toplesstopics, to fediverse avatar

so far I've been happy on (even though I don't speak French, the people and mods on here have been decent, and the 5000 character limit on posts is much appreciated.) but as you'd expect from a smaller instance, I get very few or no results for many tags that are important to me, like #contentCreator #youtube #twitch #livestream #videoInterview #vlogger #videoEssayist #socialCommentary and many similar tags.

so it might be useful for me to try out another, more content creator-inclusive server sometime. but I'm not sure there's really a perfect fit out there.

for one thing, character count is important to me, and so many instances (I presume founded by Twitter users) leave theirs at the default 500, which I find stifling. even 1000 is frequently irritating, when I've gotten used to 5000. I also don't understand the appeal of tight character limits, since people just then write out long, rambling threads of posts, that can easily be taken out of context to warp their whole argument and leave them rife for misinterpretation (see: "quote tweeting")

beyond that, while my videos focus on so many #progressive causes I care about, like #feminism #lgbtq #queer #equalRights #genderdiscrimination #genderEquality #houselessness #mentalHealthcare #transRights #racialEquality and many other #leftwing #USpolitics, because I do my videos topless, there are basically no platforms I can host my content until I can somehow convince sponsors to pay me so I can set up my own hosting-- @tio is kind enough to let me post my uncensored videos to his #peertube server, but there's no real searchability within peertube (as evinced by how many people suggest I post my content to peertube, which I already have been for years...) and putting censored videos of my videos on mainstream platforms that tell people to visit my website to see my uncensored videos doesn't work well, both because of how often my content gets #banned even when it's fully censored (thanks, haters), and because many people are a little, well... 😏 I can only say "follow the link written on the video" (because I'll get banned for "linking to porn" if I put a clickable link in my video description or social media post) so many times.

back to switching instances, the main reason I picked Eldritch Cafe several years ago is because, being French, they don't have the same blatantly misogynistic puritanical views towards "female nipples" being unacceptable viewing outside of explicit sexual situations. they just want them placed under a content warning, as you'd expect on basically every server. but alas, like I said, there just aren't really any other content creators that I've found on here, especially not vloggers/social commentary/video essayists like me (idk what the distinction is, really). that's why it might make more sense for me to move instances, much as I've come to feel comfortable here.

but then the crux of the problem arises--I am, first and foremost, a #toplessequality activist. I want "the same rights for 'female looking nipples' that 'male looking nipples' get." while I was raised a nudist, and for a little while there I did a fair amount of content catering to nudists (talking about #nudism / #naturism , being fully naked instead of just topless, etc...) but I've really been finding the urge to distance myself from nudists lately, for reasons I go into detail here: the tl;dr version is that just talking about nudism all the time is boring to me, and I resent how so many of the (straight cis male) nudists who would exchange my videos amongst themselves would skim right past my whole "fight for gender equality" and just use me as a (more culturally appealing than yet more straight white cis male) nudist figurehead. a lot of nudists are also very anti-sex worker, which goes against my morals- I fully believe that #sexWorkIsWork, and any #consensual #sexWork is fine by me.

what I resent is that, when it comes to mainstream platforms, only being allowed to post my uncensored female nipples on platforms that allow explicit sexual material. I am NOT a sex worker, I DO NOT do anything actually sexual in my videos-- I have interviews with #adultFilm actors, #camgirls, #kink educators, etc, but it's discussion only, we don't DO anything sexual, or go into graphic detail about sexual acts. but because of puritanical American society, the only places I can simply be topless-while-female is on places like Onlyfans, Mewe and - - places already overflowing with porn.

l03s, to random

I've added a new entry to the Damaged Earth Catalog!

