FediPact, to FediPact
@FediPact@cyberpunk.lol avatar

threads is paying people to post with their "bonus program" and yes ofc it's scummy lmao

The Threads bonus is an invite-only bonus program that lets you earn money on your Threads content... Based on the performance [and] number of posts you create.

is this really the vibe we want them bringing to the fediverse???


FediPact, to FediPact
@FediPact@cyberpunk.lol avatar

Why Meta is looking to the fediverse as the future for social media

“You could imagine an extension to the protocol eventually — of saying like, ‘I want to support micropayments,’ or … like, ‘hey, feel free to show me ads, if that supports you.’ Kind of like a way for you to self-label or self-opt-in. That would be great,” Cottle noted, speaking casually. Whether or not Meta would find a way to get a cut of those micropayments, of course, remains to be seen.


#FediPact #meta #threads

boogah, to FediPact
@boogah@simian.rodeo avatar

Reminder: It’s not too late to either sign (or ask your server admin to sign) .


If your instance won’t sign on, find a smaller instance that already has. There’s a list of a few hundred listed over on the fedipact site. 😉

We don’t need the “flagship” instances that will put up with the corporate colonization of this beautiful network that we’ve all built together.

vantablack, (edited ) to KindActions
@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar

please boost!!! :boostRequest:​

wanna give a transbian a nice gift on lesbian visibility week? do you enjoy the work i've done with FediPact? the rad instance i've set up? the cool clothes i DIY together? my pirate radio station, vantaradio? my awesome videos? my amazing selfies? my posting generally?

well i'm unemployed, job searching, was recently kicked out of the place i'd been staying for years, and am surviving solely off donations for the moment so if you wanna support me anything helps me keep being able to do all those cool thingies!!!

paypal: https://paypal.me/v33b33

cashapp: https://cash.app/$vantablack420

venmo: https://venmo.com/vantablack420

liberapay: https://liberapay.com/v4nt4bl4ck

ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/vantablack420

GFM (laser): https://gofund.me/aa09f716

patreon (monthly): https://www.patreon.com/vantablack

thank you so much :lesbian_heart:​

tokyo_0, to fediverse
@tokyo_0@mas.to avatar

Can you imagine what the #Fediverse would look like now if the response to Gab had been "Admins don't need to block these instances, individual users can just choose whether or not to apply a user-level block (mute) themselves"?

And #Meta is even more corrosive than Gab. Gab users just posted a barrage of hate and unpleasantness. Meta is commercially incentivised to destroy what some people are inviting it to into.


pinkdrunkenelephants, to mastodon
@pinkdrunkenelephants@mastodon.social avatar

So I want to leave .social for a better server that doesn't federate with Threads, but the ones on the fedipact website either actually do federate with Threads anyway (looking at you mas.to) or they're invite-only. :(

@tokyo_0@mas.to avatar

@pinkdrunkenelephants What makes you say that mas.to federates with ? Neither zuck nor mosseri at threads.net show up here. (cc: @trumpet)

remidu, (edited ) to threads
@remidu@mamot.fr avatar

How (not) to counter Meta's embrace-extend-extinguish strategy #Threads

@remidu@mamot.fr avatar


Some people say that Meta makes Threads federate with Mastodon so it would eventually siphon its users (see #EEE).
That's one of the reasons several Mastodon instance admins decided to preventively block Threads (see #Fedipact).

I think that keeping some Mastodon users from interacting with Threads might on the contrary push them away from their instance and maybe go to Threads instead, what we want to avoid in the first place.

vantablack, to cyberpunk
@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar

:HackerCatRainbow:​​ https://cyberpunk.lol is open for registrations!!! :HackerCatRainbow:​​


we're a small scrappy relatively fresh-faced underdog instance of glitch mastodon. we have but one humbly stated mission: to put the PUNK back into cyberpunk here on the fediverse


i'm vanta. trans enby girl polyam lesbian gender terrorist, the fediverse's favorite pirate radio DJ, DIY clothing auteur, and rogue wordsmith extraordinaire. i've been a hardcore fedi user since 2017


not only is this instance a fedipact instance that has threads.net blocked, but... i'm the one who made the whole pact to begin with lmao

:heart_cyber_pink:​ :cyber_heart_purple:​

vantablack, to KindActions
@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar

please boost!!! :boostRequest:


🖤 i'm a broke and unemployed neurodivergent trans woman

🖤 i'm currently homeless and couch surfing

🖤 i do hella cool stuff like fedipact and running cyberpunk.lol and DIYing cool clothing and broadcasting vantaradio and editing videos and taking selfies and posting lots... and money helps me continue being alive so i can keep doing all that

🖤 literally anything will help

🖤 i've been on fedi for seven years and have always done my best to help this community by constantly boosting mutual aid posts

🖤 i'm awesome as fuck

venmo: https://venmo.com/vantablack420

cashapp: https://cash.app/$vantablack420

paypal: https://paypal.me/v33b33

liberapay: https://liberapay.com/v4nt4bl4ck

ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/vantablack420

GFM (laser): https://gofund.me/aa09f716

patreon (monthly): https://www.patreon.com/vantablack

tysm!!!!! 😁

movodehe, to FediPact
@movodehe@social.tchncs.de avatar

When I try to visit @barackobama with @apps from the social.tchncs.de instance, I actually get to @BarackObama

When I log in via browser I get redirected to the threads website https://www.threads.net/@barackobama/ but do not see the account on my instance.

