nix, to Matrix avatar

First week of is coming to an end. My blogpost will be a few days late because I'll be camping for the but I'm excited by what's already happening.

Also, the is nicely active! A lot of discussion about how to use more ! Join us at:

downey, to Matrix avatar

:fdroid: Happy ! What apps have you found useful this week?

📸 A lot of people like to take and share them with specific family or friends over time. If you want to do this without Big Tech in the way, check out .

It's still technically in Beta, but works great. It runs entirely over the protocol and uses encrypted rooms to manage your sharing and commenting. You can use their homeserver, or your own existing one.

socialnetwork, to Matrix Italian avatar

Sulla stanza matrix di è possibile leggere l'inchiesta di Panorama sul crollo dei social di massa e l'emergere di nuove realtà.

L'articolo è presente anche nella cartella "condivisa" del cloud di (nextcloud).

Se non siete ancora nella stanza matrix o nel cloud nextcloud potete chiedere un invito a @amministratore 👍

MishaVelthuis, to foss avatar

"Governments: please route taxpayer money to support the maintenance (not just features!) of open source projects that your country depends upon, before it’s too late."

@DigitaleOverheid @forumstandaardisatie @gemeenteamsterdam @waag @matrix

przemysleniamaniaka, to Matrix Polish avatar

„Matrix: Zmartwychwstania”, czyli ostatni do tej pory film z serii „Matrix”, to dla mnie obraz doskonały na wielu poziomach. Lana Wachowski wspaniale rozwija w nim motywy z oryginalnej trylogii, a ponadto pozwala sobie na inteligentny metatekstualny komentarz. Nie mógłbym sobie wymarzyć lepszego powrotu do tej serii. Ani lepszego jej zakończenia. Dlatego z lekkim niepokojem przyjąłem zapowiedzi prac nad kolejnym filmem. Drew Goddard, który zaczynał swoją scenopisarską przygodę w uniwersum „Buffy”, a jego reżyserskie umiejętności mogliśmy podziwiać w „Domku w głębi lasu” oraz „Źle się dzieje w El Royale”, podobno tak zachwycił swoim pomysłem władze Warner Bros., że te natychmiast zgodziły się go zrealizować. Tym samym dostaniemy pierwszego „Matrixa”, w który nie będą bezpośrednio zaangażowane siostry Wachowskie (Lana będzie tylko producentką wykonawczą). Lubię Goddarda, ale mam obawy. A Wy? Jesteście ciekawi tego projektu?

DenisMeuthen, to conservative avatar

I'm happy to announce today that I was elected as the newest outstanding new PI by a worldwide group of more than 2500 assistant professors. My interview can be found here
#ecology #evolution

boud, avatar

@DenisMeuthen @academicchatter

Contrary to popular belief, = is not supported by the evidence.

Ethical alternatives to include the or . No need to centralise on a single server or depend on non-free software.

mookie, to movies avatar

1999: The Matrix
2003: The Matrix Reloaded
2003: The Matrix Revolutions
2021: The Matrix Resurrections
202X: The Matrix Really?!

downey, to Matrix avatar

"You have to understand, we’re responsible for taxpayer money here. We can’t just make a donation to your open source project."

— a national government who relies on when being asked to support it financially

Read more about the problem and some initiatives that are responding to it:

matrix, (edited ) to Matrix avatar

Open source infrastructure must be a publicly funded service, and funders need to support maintenance – not just new feature development 📣

This is on our minds this week in the wake of the #xz news, and as we continue to seek funding to support #Matrix.

Read the latest from project lead, @matthew:

#OpenSource #FOSS #OpenStandards

futuroprossimo, to Matrix Italian avatar

Il destino di Matrix si biforca di nuovo: sta per partire il cantiere di un quinto episodio, e senza le Wachowski in regia. La tana del bianconiglio è vuota, o questa storia ha ancora qualcosa da dire? Vi anticipo quello che so e quello che penso.

Marco63, avatar

@futuroprossimo già il terzo episodio faceva acqua da tutte le parti ed era abbastanza inutile. Insomma, di Matrix ce n'è solo uno, il Primo.

br00t4c, to random avatar
MugsysRapSheet, avatar

The 2nd & 3rd movies simply destroyed any chance of a decent franchise.

The sequels had none of the mind-bending plot line that made the original an instant classic.

They (kinda/sorta) took my advice with the (poorly laid out) 4th movie. I said the FIRST sequel "should have put Neo back in the 'real-world' questioning if the Matrix was a dream or were The Machines trying to trick him into thinking it was all just a dream.

