
uhmge, to kbinMeta in RE: Is Ernest still here?
uhmge avatar

Thanks ernest, hope you feel better soon!

livus, to RedditMigration in So... it's been a while now since the great exodus. How are you all doing my fellow refugees?
livus avatar

Absolutely love it here. Kbin is awesome, and I love the fediverse. I'm way more about content creation here than I was on reddit because I want to be part of this. @ernest keeps making it better too.

I love interacting with all the instances and also I love the access to Mastodon content. I was never on Twitter or Mastodon before but now I follow these cool people I found from my community microblogs.

I never run out of internet, the fediverse has all I need. Yet, I feel more productive irl than I used to be.

A search result took me to reddit last week and was shocked by how many bots, shills, and just how much general anger and fighting is over there. Also they seem to have more dumb or trolling people than I remember.

That reddit blackout did me a huge favour. Never going back. The future is federated.

JowlesMcGee avatar

Is there a way you're able to see both threads and microblogs, or do you just have to switch between the two?

ernest avatar

The aggregate view is in preparation still.

JowlesMcGee avatar

Sounds good! Not a big priority, I just think it would be nice since kbin has access to both. Like others have said here, I appreciate the work you're doing!


kbin's search function is remarkable: you can discover content on the fedi which otherwise remains beneath the surface

livus avatar

@testing yeah I like that too. Sometimes when I'm looking for a community I accidentally use the general search instead of the magazine search and end up down all these rabbit holes!

ernest, to kbinMeta in Who are the current admins of kbin.social? /m/fediverse needs moderators
ernest avatar

Hey, on Monday, the system for transferring magazines and submissions to moderators will be ready. I am currently working on it, which is why I need a moment of focus and isolation ;)

@melroy@mastodon.melroy.org avatar
Countmacula avatar

Was about to message you about this!

Keep up the good work!!!!

cacheson avatar

Great to hear, thank you. Are there any other server admins that we should contact about things like this in the future, or are you still the only one?

ernest avatar

At the moment, I am the only admin on kbin.social - mainly because /kbin doesn't have a tested global administration by multiple admins/mods ;) It's something I'm currently working on. Sometimes, there are so many notifications and messages that responding would physically take up entire days. I can't reply to everything immediately, but I try to do it systematically. However, the best way to get in touch is through Matrix spaces. I feel that every problem will be properly addressed there, which is why I can allow myself to work calmly besides managing all of this ;) Another more reliable method is a contact form.


@ernest @cacheson can I be an admin 🥺

@KeroZelvin@dice.camp avatar

@ernest @cacheson you are SO appreciated! I am glad you are hanging in there with the massive boom has had.


Is there a better way of reporting offensive magazines & users instead of PMing you?

XanXic, to nostupidquestions in Why all of a sudden tech companies are not being favorable to their users?

I’d say because it’s in the air. Obviously companies watch each other. Like the layoffs in January. The initial wave was the companies that needed to do it and had been planning it for awhile. Then when there was blood in the water everyone was doing it because then they aren’t big mean company, they are just another company doing layoffs right now. Lost in the crowd. It’s already come out some companies did it purely because big companies like Twitter and Google did it.

But we are seeing a big increase in anti-consumer moves because there seems to be no backlash. Like there’s the vocal minority, but it seems by and large a huge amount of the customers for these tech companies are unwilling to move away.

Every time Twitter does something some move off Twitter, and they get such growth! But then eventually stuff like Mastadon’s activity has a noticeable decline over time and Twitter carries on. Some people go back, some quit Twitter entirely. But these are fractions of a percentage probably. They still have the biggest celebrities and a crap ton of users.

Netflix just cracked down on password sharing, in a move that people were calling foolish. The outcry was everywhere and anytime Netflix was mentioned was 20 comments saying they cancelled that day. But subscriptions are up, Netflix won.

YouTube has been pushing more and more ads on users, there isn’t as big as a direct backlash. Like there was more outcry on removing the dislike button. Which…no one cares now lol. But YouTube pushing’s more ads, and they don’t seem to be loosing money for it. I’m sure they are trying to find the ‘breaking point’ for customers. But either people really are willing to put up with 2 30second unskippable ads every 5 minutes or premuim subscriptions are skyrocketing as they ruin the free experience.

WB killed a ton of shows outright, basically burned a bunch of media and shuttered a ton of HBO Max’s staff. People upset… Twitter all a buzz. Now it’s back to HBO is the best streaming service (Which it is lol)

Like it just keeps going. I think it’s just a combination of companies making terrible blunders steal the spotlight from each other and society as a whole has a 3 day memory. The Reddit protests are already cold news because Twitter just DDOS’d itself. People who saw all this with Reddit and call it disgusting moves by the company and the unspoken bond is broken, always end their diatribe with something like “Well I’ll just use old.Reddit with an ad blocker” like they are winning when they still provide Reddit with their usage.

People like us who walk away and move to spots like this are the minority of a minority. It’s up in the air how many will stay and how many will slowly forget their outrage at Reddit and go back.


People! What a bunch of bastards!


It’s up in the air how many will stay and how many will slowly forget their outrage at Reddit and go back.

If I wasn’t already that truth would make me depressed.

MisterMoo avatar

Agreed. These companies learned that internet outrage is generally indicative of nothing actionable.

insomniac_lemon, to AskKbin in Is there any way to be notified when others respond to your comments? I feel like it naturally extinguishes conversations to not have any notifications?
insomniac_lemon avatar

Yes, go to the settings page (notifications section). They seem to have been off by default.

Note that notifications may still be late for whatever reason.


sparseMatrix avatar


@Bendersmember @gramw @ivanafterall

Thanks so much for this, I've been blundering around for a few days now wondering just what the hell am I doing wrong lmao

ivanafterall avatar

Hallelujah. Thank you! Now I feel like an idiot, it's so straightforward and obvious.


It took me over 2 weeks to figure it out, myself. Don't be hard on yourself!


Took me a couple of days, was thinking eh, why was everything so quiet. Definitely should be on by default!

LegendofDragoon avatar

I've noticed that cross instance posts take a while to generate the notification


Is this working though? I turned that setting on a week or more ago and I've never received a notification despite getting comment replies. I thought maybe I just didn't know what notifications look like, but I got one when someone mentioned my username.

assbutt avatar

One of my accounts just doesn't get notifications or DMs for no apparent reason.

