alda, (edited ) to random avatar

As today is invoices-and-crunch day and I'd like to spend more time reading about other examples of founder hubris, I will be delaying the next post in my Strange Experiences with saga until Friday next week.

In the meantime, here is a 2014 Guardian Games Week article about how big promises and abysmal management over 8 years destroyed what could have been an amazing MMORPG.

alda, (edited ) to wordpress avatar

I just finished the first part of my story of applying and getting hired at #automattic which to many is a dream workplace that managed to figure out remote work practices two decades ago.

I have seen many stories of the process online but I have not seen anything like mine, which was coloured by negligence, bad management practices and a work culture that does not suit a cornerstone of the #WordPress community.


#tech #jobs #remotework

amaditalks, to wordpress avatar

A few days ago I praised from & as someone trying to be a good contributor to web culture.

He is currently doing a live stream for Tumblr users, and in response to an epileptic user asking if there could be a standard to prevent vibrant, strobing ads as they’re a seizure risk, he made some vague noises like “yeah I guess” then instantly uggested that the user buy the no-ad upgrade.

Paywalled accessibility? Like hell.

I rescind my praise.

joplinapp, to random French avatar

The International Journalists' Network has picked Joplin as one of their recommended note-taking apps for journalists, due to the way it can handle sensitive information.

EpiphanicSynchronicity, avatar

@joplinapp Kind of crazy that they also include , which seems a particularly bad choice for . Not only is there no , but your sit unencrypted on ’s servers. It’s not that they hold the keys instead of you, which would be bad enough. With Simplenote, there are no encryption keys for data at rest.

darnell, to wordpress avatar

@fraser Yes, I used two plugins that automatically adds your WordPress site to the :

👉🏾 plugin by @pfefferle (who works at ):
👉🏾 WebFinger (also by Matthias Pfefferle):

I believe you only need the first plugin, but the latter is recommended too.

flameeyes, to random avatar

In today's "WordPress/Jetpack/Automattic are the ones killing blogging, not Google": Jetpack Stats is now going to be a paid feature for "Commercial Sites"

Sounds fair! Makes sense! What's a commercial site?

«includes selling a product or service or showing ads or affiliate links»

Yes, the handful of affiliate links that have been on my blog over the past 19 years disqualify me from the "personal" site according to them.

Fine, I can afford it, but…

flameeyes, avatar

I'll keep repeating myself: it's the like of and that are taking every chance to make it harder to keep your own blog. Not the lack of Google Reader which – and let's be honest there – had been a horrible solution for the last year of its existence.

bradlinder, to random avatar

MNT Reform CM4 modules will be available this fall (upgrade the modular laptop’s processor)

The MNT Reform is an unusual laptop with made open hardware and software principles in mind, and featuring a modular, customizable, and upgradeable design. When the MNT Reform began shipping a few years ago, it was only available with a single processor option. Since then the folks at MNT have been working on several additional system-on-a-chip solutions for the computer. And…

bradlinder, avatar

@voxpelli I know, but the #WordPress plugin responsible for posting this to Mastodon doesn't incorporate hashtags. I'd love it if #automattic would add an option to automatically use Wordpress post tags as hashtags... just saying.

Shine_McShine, to fediverse Spanish avatar

Cuando anunció sus planes para implementar en hubo un gran revuelo.

Pero de eso hace ya 9 meses. No he leído ninguna nueva noticia al respecto, y los buscadores (de los que ya no me fío) no ofrecen ningún resultado.

¿Alguien sabe si dichos planes están avanzando? ¿O fue solo un globo sonda fruto de la excitación del momento que nunca se materializará?

atomicpoet, (edited ) to Instagram

Have you seen the latest update from the Help Center? It offers insight into how views the . Let's take a closer look at the highlighted text together:

" is planning to use a protocol called to connect with other servers that support this protocol. Our aim is to enable communication between Threads and users on different fediverse platforms that we don't own or control."

