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HistoPol, (edited ) to random avatar

This is brilliant: 🤣

This satiric political advert by about the by @thejuicemedia holds so much truth and is so well phrased:


18+ energiepirat, avatar
18+ energiepirat, avatar

@HistoPol @mina @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @MaJ1 Ob ich Länder kenne, wo das so ist. Jein. Direktwahlen gibt es meist für die zweite Kammer. Argentinischer Senat, US-Senat. Und wir haben zumindest eine Direktwahl von theoretisch der Hälfte der Abgeordneten zu Bundestag und Landtag. Übrigens: Wären hier für die Direktkandidatur nur Parteilose zugelassen, dann gäbe es kaum Überhangmandate und wir bräuchten keine komplizierte Wahlrechtsreform. Wäre besser für uns.

HistoPol, (edited ) to tech avatar


I have got a question for all the #tech people out there with experience regarding #hp and #Linux

#Windows11 is being rolled out and I probably will have to set up my Laptop again. Never used #Linux on a PC, so how about:

Do #Linux distributions support HP omen 17 (2019) ?

If so, which one would you recommend for chiefly MS Office use (64-bit Excel a must) ?

How difficult is a set-up for a non-IT pro who has always worked with Windows (but installed systems)?


There it probably a very hacky way of doing it through a compatibility layer like wine but I doubt it would be either easy or stable. Have you thought about using windows as a VM within Linux and using it that way? Otherwise unfortunately then it wouldn't be a fit for you.


Yeah if Office is that necessary there is only so much you can do to isolate yourself from windows without getting overly technical. The VM is only connected to the internet if you have it on and the network connection enabled in your VM software's settings.

HistoPol, (edited ) to languagelearning avatar




The should finally divest the of its usurped seat on the .

The should rule that the aggressor stop the shelling of immediately and the UN should secure the Nuclear Power Plant () and empower to put its decisions into effect by armed measures (Art. 42, ).

The ...

HistoPol, (edited ) avatar

@POLITICOEurope @NATO @EU_Commission


...countries bordering should invoke Art. 5:
The destruction of the 's continuous cooling water supply constitutes an attack on , as the fallout would endanger the lives of its citizens.

should cancel its airforce maneuver + redeploy its forces 2 .

's 's should be put under control and defended by .

Cut playing with atomic fire 🔥!

HistoPol, avatar

@POLITICOEurope @NATO @EU_Commission @GottaLaff


introduce resolution for invocation of ,
if destroys occupied in

Sen. : "..they will be destroyed, they will be eviscerated..." message to generals on June 22nd--3 days before the mutiny on June 25, 2023.

Listen to the complete video!


HistoPol, to random avatar


Kennt Ihr eine App for Win10 oder Android, die aus einem Podcast per Voice Recognition ein Skript generieren kann?

Hintergrund: ich schreibe öfters mal einen Thread zu einem Pod, allerdings ist es schwierig 20-60 Minuten verbatim im Kopf zu behalten, suchen ist mühselig und die Autoren haben keine Kapa, z. B.:

HistoPol, avatar


...auch auf dem Netzlaufwerk und haben keine Schwierigkeiten." usw.

An Deiner Grundaussage ändert das nicht - außer "ein paar" Spezialisten (ich schätze ca. 5-10% im Biz-Bereich) könnten alle anderen voraussichtlich umsteigen.

Gleichzeitig müssten jedoch die Schulungskapazitäten deutlich hochgezogen werden, denn die Key-User-Methodid/Train-the-trainer geht dann auch nicht mehr - ich könnte nicht helfen, so wie ich das sehe.


HistoPol, avatar



So, die neuen Parameter liefen durch, lieferten aber m.E. keinen Unterschied.

Die Excel-Programmierung dauerte unter 5 min.

Verbleibendes, großes Problem:
Alle Transkriptzeilen sind inhaltlich doppelt wiedergegeben, jedoch keine perfekten Dubletten, so dass eine Bereinigung sehr aufwändig wäre.

Vllt. wirfst Du mal einen Blick drauf. Der Output ist echt doof so. Komisch.

Im ursprünglichen Format waren es wenigstens 100%ige Dubletten (sh. vorher).


HistoPol, to random avatar


What happened?

All your posts are gone and I am not following you anymore?

flexghost, avatar

@stux @Catmama @paul @noondlyt @HistoPol @calculsoberic you have WEEKS of replying to my Caturday pics to catch up on, Stux !!

paul, avatar

@flexghost @noondlyt @HistoPol @stux @calculsoberic @stux

Just catching up with the thread. Looks like it was fixed.

