ParanoidFactoid, to Marriage avatar

From The Intellectualist at the hellsite, here's Senator Mike Braun [R-IN] saying he's open to SCOTUS changing settled law and depriving people of equal protection in** mixed racial marriages.**

Thus allowing states to reimplement old miscegenation laws, or banning so-called mixed ethnic marriages, requiring SCOTUS overturn Loving v Virginia in 1967.

These are confederate radicals.

#miscegenation #racism #marriage #politics #USpol #GOP #Republicans #Indianna #confederacy #civilrights

Senator Mike Braud from Indianna on supporting the right of states to ban mixed marriages, or ethnically mixed relationships.

marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias Replacements should have to undergo security clearance procedures & tests scrutinizing loyalty & adherence to the U.S. Constitution.

    And neutralization of/accountability of terrorists attacking election officials verbally or physically, to disrupt the electoral process as fair & free as it should be.

    slcw, to Christianity avatar

    is a historical who engages in -driven historical analysis for the purpose of justifying the imposition of ideals. It's no surprise that Commander (R-) is receptive to the intellectual bankruptcy being peddled by Barton. In Commander Mike's perfect world, we would all be forced to abide by his version of ; a literal on earth for most of us.


    @slcw Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli (signed Nov 4, 1796):

    "Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias 😎🤔 Fourteenth Amendment Section 3.

    Disqualify all of Trump's co-conspirators inciting & engaging in insurrection against the authority of the United States & the laws thereof, and giving aid & comfort thereto.

    realTuckFrumper, to random avatar

    Robert E Lee statue that sparked Charlottesville riot is melted down: ‘Like his face was crying’


    @realTuckFrumper Fact: Before defecting to the Brits & committing treason, even Benedict Arnold served America.

    Before taking the military command of rebellious Confederate slaveholder states, Robert E. Lee served America in the United States Army for 32 years.

    No one can honestly claim, that Trump ever in his life served America.
    While every informed citizen will be able to know & tell about his illoyalty towards the land he was born in.

    TexasObserver, to Texas avatar

    A fourth #Texas county has adopted a restriction on travel for pregnant residents, based on a model #law drafted by an anti-abortion extremist.

    From our friends at Truthout:

    #abortion #RoeVWade #health #healthcare #Lubbock #USpol #HumanRights #politics #news


    @TexasObserver The intention of Abbott & his interstate co-insurrectionists seems to be pretty clear: Full on attack against the Reconstruction Amendments.

    Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1, Clause 2:

    "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States..."

    This also applies to the right of free movement.

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #14thAmendment #PrivilegesOrImmunitiesClause #FreedomOfMovement #Travel #AbortionRights #HumanRights #InvestigateAbbott #Insurrection #ProsecuteALLRebels #EnemiesOfTheConstitution #SupportersOfConfederacy #NeoConfederates

    ArenaCops, to random

    So Mike Johnson opposes Obergefell v. Hodges & same-sex marriage, but obviously not sexual assault against more than 25 women, allegedly committed by his personal role model Donald J. Trump.

    "The list of women who have publicly made sexual misconduct allegations against Donald Trump outnumbers the list of officials in his [former so-called] cabinet. Before today, no fewer than 25 women had made such accusations against Trump, ranging from harassment to sexual assault and rape."

    When will Mike Johnson introduce legislation in the House to have prayers for grabbing groper Trump in public schools?

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias An election subverter is elected speaker of the House by a majority of other election subverters. What a disgrace.

    "The 126 Republican Members that signed onto this lawsuit brought dishonor to the House. Instead of upholding their oath to support and defend the Constitution, they chose to subvert the Constitution and undermine public trust in our sacred democratic institutions."
    — Nancy Pelosi on House "GOPers", who signed amicus brief supporting TX v. PA —

    Free_Press, to news avatar


    Tom Emmer has just won the vote to be the republican nominee for Speaker of the House.

    Unfortunately, it appears the Republican caucus is still divided and doubtful that Emmer can reach the 217 votes to win the Speakership position!

    ArenaCops, (edited )

    @Free_Press Reminder: In Dec 2020, Emmer & 125 other House "Republicans" signed an amicus brief supporting Texas v. Pennsylvania, a lawsuit filed at SCOTUS challenging Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 election.

    Nancy Pelosi responded to the signing of the amicus brief calling it an act of "election subversion".

    She stated: "The 126 Republican Members that signed onto this lawsuit brought dishonor to the House. Instead of upholding their oath to support and defend the Constitution, they chose to subvert the Constitution and undermine public trust in our sacred democratic institutions."