Does anyone know why this is, espacially how I end up at @BarackObama? Probably has something to do with I guess?

vantablack, to FediPact
@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar

saw someone speculating that is an inside job by meta to intentionally fracture the fediverse and, damn, i wish they were paying me for this lmao

@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar

also it's not fracturing fedi

is only about defederating threads, not also everyone who federates with em

people who say that just don't understand lmao

rachaelspooky, to FediPact
@rachaelspooky@cyberpunk.lol avatar

if any of you have ever been, like, properly immersed in tech bro culture and seen by the tech bros as "on their side," you would know it doesnt even make sense to them when you tell them real hate exists online. they dont understand it's more than just name-calling, that there are real world consequences to allowing that kind of shit on a platform. they think of it all as "it's just online, ignore them lol" and literally laugh if you mention moderation tools.

i spent four years getting one of the most prestigious compsci degrees you can get.

there was no tech ethics course.

they dont understand the consequences of their actions.

and they never will.

or there is no fediverse. just another cesspool of bigotry.

vantablack, to FediPact
@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar

how long until threads threatens to or actually does start blocking mastodon.social for allowing nudity?

would dot social bend the knee in that scenario and change their policy? probably


Post photos and videos that are appropriate for a diverse audience. We know that there are times when people might want to share nude images that are artistic or creative in nature, but for a variety of reasons, we don’t allow nudity on Instagram. This includes photos, videos, and some digitally-created content that show sexual intercourse, genitals, and close-ups of fully-nude buttocks. It also includes some photos of female nipples, but photos in the context of breastfeeding, birth giving and after-birth moments, health-related situations (for example, post-mastectomy, breast cancer awareness or gender confirmation surgery) or an act of protest are allowed. Nudity in photos of paintings and sculptures is OK, too. People like to share photos or videos of their children. For safety reasons, there are times when we may remove images that show nude or partially-nude children. Even when this content is shared with good intentions, it could be used by others in unanticipated ways. You can learn more on our Tips for Parents page.
Sexually explicit or violent media must be marked as sensitive or with a content warning This includes content that is particularly provocative even if it may not show specific body parts, as well as dead bodies, bloody injuries, and other gore. Particularly obscene content may be prohibited entirely. Profile pictures and header images may not contain sexually explicit or violent media.

apemantus, to threads
@apemantus@ieji.de avatar
Sh4d0w_H34rt, to FediPact
@Sh4d0w_H34rt@mstdn.social avatar

I'm really getting nervous about how so many are embracing Threads. When I first heard they were going to federated, I had hoped we would see a stand for users' privacy. wasn't taken up my instance admin, and even the user level block seems worthless as the POTUS account on Threads is still visible demonstrates. 😑😑😑

schizanon, to mastodon
@schizanon@mas.to avatar

@trumpet please stop blocking threads so that I can follow and boost @POTUS

This policy of blocking entire instances simply because you don't like who runs them is silly and detrimental to the Fediverse not to mention our democracy.


@schizanon @trumpet we're starting to see why the decision to block threads is a difficult one once federation is actually widespread. Many accounts people find important to have access to get blocked when it is done at the instance level. It was definitely smart for to move on this early since a decision that's already been made is harder to reverse.

The good news is that you can always migrate if the instance doesn't make the choices you want.

vantablack, to FediPact
@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar
77nn, to FediPact
@77nn@goto.77nn.it avatar

I guess that I should create a new filter to discard ”@potus” from my timelines.

I'm so curious to see how many instances changed their mind on the anti-Meta just to able to read @potus posts.

atomicpoet, (edited ) to fediverse
@atomicpoet@atomicpoet.org avatar

President Joe Biden’s Threads account @potus is federating on the Fediverse!

And I’m following him from atomicpoet.org!

Wow! This is as monumental as Barack Obama joining Twitter! A truly historic day for the !



@atomicpoet @potus @fediversenews another reason to support #fedipact

vantablack, to KindActions
@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar

please boost!!! :boostRequest:​

wanna give a trans gal a nice gift on trans day of visibility? do you enjoy the work i've done with FediPact? the rad instance i've set up? the cool clothes i DIY together? my pirate radio station, vantaradio? my awesome videos? my amazing selfies? my posting generally?

well i'm unemployed, job searching, was recently kicked out of the place i'd been staying for years, and am surviving solely off donations for the moment so if you wanna support me anything helps me keep being able to do all those cool thingies!!!

patreon: https://www.patreon.com/vantablack

kofi: https://ko-fi.com/vantablack420

paypal: https://paypal.me/v33b33

cashapp: https://cash.app/$vantablack420

venmo: https://venmo.com/vantablack420

liberapay: https://liberapay.com/v4nt4bl4ck

GFM (laser): https://gofund.me/7de6f4b2

x00001, to FediPact
@x00001@corteximplant.com avatar

If you want to complain to @verge about their blatant transphobia over #FediPact then I’d recommend you do a user search on your instance because a lot of their editors and writers are on dot social. Real people you can contact that aren’t bots. I won’t post them here in case someone decides I’m inciting something… Which I’m not! I’m just offering information to the masses!

#HackThePlanet #RadioFreeSociety

vantablack, to FediPact
@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar

saw a post earlier linking to https://fedipact.online

it said something like "look at how ridiculously long this list is, this isn't a battle you have to fight alone"

and it legiterally warmed my heart lol

@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar

that's like

THE reason

i made fedipact to begin with lol

quoting https://fedipact.online/why

"the purpose of The Pact is to embolden instances to commit to blocking project92/barcelona/threads. a lotta peeps were already talking bout preemptively blocking it since the march leaks, me included. and the idea popped into my head that maybe if we had like, y'know, a thingy peeps could sign to show their support for it... it might weaken that argument that it's like pointless or whatever, and might make that choice easier to make"

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