sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

Ch 9 Nbr 09 — What's the minimum time you can work on your writing? Do you need a long, clear period?

This isn't something I've ever measured, though I can recall having an idea of something to add and, because of the ease of bringing up my writing on any platform, spending a few furious minutes writing. Left to my druthers, I will spend hours. Once I spent 15 hours straight, but that was because of a deadline (Clarion critique the next morning) and a story (fantasy romance) where the characters demanded I live their story. 2 to 4 hours is average.

Were I to need to clear a long period to write, I'd never write.

More to the point for me, I really need to clear my mind. Anxiety tries to creep in. To the extent I push that aside and quiet the monkey voice in my head long enough to let the words fill the blank page, time simply does not matter.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


maxthefox, to writing
@maxthefox@spacey.space avatar

The third chapter of Stardust: Labyrinth is out! After the tense situation from Ch.2 is resolved, the heroes finally reach the ruins. What they find inside, and what they have to do, is not quite what they expected. This will be an... interesting mission.


dilmandila, to books
@dilmandila@mograph.social avatar

Author copies arrived of this bulky anthology of African ghost stories. Now I can say that my story was published in the same book as the legend, Amos Tutuola!

@bookstodon @blackmastodon

sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

309 — How is your MC or SC with animals?

Did you write this question especially for me?

Wintereyes (the MC) is great with beasts, magical, monstrous, and mundane. She /befriends/ them, which without revealing spoilers means they get along very well with her. Being friends with animals she may well eat does make for an interesting personal philosophy.

Caramello (the SC) has never had to get along with animals, but he does have some familiarity with dolphins as a sailor and birds as a Crab Islander. However, him wanting Wintereyes as a girlfriend, he is learning to tolerate them more than he would have ever imagined. Not only is she worth the effort, it may save his life.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

308 — What is one place your characters want to visit?

I'm going to take this as a euphemism.

The MC is employed by her main antagonist, who is an absolute ruler. Theoretically, the MC is second in command, but reality begs to differ. One of the reasons the MC accepted the troubleshooter job is that the MA informed her that her supposedly dead father is actually a political prisoner in a nearby country. In the back of her mind, the MC wonders whether she can use some of the MA's power to pay certain miscreant warlords a nasty visit...

This is a possible sequel I've set up in the current story by having the MC befriend a very talented up and coming military officer.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

#PennedPossibilities 307 — Does your MC have next-door neighbors? Who are they?

The main antagonist. This is the person she once considered as the person who ruined her life. She once worked for someone whose stated goal was assassinating her, and didn't care if they succeeded. For the last few months, the MC lived in a roommate situation that made them neighbors. Her roommate was being trained by the main antagonist, but also had a bad relationship with her. Their proximity was always a background tension in the story. In the current story, the MC is now working for the main antagonist and understands the MA's "evil" reasons better, but still dislikes her. The MC could ask for her own suite, free of charge, in the same building but is planning on taking her new salary to live elsewhere.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]

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sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

306 — Are there any characters that you WISH you killed off in a series or standalone story?

Let's say, not exactly. I've had to write sequels and prequels and side stories because of feisty characters, but in the end I don't regret these.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

Ch 9 Nbr 08 — When writing technical or scientific detail, how much is plausible versus imagined?

Everything in a story must come across as plausible, full stop. It doesn't matter whether it is imagined or factual. This is as true for writing technical or scientific detail as it is for writing about social interactions. Here's my secret sauce recipe:

  1. If I don't or can't understand the details necessary for the story, I don't write it. I won't write a story about a convenience store clerk because I don't know what that is like, nor am I willing to commit the brain cells to learn. This is one of the reasons I write fantasy and not mainstream or historical stories.
  2. If I understand in layman's terms, I rely on subject matter expert characters to relate what's necessary. For example, I wouldn't explain in a story how the combustion engine works any more than I would explain how the star drive works. I rely on my mechanic, who at the most technical says I replaced a part and here's the bill.
  3. If I am making up the details—which can be how the magic works or the social details for a society that exists only in my head—I rely on consistency and limits to build plausibility.
  4. If something minor occurs that I can't explain, I lampshade it—I hide the bare electric bulb with pretty fabric enough so that the characters in the story believe what happened is plausible. Generally, readers will accept this. See item 6.
  5. If I end up researching something for the story, as I did to write a story about prizefighter, I present only the technical details I know and use items 2 and 4 otherwise. Yes, I learned how to punch a speed bag and train as a fighter, but I'm not one. Since the story involved "mixed magical martial arts," I made s**t up, also, which is item 3.
  6. Most importantly, I work to not stretch the reader's credulity and base everything I can in the common reality the reader shares with me. This promotes plausibility.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


kvillyard, to books
@kvillyard@wandering.shop avatar

Is your TBR pile not big enough yet? Enter to win 20 books and a Kindle Fire to read them on! FREE BOOKS!


