LeeFromVT, to random
@LeeFromVT@masto.ai avatar

Confirming what i thought reading the documents of the case.

Trump has no grounds to appeal. A competent lawyer would have tried to leave an 'out' for an appeal during the trial. Not this "whiny pretend "victim" mouthpiece.

Watch for "fire sales" of Trump properties as he screwed over every lender he ever used. Its public knowledge his statements of worth arefabricated and inflated.

The (worthless) "Trump Brand" wont help a bond


flexghost, to random
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

Nikki Haley: "Well, I'll tell you what's right is under the Biden administration, we've seen chaos with inflation”

Tapper: "You can't blame that on Biden”

Nikki Haley: “What I'm saying is you can't fix Democrat chaos with Republican chaos…America looks so distracted right now.”

Today I learned it’s the democrats fault when republicans screw up.



@flexghost Americans must not pay the price for "Republican" chaos & incapability to act, sabotaging congressional legislation & national defense & security for the benefit of Russia's Putin & China's Xi.

#DefendAmerica #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #DefendTheUnion #TakeGOPOffTheBallots #DefraudingAmerica #LootingAmerica #SabotagingAmerica #ServingPutin #Treason #Insurrection #Espionage

GW, to random

The White House, Liz Cheney, Ron DeSantis, and More Slam Trump for Calling Hezbollah “Very Smart”

The White House called the remarks “dangerous and unhinged.” Liz Cheney asked, “Are Republicans really going to nominate this dangerous man to be President of the United States?”

#trump #fascist #cheney #DeSantis



@GW The difference between sociopath Donald Trump & Hizbollah's sociopathic leader Hassan Nasrallah is, that Nasrallah couldn't run for U.S. president, because he wasn't born in the U.S.

#Terrorism #DefendAmerica #DefendDemocracy #ArrestTrump #NationalSecurityThreat #PublicDanger #ImminentDanger #PublicEnemy #Sociopath #LawlessTrump #PreventiveDetention #NDAA2012 #TrumpForGitmo

marcelias, to random
@marcelias@mas.to avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias The anti-American anti-democratic "Republican" party of dishonesty & disenfranchisement shouldn't even be on the ballot.
    Accept the rules of democracy to guarantee free & fair elections or take time off to rethink your strategy of obstructing & disrupting electoral processes.
    Oppressive Confederates in "Republican" clothing are zombies of the past.

    GW, to DaftPunk

    Passes Short-Term Bill To Avoid Government With Hours To Spare; Money Cut

    , after a week, found a bipartisan path jettisoning aid to Ukraine in a move critics say will embolden Russian leader Vladimir .

    The House voted 335 to 91 for a temporary funding bill to keep the government open until Nov. 17 and also fund disaster assistance. Two hundred and nine Democrats joined all 126 Republicans in voting for the package.



    @GW Real Republicans would support the United States democratic Republic, not the adversarial Russian Federation & its imperialistic wars of aggression against sovereign, free countries.

    Partisan politics without genuine American humanity-focused convictions testify to political & confessional (Christian) bankruptcy & the "GOP's" corruption & unworthiness for parliamentary seating.

    TonyStark, to random
    @TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

    This doesn’t look like concern about the sexual musings of a young woman. It’s a convenient red herring excuse to ban a book on the Holocaust, which in truth is what they really don't want taught.

    Apparently fascist political systems don't like fascism actually being studied and understood within those systems.

    Texas teacher reportedly fired after reading from Anne Frank's diary to students:


    @Heimdall @TonyStark What makes people feeling comfortable with (neo-)Nazism?

    Never having experienced the real-world consequences, near-total destruction, devastation & extermination as direct results of all-out Nazism governing a nation & a country.

    Recommendation: Don't wish for it to happen to you!

    georgetakei, to random

    If you’re going to interview Donald Trump, you had better be prepared to fact check him in real time. Our media does a terrible job of allowing him to spew falsehoods and spread conspiracies without calling him out on them. This is not the time to platform Trump like he is some regular politician. He is an existential threat to our democracy, including to institutions such as the free press. Do better.


    @georgetakei True. Trump is neither a politician nor "normal".

