmy, and someone from Calckey can reply to it. I can see an awesome photo on Pixelfed, bring it in to #Akkoma and boost it for everyone else to see. And then anyone who sees it can interact with it.

The cross platform interactions are still imperfect. Standards are still being developed, code is still being written and features are still being defined, but the future is right here, we are on the cusp of something new and amazing.

Of course, this is all old news to someone who has been part of the fediverse for years now, but it feels different now. The momentum is here, we are seeing a shift and I think once we cross that precipice, once we have normalised the cross channel interactions we are starting to develop, it's going to be very hard to go back.

Honestly, I can't wait.

clanoriana, to fediverse

I'm curious how people use the . Do people have just one account on , or wherever they post everything from, or do they have an account on a instance for photos, a instance for book stuff, etc... and just renote as they need across their main ID?

Lapineige, to fediverse French
@Lapineige@mamot.fr avatar

@tmp je relance ta question, vu la peu de réponses et qu'elle date ça serait intéressant d'avoir des réponses plus récentes 🙂
Et j'élargirai à et .

En particulier, quelles fonctionnalités sont exclusives¹ à Pleroma, Akkoma, , Mastodon/ (et leur éventuels dérivés ?) ?

Quelqu'un a fait un comparatif ?

¹ soit complètement (ex:formater un message) et non compatibles, soit compatible en lecture (ex: tel logiciel peut voir, mais pas faire la même chose).

@Lapineige@mamot.fr avatar

À défaut de trouver des ressources existantes sur le sujet, je lance un pad pour comparer les fonctionnalités de Mastodon, , , , , et (ex-), et peut-être d'autres à l'avenir.

C'est là 👉 : https://pad.lapineige.fr/aRpVlZdgQZerBII10LcLRw?edit#

L'objectif est d'avoir de la manière la plus synthétique possible une comparaison assez complète des différents logiciels, prioritairement côté utilisation.
Dégager leurs spécificités, leurs avantages, inconvénients…

cc @tmp

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