Ranvier, (edited ) to news in Daily marijuana use outpaces daily drinking in the US, a new study says

Be careful with your concept of physically versus psychologically addicted, it’s not really a 100% seperatable dichotomy like that. Your brain is your brain after all, whether you decide to call something physical or psychological it’s all happening inside the brain. I think because cannabis doesn’t tend to have severe withdrawal effects (like alcohol withdrawal, which can kill you) people assume that means they’re not dependent or that it doesn’t have direct effects on the reward processing centers in the brain to reinforce its use again in the future. That’s what distinguishes addictive drugs from things that are just generally pleasant so we want to do them again, they have a direct chemical interaction with the neural circuits that are supposed to be helping decide if a behavior should be done again or not. Kind of tipping the scales in their favor, making you want to do something again more so than just the pleasentness of the past experience alone would otherwise do. You’re going to have an easier time quitting carrots than you will cannabis, even if you find them both equally pleasant in the moment.

Don’t get me wrong though, cannabis is waaaay less addictive than things like nicotine or alcohol, and has far less harmful effects than those. I think there is a tendency (especially with things like DARE lying about drug dangers when people were younger) to over correct and say things like it’s a miracle drug that’s non addicting and can never harm you and can fix everything wrong in your life! I’m for recreational cannabis legalization, but people should understand it’s actual risks, even though they are much less than other recreational drugs.


The cumulative probability estimate of transition to dependence was 67.5% for nicotine users, 22.7% for alcohol users, 20.9% for cocaine users, and 8.9% for cannabis users. Half of the cases of dependence on nicotine, alcohol, cannabis and cocaine were observed approximately 27, 13, 5 and 4 years after use onset, respectively.


Cannabis-derived psychoactive compounds such as Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and synthetic cannabinoids directly interact with the reward system and thereby have addictive properties. Cannabinoids induce their reinforcing properties by an increase in tonic dopamine levels through a cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptor–dependent mechanism within the ventral tegmental area. Cues that are conditioned to cannabis smoking can induce drug-seeking responses (ie, craving) by eliciting phasic dopamine events.

snailman, to academia
@snailman@ecoevo.social avatar

The REF is not about improving research, it is to give government control over universities (so is a "success" in that sense). 😔

cassidy, (edited ) to random
@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

I really need to automate this somehow, but my latest estimate is 3.13 million active users of Flathub!

This is a number of updates delivered to a popular dependency, org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default//23.08, between the 23.08.14 and 23.08.15 releases. This was less than a month window (March 18 through April 9).

Pretty impressive stuff!

Edit: updated, more realistic stats based on @alatiera; thanks!

@cassidy@blaede.family avatar

@sonny @alatiera yeah I mean could do, I (or someone) would have to actually write a script. So far I’m just doing it all by hand:

• Find the most-used platform in the Flathub stats

• Look at the release numbers/dates of the FreeDesktop SDK

• A little bit of reasoning to pick two recent sequential releases more than a short time apart (e.g. not within days of each other)

• Use the handy third-party stats aggregator (https://klausenbusk.github.io/flathub-stats/#ref=org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default%2F23.08&downloadType=updates) to add the daily updates between the two releases

alvinashcraft, to dotnet
@alvinashcraft@hachyderm.io avatar

My book on parallel programming & concurrency in C# is part of the Mastery of C# and .NET Awaits Humble Bundle from Packt Publishing

#PayWhatYouWant for up to 22 eBooks!

#ref #dotnet #csharp #programming #learning #ebooks #async #sale #visualstudio

tomayac, to random
@tomayac@toot.cafe avatar

🙋 My browser…

👉 Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.5 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1 👈

…is 🟩 28% Fugu 🐡!

How Fugu 🐡 is yours? Find out at https://howfuguismybrowser.dev/ and share on !

(This is from the installed PWA, confirming that Push and Badging API are still back.)

@tomayac@toot.cafe avatar
petersuber, (edited ) to internet
@petersuber@fediscience.org avatar

Early in the pandemic (April 2020) I started what became a long thread on in academic .

Starting today, I'm stopping it on Twitter and continuing it on .

Here's a rollup of the complete Twitter thread.

Here's a nearly complete archived version in the @waybackmachine.

Watch this space for updates.