    He's a criminal, sociopathic anti-constitutional power- & puy-grabber, whose only interest in politics is how to be protected against accountability, justice & the laws within the borders of the United States.
    If a criminal, sociopathic anti-constitutional mobster like Trump can be the "frontrunner" of an entity, that calls itself "GOP", pi
    ing on the pillars of Lincoln Memorial, what does that say about the legitimacy & eligibility of that entity to have members of its organization sent to the to-be-honored United States Congress?

    georgetakei, to random

    So that shrieking windbag Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has admitted she is openly coordinating with Trump to keep an “impeachment inquiry” into Biden open for as “long and excruciatingly painful” as possible. This is the real “weaponization” of the government: going after the President with absolutely no evidence, solely for political points.


    @georgetakei I can remember Trump trying to smear Joe Biden as long as Donald J. was desperate to be able to abuse presidential office to evade United States laws, justice & accountability.
    When smearing would no longer be sufficient, open insurrection against the authority & the laws of the United States became Trump's final straw.

    Trump in a nutshell.

    Free_Press, to news
    @Free_Press@mstdn.social avatar

    Citizens Enraged as Tennessee House Blocks Gun Reform, Abruptly Adjourns

    The House floor broke out into chants of “Vote them out,” after Republicans adjourned the session until next year.
    #AureFreePress #News #GOP #Politics #USA



    @Free_Press The masses of deaths of shooting victims are owed to the corrupt bribed parliamentary accessories of the American gun industry & their depraved indifference to human life.
    Each positive NRA rating is a bribe, supported by Putin's agents.


    GW, to random

    Mugshotted, Trump’s veneer of immunity cracked. Yet his wrath is bottomless

    For Trump and his minions, the coming election is more than a rematch between aging men. It is about revenge – against the deep state, against the justice department and the FBI, against local prosecutors, against the media. His is a bottomless pit of wrath.

    Regardless, the day’s events stripped away the veneer of untouchability that Trump had cultivated over decades.



    @GW Trump is definitely lacking everything a real politician committed to serve her/his country needs to have.
    Egomaniacal assholes are always unfit to be in any way useful to the people they're sworn in to serve.
    How about not voting for thievish, fraudulent bastards of American democracy, folks?!

    KimPerales, to random
    @KimPerales@toad.social avatar

    Death Star brought to you by the Texas : Goal: TX legislature wants to effectively deny cities -state’s lg. Dem-leaning cities, esp. Houston/San Antonio/Austin -the ability to pass local laws & regulations in 8 major policy areas: AG, bus & commerce, FIN, INSUR, labor, natural resource law, occupational law, & prop. law -does all this in a bill -doesn't aim to affirmatively lay out regs. at the state level -simply attempts to thwart local regs🚨. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/08/greg-abbott-texas-attacks-austin-with-death-star.html


    @KimPerales Almost 160 years after 1865 & ~ 150 years after Reconstruction it's definitely time to remove leftover Confederate zombies like Abbott, DeSantis & their ilk from positions of political power they're abusing to push anti-constitutional, anti-American & anti-human agendas.

    BigAngBlack, to random
    @BigAngBlack@fosstodon.org avatar

    Just remember, this is the issue that Republicans have latched onto currently, they won't give up. Just like with racism and sexism and religious bigotry, they will only get more creative, less obvious. It won't look like hate, that's how it succeeds. Listen to the people being hurt

    US judges across country block healthcare bans for trans youngsters

    >Growing number of judges blocking laws passed by conservative politicians from taking effect on 14th-amendment grounds


    @BigAngBlack Good to know, that large numbers of judges are loyal the United States Constitution, especially also the Reconstruction Amendments.

    To be very clear: Every attack on SCOTUS decisions based on the Fourteenth Amendment, Equal Protection-, Due Process- & other 14A clauses
    is an attack on the Fourteenth Amendment itself & the other Reconstruction Amendments 13 & 15, added to the Constitution in the wake of the Civil War & abolition of slavery.

    georgetakei, to random

    So let me get this straight. The Supreme Court is only supposed to take cases where there is a real injury and real controversy, but it took the case of a web designer who faked a request by a gay customer for a website design? The guy was actually straight, married and with kids?

