ErikUden, to random avatar

someone just asked me why i was wearing a mcdonalds logo


@ErikUden @Zergling_man @adiz Err… Neither , , nor are forked from Mastodon. They’re fully compatible with it, but weren’t forked from it.

(I even think the first version of Misskey is even a bit older than Mastodon’s.)

lucy_idk, to fediverse German avatar

liebe fediversefreundis,

könnt ihr mich mal erleuchten was eigentlich dieses ganze zeug mit #misskey #meisskey #foundkey
#calckey #firefish #sharkey #iceshrimp soll?

was sind da die unterschiede und warum gibts da so viele forks? gibts da gossip?


ArtBear, (edited ) to fediverse

So, with there being so many, should we collectively refer to all the different forks of etc as


A partial list here

morethanplanets, to fediverse

Dear , , and users, are links and markdown working for you in apps using the Mastodon API?

For me, apps like moshidon just display raw markdown or link texts without them being clickable...

Mareike2405, to bluesky German avatar

"Bei der nächsten Social-Media-Plattform wird alles anders. Oder: Warum ich mich nicht bei Bluesky anmelde" - meine Gedanken speziell für die Geschichtswissenschaft (aber nicht nur), was man nach der Implosion der Twitter-Community und der Fragmentierung der Social-Media-Landschaft nun tun kann/soll... =>drüben bei Zeitgeschichte Online erschienen


@AndyGER @Ulrich @Mareike2405 ich hatte auch noch keinerlei Probleme mit meinen Firefish-Accounts, die laufen schon sehr lange sehr stabil (wurden seinerzeit von bzw. upgegradet).

boris_pohler, to mastodon German avatar

Warum ?

Ich beobachte aktuell eine große Wanderung von Twitter zu . Vor allem der aktive Kern der Twitterer zieht dahin um.

Mein Frage an Euch: Warum Mastodon und keine der anderen Alternativen?

[Bitte teilen]

brome, to fediverse

Pour appliquer automatiquement une bordure rouge aux images sans alt-text dans , vous pouvez mettre le code suivant dans votre CSS perso (Paramètres > Thème > CSS personnalisé) :

/* Put red border around images without ALT text */
.media img:not([alt]),
.media img[alt=""] {
    outline: 3px solid red;
    outline-offset: -3px;

Ça devrait fonctionner aussi dans ou .

Merci à @nicod pour l'idée et le code original !


don, to fediverse

Die Suche hat bei leider noch die gleichen Probleme wie bei da ist also durchaus noch Potenzial.

Beiträge werden leider auch hier nicht gefunden.

caos, avatar

@don über Antennen werden aber schon auch -Beiträge in gefunden (war in und auch schon so). generell föderiert es allerdings leider mit Lemmy nicht gut, was allerdings wohl an Lemmy liegt. @privateger hatte mal Genaueres rausgefunden

ahriboy, to random avatar

Hello everyone, this will be the last message before I wrap things up and migrate after MKAB's transition to .

MKAB was the introductory instance for me into the World of *key, starting with . @puniko was the one who brought me here starting with my first handle, @zakiuem.

During my journey at MKAB, I've made so many friends.

While MKAB is transitioning to , I would say thank you so very much to puni, @mametsuko, @mayu, @enigmatico, @sugarynips, @iro_miya and other MKAB friends for having me there!

I love you so very much!

testing, to fediverse

foundkey is in key lock mode now ... ​:Blobhaj_Sir_Unhappy:​


brome, to random

Ça sent le sapin pour , dont l'unique dev se retrouve à bosser en solo sur le projet et ne pourra plus offrir que des mises à jour de maintenance. 😕


zakiuem, to random

I haven't migrated my followers from my old account yet.

ahriboy, avatar

@zakiuem I would wait for to support the feature in upcoming versions.

nyan, to random

Hi everynyan! ​:wave1:​

I registered on this instance to talk about my tale as a trans girl
The ​:trans_egg:​ cracked open on 2023/06/24 quite painfully, that’s the cost of having it buried deep in me for closed to two decades
I’m here to talk and exchange freely, not hiding myself and without fear

I wish finding more friends! ​:nanonyan:​

This might be my first ever ​:uwucat:​

ahriboy, avatar

@nyan welcome, but I'm very active on plasmatrap. My account here will be a backup until fully supports follower migration.

gregpak, to random avatar

Hey, new friends/followers! Just a couple of tiny pointers as you try out Mastodon -- I HIGHLY recommend signing in via on the desktop and using the Ivory app for iOS -- both have much better interfaces that'll feel more familiar to Twitter users.


situation is a bit different for all those who are on calckey, foundkey and pleroma: all three of them boast non-federated chats, with calckey and foundkey chats being interoperable

asahi_95, to random

Honestly, I feel much safer on, it's my little comfy space :blobcathug:

ahriboy, avatar

@asahi_95 once fully supports follower moves, I can leave MKAB for Plasma Trap later.

