penandpaper, to DnD German avatar

Drachenkrieger auf Krynn bekämpfen. Rezension von Dragonlance auf Deutsch.

juergen_hubert, to DnD avatar

There are many classic settings which I think I would have fun revisiting - or even visiting for the first time.

But with , my inclination would be to say: "It was a product of its time" and move on.

There were a lot of things wrong with it. The whole setup of "Good vs. Evil" where the "Good gods" look dodgy as hell (Remember Istar). Three "joke races" - kender, tinker gnomes, and gully dwarves. Then there's the elves who are designated "good" but have extremely nasty cultures.

I could go on, but I think "fixing" this setting would require more effort than it is worth. But you could always check out this RPGNet thread for a good discussion of the details:

youronlyone, to Dragonlance avatar

Shows and games I'm still waiting to see:

  1. Highlander TV. This time, with a serious continuity. The original franchise messed its continuity.

  2. Highlander MMO. It should be a sandbox MMO and there should be three modes: unli-life (subscription); limited permadeath (buy-to-play, or a store item); permadeath or 1-life (free-to-play).

a. Unli-life: Players can resurrect again after they were defeated by a Highlander. However, they resurrect as a new character (for obvious reasons). They only carry with them their previous character's assets, fame, and what not.

b. Limited permadeath. After XX resurrections (similar to unli-life), the last chance is permadeath. A player will have to completely restart. OR, if they don't buy a resu store item, they'll have to completely restart.

c. Permadeath. Players always restart fresh after being defeated by another Highlander. They won't inherit anything from their previous character.

  1. Ultima TV + Films.
  • Ultima 4 should be a TV series. With all the virtues playing an important role (that's the plot anyway).
  • Ultima 5 can be a film.
  • Ultima 6 a TV series.
  • Ultima 7 Part 1 a TV series.
  • Ultima 7 Part 2 a TV series.
  • Ultima 8 a movie.
  1. DragonLance TV + films.
  • TV Season 1 a prequel to War of the Lance.
  • War of the Lance first movie.
  • TV S02, the side-stories during War of the Lance. It complements the first movie, and sets the stage for the second movie.
  • TV S03 + Movie 3.
  • We can also have a Lord Loren Soth spin-off. Which culminates into meeting Mina, which will set the stage for a possible Mina spin-off (and the death of Takhisis).
  • The Knights of Solamnia spin-off. (Web series?)
  • The Blue Lady spin-off (web series? Also a good supplement for the War of the Lance movies.)
  • And so on.
  1. Forgotten Realms
  • TV series for Azure Bonds. S01 to S05.
  • Can have a spin-off series for Curse of the Azure Bonds, focusing on a the unfortunate party. Maybe for 2 seasons only.


@tv @movies @film

dnddeutsch, to pnpde German avatar

Parallel zur Neuveröffentlichung der Romane der Chronik der Trilogie erscheinen die Bände auch als Hörbücher bei

Am 1. Mai gehts los, und dann je am 1. Juni und 1. Juli. Die neue Übersetzung soll nicht auf Papier erscheinen

dnddeutsch, to DnD German avatar

Im Pressbriefing für "Vecna: Eve of Ruin" wurde vor allem viel Artwork aus dem Buch gezeigt. Zwei meiner Lieblingsstücke sind Miska the Wolf-Spider und dieser Mutanten Bär 🧵 1/4

Der Mutant Bear hat Züge eines Affen, die Hörner eines Triceratops, viele weitere Hörner und Klauen und Pusteln und grün glühende Augen und es scheint eine staubige Wolke von ihm auszugehen

dnddeutsch, avatar

Die Kampagne lässt die Abenteurer durchs Multiversum reisen und besucht u.a. (Artwork eines jungen folgt), die Astral Sea (), (Raistlin ist nicht im Buch) und , wo man "Rerak" trifft, der totally nicht Acererak ist und über den Tomb of Wayward Souls wacht. 2/4

dnddeutsch, to pnpde German avatar

"Drachen der Vorsehung", der zweite Band der "Schicksal der -Trilogie", kommt am 20. November auf Deutsch bei

JeremyMallin, to random avatar

I miss my text only adventure games like we had in the '70s and '80s.

youronlyone, avatar

@JeremyMallin If you like is still online and kicking (since 1996).

There is also (DSL), a MUD that originally started as a mix of DragonLance and and is now very customised.