@petersuber@fediscience.org avatar

Update. "Female scientists were much less likely than their male counterparts to be submitted for in the last Research Excellence Framework (), according to an analysis."

felisrandomis, to random
@felisrandomis@pawb.fun avatar
molly0xfff, to random
@molly0xfff@hachyderm.io avatar

If you want all the gory details on how I migrated my Citation Needed newsletter from to self-hosted here they are:

Happy to try to help anyone else making this move!

@molly0xfff@hachyderm.io avatar

@thenexusofprivacy it's pretty janky lol. i just write either [-uniqueidimadeup] or [-uniqueidimadeup] in-text depending on whether it's a footnote or a reference, and then i put an accompanying [fn/ref-uniqueidimadeup] at the bottom of the page with the footnote/reference content.

then when i'm about ready to publish, i run a little script to go through and grabs the rich-text, changes it to a HTML card, inserts the footnote, and numbers everything for me.

shanselman, to random
@shanselman@hachyderm.io avatar

First trip with an “AirFly.” Absolutely fantastic. Using my AirPods to watch the movie on the plane. (And abusing the power with the Anker power strip) https://amzn.to/49ed3W3

breitenbach, to random German
@breitenbach@chaos.social avatar

Eigentlich wäre dazu ein Brennpunkt mehr als angebracht, weil es ganz Europa in seiner Existenz erschüttern könnte und ggf. zu einer Massenflucht führen wird.

Aber ist ja nur "Wetter" und außerdem müsste man dann ja darüber reden, was man in kürzester Zeit fundamental verändern muss, was "das Volk" oder "die Wirtschaft" aber gar nicht gerne hört. Außerdem ist die Marktwirtschaft ja stärker als so eine Blitz-Eiszeit. Kapitalgetriebene Innovation wird es schon richten.



@breitenbach Dabei liegen doch so viele Lösungen auf dem Tisch! Beispielsweise Nachhaltigkeit und globaler Ausgleich a la : https://voltdeutschland.org/programm/theme-globaler-ausgleich

alvinashcraft, to Cybersecurity
@alvinashcraft@hachyderm.io avatar

There are 16 days left on the 2024 eBook bundle from Packt Publishing and Humble Bundle. Pay $18 or more for 23 titles. Pay less for 7 or 3 books.


shaft, to random French
@shaft@piaille.fr avatar

Film se déroulant en 2024 :

  • Highlander 2.

2024 est donc officiellement l'année du pouvoir de l'amitié (et de la mort de la notion de scénario)

Ahah (rire de Totophe Lambert)

@Killator@framapiaf.org avatar

@shaft « Ca imite le rire de Christophe Lambert et ça fait peur au chien » Ah-ah-ah 😅

Jwab, to random
@Jwab@mastodon.me.uk avatar

He's making a list
He's using Excel
Oh bloody hell...

shanselman, to random
@shanselman@hachyderm.io avatar

Awesome: Learn C Programming through Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales https://amzn.to/3NpjQDm

shanselman, to random
@shanselman@hachyderm.io avatar

I’m using this Anker Charger now for everything, full time. Charges my Surface Laptop Studio 2 at 100W, my iPhone, my Switch, my Steamdeck, and more. One charger for my whole bag. (Use good cables) https://amzn.to/3scYDVN USB-C for the win

alvinashcraft, to Deals
@alvinashcraft@hachyderm.io avatar
sonny, to random
@sonny@floss.social avatar

If you like and appreciate Workbench 🛠️

Please take a minute to review it in GNOME Software ⭐

The current reviews are outdated, and the team would appreciate the feedback 🙌


@sonny@floss.social avatar

On that topic, there was a pretty big uptick in downloads with the last release.

I wonder why


shanselman, to random
@shanselman@hachyderm.io avatar

Amazing Anker charger I’ve used all week while traveling in Europe. It’s charged my surface via USB-C and all my devices, plus has two pop-up US power sockets. Between this and my wireless apple pad that’s it for the trip. 20% off coupon: http://amzn.to/3ZkSqCI

albertcardona, to uk
@albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar

On the and similar exercises in measuring up academic output, and the response and participation and attitude of academics:

"The Sycophant", by Lorna Finlayson https://newleftreview.org/sidecar/posts/the-sycophant

Quite the profile of academics and the educational system. I don't know how much of it is true, and how much is left out, but it all comes across as a fair match to what I am seeing on the ground.

