Edent, to fediverse
@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

🆕 blog! “Rebuilding FourSquare for ActivityPub using OpenStreetMap”

I used to like the original FourSquare. The "mayor" stuff was a bit silly, and my friends never left that many reviews, but I loved being able to signal to my friends "I am at this cool museum" or "We're at this pub if you want to meet" or "Spendi…

👀 Read more: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2024/01/rebuilding-foursquare-for-activitypub-using-openstreetmap/

@liaizon@wake.st avatar

@OpinionatedGeek @Edent @edent_location wow this is so great. Are you also supporting location attached to @pixelfed posts and location data attached to / posts?

ctrlxcvz, to random

I wanted to try the default mastodon social instance to get the hang of it - and I know there’s all kind of specific-interest ones like for art, music, tech, games, etc. but does anyone out there have some recommendations for other decent, all-purpose ones?


@dans_root @HistoPol @AlliFlowers @ctrlxcvz

I set up web apps in Linux Mint. It sets up a separate instance and saves separate usernames and passwords.

And yes joined multiple types of instance as well as a few of each.

I still have a#misskey and a account as well as a

RookieNerd, to fediverse

@fediverse Let's face it. When talking about the Fediverse, it is very hard to sell interoperability between different types of instances as a major advantage.

@youronlyone@c.im avatar

@RookieNerd @fediverse

Do not recommend one software and/or one instance.

Using your scenario, would you recommend photography instances based on knowing Mastodon only allows up to 4 “attached” images? Not only that, Mastodon will only display 4 images even if there are more than that?

Or, are you going to recommend designed for images. Or, maybe , , , , which all allow more than 4 images and will display all the images even if it exceeds their software's attach limit?

Quite frankly, in my opinion, with the image display alone, Mastodon is highly not recommended. So, the number of users and instances Mastodon have does not make it the best software, as you have mentioned earlier, “Mastodon is the level of UX other projects should aim to”. It's not.

The best approach is we understand what the user needs and suggest to them the appropriate software and instances that will suit their needs.

Let's forget about the Fediverse for a while.

We have to remember that not everyone is on Twitter or Facebook. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals who only have an Instagram account. Why? They don't need Twitter and Facebook.

In Korea, for example, they have their own culture and platforms for communication Twitter/Facebook-like, so they don't need those. But many of them have Instagram accounts.

Now, let's go back to the Fediverse.

If those are the users we are reaching out to, then there should be no problem recommending Pixelfed. Because for these target market, their only concern and type of use is to share, well, photos or their latest digital artwork. They don't care about a Twitter/Facebook-like experience or use.

That brings us back to the features of . It is an “added benefit”.

  1. Users who want to follow this content creator can do so using their existing account.

Okay, you can't do this with , the last time I checked, however, you can do it with . That's a Lemmy limitation, not the fediverse.

  1. For the content creator who migrated to the fediverse, in particular, Pixelfed in our scenario, they have a greater reach because they're federated.

(Extra: You can actually turn Pixelfed into a regular Twitter-like software if you are using the web UI. Although, last time I heard it will be removed eventually.)

(Extra 2: BookWyrm also allows Twitter-like feeds and interaction, it's not restricted to just books.)

@youronlyone@c.im avatar

@RookieNerd @fediverse

(and its forks) to mention a few, fits your description. ^_^

fabianschaar, to random German

Meine Nutzung der sieht in der Regel so aus: Seite oder App aufrufen, schauen, Seite oder App schließen. Tja, das ist das Ende vom Lied, wenn der ÖRR auch auf anderen Plattformen zu haben ist. Oft mindestens genauso schnell wie auf der eigenen Plattform. Da stellt sich natürlich die Frage, ob öffentlich-rechtliches Programm wirklich auf große amerikanische Plattformen gehört. Auch wenn es für die Nutzer praktisch ist. @ZDF

@caos@metalhead.club avatar

@Exxo ja, genau, von Mastodon aus nur beachten, dass der erste Absatz als Überschrift angezeigt wird. Darin dann möglichst keine Tags oder Hashtags.