WhatDoIKnowJR, to Dragonlance avatar

I wonder if the board game aspect of the Dragonlance adventure hurt sales. I don't mean, if the game iteself didn't sell, or even if the bundles with the game didn't sell, but if the book itself would have sold better if the board game never existed.

I can't help but think, even if boardgame wasn't required for the adventure, people felt like it would be incomplete without it, and they weren't interested in the boardgame, so they even skipped the "book only" option.

DnDFanatics, to DnD avatar

Actor Joe Manganiello recently confirmed that the live action Dragonlance TV series he was working on will not be happening. We break down all the details.

dnddeutsch, to Dragonlance German avatar

Hier ist das gesamte Interview zum Serien-Aus für mit Joe Manganiello:

dnddeutsch, to Dragonlance German avatar

Manganiellos Serie liegt auf Eis. hat derzeit kein Interesse daran, Dragonlance weiter zu entwickeln, u.a. weil sich das 5e Abenteuer und das Brettspiel schlecht verkauft haben

Ein Versuch die Rechte am Setting zu kaufen, war ebenfalls ergebnislos:

"I offered to buy Dragonlance," Manganiello said. "I was talking to people with money just to get it and separate it so that I could get the option and take it out on the town."

golgaloth, to books avatar

Are there any fantasy novels that use time travel? The only ones I can think of are hidden sci-fi fantasy.


@golgaloth The Legends trilogy is about time travel.

youronlyone, to linux avatar

Instead of setting up my website and HuGo projects in this temporary desktop PC, I instead started learning how scripting works.

I need to port over our scripts to MUDlet, so I can play regularly again (since I'm on ). I like the current version of MUDlet, it has come a long way since I last checked it.

And from what little I've read so far, the scripting and layout customisation are also better.

(I also need to brush up my , it has been a few years since I last used it. LOL.)

AnsalonMUD is a -based MUD. It first went online in June 1996.

This is a memorable one:

  • My first (non-personal) website was the “Unofficial AnsalonMUD Website”, sometime late 1997 and early 1998. (The label “unofficial” was popular, “fansite” was not the go-to term back then.)
  • When AnsalonMUD launched its official website in 1998, I changed my website into a personal DragonLance fansite.
  • I later acquired (I asked for it) the dragonlance_cjb_net domain after the original site/owner acquired and moved to it. (SEO doesn't exist back then, no 'juice' to care about.)
  • I started building this website because I want to learn and was followed the development of later.

While that website no longer exist, and unfortunately, the old files got stuck in an old HDD that no longer works (though I still have the HDD haha), I am still playing AnsalonMUD to this day.

So, yeah, almost 27 years later (I joined in 1997), I am still playing one of the longest-running DragonLance-based MUD.

dnddeutsch, to Dragonlance German avatar

Ein -Update für : Es gibt eine deutsche Website!


Mehr News zum Verbleib der deutschsprachigen Übersetzung des Buches später auf D3

dnddeutsch, to random German avatar

Der Lesesommer 2024 ist gerettet! Ab Mai geht's Schlag auf Schlag: jeden Monat kommt ein -Roman! Den Anfang macht die überarbeitete Chronik der Drachenlanze in drei Bänden, gefolgt vom ersten Band der neuen Schicksal der Drachenlanze-Trilogie

📕 1. Mai: Drachen des Zwielichts
📕 1. Juni: Drachen der Nacht
📕 1. Juli: Drachen der Dämmerung
📕 21. August: Drachen des Verrats

Alle Termine auf

Was wohl der September bringen wird? 🤔

dmfumbl, to Dragonlance

Trying to unlearn decades of mispronouncing the goddess Chislev like Chimera, but instead "kiz-lev" or "chiz-lev". That's what happens when you learn the Greek Alphabet in a (CHI is a greek letter spoken as "kai")

dnddeutsch, to Dragonlance German avatar

Tracy #Hickman (u.a. Co-Autor von #Dragonlance und vieler weiterer #DnD Abenteuer) verteidigt die Verwendung von #AiArt in #SkyRaiders of Abarax mit einem weirden, an den Haaren herbei gezogenen Schreibmaschinenevolutions-Vergleich. Ich habe das Produkt mit ziemlich hohem Einsatz unterstützt, war mega gespannt und könnte grade kotzen 🤢

amigalove, to amiga avatar

Found on a floppy disk for Amiga computers: Dragonlance art by Clyde Caldwell, 1987, that was used in a TSR Dragonlance calendar that year. (I also have that calendar, which is pinned to my wall.)