LegendofDragoon avatar

If you visit the page that a notification would refer you to it automatically clears the notification, so if you visit the page after the comment is generated but before it's visible on your instance it could clear the notification or prevent the notification from appearing at all.

Based on my limited knowledge of the fediverse that would be my hypothesis


Thanks! Some of these should likely be default on.

Also I should definitely actually look before griping hahaha

MisterMoo avatar

These should definitely be on by default. Users won’t think to ask or find threads where this is explained, and having it off absolutely kills conversations and engagement unnecessarily @ernest

I_Miss_Daniel avatar

I suspect it's off by default as part of the growing pains. It's probably a non trivial amount of work for a server to have to generate and track notifications. It is necessary though for non real time conversations.

Chozo avatar

Yep, I'm inclined to believe this, especially considering that currently notifications seem to be delayed in many cases. My notifications will show empty for hours, and then I'll see new notifications for replies I've already seen by that point.

Likely gonna be a few weeks before things start to stabilize after the influx of new users.

tal, (edited )
tal avatar

I am pretty sure that he's busy with about a million things. If you can do PHP and Symfony yourself, you can submit a PR, a fix, and then he'll review it and include it. If you can't, you can see if there's an issue filed on the issue tracker and if not, file one, and that'll put it in line for people working on PRs. It looks like it's up to about 400 open issues.

But everyone trying to drag his attention to their favorite feature in the hopes that he'll just go implement it really quick won't work. There's only one of him, and there are issues like the servers having trouble exchanging messages under sufficient load and patching SQL injection bugs (i.e. people turning up security holes) that are probably gonna be higher on the precedence list than QoL polish.

EDIT: Some other guy did submit an issue for notification of comments, and someone on that issue pointed out that they're already there. If you want to follow up on an existing issue, you could maybe point out that maybe the defaults for these should be changed: https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/issues/293

Bendersmember, (edited )
Bendersmember avatar

I have them turned on from when I first signed up, didn't even see a notification for you tagging me in this reply. Who knows maybe there's just a small bug, I'll keep checking manually where I can in case. Or maybe they are just late. Thanks for the help!
Edit to add: just got notification, took 3 hours.


I've noticed some times they just take a while to show as a notification. (This is assuming you have it enabled as others have pointed out in here)


Yep while looking for something else I found the settings and itn improved kbin mainly when I turned it on read missing about 6 notifications a day

MeowdyPardner avatar

Which setting is it? I'm really struggling to understand the wording of the options...

Notify me of comments in my threads
Notify me of replies to my threads comments

These both sound the same to me, isn't a comment in my thread the same as a reply to my thread? Assuming "my thread" means when I leave a comment and it gets comments under it. What's the difference between "my threads" and "my threads comments" maybe one means all replies under one of my comments which isn't what I want - I just want notifications when someone replies directly to one of my comments, but "comments in my thread" sounds like it includes all replies to other people's comments under my comment but "replies to my threads comments" also sounds like it includes replies to other people's comments under my comment...

insomniac_lemon avatar

I think you've got it, replies-to-replies is probably not needed (though if you don't get many replies or if a reply actually is relevant to you it might still be beneficial to be on).

MeowdyPardner avatar

I gave both possibilities so I'm not sure which one you are saying I got right haha, I enabled both and got a notification from you so clearly one works. The wording for both sounds like they could both technically apply to any reply or reply to a reply from someone else so I'm not sure.

Ie, if I make a comment and A responds, and B responds to A, both are technically "comments in my thread" assuming thread means all sub comments no matter how deeply nested

At the same time both A and B are technically "replies to my threads comments" (or replies to a comment while being in the thread) so it also meets both conditions there.

Maybe I'm just dense... But I'm going to assume the second one is nested and the first means direct, it feels like I'm trying to decode a logic puzzle on the SAT or something

tal avatar

I would guess that one case is "I made a new thread and am OP and want to be notified of all messages to that thread" and the other is "I want to be notified of comments that are children to my own comments".

MeowdyPardner avatar

There's also:

Notify me of replies in my posts
Notify me of replies to my posts comments

So I think for an op one of those would be the correct one. I checked both "threads" and "threads comments" and got a notification, I just have to figure out which one means all replies and which one is direct replies because both "comments in my thread" and "replies to my threads comments" sound like they encompass both direct replies and sub replies (ie comments in my thread seems to imply any comment in the thread no matter how nested or to who they are to, at the same time "replies to threads comments" also sounds like it encompasses all replies since any comment under a thread no matter how nested or to who is technically a reply to a comment in the thread)...

tal, (edited )
tal avatar


Nah, that's unrelated. This is just kbin and Reddit terminology clashing.

On kbin, you have posts, which are more-or-less the microblogging feature, a la Twitter.

Threads on kbin are analogous to posts on Reddit.

Threads can be either articles (a text post on Redditl or links (an URL post on Reddit).

Threads go in magazines, analogous to a subreddit on Reddit.

I've been essentially using kbin like Reddit, so ignoring the microblogs and posts.

Thorvid_botlakhan, to RedditMigration in Minecraft is leaving Reddit
Thorvid_botlakhan avatar

Reddit behaved in such a horrible way, that I feel like API pricing was the least of the bad...

One could argue about their fairness and aim to destroy 3rd party apps, and I had already closed my accounts at that very step.

But the way they treated mods, forced subs to open and behaved like pure evil assholes, I really see how companies or more "official" subreddits with a touch of interest in their users, would feel the desire to leave and close bridges

@setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world avatar

The underhanded, lying, victim blaming actions from reddit were so much worse than the shutdown on its own. If reddit had been more honest about their intentions of shutting down 3PA from the beginning, 3PA users still wouldn't have been thrilled, but we wouldn't be seeing this reddit meltdown.

Limitless_screaming avatar

I don't even care about the API prices and I used to use the official Reddit mobile app before migrating.

I've been looking for an open source Reddit like platform since the Twitter drama started and people started migrating to Mastodon, but there wasn't much content on them, until now, so I jumped on the band wagon.


I felt this. I just honestly needed another option and so star this seems to be it. I don’t understand the difference between kbin and lemmy. I’m hoping apps just end up supporting both platforms/instances.

mxjzm avatar

I feel the same way.
As an Apollo user, I didn’t immediately leave since I wanted to see if some agreement would be done.

But the way they treated the devs is insulting, I work on IT and know a bit of how complex and time consuming this is; doing all this work just to be considered a parasite to be cut, and seeing how horrible the AMA was; really showed Reddit’s true colors.