The ONLY plot for a 5th movie now would be a prequel.

ChristianKrebel, to Matrix avatar

And another one 💊 let's hope it's better than the 4th

piko, to Matrix German avatar

Hi, !
Which matrix clients would you suggest for total beginners (on linux or mac or windows)? Easy to use, with few (or well-hidden) features?

Are there reasons for or against certain servers?

(I'm going to host a python class and want to provide an easy way to communicate for the students...) (And I don't know a lot about matrix...)


erlend, to Matrix avatar

In the glory days of web 1.0, social websites would prominently link out to their digital neighbors via lists known as webrings; magical doorways to an expansive hinterland of digital villages.

Let's envision what a truly federated chat like #Matrix could do to improve the cross-connectivity of chat channels. Most of these features are already possible, they just haven't been implemented yet in a community-oriented client experience.

#CommuneApp #fediverse #community

HotChilliIM, to Matrix German avatar

Access to the #XMPP server and the #Matrix server are currently limited because the primary IPv4 address was blocked by the provider due to #DDoS. Checking the server revealed no abnormalities and we have applied for unblocking.

pleia2, to Matrix avatar

If I install a text-based client to run under screen, am I doing it wrong? 😅

Truthfully, I'm still clinging to IRC.

The fragmentation between all the graphical clients on Slack, Mattermost, and Discord means I don't regularly log into any of them, and I don't know what do do about this.

What are you doing, dear :mastodon: pals?

joshuagrochow, to Matrix avatar

No one defines a #matrix as "a thing that transforms like a matrix". Why define tensors that way?

Array=numbers in a (possibly high-dim) grid
Matrix=array representation of a linear map* in a chosen basis
Tensor=array representation of a multilinear map in a chosen basis

(* or linear endomorphism, or bilinear function, but we'll get there.)

Vectors=1-tensors, but not all 1-index arrays are vectors
Matrices=2-tensors, but not all 2-ary arrays are matrices

Similarly, not all k-ary arrays are tensors. Some examples:

Christoffel symbols aren't a tensor because they aren't (multi)linear in all of their arguments.

Most "tensors" in #MachineLearning #AI aren't tensors b/c they aren't multilinear - they are just multi-dim arrays of numbers. To say an array is (or represents) a tensor is to endow it with additional multilinear structure, same as with arrays vs matrices vs linear structure.


#tensors #matrix #algebra

joshuagrochow, avatar

Now, how do we get the whole "a tensor is a thing that transforms like a tensor"? Well, let's start with matrices. How a matrix changes under change of basis tells you what kind of multilinear thing the matrix is representing, and the same is true of tensors. Examples:

If a matrix M represents a linear map L:V→W, then when we change basis in V by an invertible matrix A in GL(V), and change basis in W by an invertible B in GL(W), then M changes to B M A^{-1} (where I'm writing my inputs as column vectors on the right).

In contrast, if a matrix M represents a linear endomorphism L:V→V, then when we change basis in V by an invertible matrix A in GL(V), M becomes AMA^{-1}.

If a matrix M represents a bilinear map V⊗V→F (by (x,y)→x^t M y), then under change of basis A^{-1}, M becomes A^t M A.


joshuagrochow, avatar

How the matrix transforms is "equivalent data" to "what kind of multilinear thing the matrix represents."


joshuagrochow, avatar

e.g. if I tell you I have a matrix M and under change of basis it transforms as A^t M A, then I know it's representing a bilinear map of the form V⊗V→F. etc.

Similarly, if I tell you what kind of multilinear "thing" a tensor T is representing, then that tells you how it transforms under change of basis, and vice versa. For 3-tensors, there are several natural possibilities (up to permuting indices):

U⊗U⊗U→F (trilinear map)
U⊗V→W (bilinear map)
U⊗U→V (bilinear map)
U⊗V→U (linear action of V on U)
U⊗U→U (algebra, not nec. associative)
U→U⊗V (coaction)
U→U⊗U (coalgebra, not nec. coassociative)


mrdk, avatar

@joshuagrochow “No one defines a as ‘a thing that transforms like a matrix’” — maybe because in order to define a transformation, you already need to have a matrix? 🤔

linus, to Matrix avatar

is there a way to force fetching all encryption keys (i.e. what I think happens automatically when scrolling up in the history) without doing that manually in / some other client? Or is my understanding of how this works incorrect? :boost_ok:

tedomum, to Matrix French avatar

Bonjour tout le monde. La mauvaise blague du jour, c'est un gros incident sur nos BDD.