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias A slate of 9 supporters of electoral fraud is running for the 3rd-most important office of U.S. government.
    In any normal country you'd call the cops.

    Suppression of voters is an act of insurrection against the authority of the United States & their Constitution, especially the Reconstruction Amendments.

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendTheUnion #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #TakeGOPOffTheBallots #BanTheGOP #EnemiesOfTheConstitution #Insurrection #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

    rberger, to random avatar

    “Thirty years ago, if I told you that a bunch of billionaires and intellectuals on the right are waiting in the wings to impose a dictatorship on the United States, you would have said that I was insane,” he said.

    “But it’s no longer insane. It’s now real. There are those people out there,” Linker added. “The question is: will they get their chance.”


    @rberger Kevin Slack's talk of "post-Constitutional rule" means removal of the constitutional order of the United States — activities, that usually constitute criminal "un-American" acts against the authority & continuity of the United States.
    More work for the FBI to do.

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias A racist anti-voter entity like today's "GOP" is an inadmissible anti-democratic, anti-constitutional criminal organization, the right place of which is definitely not on the ballots.

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias Anti-democratic "Republican" adversaries of the Constitution already spread the subversive plague of vigilantism at the time of the midterms.

    One of them: Cleta Mitchell, still unindicted in Georgia, despite having been on Trump's infamous "Find-me-votes"-call with Brad Raffensperger.

    georgetakei, to random

    If you’re going to interview Donald Trump, you had better be prepared to fact check him in real time. Our media does a terrible job of allowing him to spew falsehoods and spread conspiracies without calling him out on them. This is not the time to platform Trump like he is some regular politician. He is an existential threat to our democracy, including to institutions such as the free press. Do better.


    @georgetakei True. Trump is neither a politician nor "normal".

    He's a criminal, sociopathic anti-constitutional power- & puy-grabber, whose only interest in politics is how to be protected against accountability, justice & the laws within the borders of the United States.
    If a criminal, sociopathic anti-constitutional mobster like Trump can be the "frontrunner" of an entity, that calls itself "GOP", pi
    ing on the pillars of Lincoln Memorial, what does that say about the legitimacy & eligibility of that entity to have members of its organization sent to the to-be-honored United States Congress?

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias Disruption of the right to vote is not a First Amendment right.

    It's organized crime, perpetrated by criminal organizations, not normal "parties".

    It's criminal abuse of the freedoms & liberties of democracy for the sake of destroying democracy.

    It's exactly, what Hitler & his Nazis did in Germany to destroy democracy & establish a mass-murderous, racist dictatorship, leading to near-total devastation of a whole continent & tens of millions of dead.

    georgetakei, to random

    So that shrieking windbag Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has admitted she is openly coordinating with Trump to keep an “impeachment inquiry” into Biden open for as “long and excruciatingly painful” as possible. This is the real “weaponization” of the government: going after the President with absolutely no evidence, solely for political points.

    realTuckFrumper, to random avatar

    Warning from a Republican: ‘A very large portion of my party, really doesn’t believe in the Constitution’


    @realTuckFrumper On Jan 6, 2021 the degree of "belief" of the "GOP" in the United States Constitution could be witnessed by all the world.
    When inside the Capitol a majority of congressional "Republicans" attempted to overturn the 2020 election, while outside the Capitol a mob of "Republican" Trump's supporters attacked & severely injured law enforcement officers to get inside to catch & kill U.S. gov's #2 & #3, the then-Vice president & the then-Speaker of the House.

    KimPerales, (edited ) to climate avatar

    MSM must ask the tough Qs, not cite useless polls, esp. re why all the GOP pres. candidates: reject scientific evidence of CC *seawater levels are rising worldwide, mass flooding, wildfires..., the Biden admin's economy is good-why do they lie about its merits?, lies about blatant racism: CRT/DEI, voter suppression, abortion, whitewashing history, scapegoating peaceful protesters +refusal to even contemplate comprehensive reform...


    @KimPerales Right! Spectacularly citing polls downplays the "GOP's" hostility towards the United States' constitutional order, legitimizing an entity profoundly hostile to the Rule of the (not only white) People aka "democracy".

    Question to "Republicans": How will your policies in any way strengthen Americans' democracy & enforce their human & civil rights?

    Expected answer: ...

    marcelias, to random avatar

    In normal times, the current lawlessness of Republican state legislatures would be a scandal akin to George Wallace standing in the schoolhouse doors.


