pixelfed, to Pixelfed
@pixelfed@mastodon.social avatar

Our Wikipedia page is at risk of being deleted because it may not meet notability guidelines.

Can we get some help?

We're not that familiar with Wikipedia or its processes, but we think our project is notable enough for inclusion.


#pixelfed #wikipedia



Perhaps you can collect some information from here.


The lemma (articles) about #fediverse in #wikipedia is very poor in all languages.

Users of #mastodon , #friendica , #hubzilla , #pixelfed and others should write articles in #wikipedia to advertise #fediverse.

Basic internet users do not know the fediverse!

Try to find a wikipedia mentor for support.

Will open a german language version in wikipedia in the next few days.

Doris, to mastodon German
@Doris@top-netz.de avatar

Es ist wieder soweit! :fediverse: :mastodon:

Mastodon Sprechstunde
am Donnerstag 18.04.2024, 19:30 Uhr!

Du bist auf Mastodon? Kein Problem! Wir helfen dir bei den ersten Schritten: Profil einstellen, Sicherheitstipps, Posten und Vernetzung. Sei dabei!

Eingeladen sind ebenfalls alle, die bereits Erfahrungen mit Mastodon haben und gern ihr Wissen weitergeben wollen.
Wissensaustausch: Deine Kenntnisse im Fediverse und auf Mastodon könnte anderen Teilnehmern sehr nützlich sein, insbesondere denjenigen, die noch neu in der Community sind.
Networking: Dies ist eine hervorragende Gelegenheit, sich mit anderen engagierten Mitgliedern der Gemeinschaft zu vernetzen und neue Kontakte zu knüpfen.
Ideen und Inspiration: Deine Perspektive als erfahrener Benutzer oder Betreiber einer Instanz kann dazu beitragen, innovative Ideen zu fördern und die Zukunft des Fediverse zu gestalten.

Der Link zur Veranstaltung wird dann hier und in meinem Profil 1 Tag vor Beginn gepostet.

Der Raum wird 10 Minuten vor Beginn geöffnet.

Das Online-Treffen wird auf unserem BigBlueButton-Server stattfinden. Du benötigst keine zusätzliche Software, sondern nur einen Browser – vorzugsweise Firefox oder Chrome –, ein Mikrofon (es handelt sich schließlich um eine Sprechstunde) und, wenn du möchtest, eine Webcam. Wir freuen uns auf einen lebhaften Austausch! 🎙️ 🙋‍♀️

Je mehr mitmachen umso besser!



Kann ich leider nicht.
Bin ich hier @Lokal_K zum freien editieren in #wikipedia

Wäre auch eine gute Idee in Wikipedia die Dienste wie #peertube #pixelfed #mastodon #hubzilla #friendica u.a. des #fediverse besser zu beschreiben und auch die Bedienung derselben, um Fediverse und Anwendungen bekannter zu machen.

Wikipedia ist schon etabliert und wird von vielen gelesen.

Schöne Woche wünsche ich allen!

@caos@metalhead.club avatar
chris, to random

Hubzilla wird nun auf Wikipedia DE beschrieben


Whoo das wir das noch erleben durften... Jahrelang wurden von den Wikipedia Editoren alle Versuche gelöscht ... nun ist was online... ein paar Details werden wir nach und nach dort noch korrigieren bzw. ergänzen...

@Chief335 hat es möglich gemacht- DANKE

auch ein Ergebnis vom Fedi-Nach-Vorne Treff @fedi-nach-vorne / @Fedi-Nach-Vorne

@lucy_idk@mastodon.world avatar

@chris @fedi@im.allmendenetz.de @fedinachvorne @chief335 warum wurde der eintrag immer wieder von wikipedia entfernt?


\🤓/ ich habe den Link zum Wikipedia-Artikel über mal in der Linkliste von @chris Hubzilla-Artikel ergänzt: gnulinux.ch/serie-fediverse-di…
@fedi@im.allmendenetz.de @chief335

julian, to random
@julian@community.nodebb.org avatar

At the last ForumWG meeting, we discussed at length about Article vs. Note, and whether there was a desire to expand usage of as:Article. You can review those minutes here.

One of the action items that came out was to collate the state of current implementations. Unfortunately, outside of implementations that federate non-textual content (e.g. Pixelfed Stories, Mobilizon Events, etc.), the majority of implementors just use as:Note, which is not surprising given Mastodon's treatment of non-Note objects.

You can see the results of the summary here.

What is less clear is whether there is pent-up demand for use of a different data type for more richly forrmatted content. @mikedev and @jupiter_rowland provided some very illuminating history behind previous attempts to use as:Article, but importantly it seems that Mastodon (via @renchap) may be open to supporting this in some form as well.