Currently liking this federated initiative, big potential and less company ruining agenda. Very comfy here.


If Apollo works things out with reddit, I'd be willing to consider keeping reddit as a secondary source of content. But I think that bridge has been burnt so bad that that is highly unlikely

Pixelologist avatar

The Apollo dev (Christian) is understandably not interested in working with reddit at all at this point.

As an aside https://wefwef.app is a fediverse web app that's heavily inspired by apollo


That is amazing! Thank you for sharing. My new Lemmy start up page.


Wow, if you're used to apollo, wefwef.app is surprisingly amazing! hard to believe its running in the browser


@MsPenguinette @Pixelologist

Artemis, an app in development for kbin, is also heavily inspired by Apollo (hence the name also being a Greek god starting with A and known for their skills with the bow)


I didn’t even use Apollo but the defining moment for me was when spez lied about his interactions with the dev. That shit is foul and I just do not want to associate with that.



Very much my experience. I used Relay for Reddit rather than Apollo (hadn't even heard of Apollo at the time), then learned about the entire debacle because that lie appeared in /r/quityourbullshit and that sent me to the AMA the lie was made in.

I went from not even knowing about any changes coming to Reddit to deciding not to give Reddit any more traffic until they back off and apologize in less than an hour. The blackout hadn't started yet.

By the time the blackout had started, I was already on both kbin and beehaw (well, I had applied to beehaw, approval might have been slightly after the blackout started) and the chances of getting me to ever use Reddit being above zero were already dependent on changes that no-one in Reddit leadership would ever accept, let alone come up with on their own.


Didn't even think about it until now, but a company could start their own lemmy service. Wonder if that's a thing already or will become a thing. The only issue for them is would other instances federated with them, if I'm correct? Still new and learning.


Meta is setting up an Instagram feature with activitypub


Really? Where can I read more on this?

elvith, (edited )

As every instance can choose with whom they federated, it's hard to predict. In general, if it's a "commercial" instance hosting "official" communities for the sake of better moderation, better control of the uptime,... and not because you just want to populate/expand another social network that is closed (see the Meta/Project 92 discussion), I don't see an immediate reason why this instance would be blocked everywhere.

As always with FLOSS you're going to have some people saying that only free, non commercial use is the right way and might defederate this instance, but I don't think it'd be a immediate and widespread thing.

Edit: An official instance for these communities even has the benefit, that official accounts are easily verifiable - in theory only official accounts reside on that instance, all other accounts are federated users from elsewhere.

Pfahli, to RedditMigration in All mods on r/TIHI have been removed.

They also suspended all our accounts for 7 days.

As the original creator and designer of the logo and banner, I also filed a DMCA against the further use of the r/TIHI logo on reddit.

PabloDiscobar avatar

All mods on r/TIHI have been removed

They also suspended all our accounts for 7 days.

Well at least they are focused on the topic of your ex-sub.

bou avatar

Do you intend to try and move the community somewhere else, e.g. here?


Yes, we are already talking about that in the mod team. Happy to find a new home in kbin, we were all pretty much done by this point

bou avatar

That's great to hear. I'll be subscribing ASAP.


Hi, another of the mods who got nuked.

TIHI had a place saved here yesterday (because I didn't trust Spez) and is going by the name TIHI! (Marvel at my creativity.)

I'm waiting on the kbin developer to tell me WHY I can't add Pfhali, Davis, Blank, Sezar and Funkadelic_Toaster, but once he does the whole team will be back and we will be making the sub just like before.

Before the NSFW I mean.

LoafyLemon avatar

Before the NSFW I mean.

Thanks for clarifying, wouldn't want to stumble upon someone's arsehole again.


Probably because I didn't have an account here.

BuddhaBeettle avatar

I wasn't subbed before on reddit, subbing now on kbin cause honestly guys, kudos on you for going out with a fight

bou avatar

Do you mean you can't add them as mods?

princessofcute avatar

Did you already send Ernest a message? I've noticed he's really good at responding to messages he's just really busy at the moment for obvious reasons haha. Also weird that you can't add others to be mods on the magazine I haven't seen others have any issues with that yet, wonder if it's a bug on that one magazine for some reason


Here meaning TIHI@kbin.social? How do I sub or join or whatever it is I do now?


You are on lemmy so you have to search for !TIHI (note the exclamation mark) to subscribe. Or if someone else on your instance already follows just go to lemmy.nz/c/TIHI@kbin.social
Edit: Federation between kbin and lemmy is still a bit unstable so you might need to wait a few hours for it to show up


Thanks, I think this might be why I can't find it. Will have another look in the morning


From what I can tell, this is all kbin. The user is @kbin and this is a kbin magazine.

I feel like you're on Lemmy and didn't realize this is all kbin lol.

Unless I'm wrong and missing something, let me know!

Edit: nevermind, I just understood what you meant with your message. You can disregard mine lol.


This is fediverse. Don't make assumptions about your readers, because the content can and will go anywhere.

i_cant_sports avatar

No, this is Patrick


I’m on lemmy and this looks like lemmy


Yep, right here! Just search TIHI and...your guess is as good as mine 😂

Cail avatar

You can do like in reddit, expect instead of r/tihi you go m/tihi (since they're magazines here, if it was on lemmy the url would've been c/tihi since they're called communities).
TLDR; go to kbin.social/m/tihi and hit subscribe on the sidebar.


On this note I want to say a big thank you to all our mod team, they did an excellent job all these years!
I'll be thankful for everything they have done.


Good luck with the migration! Can't wait!

minnieo avatar

YAYYY i cant wait for you guys to move here, i'm gonna sub immediately!


As the original creator and designer of the logo and banner, I also filed a DMCA against the further use of the r/TIHI logo on reddit.

Well done.

@YellowtoOrange@lemmy.world avatar

Time to go nuclear.


In 7 days I'm going to speedrun a permanent account ban.


Brilliant! Please post a write-up later!


Just say that you'll kill and eat Matt Walsh if you were locked on a room with him, worked for me

Femboy avatar

Reporting misinformation in r/conservative (in good faith) worked for me.


Nah, that shit just got me banned from specific reddits. You have to make a joke about eating one of their idols.


r/conservative mods are unique in that they retaliate by claiming it's "report abuse."


I want to try something... Less involved in getting me on more lists.