    Vacate this case.


    @georgetakei This Supreme Court majority evidently has its corrupt, anti-constitutional Federalist-Society agenda - and every state the U.S. senator of which confirmed their nomination deserves to lose congressional representation - as they did at the time of Abraham Lincoln.

    TonyStark, to random
    @TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

    Please consider joining the Brennan Center in their new campaign to pass term limits for Supreme Court justices.

    Brennan Center for Justice-

    JRBuckley, to LGBTQ

    Gorsuch hands a victory to the Christian right by making false claims about an important First Amendment case.

    Supreme Court ruling: Neil Gorsuch has a problem with telling the truth, in 303 Creative v. Elenis - Vox https://www.vox.com/scotus/2023/6/30/23779816/supreme-court-lgbtq-ruling-neil-gorsuch-303-creative-elenis

    TonyStark, to random
    @TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

    Get out and vote, people. We will continue to see these small-minded, homophobic decisions unless we clean house. It will take a generation at least. I hope voters have the stamina and patience.

    Then people can force cases like these back up where they can be overturned. These yahoos have established there is no such thing as precedent, anyway.

    Supreme Court rules for website designer who doesn't want to serve same-sex couples-


    @msmp @TonyStark Make sure voter suppression efforts are detected & legally countered/ thwarted, to be sure you can vote!

    Support the fight against voter suppression, so no one can falsely defame willfully & intentionally suppressed voters as "nonvoters".

    Voter suppression is an intentional racist violation of the Constitution's Reconstruction Amendments.

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendAmerica #DefendTheConstitution #DefendDemocracy #ReconstructionAmendments #15thAmendment #14thAmendment #EqualProtectionClause #BanTheGOP #ElectoralFraud #ElectoralApartheid #VoterSuppression #Disenfranchisement #Gerrymandering

    TonyStark, to random
    @TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

    Affirmative Action is a way to try to right generational wrongs that have caused damage to entire portions of our population, damages that continue to reverberate today.

    Given that the US continues to underfund public primary education in poor and underprivileged communities where generally minorities live in higher proportion, yes, this is breaking history and the future for many in this country.

    The Supreme Court’s Conservatives Are Breaking History and Our Future-


    @TonyStark If Leonard Leo's SCOTUS agents were in fact "conservatives" or "Republicans" in the truest sense & meaning of those terms, they wouldn't be on the bench obstructing, perverting, debasing & overturning the authority of the Reconstruction Amendments drafted & passed by true Republicans to right many of the wrongs of rebellious slaveholding assholes & endow citizens of the United States with a groundbreaking framework of civil & human rights.

    TonyStark, (edited ) to random
    @TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

    One thing I find especially sickening is the military exclusion. What SCOTUS Republicans are saying is it’s ok for Black and Brown kids to go to military academies and risk and lose their lives, but otherwise “make your own way.”

    As a reminder, SCOTUS obviously isn’t elected. But we do elect who appoints them. And confirms them.

    Affirmative action: The high cost of the Supreme Court’s decision, explained-


    @TonyStark @profoundlynerdy The right-wing blueprint to cynically & inhumanely treat unprivileged minorities is the same like its master Putin's:

    Send 'em to the frontlines, they're good enough to die for us, instead of us.


    TonyStark, to random
    @TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

    Mike Pence celebrated Roe’s overturn in an interview pretty recently, saying it’s belongs in “the ash heap of history.”

    Pence’s party is what belongs in the ash heap of history. Let’s send it there.

    61 percent disapprove of Supreme Court reversal of Roe v. Wade: poll |


    @TonyStark On countless occasions, including 4 years of being the official public 4th wife of Russian "Republican" Donald Trump, Mike Pence proved, how little of an American spine an individual falsely called "Republican" can have, when it's about pressing pseudo-religious beliefs onto the necks & shoulders of the American people, while forgiving every anti-Christian act of his sociopathic master in Oval Office.

    Trump is an absolute immoral unacceptable no-go for every American committed to freedom, equality, unity in diversity, compassion & community.
    So is Trump's accessory Mike Pence.