While Mastodon has every reason to display as:Note as it sees fit, I'd like to hopefully address the undue influence towards using it especially in instances where as:Article were more appropriate. Mike (upthread) suggested a compromise:

  • that as:Note be reserved for content with attachments (images or otherwise), perhaps with a limited subset of html
  • and as:Article be used for content with a richer set of html (e.g. tables), and including the ability to display inline images

I explicitly did not specify that Note was for shorter content and Article for longer, because there exist plenty of examples of the reverse.

Does anybody see potential complications from such an arrangement?


@silverpill @julian

Silverpill wrote:
> Could you provide an example of such post?

Here you go bro: Socialhome post w/inline images.

I'll try to give it a boost from my , , and accounts too (if I haven't already) so you can study/compare the various treatment cases :)

Sadly, I have not yet launched streams yet for study. I know, I'm a lame-O. I'll get to it shortly, prolly just spin up a local VM on Proxmox for that here, I really am anxious to give it a go :)


dirkblank, to fediverse German

Kann mal bitte jemand einen VHS Kurs zu diesem im Raum Köln anbieten? Ich verzweifel langsam an usw.

Die Erklärungen sind ja alle schön und gut. Aber die ganzen verschiedenen Einstellungen und Vorgehensweisen sind dann doch verwirrend. Dazu noch die verschiedenen Apps mit unterschiedlichem Vorgehen!



Der erste Teilnehmer wäre Euch sicher!

@caos@metalhead.club avatar

@dirkblank sowohl in der @vhskoeln als auch in der @stbibkoeln gab es schon einige -Kurse von @chris . Sowohl zum Einstieg ins und Überblick als auch weiterführend u.a. zu (momentan ist allerdings leider nix im Programm angekündigt)

tecoholic, to Software

After stewing for a long time in my head, a thought finally hit me. Why don't I build a single piece of software that does everything I want the way I want it.

Instead of finding a personal finance app, a invoicing app, a bookmarking app, a goodreads like app...etc., Why don't I just build a Django supersite with all these apps in one?

I don't have to define it as any kind of app, make it generic, worry about code quality or maintainability or anything really. Heck, I can even write a dead narrow PDF parser that parses my credit card statements and energy bills and have it all in the same app.

It just needs to support one user me. Has anyone else tried this route? Building a superapp for yourself?

#Software #SelfHosted #Personal


@tecoholic could be that supersite?

shirasade, to random

Okay, I tried again to follow myself from ... This time, after creating the connection, I got this message:
This connection's primary address is 'shirasade@fandom.ink'
Available locations: shirasade@fandom.ink

This connection may be unreachable from other channel locations.
Location independence is not supported by their network.

Last update: never

So, does that mean, there's something in the settings of fandom.ink?

mima, to mastodon
sylkeweb.com, to fediverse

Being fed up with the shenanigans at the walled garden social media hubs like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram I was on the lookout for something more exciting and less frustrating (keyword “Enshittification”). In November 2022 I set up an account on a Mastodon instance and quickly after that, two accounts on different Pixelfed instances. I wanted to use them for separate purposes: Mastodon like Twitter, and Pixelfed like Instagram for my Home Cooking and Photography interests.

Because of the nature of the Fediverse with each of its different social media services spread over many instances, it seemed tricky at the beginning to find accounts to connect to, especially for Home Cooking. At some point I read about Groups and I thought that’s a concept worth trying to find more people with the same interest. I set up a Home Cooking group on chirp.social and pretty quickly found some stumbling stones in the way I was trying to use it.

That’s when I first realised that most things in the Fediverse work quite well as long as you stick with Mastodon as your base because many useful additions are geared towards it, groups and WordPress blog linking are good examples for that. But there are many more social media services which are supposed to interconnect with each other using the ActivityPub protocol and not a lot of information about which service works best for what. When you find a problem there is hardly anybody who had the same kind of issue as it seems that most people stay within just one service bubble. So I started joining other services and started following my own accounts just for the fun of it.

At the point of writing I have accounts on these services (the plan is to try even more):

  • Mastodon (similar to Twitter)
  • Pixelfed (similar to Instagram)
  • Friendica (similar to Facebook)
  • Firefish (was Calckey) (similar to Twitter)
  • Hubzilla (seems like the grandparent of social media, but don’t let the seemingly very simple interface lure you into underestimating its powers)
  • Diaspora (I haven’t had a lot of time to test yet but because it uses a different protocol its interconnectivity is very limited)
  • WordPress (a blog service)
  • In addition I have a group administrator account on chirp.social and have interactions with a group on gup.pe

Juggling my various accounts I got so confused about what works and what doesn’t between them that I set up a big table that I was completing bit by bit, ticking off open questions in a more strategic way. Some issues that I found are caused by the specific setup of a service, others have no explanation whatsoever. Especially commenting on posts from a different service and then answering them can be a sticky issue. I should probably join GitHub to log everything, but I have no time for that kind of engagement right now.