Honestly, people posting unrelated trash to subreddits with new moderators would be good. A dozen new moderators against thousands of non-bots just posting shit to reddit would be fun to try to moderate.

Not even rule breaking stuff so you can contribute more than once. Like submitting wikihow articles for laying down floor tiles in TIHI. and upvoting other posts that don't belong.


"As the original creator and designer of the logo and banner, I also filed a DMCA against the further use of the r/TIHI logo on reddit."

Thanks, I Love It.

SpaceCadet2000 avatar

Unfortunately that has no chance of succeeding. When you sign up to reddit, you give them a license to use the content you submit. It's in the user agreement, section 5 "Your Content": https://www.redditinc.com/policies/user-agreement


Under GDPR you have the right to your content, including data download and revocation. If you are banned from or restricted access to a website it doesn't strip you of that right. However the complain should have probably been through GDPR and not DMCA.

SpaceCadet2000 avatar

No, under the GDPR you don't have the right to have your content removed. You have the right to have personally identifiable data removed, things like names, IP addresses, phone numbers, ...

I'll link to the EU website that explains what they mean with personal data below, but I don't think a logo qualifies under their definition.


@TheGreenGolem@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yeah, I just don't get why this misinformation is so wide-spread. Under GDPR you don't own shit, it's for protecting your personal information. That's all.

armeck avatar

It's a lot like HIPAA for the internet.

LoafyLemon avatar

This doesn't hold any grounds in the EU as copyrights can't be waived, and unless you got paid for it, you can withdraw consent at any time.

SpaceCadet2000 avatar

You don't waive your copyright. You grant a license to reddit to use your content.

Read the link, it's all there:

You retain any ownership rights you have in Your Content, but you grant Reddit the following license to use that Content:

LoafyLemon avatar

This doesn't apply unless you got compensated for your work. Reddit can add anything they like in their agreements, but that won't hold in court.

The artist can withdraw consent at any time.

SpaceCadet2000 avatar

You are confused. What you are describing applies to transferring copyright, not for granting a license while retaining the copyright.

If things worked the way you described, free software, for example licensed through the GPL, couldn't exist because then the authors could always take away the users' rights by retroactively revoking their license. Fortunately, it doesn't work that way.

LoafyLemon avatar

There are cases where artists withdrew consent and their work had to be taken down, and to my knowledge all contracts can be amended or cancelled, especially if they're exploitative like reddits. You have a right to compensation if they profit off of your creative work, be it artwork, music, or writing.


Which is exactly why I don't understand why a certain flagship academic sub is sticking with reddit. You'd think they'd want to own their own work.


Which sub are you referring to?


Under GDPR you have the right to your content, including data download and revocation. If you are banned from or restricted access to a website it doesn’t strip you of that right. However the complain should have probably been through GDPR and not DMCA.


GDPR wouldn't cover this case either. Not if the logo has no personal data attached to it https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-topic/data-protection/reform/what-personal-data_en


The DMCA is used "successfully" with even less grounds on YouTube every day. But I suppose the difference lies in not being a mega corporation.


Yeah, the DMCA only works one way :(

cloaker, to kbinMeta in How do we call kbin users?

Absolutely KBinauts. Seen it going around and it's great. I first saw it here

DracolaAdil avatar

I'm throwing my vote fot Kbinauts! Fits the space theme of the upcoming 'Artemis' app.


same. i will pronounce it with a silent k though

wildncrazyguy avatar

Yep, I think a lot of us are trying to coalesce under a flavor of this name. @digitallyfree even created us some mascots that I think we could sticker out in the real world! https://kbin.social/m/kbinMeta/t/40257/Introducing-the-Kbeanauts-my-idea-of-a-Kbin-mascot


I like the name KBinauts. It syncs with the name I chose.

euphoria, (edited ) to kbinMeta in Is there anything that can be done about troll powermods?
euphoria avatar

this is certainly very very worrying. this sort of behavior has to be handled some way or another. @ernest.

honestly, someone like that has already shown they would not make a good moderator, they mass banned over something so petty and small, i don't think it would be unreasonable to revoke their ability to make mags for some time (or indefinitely) and give his mags to someone else who is more mature. he already swiped up some big name mags, do we really want someone like that running popular magazines? no.

edit. honestly fuck it, this deserves to be called out. @Deliverator, this is unacceptable and very childish behavior. you should not be running magazines. reconsider your behavior and grow up, please.

edit. looks like we may not have the full story here. @Deliverator, we would very much like to hear your side and your reasoning for this.

edit. i noticed some people have gone and mass-downvoted Deliverators posts, PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS. do NOT stoop to that level, do NOT contribute to the problem of mass-downvoting, even if the other person has done it, or you are no better and have no right to criticize it.

McBinary avatar

There definitely needs to be a set protocol to remove mods like this. If the user did something to be removed from a specific mag, that's one thing, but removing them from every mag you're a mod for is an overreach.

@lukini@beehaw.org avatar

Obviously I come from a different instance, but I feel there are things that should result in mass bans and even account deletion, such as the use of racial slurs. Contact the admins and make it happen in those cases.

RossoErcole avatar

I don't agree, people can make mistakes, they are punished according to that mistake, and should be given the chance to be better. If someone is banned all across the platform there is no redeeming opportunity.

@lukini@beehaw.org avatar

Not sure how you would say the n word by mistake. Sounds similar to Roseanne blaming her racism on Ambien. They can make another account if they want another chance.

Peruvian_Skies avatar

Why do you think it's okay to ban someone from communities where they did nothing wrong because of what they did elsewhere? Unless it's criminal behavior that can endanger the site itself, like posting child porn, I feel like that's a huge overreach.

@lukini@beehaw.org avatar

Because open racists should have no place on the entire site.

Peruvian_Skies avatar

I asked a general question about why you think punishments should bleed out into ither communities and you just gave me an example of a conduct to which you think this super-punishment should apply. You didn't say why. Do you also think that every country should jail people for doing things that are crimes in other countries?

I'm 100% against racism, I just want to understand why you believe that someone being inappropriate in a forum about cars means that they shouldn't be allowed to discuss baking in a separate community with different people where they didn't say anything wrong.

AnonymousLlama avatar

These people are only interested in extreme solutions. 1 slur = banned from everywhere + get the guillotine ready. No nuance or in-betweens apparently

@lukini@beehaw.org avatar

Ok, go around saying the n word to people and see how that works out.