So, for the fine work done, I'd like to give the Fediverse a Coke and sing in perfect harmony now.

and , my two rescues, last year, in their favorite napping boxes. (I've shared this pic before.)

HistoPol, to Argentina avatar
18+ energiepirat, avatar

@mina @HistoPol Dass er ein Populist ist, war klar. Er hatte angekündigt, den Filz zu zerschneiden. Statt dessen sorgt er für noch mehr Filz. Wann kommt ein Präsident, der die Früchte der Assets des Landes wieder der Bevölkerung nützen. Könnte aber sein, dass es dafür zu spät ist.

mina, avatar


Tatsächlich ist die Korruption der Krebs des Landes (übrigens nicht nur in Arg).

Wer es schafft, die tatsächlich zu beseitigen oder mindestens kleinzukriegen, hat eigentlich 90% des Nötigen geschafft.

Da traue ich allerdings den anderen Parteien genauso wenig zu.


HistoPol, to random avatar


Dieses Thema dürfte dich interessieren:

si_irini, avatar


Danke das du an mich gedacht hast.
Ich werde mich echt gut reinlesen und ich hoffe es hilft bei der Beendigung meines Gedichts.
Es ist ein schwieriges Thema aber eines dem man Aufmerksamkeit geben sollte.
Super finde ich echt gut das du an mich gedacht hast.



Das Maß an sexueller (und nicht nur solcher) Gewalt überall bleibt erschreckend.

Die Polizeistatistiken bilden natürlich nur einen Teil der Realität ab und sind wegen der extrem hohen Dunkelziffer von Land zu Land und selbst von Jahr zu Jahr schwer vergleichbar.

Auch Änderungen bei Gesetzen und Rechtsprechung spielen eine Rolle.

Ein gutes Beispiel dafür ist Schweden: Dort gilt seit langem "nur ja heißt ja", während fast überall sonst gilt "nein heißt nein".



HistoPol, (edited ) to random avatar

OK, people, it is .
Time for some with some .

Here is my pick for the .

It is for all the people that cannot be with a loved one because they are in different places right now.
And a special dedication for the one that makes you feel "home is where the heart is."

If you have found them, hold on tight. If not, may you find them soon.

[Official Music Video]

HistoPol, avatar

She finally whispers the words that you've been longing for...

🎙Take Me Home [One Shot]🎵🎶

HistoPol, avatar

Good evening/night party people.

Have a great weekend!

You just passed 27k of posts/toots here with me.

See you next time!

HistoPol, (edited ) to random avatar


As the #AmericaFirst movement of #WWII once again rears its head and gears up for the next elections, it is much better prepared than in 2016 and the #Midterms of 2022.

A racist utterance of a #US military 🪖 leader made me remember a thread I had published on the Birdsite in Sept. 2022.
It focused on the strategic use of #veterans by the #MAGA movement.
As it will happen again, I am republishing...

HistoPol, (edited ) avatar


...this thread here for anyone involved in elections:

"The contest for control of the , the of , and key seats in the November midterm elections may rest to a large degree on the dozens of far-right military contesting seats in .
👉Drawn largely from the elite of the ,...

HistoPol, avatar


"...they are backed by , a new cluster of military-oriented political action committees (), and leading members of the secretive .👈 If elected, they would pose an alarming threat to " democracy.

As the campaign against the “” by and others at gathered momentum in the spring of 2021, upped the ante with an...

HistoPol, (edited ) to internet avatar


I know a lot of people don't want to hear about the or anymore.

However, until is either broke or , or in jail, or at least not able to control the anymore, the following is very important to know about ’s :

One central key to understanding is this insightful article by @davetroy :

"👉’s Twitter Buy Makes No Sense — Unless It’s Part of Something Bigger👈"

I had this...

HistoPol, avatar


"...The recent takeovers of and have prompted similar questions about why they were targeted for purchase, and the changes being made there. None of these moves makes very much sense if you’re looking backwards...

And there’s the matter of “X,” Musk’s proposed “.” It’s been floated as a response to ['s] , ’s ubiquitous app, that’s come to dominate both payments and the social sphere. Supposing such an app starts to take on the task of..."

HistoPol, avatar

The pieces of the economically senseless begin to fall into place: inherits prime real estate from ex-president , after 's half-year purge of and independent-oriented voters.

(What is the scheme behind this, take a look at the beginning of this thread about @davetroy's article.)