@bookstodon @bookstodon

sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2405.04 — How does your SC deal with failure?

Try different ways to get what she wants until frustration sets in, followed by anger, followed by doing something stupid.

When all the hauling companies in her home prefecture blacklisted her not simply for being female, but for being female while being persistent, she may or may not have thrown a brick through some windows and turned over some vehicles. She ran from the constables. She got tricked in another city into thinking she could earn quick money hauling questionable things to start her own company. She got blackmailed into the mob. She's still saving, for that day she might escape.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

Ch 9 Nbr 06 — Have you ever copied a piece from another book or a movie as a homage to that work?

Homage? Special honor or respect to? No. Pop references? Easter egg references? Yes.


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

305 — Are there any characters of yours that you wound up HATING once you were finished with a story or WIP?

Taking a cue from @floofpaldi on how to answer this one, I have characters that are HATEFUL but none that I hate. I'm not to a Conan Doyle level that I can hate a character so much that I want to kill off my Sherlock Holmes.

Occasional hateful characters are great fun to write and pit against my MC. She ticks off one misogynist prizefighter during a press interview where her trainer presents her as a contender. An off-handed remark. He becomes her boogeyman, but he's stupidly angry, obviously uses steroids, blurts racist epithets, and gets used by others as muscle. The time he attacks her on a crowded public street, she manages to get him to trip into traffic where he breaks his legs. She walks off with her "Starbucks" she'd put down on a newspaper rack to deal with him.

Another time he ambushes her in a quiet neighborhood midday when nobody is around. His first punch to the head renders her unable to use magic part of her martial art and leaves her stumbling. He fights only with brawn. He wants to kill her. How could you hate a character on character setup like that?

She defeats him with a child's wooden pull toy. Anymore would be spoilers.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


maxthefox, to writing
@maxthefox@spacey.space avatar

The second chapter of Stardust: Labyrinth is out! After sorting out some issues and being faced with the discovery of the ruins, the five archeologists depart towards the planet in their landing craft. The planet turns out to be less tranquil than it seems...


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

304 — How did your MC feel about friendships growing up? How do they feel about them now?

This one is easy. She was betrayed by a boy she thought was her soulmate at age eight. She distrusts friendship full stop.

She's learning how wrong she was now, and seems to be taking the advanced course in the subject with multiple boyfriends and people who intensely value and support her. Hearing someone loves her more than life itself, she of course commits herself to a deadly confrontation to save him, herself, and his attempted murderer.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


jamesbow, to random
@jamesbow@mastodon.online avatar

If you haven't already, I hope you'll support my latest Kickstarter project.


On August 4, 2151, the world will end. It's been a long time coming: climate disasters brewing conflict, conflict breeding chaos. But on that fateful day, someone will set off the nukes. On August 4, 2151, human civilization on Earth will fall silent.

sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

Ch 9 Nbr 03 — Does your work include pictures, maps or other custom graphics? Share your pics.

For my current WiP, I decided I could afford two covers (and actually paid for three). They depict two events from the story:

  1. The very special glare a minor antagonist favors the main character with in a throne room when she subtly insults her.
  2. The cliché embarrassing hot moment when one of the two love interests pushes the heroine/MC up against the wall, smacks arms to either side of her face, and kisses her deeply.

The novel /is/ a romance, amongst other things. Since I do my own titling, I'm including the untitled images in the relevant chapters.

In another novella with alternate covers that had little to do with the text, I did include in one chapter the artfully bloody piece of cover art, untitled of course. Yeah, he (the MC) uses a martial art that favors sharp edges.

For /reasons,/ I am not sharing any of these images. Sorry. However...

For one online fantasy novelette that had the vibe of a Theodore Sturgeon story, I bought a stock art image. It's of a katana amidst cherry blossoms. The MC is a seven year old Japanese girl sucked unwittingly into a fantasy world. Her misunderstanding of the semantics of the magic creates the sword, which she wields in the story. But it's her misunderstanding of the semantics (i.e., kid logic) that also defeats her antagonist... maybe. I used the art for the cover design. I've used crops of the image for emphasis and chapter breaks in this extra-long short story. See images.