ILBM format, invented by Electronic Arts.

#amiga #commodore #tsr #dnd #dragonlance #80s #nostalgia


DM_Zeppelin, to Dragonlance avatar

The fact that I haven't seen this moment faithfully translated to the screen in a film or top-notch streaming show is a gods-damned crime.

dgc, to random

My parents sold their house and I had to take away my stuff once and for all. Among the treasures I found was this Amstrad Colour CPC464 which still works perfectly well.

bentomn, (edited ) avatar

@dgc Think you’re just in time with this one. is making the rounds again. Recalling Pool of Radiance fondly, probably for . The gold box games were everywhere for a minute there.

syntaxseed, to random avatar

Got some nostalgia from my teens in my hot little hands. So excited!

co-op board game. And a new (!) book from the original authors.


youronlyone, to movies avatar

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) is the best live-action adaptation so far. It's also based on .

If they can do this, I'm sure they can for as well. So, let's have a era adaptation!

@movies @movies

AmbularD, to goodomens avatar


I am a dinosaur and purveyor of old-as-fuck fandom shit (and some newer stuff)!



  • other eclectic 20th-21st century genre and comedy media & music.

My Fanworks on AO3, to DnD avatar

Spelljammer is already on printing two. That’s because they need to make some changes to the Hadozee for reasons of insensitivity. They’re good changes and Wizards of the Coast is changing the processes that allowed the culturally insensitive material to appear first too. This new printing has other errata too.

The one that sticks out is the addition of Feats to every Background.

“These backgrounds each give a feat. If a character takes a background from elsewhere and doesn’t get a feat from that background, the character gains one of the following feats of the player’s choice: Magic Initiate, Skilled, or Tough.”

Dragonlance will have something similar. For Dragonlance this was because these are characters in a war. They must be stronger, tougher, etc. In Spelljammer it kind of makes sense. Normal people aren’t space halflings and asteroid dwarves.

Similar to the Dragonlance decision my world has an additional feat at first level. In the case of the World of the Everflow these choices are;

  • Kin get a Bonded Companion.
  • Ken get a feat that grants a cantrip.
  • Kon get Artificer Initiate and the Rock Gnome’s tinker ability.

Similar to the Dragonlance decision to add Feats this was done to add flavor, speaking to the types of powers that people from various continents have.

With One D&D’s playtest we know there’s a chance at adding Feats for everyone at 1st level.

What if the One D&D system of 1st Level Feats was added to 5e now?

You could add Feats to any character in the current game with a minor, but not overwhelming, increase in power with a few simple guidelines.

  1. Only allow Feats that don’t have a +1 to an attribute.
  2. Don’t allow the +5/-10 Feats.
  3. Don’t allow Lucky.
  4. Don’t allow Polearm Master

That’s it.

Now you can have flavorful feats in your 5e game at 1st level.

Instead, attach Feats to Backgrounds

Now, my current world attaches Feats to racial choices, but one could choose to go the path of Dragonlance, Spelljammer, and Strixhaven. Each of those books assigns their unique Backgrounds specific Feats for flavor.

A more flexible system would be to attach Feats on a small curve. Those Feats would be selected to emphasize specific stories typically told regarding that Background.

Using my most popular original Background, the Tinker, as an example. We’ll include the three default Feats from the errata — Magic Initiate, Skilled, Tough. Then only selecting Feats from the Player’s Handbook, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything since those are a core book and the two rules expansions.

Actor reminds me of Paden Fain. Artificer Initiate seems obvious. Linguist fits the wanderer mold. Ritual Caster makes sense to capture the one who picks up hedge magic.

Putting those on a chart with a curve using two dice can influence the commonality of the Feats.

Roll 2d4 or choose your favorite.

  1. Magic Initiate
  2. Tough
  3. Linguist
  4. Actor
  5. Skilled
  6. Ritual Caster
  7. Artificer Initiate

Since it looks likely that Before We Were Heroes won’t be ready before the 2024 edition, I’m thinking of adding that Feat guidance to each listed Background.

Have another Background you’d like a Feat Chart for, ask in comments.

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