Ausführlicher hier "Eine kleine Anleitung dazu, wie Ihr von #Mastodon, #Friendica, #Hubzilla usw. aus mit #Lemmy kommunizieren könnt": https://anonsys.net/display/bf69967c-1664-9207-c6d7-3f2363787237

@stubenhocker @HLunke @fabianschaar @ZDF

DerBote, to random German

Guten Morgen

Ich habe eine Frage:
wie kann man ein Beitrag erstellen wo man ein Foto/Bild einfügt und gleichzeitig eine Umfrage startet?

Weil es unter Umständen relevant ist stelle ich diese Frage öffentlich!



@caos@metalhead.club avatar

@DerBote mit Mastodon geht das normal mW nicht, mit u.a. , geht es standardmäßig schon lange. Evtl. verwendet mastodon.scot einen Mastodon-Fork wie ?

in der Instanzbeschreibung steht allerdings nix davon

brembs, to random
@brembs@mastodon.social avatar

This is precisely what every university (and scholarly society!!) should be doing: have their own instance and drop X like a hot potato:

"an instance has been created [... ] on university servers, which is open to the university's organizational units. The active use of X will be significantly reduced."


We detail all the arguments about precisely why that must happen here:

@caos@metalhead.club avatar
stefan, (edited ) to fediverse
@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

How do you refer to different parts of the #fediverse?



@stefan What do you means with "parts" ?

I refer to applications (#Hubzilla, #Pleroma, #Friendica, #Mastodon, #Peertube...), and then to instances of a given application.

max, to random

does anyone know of any good fedi front end clients that are tailored towards long form blog posts? i want to turn todiy into a multi media platform, and not just microblogging, but i don't wanna have to run a separate server/subdomain for every format! I think i like the idea of using as a backend because it seems pretty flexible! i dont want my users to need a bazillion accounts lol. Im looking at , and it would be awesome to use its front end somehow.

@aRubes@sloth.run avatar

@max may be able to do everything you want

@aRubes@sloth.run avatar

@max i'm sure you can, but I have to experience myself. Maybe ask people who actually manage a server ?

StefanMuenz, to fediverse German
@StefanMuenz@vivaldi.net avatar

Es irren ja durchaus welche hier herum, die noch auf der Suche nach dem für sie perfekten Zuhause im sind. Die vielleicht ihren Blog, ihre Fotosammlung und ihre SocialMedia-Aktivitäten gerne unter einem Dach hätten, oder die ihre Postings gerne auch noch auf Plattformen wie Bluesky oder LinkedIn crossposten möchten, und die für all diese Möglichkeiten und viele weitere (siehe Bild unten) gerne auch ein Angebot mit Bezahlmodellen nutzen würden, damit das "Geschäftsverhältnis" zum Instanzenbetreiber und die Finanzierung von vorneherein geklärt ist.
Wer es ausprobieren möchte:


@StefanMuenz Crossposten heißt aber nicht föderieren oder gar anderen im Fedi folgen können. Das scheint einfach nur eine weitere Plattform außerhalb des Fediverse zu sein. Einen Link zu technischen Details fand ich auf der Seite nicht. So eine universale Wollmilchsau a la Open Source scheint zu sein. Hab darüber mal einen Vortrag gesehen.

julia, to random

why is markdown so limited

all I fuckin want to do is put two images side by side

@o76923@kitty.social avatar


(yes, I know that I should just find a or instance)

wir, to random

Auf unserer Mastodon-Instanz für Freiburg und Umland bieten wir Euch ein föderiertes soziales Netzwerk an. Was genau es mit Mastodon auf sich hat und wie es überhaupt funktioniert, erklärt beispielsweise Mobilsicher in dem Artikel Mastodon – das bessere Twitter?

