ErikJonker, (edited ) to security Dutch avatar

I hope the UN can make it work but the federated decentralised approach makes sense. The United Nations ditches Big Tech in a bid for security | TechRadar

janvlug, to opensource avatar

United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC) has selected as its communications platform, following a competitive process.

Element stood out as a digitally sovereign platform which offers end-to-end . Its ability to be to support multiple organisations was also a key factor in the process.

will self-host Element through an Element Enterprise subscription.

madargon, to Matrix avatar

Yesterday desktop app nuked my main long-lasting session and reminded me that correct address of my server is, not
:blobcatjoy: ​:blobcatmlem:​

Huh, but in the past it worked both ways?

fedora, to Matrix avatar

We're very happy to use a free and open source, decentralized tool for chat - @matrix has been a great resource! Fedora contributors can easily connect with each other or outside communities with a single account.

All users who make a Fedora Account are able generate a related Matrix account from

Learn more about Matrix and how Fedora uses it!

kuketzblog, to Discord German avatar

. Die Überarbeitung der Messenger-Matrix ist nun vollständig abgeschlossen. Über einen Tipp/Klick auf Teilen würde ich mich riesig freuen, damit sich die Messenger-Übersicht (weiter) verbreitet. ❤️ 👍


vwbusguy, to Matrix avatar

For some reason not all of my conversations show up in so I end up having two versions of installed on my phones which is not wonderful for battery life and data usage. Element X should have been branded as Element Beta or something along those lines.

kuketzblog, to Matrix German avatar

Liebe . Nach eurem Feedback zur Messenger-Matrix habe ich diese erneut überarbeitet. Es wäre schön, wenn ihr erneut euer Feedback hinterlassen könntet. (bitte keine Anfragen zur Bewertung/Aufnahme weiterer Messenger!).

SandstormWoof, to matrix in Matrix Discord-like Voice Channels

I have raised this question in the Matrix room. I got an answer: The use case or feature I have described is still being developed and an experimental version is available as a Beta feature.

  • On the browser the experimental feature is under: Settings → Labs → New Video rooms
  • On the desktop app it’s under: Settings → Labs → Join the Beta (joining the Beta enables the “New video rooms”)

From when I tested it, the experimental feature shows the amount of people currently connected to the video/voice call/channel, but not who those users are. I assume that will be added in future.

Either way, thanks for the community for clearing that up for us. As soon as this feature is in the official version, I will try getting my friends from Discord to Matrix. In an initial transition phase probably with Discord-Matrix-bridges.

kuketzblog, to Matrix German avatar

ist gefragt. Nachdem großen Update der Messenger-Matrix habe ich noch den Line-Messenger ergänzt. Ich bitte alle mal einen prüfenden Blick auf die Matrix zu werfen - insbesondere auf jene Messenger, die ihr selbst benutzt. Sollten Angaben nicht stimmen bzw. überarbeitet werden, so meldet das bitte. Entweder hier oder über die Projektseite.

dbrgn, to Matrix German avatar

Uff, bei sieht man als Serveradmin im Log jeden Klick eines Users auf einen Chat im Matrix Client 😕 So viel zum Thema Metadatensparsamkeit.

kuketzblog, to Discord German avatar

🚨 Größere Überarbeitung der Messenger-Matrix:

  • App-Icons hinzugefügt
  • aTox entfernt, Viber hinzugefügt
  • Neue Kategorie "Benutzbarkeit"
  • Neues Kriterium "Post-Quantum Verschlüsselung"
  • Diverse Aktualisierungen

#messenger #briar #conversations #deltachat #discord #element #matrix #imessage #jami #signal #simplex #siskin #skype #telegram #threema #viber #whatsapp #wire

riaschissl, to Matrix avatar

I'm really fed up with MS Teams.

In the past, I've used Matrix/element, and I can't say how many times better it worked. About 1.5 years ago, we decided migrate to MS 365 and I find it a pita.