Peruvian_Skies avatar

Yeah, it's so pathetic that I'm not even angry.

lukini, (edited )
@lukini@beehaw.org avatar

My entire comment was the explanation why. Zero tolerance. No racists. Full site ban. No questions.

And since you want to discuss countries even though it’s a totally different league, yes, I don’t think a drunk driver should be able to get to drive in another country for a period of time. Yes, ban entry from murderers. Yes, a terrorism charge should prevent entering an airplane in any airport.

Edit: And to clarify for those that put words in people’s mouths, giving examples of things that I think deserve worldwide punishment isn’t even remotely the same as saying put gay people in jail. Get the fuck out of here with that lmao. Shame on me for assuming good faith I guess.

Peruvian_Skies avatar

Being gay is a crime in Uganda so you just supported jailing all the gays the entire world over. Really nice.

@lukini@beehaw.org avatar

Who said all crimes should be punished everywhere? I’m saying punish racism. WTF is wrong with you lmao

Peruvian_Skies avatar

Did you read my question before answering?


you just replied to your self, god damn

lukini, (edited )
@lukini@beehaw.org avatar

That’s kbin fucking up. Looks fine on Lemmy.

Also, coming into a conversation days after it’s over to attempt to make fun of someone and be wrong? That’s a yikes from me, man…lol

FaceDeer avatar

The only "set protocol" is that the protocol is up to the instance admin to set.

That said, it would be nice to have a standard place for instance admins to post that protocol so that everyone can see it and decide if the instance meets their standards.


In theory the protocol is to first report it to the instance admin and otherwise avoid instances that allow such behavior. I'm aware it's easier said than done.

Chozo, (edited )
Chozo avatar

Looks like he may have just been removed from his mod position on a few magazines, as his profile only shows him modding 14 now. Hopefully the other magazines he's on realize what he's doing and do something about him.

EDIT: Maybe not, I just checked the modlog, and OP was only banned 13 times, not 18. Unless 5 of those were removed and no longer show up in the log for some reason? I feel like there might be more to this story than what we're seeing.

Other people have also been downvoting the mod in question, but OP is the only one who seems to have been mass-banned like this, as far as I can see in the modlog. I don't even see any threads where OP or the mod have interacted before, so I'm doubting that this was caused by just downvoting somebody's comment.

Maybe everyone should pump the brakes on this witch hunt for a sec.

euphoria avatar

we definitely need his side of the story now, hope he comes out with it soon

McBinary avatar

I don't think there can possibly be a justifiable reason he was banned from every one of that mod's magazines, and then for the mod to systematically put a downvote on every single one of the user's posts. Clearly they both did it, but still, not moderator worthy behavior.

euphoria avatar

at this point, i have no idea what happened, but am open to hearing the full story. i'd like to assume there isn't a justifiable reason for it, but we honestly shouldn't assume anything till we see both sides. like someone else said, OP has also downvoted all their comments/posts, it could have been in response to it, or maybe not. we need the full story here

EnglishMobster, (edited )
EnglishMobster avatar

The 18 number is the number of unread messages I had at the time. They were all "you have been banned." I just went back and counted; I have 18 messages (across 2 pages of notifications now).

It's possible that they extended the length of the ban and doing so gave me another message; the bans were all different lengths. Or it could be some duplication happening server-side.


If it’s any consolation, you’ll be unbanned from one of them in 2095, and should be unbanned from the rest by 2105.


Nah fam, it’s the inter webs, we hunt witches and burn them. And this guy definitely floats in water.


i noticed some people have gone and mass-downvoted Deliverators posts, PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS

Not to be a i-told-you-so but this is why you don't name and shame on the internet. You can influence a person but masses become this uncontrollable horde that does stuff like this.


Exactly. Says “Fuck it and throws internet decorum the window”

Shocked pikachu face when the rest of the internet does the same.

DrTautology, to asklemmy in Why are folks so anti-capitalist?

The income gap between executive and median salary employees is around 32,000%. I guess the question is, what planet do you live on where a system that allows for this kind of inequity is okay?

@relative_iterator@sh.itjust.works avatar

This any many other issues with capitalism could be solved with better legislation and regulations.


Which is controlled by those with capital.

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

The problem is getting and keeping people in power who actually want to reign in capitalism.


But now in almost every country, the capitalists are the ones making regulations. They’re not going to do it to themselves.


But then that's not capitalism. Capitalism is making as much money as possible unrestricted as much as possible. If you start doing things like putting a maximum wage in, or taxing the highest earners and giving back to the lowest, that's socialism.


There are countries with way better CEO to work pay ratios. But in the USA we act like it's totally normal to have these huge wealth gaps, when in reality they are recent phenonemon and the only other era they were repeated was the gilded age which resulted in a decades long depression that was only ended by a world war.

@PyroNeurosis@lemmy.world avatar

So you’re telling me i need to store a lot of canned beans in a nearby cave system?


A CEO earns 354x the income of a normal worker in the US. It’s really insane what happens over there. I’m really glad a CEO in Germany only earns 154x the income of a normal worker, much more fair over here!

I’m kidding, we are all fucked. US citizen say a ratio 6.7 would be justified, Germans say 6.3.


Why should I give a fuck about inequity?


Yes, why the fuxk should you care about making society better when you live in one. Might as well go live in a jungle or something so you don’t get to benefit from improvements.

Kill_joy, (edited ) to nostupidquestions in Do I understand correctly that I have to subscribe to 5 different NoStupidQuestions on 5 different instances?
Kill_joy avatar

This is how the world works. On Reddit there were multiple subs that covered the same topics, but the mods developed different cultures and vibes through moderation tactics and sub policies.

If you want a car, there are different companies who all provide one but with different options. Same goes for ISPs, TV networks, restaurants, and schools.

It isn't at all a new concept and I'm not sure why people coming from reddit continue to get stuck on it. Subscribe to them all and as they mature unsub from the ones that develop into something you don't feel like you need.

Posting to all of them will be easier when cross posting is possible on Kbin (it is already possible on Lemmy) but developments like that often take time.

Adding an edit as I've thought a bit more: I think it's important, for those coming from reddit, to truly understand why the Fediverse exists. The intention is to be open source. To ensure that there is no single source of power. There are 'unlimited' options (instances, magazines, etc.) to ensure that it cannot be swayed, corrupted.

This is why people are coming from Reddit - you are seeing what happens when one corporation has the power and sets the terms.

I think it's lovely to dip your toes here, ask questions, and see if you'd like to stick around. But please do understand the intention is not to be Reddit 2.0. We should not try to turn it into that.