Wer lieber hören mag, kann sich ein halbes Stündchen mit dieser Podcastfolge von Besser – Der Podcast beschäftigen: Mastodon . Im Rahmen einer ganzen Reihe von Fediverse-Episoden erklärt Micha als „Experte“ Lorenz dem „Neuling“ das Fediverse und die einzelnen Plattformen. Erwartet also keinen nerdigen Expertentalk!

Auch wenn es auf Mastodon noch nicht so viele Accounts gibt wie auf den großen, kommerziellen Plattformen, ist die Kommunikationsqualität eine ganz andere. Probiert es aus! 🎉

Damit Ihr seht, dass sich dort doch schon einige interessante Institutionen und Menschen tummeln, hier eine kleine Liste mit Accounts, denen es sich zu folgen lohnen könnte:

Dass so viele öffentliche Stellen auf Mastodon vertreten sind, liegt (auch) an einer rechtlichen Bewertung der Richtlinie zur Nutzung sozialer Netzwerke durch öffentliche Stellen (pdf). Diese besagt, dass „Bürger [dürfen] nicht gezwungen werden [dürfen], für die Kontaktaufnahme oder für Informationen von einer öffentlichen Stelle Social-Media-Plattformen zu nutzen, die Nutzer beispielsweise für Werbung profilieren.“ Das vollstänige Interview mit dem Landesdatenschutzbeauftragen für Baden-Württemberg, Dr. Stefan Brink, ist auf der Webseite von Netzpolitik.org nachzulesen: „Mastodon ist kein vollständiger, aber doch ein guter Twitter-Ersatz“

Vielleicht fällt auf, dass nicht alle oben aufgeführten Accounts auf unserer eigenen Instanz liegen. Genau wie bei E-Mails, können auch hier Nutzende verschiedener Angebote miteinander kommunizieren: Gmail spricht ebenso selbstverständlich mit GMX wie freiburg.social mit bawü.social und anderen. Das nennt man Föderation und wird in diesem Artikel erklärt.

Und jetzt…


… schreibe Deinen ersten Tröt mit dem Hashtag und sei gespannt, was passiert! 😍

Informationen zum Datenschutz

Unsere Datenschutzinformation für Mastodon ist über die Adresse freiburg.social abrufbar.


@caos@metalhead.club avatar

@wir Danke für die Zusammenstellung & den Hinweis auf den von @besser . Obwohl der von 2018 ist, sind die wesentlichen Infos ja weiter aktuell.
Wer lieber liest und schaut, findet auch hier in der -Serie von gnulinux.ch einen anschaulichen Einblick in verschiedene Plattformen:
u.a. u.v.m.

bblaze, to fediverse

It doesn't matter if you are new to the or if you have been here forever, it's always good to keep in mind that (a) what server you pick, and (b) what software that server runs, matter.

I should admit am fairly new at this. I created my first fediverse account only a year ago. It was a server with about 8,000 users. And while it "worked" there was something missing from the experience.

While researching the idea of hosting my own server, I discovered which in turn led to discovering . It's hard to describe how much better the experience is with IceShrimp.

The is just so much better, and the feature set way more robust. The way it handles replies, the ability to quote, to use multiple emojis, etc.

If you have friends or family thinking about joining the Fediverse or are feeling unimpressed with your mastodon experience, I highly recommend getting an account running IceShrimp or other similar software.

Probably also worth mentioning that I also looked at using a integration and and . I found them to be clunky; reminding me of how email was in the early 90s.

If the fediverse is going to thrive, then it needs to make a good first impression. Moving beyond mastodon is a good step in the right direction.

vivaristic, to fediverse

If this is your first Fediverse account or you need more information:

Basic information, a selection of interesting Fediverse projects, directories and reports can be found at the following link:


#Fediverse #NewHere #Pixelfed #Mastodon #BookWyrm #PeerTube #Owncast #Friendica #Hubzilla #Castopod #Funkwhale #WordPress #Matrix #LinkStack #NYCMesh #Freifunk #Nextcloud

vivaristic, to fediverse

Falls dies euer erster Account im Fediverse ist oder ihr mehr informationen benötigt:

