matrix, (edited ) to Matrix avatar

Introducing the nominees for our first ever Governing Board elections 🎉 We are grateful to everyone who has raised their hands, and are positively overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and vision expressed by our nominees:

Get to know the candidates, and get ready: voting begins on May 18th.

zalasur, to fediverse avatar

Today it's a technology stream! I'll be setting up a Synapse server and will try to get it federated.

Once we get this done, my next stream will be.... drum roll Dwarf Fortress!

WestphalDenn, to telegram German avatar

Nachdem ziemlich eindeutig Nazisymbolik im letzten "Hey guck mal wie tol wir sind"-Pitch verwendet hat, gehen mir langsam die barrierefreien Messenger aus. Die Partnerin und ich überlegen, es mal mit zu versuchen und sind etwas erschlagen davon, wo man anfängt. Selbst hosten ist zumindest momentan keine Option. Wo ist es denn angenehm?

zalasur, to Matrix avatar

I might finally do a technical stream this weekend. But instead of coding the goal for me will be to set up #Synapse and hook up to the #Matrix. I tried this before but got stuck on the mail server setup step, but I've been told there are other options so I guess we'll give this another go.

Will I finally divorce myself from #Discord? Probably not, but this is a good first step and if I can get this to work, then I can finally delete my server from that cursed network! 😂

josh, to Matrix avatar

Pssst. Mark your calendars: the first annual Matrix Conference will be held in Berlin from September 19-22.

(... and yes, that is immediately following the which is being held in Vienna.)

snoopy, (edited ) to Matrix

Automattic (Wordpress) rachète Beeper (Matrix)


I’m excited to announce that Beeper has been acquired by Automattic. This acquisition marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter as we continue our mission to create the best chat app on earth.

Pour info, beeper est une app qui permet de creer facilement des ponts sur les messagerie comme telegram, signal, whatsapp, sms. Sous Element (app matrix), l'option etait un peu technique ou il faut avoir un abo sur Element One...enfin toute les étapes qu'une personne normale ne ferait pas. Beeper simplifie cela.

En tout cas, c'est un gros changement dans le paysage des tchats. Automattic (wordpress) était déjà interessé par Matrix en 2020 :

Et je me disais qu'Element allait gagner en maturité, fonctionalités et je l'avais suggéré à mon équipe pour un résultat en demi-teinte, trop tot car pas super aboutti.

Et je pense que cette acquisition va bousculer un peu le paysage, nottament pour whatsapp. Reste que matrix a encore besoin de finition.

axx, to random avatar

Well done. Facebook (sorry, "Meta"): "Reality Labs has now lost more than $45 billion since the end of 2020, when Meta first began reporting the business segment separately."

Yes, billion with a B.

That's an insane amount of money. I don't even want to go into the whole "think how many hospitals could have been funded with that money".

On the upside, they are consistent in their idiocy and i was wrong to say they'd quietly stopped investing in it. Nope, still going.

axx, avatar

Quick reminder that @element built a metaverse that works better than anything Facebook has shown, for a fraction of the investment, and built entirely on free and open source technology including @matrix :

ftdl, (edited ) to mastodon Polish avatar

Przyjazna przypominajka, że fundacja non-profit FTdL z Krakowa (tak, to my), zbiera środki na swoją działalność w serwisie tutaj:

Dzięki Waszym dobrowolnym wpłatom możemy finansować wiele projektów oraz utrzymywać serwerownię KRK-DC, w której prowadzimy dla Was paletę usług, by wymienić m. in.:,

Oferujemy tę infrastrukturę również dla takich serwisów jak:,,, FOSSGralnia,,, SVMetaSearch, CesarstwoKwadratowe, OZZIP, SKK,,, i kilku innych.

Więc jeśli wygodnie Wam wspierać te serwisy finansowane przez społeczność na Patronite, oraz uznacie, że nasza wspólna praca jest warta waszych dotacji, to serdecznie zapraszamy ❤️

thomy2000, to Matrix avatar

First time using . I thought was hard to use...