@uhauljoe@lemmy.world avatar

This was really well said!!

I’m here from Reddit and that’s what I’ve been doing, just subscribing to whatever I can find for each subreddit I’m losing, and then whichever one seems like it’s either most active or has the most quality content stays and I unsub from whatever sublems aren’t providing content.

This OP seems pissed off about subbing to multiple sublems that are the same but like…you don’t have to. Go use Reddit? lol

The multiple sublems thing is kinda the point of Lemmy, there isn’t one big overlord controlling everything

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

when cross posting is possible on Kbin (it might already be on Lemmy, not sure)

For your own awareness, cross-posting is available on Lemmy.

Kill_joy avatar

Nice! Thanks for the info :)


It seems to just copy the text with an intro bit, though, which doesn’t feel great.


Cross instance communities or a way to stich these places together better needs to happen though. Splinter groups making their own community is fine, but there needs to be some main communities for things.

It’s not just a make it more like reddit need. If lemmy.world decides to defederate like beehaw (or goes down), then all that content is gone from lots of other people, and the fediverse as a whole loses. If there exists a way to blend communities, then maybe people only notice less posts on memes rather than just an empty void.

It’s also a huge discovery problem, some people are going to think there isn’t an active NSQ community, and maybe try making yet another, because the didn’t find the one active community. It’s also possible that there’s 5-10 small/tiny- communities that could become a single thriving community of they were able to actually discover and coordinate with each other.

snooggums avatar

Discovering new communities that share names and topics will be the biggest core improvement in my opinion. Like having a way for an instance to poll all federated instances for communities with the same name or with a name that includes a term to easily add would be awesome.

Then the ability to combine them into subsets of your siscriptions by whatever topic you want would be awesome. Like instead of subscriptions as a while you could have 'Tabletop Gaming' with various 40k, CAV, BattleTech, and other games grouped how you want or subgroups for each game.


It’s a sticking point because it’s new to people who only have experience with reddit after it became more mainstream. Lemmy, Kbin, Mastodon, etc. and how they all work together isn’t a super simple concept. For all the shortfalls of a centralized social media website, the prevention of multiple separate communities having the exact same name is convenient and simple. It prevents duplicated posts. You want to capture all of the traffic in one place. That’s why link aggregation sites and blogs exist, so in order to do that you have to subscribe to all of them. But then there’s a pretty significant chance you’ll see the exact same post cross-posted to the other 3 communities…which would annoyingly bloat your feed obviously.


the prevention of multiple separate communities having the exact same name is convenient and simple

Except for when those communities have names that aren't intuitive in any way, or the intuitively named communities are full of off-topic content.


I’m not going to say that reddit is the bastion of how to properly run a website. Clearly r/trees r/marijuana r/earthporn so on and so forth is super unintuitive, but until the concept of how the fediverse works becomes more common knowledge, we’ll have to help new members along. It’s taken me a little more than a week to even get remotely comfortable with how it works.

I only just learned today that I can’t see content from users on instances like lemmygrad because the instance that I joined has it blocked. I didn’t even really realize what I was doing at the time. Fortunately it’s something I also would have done, but my point still stands that its not something that’s immediately apparent or intuitive.


And you can't see content from Facebook on Reddit, or from Twitter on Instagram.

The part that's unintuitive is that you can see content from users on lemmy.world or lemmy.ml.


I think that magnifies the point I was trying to make as well. Not many people understand that lemmy.world and lemmy.ml are two separate “websites” in the same way that Facebook and Instagram are. They’re both associated with Lemmy and there’s no “Lemmy.com” per se.

Rhaedas avatar

Even doing this for a month now I still forget that a lot and treat posts like Reddit posts. Being a Kbin user, I have to constantly stop myself from replying to questions about Lemmy and app suggestions for features that I already have thanks to script mods. And that's even with mods that highlight the post isn't from Kbin!

@TheSpookiestUser@lemmy.world avatar

It isn’t at all a new concept and I’m not sure why people coming from reddit continue to get stuck on it.

Because having communities with an identical name on different instances will fracture the community. Given the hallmarks of the fediverse this is practically intended, to my understanding, but it is bad for initial growth and coherence of posts. This happened on Reddit as well, of course it did, but the way instances are completely separate and communities can have the exact same name compounds the issue.

Rhaedas avatar

Starting up is always hard. Short of copying over a subreddit to a declared official new home (which did happen for a few), you have to build up from nothing. I think it's come a long way in only the last few weeks. I've already seen a post complimenting the response time and answers from a Lemmy community when the Reddit posts went ignored, and also I've seen one community owner realize that the other communities of similar names are doing much better and decide to close up. Another group decided the best solution was not to try and pull in other communities, but act as a general discussion that also served to link up the many specific niche communities distributed throughout Lemmy and Kbin. Lastly the attacks on .world and .ml serve as a reminder of the benefits of having duplicity. What if one of those had been a long-time established home of a community with millions of posts and got wiped from such a thing?

This is evolution in action, what works best will prevail, and part of that will be redundancy and adaptive ability.

FaceDeer avatar

There is no "the community", though. These names don't "belong" to any one specific group of people, there's no "there can be only one" mandate.

As an example of why "there can be only one" is a bad thing, there's /r/StarWars and /r/SaltierThanCrait over on Reddit. When the Disney Sequel trilogy came out there were some Star Wars fans who liked it and some who didn't, and it became such a contentious subject that those who didn't like it were literally driven out of /r/StarWars and had to create /r/SaltierThanCrait so that they could discuss their opinions without being downvoted into oblivion or outright banned. Why should they have had to give up the name StarWars, though?

Another example is /r/Canada and /r/OnGuardForThee, which was a similar sort of schism - /r/Canada got "taken over" by right wing moderators and those who weren't of that particular political bent ended up having to make a subreddit with an unrelated name. Why should one group and not the other get to name their community "Canada"?

niktemadur avatar

there's /r/StarWars and /r/SaltierThanCrait over on Reddit

Those two spaces had differing stances.
There also the case of InterestingAsFuck as opposed to DamnThatsInteresting, because why the fuck does "Fuck" have to be in the title?

But then there's shameless karma-farming duplicates, like ComedyCemetery and ComedyNecromancy.

@TheSpookiestUser@lemmy.world avatar

You make good points. I think name squatting and squabbling over who is the “real” community was prevalent on Reddit, and the way it works here fixes that.