A l'origine, un souci d'espace disque sur un serveur à l'étroit, et une suite très malheureuse d'actions d'admin qui nous emmènent à reconstruire des bases.

La bonne nouvelle, c'est que nous n'avons pas perdu de données en première étude, que 90% des services sont de retour et qu'on termine le plus gros ce soir. La mauvaise, c'est que va prendre encore une journée à remettre debout.

forsaken, to random

What do you think the future of XMPP will be like? I think it might be the protocol I enjoy using the most



> What do you think the future of XMPP will be like? I think it might be the protocol I enjoy using the most

Interesting, and refreshing, to see optimistic XMPP thoughts on, I guess, adoption? After 25 years?

People have been proclaiming the death of Jabber/XMPP for many a moon, yet its utility and existence just below the surface of mainstream awareness remains healthy. Yes, it is sometimes thought of as long forgotten, and no, it's not losing any um, ... Market share, so to speak.

For most things, and especially as a chat/communications platform between people, I migrated away and onto other solutions, leaving it alone and largely dormant for nearly two decades; yet it has always been part of my infra - mostly just between me and machines I've managed (notifications mostly).

I think part of the reason for it being so summarily dismissed was due to the rise of things like AIM, YIM, etc., and its perceived 'death knells', following Google's choice to (at least publicly) migrate away from it in the course of killing some of their public services.

More significantly however, IMO, were the abhorrently ugly and unintuitive UIs most chat clients sported - I'll call that era the time when XMPP clients mostly appeared like something you'd see on Angelfire or GeoCities web pages - before the MySpace and subsequent early Faceplant years following the breakage of the Pimp my Myspace page phenomina.

Like Samuel Clemens, once stated, ... "The report of my death was an exaggeration." If XMPP were itself able to express such sentiment, I believe it certainly would, lolz.

XMPP is simple to use, fast, secure (not by default), and by creating a situation where the user is transparently ignoring the JID + "/resource" and numerical priority that served to constantly confuse laypersons with multiple devices, the neo-adoption of XMPP and the introduction of 'pretty' clients has to a large degree, made it seem as if XMPP is something that is rather novel in the communications (chat) sector.

Clients like Conversations, at least on the platform, have enabled this renaissance. There's also more desktop clients that sport a good look (pretty), offering an intuitive UX.

Is it going to be the next great thang? Doubtful. As @silverpill stated:

> I think It will remain a small network, unless something really bad happens to matrix (its main competitor).

... There's that elephant in the room.

On the other hand, for those of us who were early adopters of the hopeful protocol, the promise hasn't quite been realized as expected, and further, it's been rife with disappointments - How many times have I myself integrated Matrix into system monitoring infrastructure only to feel that dissapointment?

XMPP doesn't offer me that - it works, every fucking time, fast, and I need it fast. I need to be able to call my customers and tell them that there's a problem and that I'm working on a fix before they even know there's a problem. I can plugin Zabbix, Observium, Nagios, Cacti, , etc., and when I hear that cacaphony of an alarm in the middle of the night, know that I need to get out of bed and start putting out fires.

I use Matrix - daily, all the time. But when people close to me ask which one of my non-email contact methods is best (besides actually calling me on the phone), I let them in on a little secret - "If you really need to get a hold of me, like, right now, and want my undivided attention when some IM pings me, then use my Jabber address". It's the first thing I check when I wake up, and I don't even usually check Matrix (it's mostly just for discussions and private chats nowadays anyway in my work flow).

Do I care if it's going to be the next great thing? Well, I prolly, when thinking about it, would prefer that it not be - Here's why:

  • Mass adoption by my friends and colleagues who I converse with would only serve to dilute the priority to which I assign my communications
  • Migrating from Matrix (or something else) to XMPP for my virtual social interactions would prolly spur me towards wishing I had a dumb beeper again on my belt, lolz.
  • Sure, I can take advantage of different JIDs/resources, and even install separate XMPP clients if I wished, but managing different alert sounds, etc., and, ... Basically just complicating something that is so simple and effective the way I use it now kinda defeats the purpose of having a (mostly) dedicated interface between me and my boxes :p

Well, that's my 2 cents ;) and of course, my XMPP addy is in my profile if someone wants a priority chan to rattle my cage - but please do use as a matter of practice, even untrusted e2ee is better than clear text and I believe that we should, whenever practical, use encryption by default....... because. Just because :)


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