(/Update: I learned my image posting service timed out my images. Thanks to this question, I am now repairing the story. I really need to host my own images.../)

I did include a map in a published book, as discussed in the linked Ch5 Nbr 13 reply to this prompt series. You're welcome to click the link (https://eldritch.cafe/@sfwrtr/111750589349655437) and favorite both posts. 😇

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


dance_along_the_edge, to sciencefiction
@dance_along_the_edge@socel.net avatar

Virgil Finlay illustration for “On the Storm Planet” by Cordwainer Smith from Galaxy Science Fiction, February 1965. #FinlayFriday

#VirgilFinlay #CordwainerSmith #Turtle #GalaxyScienceFiction #ScienceFiction #SF #SFF @sciencefiction

ergative, to animals
@ergative@wandering.shop avatar

FYI, friendos, if you have a UK-based Netgalley account, this MASTERPIECE of title + cover design is now available:

(I haven't read it yet, but I'M GOING TO!!)



dilmandila, to movies
@dilmandila@mograph.social avatar

Yesterday, for supporting my robot film, I rewarded patrons with a stylized wallpaper of a pied kingfisher sitting on a leafless branch (looks like a stick suspended in air). The foreground, bird and branch, is monochrome, the background is pale yellow. (Okay, alt-texting has taught me how to describe images, you get the picture?)

If you have a spare dollar, support


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

303 — Is your SC one to be haunted by adversity, or to use what they've gone through to become stronger?

I was going to answer only stronger, but because it is true, I'll answer haunted. She calls him /The Monster,/ and he savaged her, but from that experience she learned she could fight, and win, and never be chattel again. She refers to The Monster often, comparing her current actions to that paradigm of evil, and sometimes finding herself wanting. She's not what is often called /good./ Those who know her say she has a death wish. Once, when she thought she'd murdered in an act of enraged vengeance, she tried to stab herself at the source of her magic in her guilt. She's since then experienced and reacted to other things. Bad, things. She remembers. When she encounters situations in the current work that remind her of how she became stronger, they haunt her as she fights to make surviving her past worthwhile to those she helps in the present.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2405.02 — What are your MC’s living conditions like? Are they better or worse than average?

Wow, this question! A bit of background: I wrote the original novella, then wrote a prequel novel based on the history in the first story, then retconned the novella, worsened the situation and followed it with new events to make it a novel, /then/ wrote the sequel. It's her life story, now.

In this last story, the answer to this question is the running joke. The new work takes place over three days. She starts having been living with a fellow student, an ever-seeking-male-companionship elite who months ago offered her a free roommate situation—so long as the MC slept with her in the same bed (and her new roommate only sleeps well being held). The next day it's the couch after the MC is reunited with a former coworker (bodyguard) whom she introduces to her elite roommate. They hit it off. Noisily. All night long! The next night, not wanting a repeat performance, she connives to spend a (satisfying) night with her new boyfriend in "palatial" digs in the Residency where the main antagonist lives, but is currently out on a military adventure. Having reconciled with a childhood friend, the subsequent night she ends up on his bed, in a Residency guest suite, sleeping with him and a pile of thaumaturgy books they nerded out over. She regrets not having had more fun with him, but he's too sweet and obviously not ready for that. The next day, she's fighting for her life in a hospital.

Her living conditions are way above average, arguably superior.

Previous Living Conditions

  • Born in a nice house in an obscure village
  • Raised in a newly built mansion for a newly titled elite (her)
  • Homeless for months, having run away, living in encampments and wandering the east coast
  • Big city hostel for over a year
  • Gangland trainer's nice apartment with separate beds
  • Boarding house with aspects of a brothel, where she must defend herself
  • Leased a one room dance studio where she sleeps on a mat between a wall of open windows and a wall of mirrors, having no need of further furniture
  • A series of high line hotel and mansion rooms owned the Doña she works for
  • Homeless
  • A tenement room she makes her own, detailed in this short Mastodon post titled, Where Most Comfortable: https://eldritch.cafe/@sfwrtr/109826357405137553
  • Roommate situation at the top of this post

As for the homelessness, she was moving around without money while hiding her identity, and rarely stayed long. The worst was trying to sleep under eaves in the city during storms; she didn't always have a tent. Regardless, it qualifies as below average living conditions for a total of about a year. It did focus her like of asceticism.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


InterzoneMag, to random
@InterzoneMag@mastodon.online avatar


In this issue: stories by Seán Padraic Birnie, E.G. Condé, Rachael Cupp, Roby Davies, Matt Hollingsworth, Prashanth Srivatsa, and R. Wren; columns by Alexander Glass, Nick Lowe, Val Nolan, and Aliya Whiteley; and book reviews by Gautam Bhatia, Zachary Gillan, Kelly Jennings, Paul Kincaid, Giselle Leeb, and Val Nolan. The cover art, SIBILANCE, is by Carly A-F.