I realised quickly that the table format is not the clearest way to show what is going on between services, so with my latest new account that joined the Fediverse (this WordPress blog), I decided to write a whole post highlighting what works and what doesn’t from the perspective of a blog user (WordPress and the Fediverse). The plan is to do this for the other services too.

This is where I got to so far with my table (updated 4/12/23, can be downloaded as PDF below the image):

https://sylke.files.wordpress.com/2023/12/img_7687.jpeg?w=1024Fediverse communication.pdfDownload

🟢✅✅ Green fields means that interactions between services seem to work well in both directions – or not at all (but intentionally so, e.g. because of a different protocol).

🟡✅💢 Yellow fields means there are either some one sided problems or some weird things happen that I still need to research further.

🔴💢❌ Red fields means something does not work at all.

⚪️❤️ White fields with hearts contain short comments about the services.
It’s best to ignore these for now as I’m still learning about the ins and outs of some of them and most likely do them a disservice out of ignorance.

⚪️ Just white means that I have not tested yet.

DISCLAIMER: The table is obviously not complete in any way and based on my personal experiences trying out pretty basic tasks. Sometimes problems are caused by just one single instance and how code is implemented there.
At the same time services get updates and issues I have seen might just magically disappear.
Or new ones appear. 😅


The best place to comment or ask questions about this post is my Mastodon – Testing account: Sylkeweb on Mastodon


mj, to mastodon German
@mj@social.sp-codes.de avatar

Ich startete 2017 mit #GnuSocial ging dann 2018 zu #Mastodon und probierte auch #Pleroma, #diaspora, #Hubzilla, #Misskey, #Calckey und #Friendica aus. Schaute mir, #Plume und #WriteFreely an.

Habe einen Mastodon-Account und einen Backup-Account (auch bei Mastodon), bin bei #Pixelfed, #PeerTube und #BookWyrm.

Von wegen es gibt keine "Alternativen".

stefanm, to internet

Ist das tatsächlich so?
Ich habe mich mal interessehalber für #Bluesky auf die Warteliste setzen lassen, aber seitdem (vor ein paar Wochen) nichts mehr gehört. Außerdem halte ich das ganze Vorhaben von Jack #Dorsey ehrlich gesagt für egoistisch, vielleicht sogar für egomanisch. Er wusste sehr wohl, dass es das #Fediverse bereits gab, und hätte etwas entwickeln (lassen) können, das zumindest #ActivityPub beherrscht. Spricht ja nichts dagegen, wenn es mit eigenen Protokollstandards noch darüber hinaus geht. Das tut beispielsweise auch #Hubzilla. Aber wer nicht bereit ist, existierende #W3C Standards einzuhalten (ActivityPub ist ein W3C-Standard, so wie HTML oder CSS), bastelt letztlich nur ein neues AOL.

kytta, to fediverse
@kytta@fosstodon.org avatar

Users of , , , , , and/or — I need your help!

The next version of will add support for other Fediverse projects. I need to test it, but I don’t have any accounts to do it with. That’s where you come in:

  1. Go to https://beta.s2f.kytta.dev/

  2. Try posting something to your instance

  3. If you get redirected to a working share page, let me know in the replies! If you get an error, send me some info or a screenshot

youronlyone, to fediverse

Latest update: 2023-05-18

🕸️ “The Federated #SNS Timeline” (#Fediverse history). Key events in the #history of federated #socialnetworks.

Q: Who first coined the “fediverse”?

Q: What was the first fediverse #protocol?

Git: https://codeberg.org/ddfon/federated-sns

👉🏾 https://im.youronly.one/techmagus/kb/ddfon/federated-social-network-timeline-2022346/

I hope this consolidated timeline is useful for the community, and writers.

Enjoy! ^_^

#CCBYSA 4.0 International

#FederatedWeb #SocialWeb #Federation #Web3 #Web30 #YourOnlyOne #Misskey #Friendica #Pleroma #Hubzilla #Mastodon #diaspora #ActivityPub #MycelialNetwork #MyceliumNetwork #Mycelial #Mycelium

Crazypedia, to random
@Crazypedia@pagan.plus avatar

has some nice features, i just wish the interface and themes it comes with were a little more polished.

gnulinux, to wordpress German
@gnulinux@social.anoxinon.de avatar

Fediverse-Serie: ActivityPub bei WordPress - einen Blog in ein soziales Netzwerk bringen

Das Plugin implementiert das ActivityPub-Protokoll in einen Word-Press-Blog, was bedeutet, dass Blogbeiträge im Fediverse verfolgt werden können. Darüber hinaus werden Antworten aus dem Fediverse automatisch zu Kommentaren im Blogbeitrag.