Nordeva, to art Spanish


I am SO excited to share this!!

It was about time she got an updated ref <3

Kygen, to baking

Hey Mastodon!

Thought I would start off with my recently made ref!

Now, where can a roo get a pie around here?!

Flodsvin, to nyheder in Klimarådet: Danmark er meget længere væk fra klimamål, end regeringen siger
@Flodsvin@feddit.dk avatar

I forbindelse med kommentarerne om personligt ansvar faldt jeg ned i et kaninhul, og besluttede mig for at estimere mit personlige CO2e-aftryk.

Den eneste tydelige konklusion er at det er en umulig opgave at måle det. Der er rigtig mange ting man ikke kan finde tal på, og pålideligheden af kilderne er ofte tvivlsomme.

Her er mine resultater:

Cirkeldiagram af CO2-aftryk fordelt på kategorier

I alt: 3 604 kg CO2e/år

Jeg har et ret lille forbrug da jeg ikke har en bil, jeg sjældent tager på rejser, og køber meget lidt nyt ind. Eksempelvis er min computer 9 år gammel, og de høretelefoner jeg har på hovedet fik jeg gratis for 6 år siden, hvor de allerede var ved at falde fra hinanden. Men derudover er der også en del ting jeg har ikke har formået at regne med, se blot listen længere ned i opslaget.

Hvis vi skulle nå Parisaftalens 1.5° mål måtte hver person dog kun udlede 2.3 ton CO

Fejl og mangler

Her er nogle af de ting jeg ikke kunne finde tal til at estimere:

  • Husholdning (affaldsposer, bagepapir)
  • Boligudstyr (møbler, køkken- og haveredskaber)
  • Andel af kollektivt forbrug (infrastruktur, sundhedsvæsen, folketingssalen)

Der er sikkert en masse ting jeg stadig har glemt, eksempelvis burde det være muligt at finde tal på hårde hvidevare.

Ifølge min kilde for udledningen på mad (Den store klimadatabase) skulle både emballage og transport være medregnet, men inkludere det eksempelvis også kølediskenes strøm i butikkerne og mad der bliver smidt ud fordi det er for gammelt? I forvejen blev jeg nødt til at gange resultatet med 1.5 før udledningen fra mit madforbrug var sammenlignelige med andre kilder, hvilket nok også siger noget om kvaliteten af mit estimat.


Den største udfordring har været internettet (datacentre og netværksinfrastruktur). Ifølge mine første beregninger, hvor jeg brugte de første Google-resultater som kilde (Carboon Footprint of the Internet, 8 Billion Trees), skulle det angiveligt være næsten en fjerdedel af mit aftryk. Her er det vigtigt at påpege at jeg har ganget gennemsnittet med tre for at nå frem til mit forbrug, da jeg er internet power user (aka. basement dweller).

Det resultat var jeg skeptisk over, så i forsøg på at finde den bagvedliggende kilde nåede jeg frem til en metaanalyse (The real climate and transformative impact of ICT), hvor det tydede på at tallet i høj grad bestod af user devices og TVer, som allerede er medregnet i mit forbrug (el og elektronik).

I sidste ende brugte jeg Malmodin & Lundén, 2018 og indregnede kun tallene for datacentre og netværk. Det resulterede i at aftrykket faldt fra 981 kg/år til 231 kg/år

Link til regneark med kildeangivelse

jaffathecake, to random
@jaffathecake@mastodon.social avatar

Great to see ReadableStream.from(x) land in the spec, allowing you to quickly create a stream from something (async) iterable. https://streams.spec.whatwg.org/#ref-for-rs-from

alvinashcraft, to books
@alvinashcraft@hachyderm.io avatar
g3om4c, to random
@g3om4c@code4lib.social avatar

An interesting data-led evaluation of the UK's Research Excellence Framework (REF) summarised in the LSE blog today. The seems to know it's a poor system but is paralysed from lobbying meaningfully for an alternative.

"Our results support concerns that the REF may have enhanced the concentration of research output in elite [...] The rest of have either been unaffected or negatively affected by the REF"

Does the add any value to UK ? https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2023/05/30/does-the-ref-add-any-value-to-uk-research/

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