Now, considering everything we know about Meta and their business practices, you might wonder why they're doing this. Well, here are a few reasons that could shed some light:

  1. Regulatory pressure: While Meta is doing its best to compete with , they also want to avoid appearing like a monopolistic force. By joining the Fediverse, they can show regulators that they are simply becoming part of an existing social network.

  2. Zuckerberg's strategy: Mark Zuckerberg has been observing what's been happening with Twitter ever since Elon Musk acquired it, and he's learned some lessons. Twitter has faced criticism for various missteps like alienating journalists, restricting API access, and even requiring logins to view tweets. Zuckerberg wants to assure people that Threads is different from Twitter and avoid those same pitfalls.

  3. Embracing social media decentralization: It's widely acknowledged in the social media industry that the future lies in decentralization. The era of closed-off platforms is gradually coming to an end. Just as Compuserve couldn't survive the open Internet, walled garden social media platforms won't be able to thrive in the open Fediverse. Meta doesn't want to become the next Compuserve.

  4. Early entry into an emerging ecosystem: Meta is eager to establish itself in the emerging Fediverse ecosystem, much like they tried to do with the Metaverse. Being an early player allows them to take a leadership position before other major players like , , and jump on board.

However, it's worth noting that there might be a personal rivalry at play here. There have been rumors of a rivalry between Zuckerberg and Musk, and it seems they don't particularly like each other. So, one could speculate that Zuckerberg might want to undermine Musk by taking down Twitter, the platform Musk acquired for a hefty sum of $44 billion.

Hope that provides some context and clarity on why Meta is making these moves.

What do you think about Meta’s Fediverse explainer?


atomicpoet, to Futurology

I just had a look at 's recent press release about , and something caught my attention right away.

For the very first time, they're acknowledging another platform alongside . Specifically, they're highlighting that can now connect through .

Now, you know Meta's PR department doesn't say things by accident. So here's why this is a big deal. Last time I checked, WordPress powers a whopping 43% of the Internet. Yeah, you heard that right! If you visit a website, there's a good chance it's using WordPress as its CMS.

Now, if even a fraction of those WordPress sites start federating, it could have a huge impact on the network effect of the Fediverse. Of course, Meta isn't oblivious to this. I've been talking about the potential of WordPress and ActivityPub for quite some time now.

But if you're particularly observant, you might also notice that they mention . We've known for a while that Tumblr is likely to integrate ActivityPub into their platform.

But here's an interesting tidbit: Did you know that one company, Automattic, not only owns Tumblr but is also the driving force behind WordPress?

I don't want to jump to conclusions, but once again, PR departments don't just drop hints randomly. I have a strong feeling that Meta has been having some high-level discussions with Automattic about the future of ActivityPub. It wouldn't surprise me if Meta has some insights into Automattic's upcoming plans for the Fediverse.



@tim @pfefferle Just to make it clear, I don't mean to suggest any sort of conspiracy here. I'm not implying that and are secretly working together or anything like that. I'm simply suggesting that it's possible they've had conversations about . It's a reasonable assumption, especially considering Meta has already been in discussions with admins who manage major Fediverse servers.


@WA5PSA I want to clarify that I'm not suggesting that and might potentially take over the Fediverse. Instead, I'm talking about the current reality where can already federate through , and will be able to do the same in just a few months.

Now, you might be wondering if this will impact the independence of . Well, it's highly unlikely. Each Mastodon server operates independently from one another, and there's now over 10,000 servers out there. Even if Meta tried to acquire a few prominent servers, they couldn't possibly buy them all.

And as for the concern about Meta and Automattic overpowering Mastodon, there's no need to worry. Every Mastodon server has the power to decide what content gets displayed on their own server, and they can even choose not to federate if they prefer.

It's worth noting that Mastodon is just one type of server software that utilizes ActivityPub. There are other software options like , , and . By the way, I'm currently using myself.

From a broader perspective, Threads is just one node among many, and we, as a collective, comprise numerous nodes.

I hope that explanation makes things clearer for you! Let me know if you have any more questions.

jim, to fediverse

The ’s worries over allowing abusive behaviour to spill over to networks here would also be a problem for Threads » Tumblr » Twitter if any of these federated.