#Wordpress #Fediverse #Artikelserie #ActivityPub #Blog #Mastodon #Pleroma #Friendica #Hubzilla #Pixelfed #SocialHome #Misskey #Plugin #Linux


Crazypedia, to random
@Crazypedia@pagan.plus avatar

tthe default theme makes it SO hard to tell what elements are what and where one stops and another beguines

mms, to selfhosted
@mms@emacs.ch avatar

Fellow : how do you move important things (like family photos, as most other things are replaceable) under your own wing and sleep at night? One problem with disc or os and boom, all of it is gone. Like tears in rain.

Is reliable backup all you do?


@mms I don't host in any manner, and have lost irreplaceable photos. I have been thinking if self-hosting and having a live clone of it would work out.

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

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youronlyone, to fediverse
@youronlyone@c.im avatar

The first, original, and true, account portability, #NomadicIdentity, is coming to #ActivityPub!

@news explained it in an easy to understand way, so be sure to read this article.


#Fediverse #MycelialWeb #SocialWeb #SNS #Streams #Hubzilla #Zot #Nomadic #DDFON #ActivityPub2

tallship, to foss


Hi Teri,

I'm writing you because I came across your blog site and thought you may be able to leverage the Fediverse in conjunction with your WordPress site's publishing horsepower.

As a advocate with great enthusiasm for mass adoption, I'd like to suggest a couple of things for you to consider, and the following treatment can also benefit others who also have bridged over to the Fediverse that already have a WordPress installation, or have been looking to deploy one.

  • First, that you think about establishing a Fediverse account other than that of a stock Mastodon instance. Sure, keep your @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social account, just create another account for yourself on a platform that will afford you more options that can facilitate your creative freedom (let's not dissect that word, lolz) to publish posts that are in excess of a paltry 500 characters, along with things like Markup capabilities, Etc. Just a thought. ...

This leads into the next suggestion, ...

  • Second, why not make that account your existing WordPress blog, where you already have a permanent, branded presence and readership? Let's supercharge your WordPress site by making it a full and complete publishing platform completely integrated with the Fediverse.

There's a couple of methodologies, but generally speaking, once you install the ActivityPub plugin any future blog posts are on the Fediverse as well as any other distribution channels you may already have (say, by virtue of having installed the JetPack Social plugin that propagates into the deprecated silo networks).

One method I can recommend is to follow this basic procedure to popularize your blog posts and gain followers - just like you probably have been with the mastodon.social account you already have:

  1. ) If you've already created a new account on a more feature complete platform that's better suited for long form posting, inline images, Etc., like , , any or family fork platform, , or (They all have excellent Markdown support too); simply follow your user account @<username>@terikanefield.com. If not, then simply follow your WordPress Fediverse user account from your existing masto account - which you should do anyway since I gather you have some respectable measure of followers.

2.) Everytime you publish a new news article / blog post on your WordPress site, you'll see it in your stream on your fediverse accounts.

3.) Boost each article from those accounts, your followers will see what you boost in their streams.

4.) encourage them to boost as well and/or comment - you'll see those comments in the reply section of each article on your WordPress site - Awesome!

5.) Now that you have followers of your WordPress user's Fediverse account you should be able to garner more direct interaction on your WordPress site, instead of having to post links to those posts from your mastodon.social account.

  1. ) From your @<username>@terikanefield.com account at your WordPress site, you can now directly interact with your followers, even those who post replies/comments to your articles, whether or not they are a follower of yours.

I'm taking the time to write because I see that you have a relatively decent circulation and engagement between readers and your blog articles, and the more people that see you engaging with others in the Fediverse directly from your WordPress site, the more people are encouraged to Join the Fediverse.

I am, as stated in my profile and also leading in to this, a FOSS and Privacy Advocate.

So here's a couple of links, one to the plugin itself - it's easy to install and deploy. Another older one that's still relevant that shows you how to do the install, and I think that's about it. We'll see ;)

  • WordPress ActivityPub Plugin - This is where you get the plugin
  • HowTo with Video - Really simple, easy install, right from your WordPress admin panel
  • JetPac Social - I'm definitely not a fan of this kind of engagement (with the privacy mining, deprecated, monolithic silo networks), but you do you - it can afford you with even greater reach through syndication, and if you write about the Fediverse, well, ... So much the better!
  • You should also consider following the magnanimous @pfefferle - one of the primary authors of the .

I hope that helps! All the best!


fediverseobserver, to fediverse

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