    @marcelias Alabamian "legislators" stubbornly defend their racist serial electoral fraud obsessions.

    “Maps like the ones [voting rights groups] propose would also create majority-minority districts ‘in greater numbers than they otherwise would have been’ if race hadn’t been used,” the state argued, quoting from the Harvard ruling. “But the Constitution forbids using race ‘to discriminate against those racial groups that were not the beneficiaries of the race-based preference.’” In other words, the courts’ cure for unconstitutional racial gerrymandering would itself amount to unconstitutional racial gerrymandering in Alabama’s eyes.

    StillIRise1963, to random avatar

    "Because the truth be told, White supremacy is not a mental health issue," Jones said on the House floor. "It is about terrorism, and the shooting that happened in Jacksonville, Florida, was not quote-unquote racially motivated. It was racial terrorism, and until we acknowledge that fact, until we act on that fact, it will continue to happen."

    'White supremacy is not a mental health issue': Justin Jones scolds GOP after Jacksonville shooting


    @StillIRise1963 White or Aryan supremacy ideology is an expression of depraved indifference to & contempt for human life & humanity. As are (mass) shootings.

    Guns don't belong into the hands of domestic extremists & terrorists.
    Allowing them to purchase & possess guns means facilitating crimes.
    No matter how the 2nd Amendment is interpreted.

    TonyStark, to random avatar

    Affirmative Action is a way to try to right generational wrongs that have caused damage to entire portions of our population, damages that continue to reverberate today.

    Given that the US continues to underfund public primary education in poor and underprivileged communities where generally minorities live in higher proportion, yes, this is breaking history and the future for many in this country.

    The Supreme Court’s Conservatives Are Breaking History and Our Future-


    @TonyStark If Leonard Leo's SCOTUS agents were in fact "conservatives" or "Republicans" in the truest sense & meaning of those terms, they wouldn't be on the bench obstructing, perverting, debasing & overturning the authority of the Reconstruction Amendments drafted & passed by true Republicans to right many of the wrongs of rebellious slaveholding assholes & endow citizens of the United States with a groundbreaking framework of civil & human rights.

    w7voa, to twitter avatar

    Many confused users reporting their accounts have been hit with a spam policy violation — limiting their account access for three days — but some claim they’ve done nothing wrong and have tweeted much recently.


    @w7voa It also happened, before apartheid kid bought his $44 billion sandbox.

    While there's very likely much broader use of these suppression tools to silence those, whose opinions dicktator Musk doesn't like, & which may guarantee him the drug & degree of attention, a histrionic personality like his usually & regularly needs.

    juddlegum, to random avatar

    I hope these Republican members of Congress take their complaints to Donald Trump, who appointed the US Attorney who negotiated this "corrupt" plea deal with Hunter Biden


    @juddlegum We mustn't forget, that the overwhelming majority of "Republican" Members of Congress would've forced tears of wrath into Republican Abraham Lincoln's eyes by their double refusal to bring a career criminal to justice, who incited an insurrection, lies daily in concert with acts of Obstruction of Justice & gives/gave aid & comfort to an enemy of the United States.

    TonyStark, to random avatar

    Kids who are hungry aren’t going to be able to learn. There’s a reason many states are passing universal free meals programs.

    A neighbor of mine manages food services for a big high school in my area. She’s told me these programs change kids’ lives.

    Republicans are plainly against anything good, and especially, ironically, against kids.

    Republicans Declare Banning Universal Free School Meals a 2024 Priority |


    @TonyStark It's the "Republican" version of

    "Yes, we can" — be cruel to Americans. Because we can!
    Power allows us to be assholes, whenever we like.

    Perverse & disgusting!

    pivoinebleue, to random

    Did Abbotts actually win or did Ken Paxton through out millions of mail in ballots!? It seems that Texas is being ruled by a tyrant dictator.

    ‘Death Star’ bill in Texas House would strip power from local officials, critics say | Houston Public Media

    >The bill would prevent local governments from regulating changes in state codes such as agriculture, finance, insurance, labor, natural resources and occupations.


    @pivoinebleue The long shadows of the Confederate rebellion, pestering America's democratic majority to this day:

    "The Confederate rebellion was an assault by a minority on the decision of the majority, as expressed in Lincoln’s own election, and in that way, it was really intended to question the entire principle of democracy."
    (Exchange "Confederate rebellion" for "Capitol attack", and "Lincoln's own election" for "Biden's election" & note the similarity)

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