But I still think that a downside of decentralization like this is splitting the activity up, sometimes unnecessarily, and making discovery of new communities just a bit harder. It’s not a deal breaker by any means, but I think it’s an issue that will have to be addressed either by Lemmy UI updates or third parties.

FaceDeer avatar

There are feature requests in both Lemmy and Kbin's issue trackers for "multireddit"-like functionality, that might help when implemented.

@TheSpookiestUser@lemmy.world avatar

It would help, but frankly I think there needs to be more - both because it would be helpful and because, up to this point, Lemmy is mostly following in Reddit’s footsteps in terms of features.

Consider a “multipost” option, on top of the existing crosspost. Multiposting something to another community would push the post as-is (no edits allowed) there, then collate all comments across all communities it had been multiposted to into one comment section displayed on all of them. The original community each comment chain originated on could be marked on the parent comment, and child comments could automatically be routed so they originate from the parent community of the chain.

Just spitballing here, but something like this would help bridge the gap a lot more than just a multireddit port.


Because having communities with an identical name on different instances will fracture the community.

They're different communities on different websites, though. Trying to force them all into one space is erasing all communities but one, just for the sake of having to see an @website.com address, or for pretending you're not missing out on something when you ignore 99.9% of posts and comments that end up in the space.

1 million users discussing a topic spread out across 1000 communities of 1000 active users leads to more vibrant and meaningful discussions on that topic than having 1 million of them all crammed into one place, shouting and competing for slivers of attention. And no one will miss anything of deep value in the 999 other communities, because people will cross-post the good bits anyway.


Yeah let's get to that million first before splitting everyone. It's really not helpful in the current state.

And there are actually options besides "this is how it currently works so it's good". Like some kind of federated communities/magazines where when you post to one it's posted to all of them. And I'm not saying it would be technically easy to implement, I have no idea, but I'm saying there are always room for improvement.

Near-identical communities/magazines with the same exact goal isn't practical.

@TheSpookiestUser@lemmy.world avatar

For the record I don’t think what OP describes would be right. But I am certain there are better ways to mesh together disparate feeds into one and have all discussion at least be cross-referenced - something better than just crossposting. Because while

1 million users discussing a topic spread out across 1000 communities of 1000 active users leads to more vibrant and meaningful discussions on that topic

May be true, it doesn’t hold true at smaller scales; a hundred users spread out across ten communities of ten active users each is pretty much a ghost town.


Indeed, there's a viability threshold for a community, and it's probably on the order of 100 active users. Having them spread out isn't doing any of them any favours.

But that points to the need for and importance of discovery tools. Community tags, better search, better federation tools, better back-linking and cross-posting tools, user-defined lists, etc. The Misskey/Calckey "Antenna" saved-search feature would actually be very powerful in the threadiverse, particularly if coupled with community and post tags, and would really improve the visibility of new or undersized communities to those who are looking for them.

But forced amalgamation across independent and independently operated websites definitely isn't one of them.

@TheSpookiestUser@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think it should be forced, but I think some kind of option for “amalgamation” should be available, either user-side (multireddit-esque thing, etc.) or community-side.


If communities want to amalgamate, they can just collectively choose to use a different community. Negotiate mod status for the immigrating mod team, and abandon the old instance. With small communities, this is feasible. With large ones, it's not, as a significant number of members won't want to amalgamate. And they shouldn't have to.

At the user level, lists and antennae would give users a lot of power to shape their streams.


I think a lot of users on Reddit (including some who gave migrated to kbin/Lemmy) haven’t experienced a lot of the forum and IRC era of the internet.

As you’ve mentioned, “fractured” communities can actually be beneficial since each contribution is that much more valuable and nuances can actually exist between the similar communities. It allows things like the instance I’m on where I know I’m more likely to get a Canadian perspective in the communities on lemmy.ca versus other instances. To me that’s a huge feature over centralized platforms where those nuances would get drowned out.

MeowdyPardner avatar

I think this answer is the most accurate. People get too hung up same names on different servers. There will always be multiple versions of a community whether they have the same name on different servers or whether one of them snagged the og name and others prefixed with Real_x / True_x. Imo I like it this way better because there's less favoritism to the one that comes first / people can't universally squat on a community name

FaceDeer avatar

I think the key for people who are confused about this is that it's necessary to consider the part after the "@" to be just as much a part of the community name as the part before it. There's no such thing as a community named "No Stupid Questions", with no @whatever after it, because all community names inherently include that portion.

As an alternative solution there are issues for "multireddit"-like features, this issue for Lemmy, and Kbin has one here.

Kill_joy avatar

Very well said. Great call out.

Otome-chan, to kbinMeta in What I think kbin needs to do to survive, and why I think it has a better chance than any other Reddit alternative I've seen yet.
Otome-chan avatar

I think we're at the point that we need to stop thinking of things as "ex-redditors" and now as "kbinauts". While it's true that many people have come here from reddit, it's not "people from reddit", it's "people on kbin".

One thing I've noticed about the fediverse is that different instances have different 'feels' to them, and I think kbin is uniquely positioned to emphasize this a bit, since kbin differentiates itself almost ironically as "not a lemmy instance". It pops up in so many threads of lemmy users discussing things, and then the random "oh this is a kbin thing".

In sharing communities, it's common to have a "for kbin users" link.

I see quite a few lemmy users differentiating themselves "as lemmy" as well. It's an interesting phenomenon.

ultimately I think you're right though. the sooner a proper culture can take root, and a particular "way of doing things" is cemented, the more likely it is that kbin will stick around.


I’m down for “kbinaut” being the term for users here.


i like kbinaut. It's cute :)

I_Miss_Daniel avatar

There's a minor synergy between that and the reddit alien..

2d avatar

Ha! You put your finger on what I could not figure out what it was about this term that felt like it made a weird sort of sense!


I suggest "Binners" for fun. Sounds trashy, lol.

Teon avatar

I also prefer "Binners" because we have "binned" the other lame social media companies.
Also, trashy can be fun!!


On linux systems, the "bin" directory contains a large number of scripts and programs.


ihavenopeopleskills avatar

Ugh. You've started the horrible puns.

apemint avatar

Cool, then spammers and tolls can be called bin chickens, right?!

QuillDriven avatar

@RemembertheApollo I'm putting 'binheads' forward for consideration. Easier to say than 'Kbinaut' and only slightly straighter laced than 'binners.'