I'm probably doing something wrong here. I probably have to get used to how it works.

Bubu, to Matrix avatar

If you run your own server you probably want to update to v1.105.1 now:

xfce, to xfce avatar

"Xfce is moving from IRC to Matrix"

An announcement from Xfce developer Alexander Schwinn(alexxcons):

zalasur, to Matrix avatar

So has anyone had experience setting up a server using ? The platform itself seemed pretty straightforward until it got to the part where I needed to configure a mail server. What solutions do people use?

I want desperately to set my own server and ween myself off of Discord soooo badly. 😅

andybalaam, to Matrix avatar

I want Matrix to last. When I look at the success of the Linux project, I see years of steady work paying off in the long term. I think Matrix should take the same approach: steadily working on creating an excellent open standard and excellent implementations of it. Taking over the world (which is absolutely my ambition!) will inevitably come if the product is good enough, because the advantages of openness are so strong.

anders_thoresen, to norge Norwegian avatar

Ny eier/administrator av .no? Jeg har tydeligvis gått glipp av noe her. Den "gamle" har virket noe demotivert, og har tenkt høyt om instansens framtid, men han hadde tidligere gitt uttrykk for at han ikke så for seg en slik løsning.

matt, avatar

@anders_thoresen Interesting thread! I didn't know was under new management, but good luck to @tc 🍀

As for the channel - I used to run one for a lot of admins from across the whole fediverse, but after quite a few years of running it, shut down the entire server last year. It was costly for how inactive it was. 😅

So, you wont see me on anytime soon - I don't have an account - but good initiative! 🙂

@ahaldorsen @kristian @francis @tanketom @fredrik

josh, to Matrix avatar

I've been glued to the @matrix Governing Board nomination form results since it opened 🤩

It's a wonderful feeling, seeing the nominations come in from many different people who care about Matrix and want to help make it better for one another.

Folks have been working toward this open governance for years now, and every day it gets more real!

June 3rd is when our first ever election results will be announced. Then the next phase of hard work begins 🚀

sky, to Matrix avatar

I'm using so many clients lol

on my phone I'm using

on my laptop I'm using

on my desktop I'm using and

why, why, why does Fractal have no way to receive notifications in the background? I'm stuck using Chatty for notifications and Fractal for actual use

conversely, what's up with images in Chatty? they almost never load from Matrix accounts

aks, to Matrix avatar

It's a bummer that to get best experience you gotta set up your own server because then you can finally use bridges and other tools that actually work, and you can also disable encryption by default.

downey, to microsoft avatar

:microsoft: ➡️ :matrix: It's a Big Freaking Deal when we can move any organization away from .

The system-wide IT shop UNICC has announced its move to :

downey, avatar


ESS is a self-hosted deployment for homeserver management, and also provides client software, along with technical support.

I don't know the specific implementation details here. But AFAIK, it's still the case that UNICC run data centers are at least capable of offering international jurisdiction.

Ryan, to mastodon avatar

Now I have #mastodon, #email and #matrix in #emacs. Funny how communications on computers are easier to focus on without all the intense animations, colors and ads. I feel much more relaxed and ready to work when it's all texted based.

Ryan, avatar

@hajovonta @xkummerer @debacle I would so love a #emacs #teams client or even a #matrix bridge into teams. Though it seems like this might be impossible at the moment

ErikJonker, (edited ) to security Dutch avatar

I hope the UN can make it work but the federated decentralised approach makes sense. The United Nations ditches Big Tech in a bid for security | TechRadar

janvlug, to opensource avatar

United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC) has selected as its communications platform, following a competitive process.

Element stood out as a digitally sovereign platform which offers end-to-end . Its ability to be to support multiple organisations was also a key factor in the process.

will self-host Element through an Element Enterprise subscription.

wjmaggos, to Matrix avatar

Could become the groups functionality for the ? AKA could our identities be made to be shared between that service and etc? Both are FOSS and decentralized, right? Thanks.

nobodyinperson, to Matrix avatar

Is or down right now? I can't log in...

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