Grundlegende Informationen, eine Auswahl interessanter Fediverse-Projekte, Verzeichnisse und Berichte findet ihr unter folgendem Link:


#Fediverse #NeuHier #Pixelfed #Mastodon #BookWyrm #PeerTube #Owncast #Friendica #Hubzilla #Castopod #Funkwhale #WordPress #Matrix #LinkStack #NYCMesh #Freifunk #Nextcloud

Sylkeweb, to fediverse

Reminder to self: always post the best photos of a photo group on Pixelfed (or Friendica or WordPress etc.) in the first four positions so that other services like Mastodon (or Firefish etc.) show those!

The ones showing up here are mostly fine but there are more and I prefer some of them over the ones showing up in my Mastodon feed.

#Fediverse #TestingTheFediverse #ActivityPub #HowToFediverse #WordPress #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Friendica #Firefish #Hubzilla

youronlyone, to fediverse
@youronlyone@c.im avatar

A fictional way of looking at #SNS

  • #Mycelial Web (the multiverse)
  • Zot #Mycelium (a.k.a. #Zot protocol universe)
  • #Streams galaxy
    -- note 1: communication with the Fediverse is standard practice in this universe.
  • #Hubzilla galaxy
    -- note 1: developed a way to communicate across the Mycelial Web (a.k.a. the multiverse). Can also communicate with BlueSky and diaspora.
  • #Fediverse Mycelium (a.k.a. #ActivityPub protocol universe)
  • #Friendica galaxy
    -- note 1: developed a way to communicate across the Mycelial Web (a.k.a. the multiverse). Can also communicate with BlueSky and diaspora.
  • #Firefish galaxy
  • firefish.social star/solar system
  • #Mastodon galaxy
  • c.im star/solar system
  • #Rebased galaxy
  • c.wtf star/solar system
  • #Pixelfed galaxy
  • pixelfed.social star/solar system
  • Sky Mycelium (a.k.a. #ATprotocol universe)
  • #BlueSky galaxy
  • bsky.app star/solar system
  • #Jabber Mycelium (a.k.a. #XMPP protocol universe)
  • Matrix Mycelium (a.k.a. #Matrix protocol universe)
  • #Meta Mycelium
  • #Facebook galaxy
  • #Instagram galaxy (closed borders; isolated; aware of other mycelium/universes)
  • #Threads star/solar system
  • #X #Twitter Mycelium (closed borders; isolated; have not discovered there are other mycelium/universes besides their own)
  • #Tumblr Mycelium (closed borders; isolated; rumours has it their government decided against connecting with the other mycelium/universes, but they are aware)
  • #Flickr Mycelium (closed borders; isolated; aware of other mycelium/universes)
  • #Pebble / #T2 Mycelium - collapsed
  • #diaspora* Mycelium (Diaspora protocol universe)
  • diaspora galaxy empire (software)
  • diasp.org star/solar system (instance)
  • #SocialHome galaxy (software)
  • socialhome.network star/solar system (instance)
  • #Google+ (#GooglePlus universe) - collapsed

… and so on.

#Fiction #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #ScienceFantasy #YourOnlyOne

crossgolf_rebel, to fediverse

Meine mittags #Fediverse Wolke

Danke, das das Fediverse so bunt an Software ist und jeder seine Software finden kann. 👍

Falls ihr eine Funktion vermisst, liegt es vielleicht auch nur daran, das ihr die falsche Software für das Fediverse nutzt.
Mastodon scheint für viele zu reichen, nur ist Mastodon nicht alles

#Friendica #Pleroma #Akkoma #Firefish #Calckey #Peertube #Pixelfed #Mastodon #Hubzilla #Fediverse

youronlyone, to mastodon
@youronlyone@c.im avatar

The software setting of is now a dropdown menu. Currently only for mastodon.social and mastodon.online.