On existing fediverse or instances that would be overwhelming,

For large commercial to commercial instances what would it be? A reason to share resource or develop collaborative strategies against abuse?

Or simply imposition of external moderation costs? Incentive to defederate?

nemobis, avatar

@jim Ah. Yes, that's going to be interesting to watch...

is already on the so I presume they'd be sharing some content recognition databases.

Other than that I guess it will be a game of cat and mouse as with the antispam measures adopted by the largest email providers who can't outright disconnect from each other (as they do with smaller players)?

pnwflaman, to twitter

where you spend your time online is a political decision. arguably, in today’s heavily online world, one of the most political decisions.

dangillmor, to random avatar

Big Journalism's abject capitulation to Musk, despite his loathing of their work and promotion of democracy's enemies, will not change unless he makes Twitter unusable.

Given the latest fail, perhaps practicality will prevail over honor.

But this would require work on the part of journalists and their employers. They may consider that to be an insurmountable barrier.



Which, by the way, is why making strides into integrating support for by default is such a massive win. It means that any blog or magazine that uses WP should be able to enter the with the click of a button. The big deal is to ensure that bloggers actually go and click that button!

csolisr, to opensource

Still waiting for to 1. make good of their promise to , and 2. actually add support for it

davidbisset, (edited ) to android avatar

So has apparently launched a... <glances at notes> “Selfies” app.

"You can take selfies, make them look great with filters, add captions, share them with friends or the world."

Apparently first.

Edit: Apparently this is from 2014.

Imoptimal, to wordpress

A smart move from .com (), to offer monetization options for their free tier users - including .

That can only grow their user base, and help WordPress as a whole.

mte90, to wordpress Italian avatar

After my articles about the Core ticket numbers (and gutenberg) I was thinking to do it another one, more brutal and with less "rounds of words": The pain as a WordPress Core contributor What it should include that article for you?



Of course it's frustrating:

  1. almost exclusively sets the agenda for future development.

  2. Most of the contributors are expected to follow their lead, and do unpaid work.

tchambers, (edited ) to reddit

Watching and now CEO Huffman run the same play, it makes me think that Matt Muellenweg may be the only tech CEO left that I can think of has any credibility on the .

symfonystation, to drupal avatar

Speaking of which WP Tavern reports: Automattic Donates €20,000 to Fund Next Phase of Drupal Gutenberg Development.

mobileatom, to drupal avatar

Speaking of which WP Tavern reports: Automattic Donates €20,000 to Fund Next Phase of Drupal Gutenberg Development.

mobileatom, to random avatar
atomicpoet, to fediverse

Hell yeah! I was wondering when would finally take on ! now allows email newsletters and paid subscriptions!

It just seemed like the right direction to go on -- especially given Substack's questionable leadership team.

What might this mean for the ?

It's no secret that there's lots of work going into the plugin for WordPress, which currently requires installation on self-hosted blogs.

But at some point, I imagine that this may find its way to

Now I've said previously that email will be core to future Fediverse adoption. Email is what drives adoption even to this day. Hell, it's what grew Substack itself.

Once the stars align for ActivityPub integration and email subscriptions, I believe this is where a federated WordPress can really shine.


atomicpoet, to fediverse

It's not worth bemoaning that is, in fact, an open protocol.

And this is because it's not worth bemoaning that is an open protocol. Or Hypertextual Transfer Protocol () is an open protocol.

Or for that matter that anyone can use these protocols as they see fit.

Do I like every use of these protocols? Not at all. We can't always have good things because shady assholes insist on exploiting the open web for their own greed.

The trade off is that we get to have an open web.

Now occasionally, I get people popping by who tell me, "Screw you! I don't care about an open web! I just want to keep my community intact!"

But the only reason your community exists is because we have open protocols.

If you don't think so, find me all those thriving communities still using AppleTalk or IPX/SPX. Wait. There aren't any.