@bttoddx @Otome@kbin.social


Yeah I think this is a good point. I'm still getting used to the interface, I wish there was a bit more salient of a way of discerning what is a kbin post on the all feed? I know I can look underneath the title of the post, but maybe having an icon (like whatever the logo ends up being) on the right side of the title might be a good idea to privilege kbin's posts for kbin users over lemmy's without exempting those posts from the feed?

Otome-chan avatar

Get the kbin enhancement script and it'll extend all the names to include the host instance.


Ooh goody! I should've thought to look for that, thank you very much. Cheers!

asteroidrainfall avatar

The whole phenomenon of Lemmy v. KBin will wind down as the “threadiverse” matures. Over on Mastodon you’ll occasionally see people clamoring over Calckey and how it’s better because of blank, but people just get over it. That’s the amazing appeal of the fediverse, if some other site has more features or better moderation you can just move there! I know many people who hop between instances, apps, and services just because they want to try new things.

I’m so excited because I know KBin will eventually get better federation, administration, and moderation features. We will soon we’ll be able to communicate and share with everyone on the fediverse.


You make me optimistic for the future of the fediverse! I'm also struck by how much discussion there is of instances, and how there's still a vibrant marketplace of ideas. It's pretty wild how much google has calcified the rest of the internet, and search has solidified the power of a few companies.

sotolf avatar

I've been on mastodon for about 3-4 years now, and it's really nice, I just hope that kbin/lemmy will keep up, it's really nice to see that there are a lot more of people on here now than there used to be, the lack of people was what made me never use it before, but that for sure is gone now :) It's really nice to hang around here :)

muftiboy, to kbinMeta in NEW: Update & Clarification on Votes, Boosts, Favorites, and Reputation Points on kbin

how can I downboost




I think just downvote? It seems to register as a “reduce” which I think is the opposite effect of boost?

IninewCrow avatar

You have to fill out form ID-10-T and then store some kinetic energy inside a box attached to a mechanical hand in an open palm position ... the box will then be shipped to the person you are "downboosting" and when they open the box, the stored kinetic energy will activate the hand and slap them in the face ... a small audio device will be installed with the package that will play the Windows logon sound bite and then announce 'YOU'VE BEEN DOWNBOOSTED'.

dismalnow avatar

Allow me to coin the term:


Hit the boost button twice. The second tap will reduce boosts.


technically the truth. The best kind of truth.

Arotrios, to RedditMigration in Any change today?
Arotrios avatar

@Bendersmember Content generation has slowed and from what I can tell, comment participation is way down. Right now, after going through and subscribing to a number of magazines, my kbin feed is more useful and active than reddit ever was, although the audience is clearly smaller (but seriously growing since last week). The quality of the content is better, and it's much easier to filter out the shitposting.

The clearest place to see content drought this is in /r/all - the top posts are all 3 - 15 hours old. Before the blackout, it would refresh in a matter of minutes, not hours.


One thing I'd point out is that it's a holiday weekend in the US, one of the traditional weekends for going out and doing stuff with family or friends. So some of the slowdown may be related to that.

XGC75 avatar

Heh, I feel like I was more active on Reddit during family gatherings...

UnhappyCamper avatar

It's a holiday weekend in Canada as well.

DrNeurohax avatar

I would agree if 1/4 of the country wasn't covered in a fog equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes while another 1/4 is getting 115F temps. We had to wear masks a couple days ago... outside. When the 80 year old weatherman-for-life on the news says he's never seen anything like this, you know it's bad. I wasn't paying attention to the weather and was confused a week ago when I went outside and everything smelled like a delightful campfire but there was no visible smoke.

And folks aren't at the stores. I had to grab a few 4th of July things today and went to Costco and Target. I was 1 of maybe 10 people in both. On a normal Saturday, even during rainstorms and blizzards, there are usually 15-20 minute lines at checkout with all registers open. I walked right up to the register and only half were open.

So people are either traveling or stuck inside, both prime mobile Reddit conditions.


There's a lot of gratuitous rounding going on in this comment but I'd be lying if I said it didn't sufficiently illuminate a path to such a good point

DrNeurohax avatar

Haha, yeah, maaaaybe a I was a teensy, tiny bit hyperbolic with the numbers, but I did check the weather map to make sure it wasn't too far out there. But, in my defense, do we really count the Dakotas, Montana, and Idaho? We all know they don't exist and are simply giant holes that reach down to the core of the Earth. That removes a big chunk of area from the total size.

DoucheAsaurus avatar

That is true but I would like to point out that lemmy.world just grew by 40% in the last 12 hours.



These growth rates for reddit alternatives are insane. I love it.

density avatar

who else is impressed about the general stability of all the services?

I was totally expecting everything to be down half the time due to sudden unexpected skyrocket demand over past few weeks. But it has been 98% good. About the same as reddit.


I thought I’d be checking to see if it was still running, a burning crater, or unaffected (nobody left Reddit). I’m happy to see an uptick in conversation.

Bendersmember avatar

That's kinda what I figured, didn't expect it to be a ghost town, so that makes sense.
I could tell by the loud users declaring that Reddit is gonna be better and everyone else were just whiners that content would slow down quite a bit. Didn't get a vibe of those types putting out engaging content haha.

Jcb2016 avatar

Plus its the weeked espeically 4th of july weekend. the content creators are probably having a vacation!

Hatchet, to RedditMigration in While larger, more general communities are thriving on the Fediverse - I'm missing out on the niche communities

Working on it! Right now, with this huge influx of new users, is a great time to create content that is very search engine friendly. In an effort to promote such content, I started the dance community here on kbin. Please join!


xXGanondorfXx avatar

Thank you for starting a community! I hope it's a great experience ^^


Thanks for the encouragement!


Ooh, fantastic! Amateur house and locking dancer here. Joined!


Let's go!

Doll_Tow_Jet-ski avatar

Amateur dancer here
Just subscribed too. Thanks!


Yay, thank you!

fearout, (edited )
fearout avatar

I created a couple of communities that I used to post to on Reddit:

Industrial Design and Jewelry Design

I’ve been working in both fields for years and I’d like to help build up these communities within the Fediverse.

Whether you’re a designer working in one of those areas, or are simply interested in them, feel free to join :)


Best of luck to you!

fearout avatar


Also, just noticed that I’ve replied to you instead of replying to the post itself, not sure how it happened lol, sorry. I guess I misclicked.

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