🌱 Ecofeminist and Always Unfinished Space Making :www_server: describes hypha's thoughts on network infrastructure, , and 🌿

toplesstopics, to random avatar

hastily drawn page once again mocking etc for their policies towards a photo or video of a woman without a shirt (or wearing a strapless dress) cut off at the shoulders as "implied nudity," but not a woman wearing a teeny tiny bikini and g-string. and of course, not banning topless people who "look male," even with full nipples fully on display. make it make sense 🙃

nic221, to random avatar

Flexible work is feminist–and women won’t return to a system that hasn't served them well to spare the feelings of powerful men

MikeDunnAuthor, to bookstadon

Today in Labor History May 21, 1935: Jane Addams died. Addams was a peace activist, sociologist and author. She was a co-founder of the ACLU and a leader in the history of social work and women’s suffrage. In 1931, she became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1889, along with her lover, Ellen Gates Starr, she co-founded Hull House, a settlement house in Chicago. Eventually, the house became home to 25 women and was visited weekly by around 2,000 others. It became a center for research, study and debate. Members were bound by their commitment to the labor and suffrage movements. The facilities included a doctor to provide medical treatment for poor families, gym, adult night school and a girls’ club. The adult night school became a model for the continuing education classes that occur today.


OrphicWitch, to random

Since I'm new to Calckey, looks like it's time for an introduction!

—About Me—

💜 Name: Gabrielle

🪪 Age: 25

​:bhjflag_blm_small:​ Ethnicity: Biracial-Black/white

​:bhjflag_pansexual:​ Gender/Sexuality: Nonbinary/Pansexual

🏳️‍🌈 Pronouns: she/they/fae

🏡 Location: New England, USA

🎓Degree: BA in Sociology (2019)

🌹Political Views: Leftist, Intersectional Feminist

🙏 Religion: Neo-Orphic Polytheist

☀️ Sun Sign: Gemini

🔢 Enneagram: 4w5

​:mastodon:​ Mastodon: @khthoniaa

—Topics of Interest—

☆Gothic Literature

Thank you for reading! #Religion #occult #occultism #horror #magick #pagan #polytheism #orphism #orphic #OrphicMysteries #philosophy #introduction #queer #Sociology #feminism

MikeDunnAuthor, to books

Today in Labor History May 15, 1917: The Library Employees’ Union was founded in New York City. It was the first union of public library workers in the United States. One of their main goals was to elevate the low status of women library workers and their miserable salaries. Maud Malone (1873-1951) was a founding member of the union. She was also a militant suffragist and an infamous heckler at presidential campaign speeches.


becha, to tech avatar

Preparing for my talk about in for … a selection of books! (+ auto-generated ALT for the image)

becha, avatar

There’s a second pile of books too ;)

juliaserano, to random avatar

for reasons that elude me, I'm seeing a lot of reactions to the age old "trans women = male socialization" accusation on my TL. so time for me to re-up these two pertinent pieces. this one discusses what that charge erases:

juliaserano, avatar

...this 2nd piece shows how, within feminist & LGBTQ+ activist settings, charges of "male (& heterosexual) socialization/privilege" are never about those things per se. rather, they're about who is deemed "pure" & who's discounted as "contaminated":

raccoon, to internet

Well, has a new CEO, and since it's a woman and the company is failing, everyone is bringing up the theory as a forward excuse.

Sadly, there's nothing, a woman can do to prevent falling victim to this patriarchic trap, like, let's say, turning down the job offer. So not wishing Twitter the best of luck henceforth is now a case of gender discrimination. Thank you . 🤦‍♂️

absolutspacegrl, to random avatar

The Rest Cure:

“A shocking historical example that vividly illustrates the intersection of women's
mental health, depression, and misogyny is the case of the "Rest Cure" popularized by physician Silas Weir Mitchell in the late 19th century.“

“This dehumanizing treatment stemmed from the deeply rooted societal belief that women's natural inclinations and ambitions were detrimental to their mental and physical health.”

haq, to random

Three night safety volunteers, who help vulnerable women on the streets of Westminster and have official high vis with local council and Met police logos, were apparently arrested at 2am for doing their job and then held for up to 14 hours, including 3 hours in handcuffs for at least one of them.

'But journalist Mic Wright, who reported the arrests on Twitter, said those arrested were members of Westminster City Council’s nighttime safety volunteers group Night Stars. The volunteers, who wear vibrant pink high-vis vests, support at-risk women and help vulnerable members of the public to ensure they get home safely. Soho is one of the areas they operate in, according to the Westminster City Council website. They often provide people in need with water, directions, slippers or someone to talk to and work in partnership with the Met, whose logo appears on their uniforms. Westminster City Council did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Mr Wright said one member of the trio arrested left the police station in tears after the incident. "They were arrested for being in possession of… rape alarms. They hand them out to women," Mr Wright tweeted.
News of the arrests has been met with widespread outrage and concern. Jamie Klingler, co-founder of Reclaim These Streets, said: "Even for the @metpoliceuk this is a preposterous excuse. They were volunteers in high vis".'

pseudonym, to random

At the airplane museum. Pleased to see in the gift shop all the astronaut and pilot dolls were women. Representation matters.