And that's because the only entities that have bothered with a closed, proprietary protocol happen to be for-profit corporations that have largely discontinued them due to -- again, wait for it -- the prevalence of open protocols.

Which brings us to a further problem.

You can't use an open protocol while simultaneously pushing for it to be closed. The already validated ActivityPub. The proverbial cat is out of the bag.

So yes, corporations will adopt ActivityPub. That's already happening. , , , -- many more to come -- are developing for it.

But openness also means you can build upon it. You can create your own thriving communities. And some of these communities can be private if you so choose.

Just as it's possible for you to build your own newsletter or publish your own webpage, it's possible for you built your own server.

You see, openness cuts both ways.

pfefferle, (edited ) to fediverse German avatar

20 Jahre

WordPress wurde 20 Jahre alt! 20 Jahre!

Vor etwas mehr als 20 Jahren bin ich über Brett Taylors wunderbar nerdiges Blog gestolpert:

Am 04. April 2002 schreibt Brett: „News script is powered by b2, allowing for an RSS XML, better archive system, and improved comments system too.“

Das war Inspiration genug um einen Monat später mit meinem eigenen kleinen b2 Blog an den Start zu gehen.

Mittlerweile begleitet mich das kleine stückchen PHP-Code fast mein halbes Leben und ich hätte nie daran gedacht, dass ich mit meinem Hobby-Projekt irgendwann mein Geld verdienen würde!

Happy Birthday WordPress!

„The early years“

Zum 15. Jubiläum habe ich angefangen meine „WordPress Origin Story“ zu dokumentieren. Der Vollständigkeit halber hier also die folgenden 5 Jahre 😉


2019 stand im Zeichen des ActivityPub Plugins. Hätte ich damals gewusst… 😉


Während meinen 7++ Jahren bei IONOS hatte ich nebenher immer mal wieder mit WordPress zu tun. 2020 bekam ich aber die Möglichkeit, mit einem kleinen Team zusammen, das WordPress Hosting neu/mit zu gestalten. Aus diesem kleinen dreiköpfigen WordPress-Team wurde in den folgenden drei Jahren ein großartiges Haufen von 15+ Personen (inklusive Support, PO, PM, …).

Neben dem daily business haben wir IONOS in dieser Zeit ein kleines bisschen näher an die Community „geschubst“ (zumindest rede ich mir das ein 😉 ). Wir haben einen GitHub Account gestartet, den Entwicklern Zeit für die Five for the Future Initiative frei geräumt und IONOS wurde Teil der (Make) Hosting Community.

In diesem Zuge habe ich mich auch persönlich engagiert und dafür im Juni das Hosting Team Badge „verliehen“ bekommen.


Mein aktivstes Jahr beim Pluginkollektiv. Ich mag die Idee und schätze die Plugins sehr! Ich hoffe ich finde in Zukunft wieder etwas mehr Zeit für das Kollektiv, immerhin arbeite ich ja jetzt hauptberuflich an ActivityPub & Co. und brauche deshalb wieder ein neues Hobbie/Freizeitprojekt 😉


Im März fand der CloudFest Hackathon im Europa-Park statt und ich hatte die Chance, ein Thema zu betreuen. Drei Tage WordPress, IndieWeb und Webmentions <3

CloudFest Hackathon: WordPress and the IndieWeb


…und meine große Klappe auf Twitter, hat dafür gesorgt, dass ich seit diesem Jahr einen neuen Job habe.

Seit April darf ich mich from 9 to 5 mit dem „Open Web“ beschäftigen und bekomme dafür auch noch Geld!

Vielen Dank Matt und vielen Dank Automattic!

…dazu aber später nochmal mehr 🙂

Ich bin gespannt was dieses Jahr noch mit sich bringt und wie die Zukunft von WordPress aussieht.

Wenn es nach mir ginge, dann würde daraus ein „open, portable, interoperable, small, social, synaptic, semantic, structured, distributed, (re-)decentralized, independent, microformatted and federated social“ WordPress 😉

#ActivityPub #Automattic #CloudFest #IONOS #Pluginkollektiv #WordCamp

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