Does anybody have a clue about the status of Teams<->Matrix integration? I remember, there were numerous attempts to do this using a bridge/puppet, but at least AFAIK that didn't work too well.

What is the status of this? Any insights appreciated 😎

SirTapTap, to Matrix avatar

Huh, / desperately need a UX team

linus, to Matrix avatar

is there a way to force fetching all encryption keys (i.e. what I think happens automatically when scrolling up in the history) without doing that manually in / some other client? Or is my understanding of how this works incorrect? :boost_ok:

richardpascoe, to fdroid avatar

Well, I have finally installed F-Droid on my Android mobile as I continue to move away from Big Tech. Most of the open source applications I'm using have an official version on the store! Signal seems to be the exception, so any thoughts on Element as a possible replacement please? Obviously, views on other alternatives just as welcome! #fdroid #bigtech #foss #opensource #signal #element #privacy #security

ErikJonker, to Signal avatar

Can't be repeated enough, quit whatsapp where you can, use signal. It's great, very secure, opensource, not tied to , non-profit etc.

matv1, (edited ) avatar

@ErikJonker Moving from whatsap to signal is a good step. Moving to Element (Matrix protocol) an even better one. Because:

  1. Signal is still US-based so similarly conflicted wrt eu-us diclosure- an privacylaws. Element/Matrix is EU based.
  2. Matrix network is distributed by design (like mastodon) and has fully open api for any third-party client (like mastodon)
gnulinux, to Matrix German avatar

Neue Matrix-Clients: Element-X und SchildiChat Next

Element X und SchildiChat Next bieten viele spannende Neuerungen!

#Matrix #Element #SchildiChat #Linux

governa, to Matrix avatar
ayoubabedrabbo, to Matrix avatar
Natanox, to Matrix avatar

Do servers by now finally come with some proper admin interface, or the (X) client perhaps? Or do you still have to either rely in third-party admin interfaces or curl the API directly?

LWD, (edited ) to memes in Chat Apps

Kind of ironic considering that with Matrix…

  • Forward secrecy is kinda hosed
  • they store metadata permanently on their servers by design
  • A ton of stuff that would otherwise be invisible and signal is visible in your Matrix homeserver, including permanent history of all group membership
  • Your data does not belong to you, and that’s how the server is built to treat it, e.g.
  • GDPR deletion is nonexistent (it won’t delete your username or your messages, making it less effective than on Discord, let alone Signal)

… Etc.

Ironically, older federated messaging systems like XMPP might be better by coincidence. Message archiving was an optional addition and some servers, such as the popular Riseup one, do not implement it.

element, to rust avatar

🚀 Exciting News! 🚀

We're consolidating our cryptographic libraries with Rust! 🦀

With a unified crypto library, we simplify development, speed up deployment, and ensure consistent security measures across all clients.

This milestone marks a significant step in our journey.

Join us in celebrating this achievement, and looking forward to even more exciting developments ahead! 🎉

kimiamania, to Matrix avatar

I have been running Matrix server (again after several years), and it took 3GB of RAM just for a single user.

I try to optimize it by separating the tasks into several workers and implementing cache locality Managed to reduced RAM usage down to 1GB while increasing cache size (from 10K to 20K).

I've also deployed the Matrix sliding sync, so any Matrix Client with sliding sync protocol can use the server. users can request access to it.

po3mah, to Matrix avatar

Today I tried to chat with a friend via
He sent me his matrix address.
15 mins later, I couldn't figure out how to add him ( client).
Tried built-in search, sent invite link, created a new 'room'. Nothing.
Sigh. We just wanted to move away from WhatsApp.

Para_lyzed, (edited ) to privacyguides in Signal: Introducing usernames and phone number privacy

Do you have any sources for that, preferably their own documentation

I got that from the website, at:…/real-time-communication/#…

If you look carefully on the Element website, there are never any claims that it provides perfect forward secrecy. This is intentional, and unless they change their backup keys, it will continue to stay that way. As the issue is still currently open, I can only assume it is still currently an issue.

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