's reports on 's and ' move:

HistoPol, to microsoft avatar

Alternativen zu #Microsoft #Outlook


Da mein Kleinweich-Abo bald abläuft und ich keine Lust auf KI-gestützte Ausspähung habe, wechsle ich nach vielen Jahren weg von MS (mehrere Mailkonten, unterschiedliche Anbieter). Zudem möchte ich weiterhin OHNE Cloud meine Termine und Kontakte mit Android-Smartphone synchen können (hierzu FOSS im Einsatz, jedoch nur für OL kompatibel).

Über die Jahre kam immer wieder #Thunderbird in die Diskussion, was meint Ihr?!?

ditol, avatar

@HistoPol @mina @2ndStar @teacherrogueone
Außerdem kann man Kontakte und Kalender anscheinend mittels MyPhoneExplorer mit TB-Addon direkt mit dem PC synchronisieren. Das habe ich aber selbst nie ausprobiert, nutze MPE nur zum SIchern mienes Handys.

mina, avatar


Also: Thunderbird kann Emails, Termine und Kontakte.

Es gibt auch sync-Programme mit dem Fon. Wie gut das mit den Terminen klappt, weiß ich nicht, denn ich benutze immer noch den Google-Kalender.

@ditol @2ndStar @teacherrogueone

HistoPol, to Russia avatar


CNN thinks precision strikes with drones against the #Sudanese #RSF who supported #Russia in its #WarInUkraine are possibly carried out by #Ukrainian special forces, raising the stakes for anyone supporting #russia

"Ukrainian special services were likely behind a series of drone strikes and a ground operation directed against a #Wagner-backed militia near Sudan’s capital, a CNN investigation has found,...."

Jeramee, avatar


Yes, and more than just a revenue stream - it was a bargaining chip.

Putin may be evil, but he ain't stupid. Do you know any chess players that would just take one of their bishops off the board? That would be the equivalent of Russia taking out the pipeline.

Jeramee, avatar


Btw, I appreciate your civility here. You could have dismissed my prior comment, but instead asked for clarification so we could have a further dialogue.

If only liberals were half as civil as you.....

HistoPol, to climate avatar


The End is Nigh by 2100:

+3°C!--The 's outlook for the surpasses even my worst predictions:

Via @TheGuardian

"World facing ‘hellish’ 3C of climate heating, UN warns before Cop28

‘We must start setting records on cutting emissions,’ UN boss says after temperature records obliterated in 2023"

"The...(Unep) report said that implementing future policies already promised by countries would shave 0.1C off the 3C limit...


@HistoPol @TheGuardian "We know it is still possible to make the 1.5 degree limit a reality. It requires tearing out the poisoned root of the climate crisis: fossil fuels.”


@HistoPol Nobody will, big oil etc only see profits.

Also this is a global effort that needs to far exceed the level of co-operation needed to fight Covid, which we failed miserably at.

Toast anyone ?

HistoPol, (edited ) to random avatar

#ClimateCatastrophe #Overshoot #PhantomCarryingCapacity


The #AngloSaxon capitalist model ruined earth for humanity and many other species. #BigOil has been its undertaker, b/c #BigOilKnew.

If capitalism hadn't made the #GreenRevolution possible, human society would already have reached the #overshoot (1) point at the end of the last century:
In 1968, the #biologists Paul and Anne #Ehrlich wrote the book The #PopulationBomb"...



HistoPol, avatar

#ClimateCatastrophe #Overshoot #PhantomCarryingCapacity


"...In an early edition, the preface read:

“The battle to feed all of #humanity is over. In the 👉1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death👈 in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. At this late date nothing can prevent a substantial increase in the world death rate.”

"#Ehrlich was [only] wrong because he didn’t..."

HistoPol, avatar

#ClimateCatastrophe #Overshoot #PhantomCarryingCapacity


"...anticipate the #GreenRevolution, which took off in the 1970s.

#Farmers began to use new chemical #fertilizers such as #phosphorous and #ammonia (which is derived from #NaturalGas), and #agrochemicals such as #pesticides and #herbicides [#oil derivatives]). In addition, they began to use new types of #farming equipment that mechanized #cultivation and harvesting.

But that’s not all. In the past, a #drought...

HistoPol, (edited ) to random German avatar

*The clandestine logic behind "#Reaganomics"

"The Origin of #StudentDebt:*

#Reagan Adviser Warned Free #College Would Create a Dangerous “Educated Proletariat”
...#RogerFreeman, who also worked for #Nixon, revealed the right’s motivation for coming decades of attacks on higher education."

HistoPol, avatar

The hidden agenda of the education-policy aspects of have created an abomination of the founding fathers' .

"In 1822, founding father wrote to a friend that “the liberal appropriations made by the Legislature of for a..."

impooortant, avatar

@HistoPol What a chance the internet once was before the opening to private capital.

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