DemocracySpot, to music avatar

🎧 | has always been decades ahead, and not enough of us have heard her often-"subversive" messages. Thirty years ago, she made "Typical Male."

It's a continuing saga, of men with total domination,
Psycho, sexual, female manipulation,
Typical male thinks with his dick,
That's how he [?],
As a means of self-expression and fulfillment in a world of alienation,
And emptiness and [?]

hotruk, to random

If you're a woman in the UK and fed up of claims you support transphobia, here's your chance to say so. Consider signing this open letter and boost this

grinningcat, to random

Women and girls are daughters, sisters, etc., but if that’s the only reason someone cares, they’re missing that women are equal, worthy human beings in their own right.

As Marie Shear elegantly and concisely put it:

is the radical notion that are people.

(Sep. 2022)

shrugdealer, to random

I spent much of my life dressing for the male gaze and I’m so glad that it’s not a concern/priority anymore. Of course, where what you want, makeup how you want; that’s the point. How YOU want.

DeliaChristina, to random avatar
Cameo, to random avatar

A small act of resistance from the female indexer of the 1980 edition of Williams Obstetrics. (Via

Grutjes, to climate Dutch

Very happily following scientists, lefties, activists, journalists, neurodiversity and techies. But 85% of them are white, and I think that's not healthy as it limits my view on the world.

Do any of you have suggestions for me please? People of color I should follow, or Muslims / people of other beliefs than Atheists or Christians?

Main interests:

ttpphd, to Jewish avatar

Extremely insightful reading:

  1. Brit milah is just as open to #Jewish reinterpretation as all other mitzvot.

  2. Placing extreme significance on maleness conflicts with #egalitarian values.

  3. Minimizing the harms is disingenuous and willfully ignorant.

  4. Infant #circumcision challenges the value of #consent

#Feminism #Judaism #Patriarchy #Autonomy #Religion

MikeDunnAuthor, to bookstadon

Today in labor history April 28, 1896: Na Hye-sok was born. She was a South Korean feminist, poet, writer, painter and journalist. She was the first female professional painter and the first feminist writer in Korea.


MikeDunnAuthor, to bookstadon

Today in Labor History April 27, 1759: Mary Wollstonecraft, was born. She was an English philosopher, historian, and early feminist who advocated for women’s rights. In her A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), she argued that women are not naturally inferior to men, but only appeared to be because they lacked education. She married the philosopher William Godwin, one of the first modern proponents of anarchism. She was also the mother of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, who wrote Frankenstein.


thekitmalone, to random avatar

Listen, this isn't just .

It's regressive and sexist, too.

The right moved from "we have concerns about trans people" to "boys must wear pants and girls must wear dresses" almost instantly.

Moderates should take note.

I_Like_Books, to random

Intro - Essential info in profile

Born, raised, lived in California over 50 years. I am leftist politically, Vegan because I feel it is wrong for me to exist by the harming of other sentient beings (positive side effect, a smaller carbon & water footprint). I am demisexual & dislike sexual references I filter NSFW, Kink & Lewd + (if I understand them). I read a lot & play board & table top roleplaying games. I am ASD, physical & mental health issues. Apatheist/Taoist, cPTSD

Added: I do not identify as transgender because in my life my gender has never changed, only my sex has changed. I was a girl when I was little and became a woman upon turning 18. I was forced to pretend to be male by society but I never have been.


Header Photo
white text "To be a feminist you must be anti capitalist because capitalism only benefits the 1%, and there will always be more women in the 99% than there will be in the 1%

[photo in black and white of a dozen people of mixed gender and age standing in a queue with a background of a brick wall to the left and an empty field behind and they are bordered with razor wire]

This originally promoted a cult I was in, I have removed the cult promo link

(I first made this a pinned post but I figured why not make it part of my intro, which I am thinking of updating)

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