Stellar, to random avatar

i can't fucking upload any media, now its not juts i takes 30 tries to upload it, it straight up doesn't work anymore. gonna add this to the giant pile of stuff that doesn't work on this software. i think the only thing i can do now i post text, boost and react.

ahriboy, avatar

@Stellar is broken sometimes

ahriboy, avatar

@Stellar the instability of , has degraded the use of MKAB as a daily driver. So I went to as a better option.

youronlyone, to lemmyworld in Is more active than

First, welcome to the #Fediverse! I'm glad you found your way in the #ActivityPub-based “federation network”.

So, wait… what are these terminologies? And what exactly is the “Fediverse”?

Think of it like this:

  • Name: Web
  • Protocol: HTTP
  • Browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Naver Whale

Then you have the Fediverse:

All these “fediverse browsers”, like Lemmy and Kbin, are commonly referred to as fediverse software. (extra info: Wikipedia calls Lemmy, Kbin, and similar answers-type or Threads-type software as “Link-aggregators”.)

There is no “Mastodon network”. There is no “mastoverse”. There is no “threadiverse”. There is no “Threadinet”, or whichever -verse / -network people are coming up with.

Any software that is using the ActivityPub protocol is part of the “Fediverse network”. Just like how any software that uses the HTTProtocol is part of the Web.

That clear so far?

Now, we go to your question.

Q: I moved to and have noticed that has been popping up as another featured instance. What differs from vs Is .ml more active? and are called instances (the terminology used to refer to a fediverse server/service). These two are only two out of many fediverse instances available. In paritcular, these two instances are only two out of probably a hundred Lemmy-based instances available.

What differs between the two? As far as features and functionalities go, none. Since these two Lemmy-based instances are using the same software, they have the same set of features. The only difference would be if one instance fell behind in Lemmy version upgrades.

Since is one of two flaship servers of the Lemmy software project, naturally it will get the bulk of registrations and content.

For example, before the Reddit Migration, there were already existing communities for many similar Subreddits, and many of those are in and are very active. So, when Subreddits started to migrate, some chose and other lemmy instances. Which allowed to catch up with the number of users and number of active communities that already have. AND, some of these are about the same topics/fandom.

So… yep, that's the detailed explanation. ^_^

I hope I wasn't confusing.

vmstan, to random

"Michael, are you going to offer a version of Lemmy or kbin?!”

No. As has been stated before, I'm all in on Mastodon. But I want all flavors of Fediverse enabled app, so I have zero problems with supporting other peoples instances when I know they're good.

For kbin, you should look at which is run by @jerry

For Lemmy, take a look at which is run by @ruud

I'm sure there are other great options, but I know these two know their stuff.

ahriboy, avatar

@octofloofy @kainoa @vmstan Calckey is great! I just hope that would fully add account migrations so I can leave for Calckey later.

ahriboy, avatar

@octofloofy @kainoa @vmstan Calckey is great! I just hope that would fully add account migrations so I can leave for Calckey later.

ahriboy, to random avatar

Actually, I was planning to make as my new main, but isn't ready for account migrations yet, so I would stay here longer.

kainoa, to random

goodbye, reddit. cant say Ill miss you, although you did help me through some awkward teen years.


ahriboy, avatar

@ciela @kainoa yeah, but I'm still using as my main until it fully supports account migration, then I can leave MKAB later.

ahriboy, to random avatar

So I asked the dev about account moves then... It's not planned yet for now.

thor, to random avatar

suspended a user who's been here for quite a while. i had neglected to check on reports for a while since i don't get too many and this one user had like 20 reports, and he was telling people to kill themselves or hang themselves.

ahriboy, avatar

@thor @LupusGelupus , and have the feature. is expected to feature account migration later.

edendestroyer, to random

Im having a really hard time opening CWs on ( fork) on (). I tap on them and they just wont open. I have to go to the original instance of the post for it to work


@edendestroyer Foundkey is a Misskey fork. Calckey has some elements of Foundkey added to it. You're probably better asking a dev what's changed to bring about this behaviour.

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