Maybe it's temporary but if it's not, they'll have to add at least a hundred reputable and popular servers. Also, it's Mastodon software only. There are far more software, older and/or better than Mastodon which will probably not get support, at least as far as the approach I am seeing.

Since they are only adding cross-posting support, it should be fine to add support for other software like and , to mention a few.

Still, what I want to see is for Spoutible to federate with the network as well as network (a.k.a. ).

Original thread: https://spoutible.com/thread/23239609

o76923, to random
@o76923@kitty.social avatar

I suddenly wonder if there's a Fediverse equivalent of the way Patreon gives the option to make posts only visible to donors. I know 's channels system and ACL ought to make it possible but I don't know if theres's already a payment processor and automated tools to make it easier to manage.

RE: https://wetdry.world/users/mae/statuses/111385679195409097

kuketzblog, to fediverse German
@kuketzblog@social.tchncs.de avatar

Morgen startet der #37C3. Eine Bitte an alle, die hingehen: Macht Werbung für das Fediverse, damit noch mehr Menschen den Weg in die Freiheit finden.

#fediverse #mastodon #hubzilla #friendica #peertube #pixelfed #lemmy #kbin #mobilizon #gancio #pleroma #firefish #funkwhale #castopod #bookwyrm #share

tallship, to foss

We've been discussing these issues, amongst others lately in the Fediverse-City room on Matrix, what with the relative demise of Meetup.com following its acquisition by WeWork, and the rise of *events over at Faceplant further obviating them having much to do with a plethora of event management projects exploding onto the scene for the past couple of years.

It's been a while since I've visited , so long in fact, I only recently became aware a couple of years ago that they had a marketplace that has largely supplanted craigslist, and finding out just today that they in fact have some sort of events system - that speaks volumes, I think, toward my dedication to dogfooding my and simply ignoring, for the most part, there are still some privacy disrespecting operators in the deprecated monolithic silo space of social networking.

, , , and have their own take on how these event management systems should through the rest of the , while others mentioned in the article below, including try to fit into that niche in a cooperative, interoperable way... and it's paying off. Bigtime.

It's a good read, events are powerful for hobbyists, technologists, sports enthusiasts, and just about any kind of IRL or remote attendance awareness and organizing; so it only stands to reason that , and social networking in general include the capabilities to seamlessly propagate events as globally possible.

At the very least, events are heralded as one of the best ways to get free pizza 🍕 and beer 🍺 with others that have common interests. After a veritable shitload of funding from many sources, including NGI0 and even larger corporate sponsors, we're approaching a place where anyone with a Fediverse account, even on the smolweb or most obscure platforms like Threads, will be privy to things like announcements, RSVP, alerts, Etc., of upcoming events, regardless of whether your Fediverse platform of choice directly supports event management.

And it is perhaps a little ironic, that users themselves will likely have at their disposal, an event notification and management capability in direct conflict with the one that Meta wants them to use - I dunno how that's going to work out, but I think it's pretty kewl that nobody else does either at this time.

h/t to @silverpill for the heads up on the following article, he just always seems to know where that rabbit is hiding in the tophat and pulls it right out when it's most needed, lolz.


RT: https://event-federation.eu/2023/12/20/it-is-all-about-the-community/

Sylkeweb, to fediverse
dansup, to kbin
@dansup@mastodon.social avatar

✨ New https://fedidb.org update

The following software projects now include enhanced stats/graphs:

  • All
  • Subscribed
  • Moderated
  • Favorites
  • megavids
  • khanakhh
  • mdbf
  • ethstaker
  • magazineikmin
  • GTA5RPClips
  • rosin
  • thenastyranch
  • Youngstown
  • InstantRegret
  • slotface
  • osvaldo12
  • kavyap
  • DreamBathrooms
  • JUstTest
  • Durango
  • everett
  • cisconetworking
  • normalnudes
  • tester
  • ngwrru68w68
  • cubers
  • modclub
  • tacticalgear
  • provamag3
  • Leos
  • anitta
  • lostlight
  • All magazines