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendAmerica #DefendTheConstitution #DefendDemocracy #SeparationOfChurchAndState #FirstAmendment #TrueBlue #VOTE #YourVoiceMatters #YouMatter #RaiseYourVoice AGAINST "Republican" #VoterSuppression

    Pepper, to random
    @Pepper@progressivecafe.social avatar

    Spoiler alert: people are not going to stop caring about the right to access . Anti-abortion extremists always have been and always will be on the losing side of this issue when voters have a say. Good for Dems for continuing to highlight this.

    DNC to raise billboards in Times Square, across U.S. to highlight abortion rights a year after Roe v. Wade struck down -


    @Pepper It seems to be clear that Leonard Leo & his SCOTUS agents will face the time, when they'll be going to regret, that they dared to attack the Fourteenth Amendment as part of the Reconstruction Amendments incorporated into the Constitution after Civil War, in exchange for luxurious trips paid by revanchist, rebellious, anti-constitutional & anti-democratic billionaires tied to cases before the Supreme Court of the United States.

    Their money will not stop & shut up the voices of the people!
    Their money will not pervert & kill justice!
    Their money will not prevail over humanity!
    Their money will not be allowed to subdue freedom, life & liberty.

    TonyStark, to random
    @TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

    The entire GOP authoritarian party attacks equal rights. Picking on trans kids is cowardly and disgusting. We all are owed the same equal rights and we all should have them.

    These bans are unconstitutional, deny access to healthcare for a group of people based on their identity only, and should all be struck down.

    Judge strikes down Arkansas transgender care ban:


    @TonyStark (Confede)Red states are rebelling against the Reconstruction Amendments, which the Fourteenth Amendment is part of.
    They better not dare to.

    14th Amendment Section 1:

    "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

    The Equal Protection Clause also formed the basis for SCOTUS's Obergefell v. Hodges decision legalizing same-sex marriages, along with many other decisions rejecting discrimination against, and bigotry towards, people belonging to various groups.

    realTuckFrumper, to random
    @realTuckFrumper@mastodon.social avatar

    Former GOP head says it wouldn't matter if Hunter Biden got jail time — it wouldn't be enough for Republicans https://www.rawstory.com/hunter-biden-sentence-wouldnt-matter/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon


    @realTuckFrumper Persecuting & smearing the Biden family can't distract from the fact, that today's "Republicans" ain't Republicans, but an insurrectionary, election-rigging anti-constitutional criminal organization without any platform to help & serve any American except the richest 1% anti-American owners of American passports.

    skykiss, to random
    @skykiss@sfba.social avatar

    Regarding the saying he will vote for the biggest traitor in American history, the criminal defendant donald t.

    The willingness to criticize brazenly criminal behavior, and serious moral failings ("his own interests and...ego") and YET be willing to vote for such a person says volumes about that moral vacuum in which the operate.


    @skykiss Bill Barr & Pat Cipollone (ex-Trump WH counsel) have both been on the board of directors of Opus Dei's Catholic Information Center at 15th and K Street, two blocks from the White House.
    So has SCOTUS-justices handler & subversive Federalist-Society Richelieu Leonard Leo, who's apparently exerting too much influence on SCOTUS decisions.


    TonyStark, to random
    @TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

    Kids who are hungry aren’t going to be able to learn. There’s a reason many states are passing universal free meals programs.

    A neighbor of mine manages food services for a big high school in my area. She’s told me these programs change kids’ lives.

    Republicans are plainly against anything good, and especially, ironically, against kids.

    Republicans Declare Banning Universal Free School Meals a 2024 Priority |


    @TonyStark It's the "Republican" version of

    "Yes, we can" — be cruel to Americans. Because we can!
    Power allows us to be assholes, whenever we like.

    Perverse & disgusting!

    alfredo_liberal, to random

    This is wonderful news I guess John Roberts wants us distracted from the Clarence Thomas fiasco


    @alfredo_liberal Leonard Leo's Supreme Court majority six rather want to distract from their complicity in the organized criminal campaign to subvert the Reconstruction Amendments 13, 14 & 15, to roll back Americans' civil & human rights & support anti-constitutional, insurrectionary "Republican" & "conservative" endeavors to establish a totalitarian/authoritarian anti-democratic regime in the United States of America.

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