Subscriptions and issues direct from IZ


sfwrtr, (edited ) to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

302 — What is the one thing your SC desires most in the world?

Caramello, aka Caramel-eyes, né [unpronounceable polysyllabic tropical islander name], is the last son of the Chieftain. He is the last in the succession. He's been "exiled" to the Endless Island (the mainland) to avoid his siblings after his father is murdered. What he desires most is to be forgotten. No scratch that. What he desires the most is that his mother, the Chieftain's second wife, survive what he fears is going on right now...

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R.S.]


sfwrtr, to 13thFloor
@sfwrtr@eldritch.cafe avatar

2405.01 — Introduce your setting as if it’s a character in your story.

[/Well, I decided to jump ahead in the WiP and write what might be the start of the next chapter. The title may be named: You Have Mail. Pardon the Dickensian texture; this is a first draft. —RS/]

I never expected a human habitation to feel as protective as my dorm room did. Sure, my lodgepole tent protected me through the blizzardy winters in the Fell Wood, as it did the wolf pack that had adopted me. I provided the tent, though. I repaired it, stored it, and raised it year after year. I maintained the cooking fire for all the wolves and cubs. It was I who was being protective, not it—or so it felt.

My dorm room wanted me to know that for the next few years, at least, it existed solely to protect /me,/ to comfort /me./ Increasingly, it did so as I added memories. Mother Wolf and I used one of the two small beds, the left one, piled with fuzzy brown blankets as needed or clothed with luxurious white cotton sheets that felt cool against cheek or jowl. Since I was tasked with the cleaning instead of the dorm servants, my room smelled of us, faintly of yeast, sweat, and a wolf that occasionally hunted rabbits but favored the cafeteria's pasture-beast stew.

The little red iron stove kept us warm through winter; the room's wood panel walls kept us shaded from the hot summer sun. It lovingly provided a rare enclosure—almost like walking within the orange and white rock walls of the slot canyons of the south woods—creating a remarkable silence in a land of noisy humans and huffing machines. This and its soft radiant cloud-light ceiling made me feel... what? Swaddled? Like being /home,/ as my parents would have used the word back on the farm when I was a child. My spirit books, fashion magazines, and papers cluttered the worn ink-stained blond pine desk. I ran my bare feet over the oval tapestry rug letting the patterns of wands and dryad trees caress my toes. My skin stuck to the cushy tan leather chair as I stood, but I knew that was it hugging me.

Situated to the rear of the building on the first floor, the casement window at the end of the rectangular space opened to the clay roof of a shed. Crisp autumn breezes fluttered the gauzy drapes as I looked out at the barrier forest beyond the stables, lit by the setting sun. The window conveniently allowed Mother Wolf to jump up, as she did right now, and clatter into the room as she pleased. She greeted me with an ever-wet red tongue on my face and backside. (A white wolf opening the front door of the women's dorm, with a key in her mouth, and walking in always frightened at least one student or professor. People called me their Wild Woman, but still never got used to the implications of the name.)

Best of all, as the special guest of Her Highness, nobody dared inspect my room. Everyone knocked, no exceptions. Wolf inside, right? Framed pictures of my boyfriend hung suspended by single powder blue silk ribbons, and they were /very/ inappropriate. Looking at him warmed me deeply, reminding me of being /us,/ together—so I didn't care that my foolish "civilized" human brethren might think. People existed to enjoy themselves, regardless of what nosy people might say. This room supported me as I lived here, trapped in the Townships because circumstance required me to learn to be "more human" as Her Highness was fond of saying. My little supportive enclave encouraged me to be me, and allowed me to dress or not dress as I pleased behind its closed oaken door.

When the House Mother knocked, I simply threw on a dressing gown. I turned the pictures around before answering—to be respectful. It tickled me that she never asked why I always smiled when I opened the door.

[Author retains copyright (c)2024 R..S.]


dilmandila, to writing
@dilmandila@mograph.social avatar

I have finally finished a novel that I have been writing since 2017 (I think I am now done!?) so wondering what the way forward is. Agent? Big Five/Four? But I would really prefer a reputable small press publisher (maybe Big Small Press😁), so going to knock on doors again. If there is any you know that is open for submissions, I'll appreciate the tip.

It is a science fiction/fantasy story.

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