@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar



AuDHD. :rainbowinfinity: NeuroQueer. Creative.

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BZBrainz, to DnD
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

Finally! I have always wanted to play . At 37 years old, a DM took me and a couple other people who have never played , and showed us the basics. I had so much fun and have a million questions and can’t wait to play again. Thank you to all DM who have the heart and patience to reach out and teach your peers.

BZBrainz, to Autism
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar


Tweet shared to the FB group Feral Neurodivergent Raging Meme Posting and now here with you. I’ve been down and this was the first thing that made me laugh today. I hope it makes you laugh too.

@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@Jobob @actuallyautistic Yes, as opposed to theoretical. The tag has an interesting history.

BZBrainz, to Autism
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@actuallyautistic If you are an adult with a trained to assist autistic adults… would you mind sharing some of the ways your service dog was trained to support you? Thank you!

BZBrainz, to ADHD
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

Me: “Can I have the keys to the… yard rooms?”

Spouse & me: 🤣🤣🤣

Me: “But seriously… I can’t think of the word. What’s it called?”😅

Spouse: “The workshop and shed.”

BZBrainz, to ADHD
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

I’m in the middle of a big move to a small rental & I almost missed Late-Identified AuDHD’s first birthday. ALMOST!

About thirty minutes to midnight I looked at my bookshelf, saw my 1st copy, remembered I forgot to do a cover reveal for the upcoming second edition, and decided to celebrate with a post and a Reese’s egg.

Moving, meltdowns, shutdowns, strain—none of that is fun—but this egg? Systematically peeling it is joy. #audhd #actuallyautistic #adhd #autistic

@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@masukomi love to. I used to do this to butterfingers too before they changes the recipe.

BZBrainz, to ADHD
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@actuallyautistic @Adhdinos
Late to announce, but Late-Identified AuDHD one years old today AND is getting a title update and a new cover this year. Cover was designed for the second edition by 100Covers.

Late-Identified #AuDHD A Beginner’s Workbook coming soon. First edition and original cover, made by moi, still available. ➡️ https://books2read.com/audhd
#adhd #actuallyautistic #autism #autistic

BZBrainz, to Autism
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@actuallyautistic @audhd
Really hard conversation today about what was given up in youth for the sake of before we were old enough to understand the cost. Touched on everything from special interests to expressions of gender identity. ❤️‍🩹

BZBrainz, to Autism
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@actuallyautistic Have you seen this resource yet?

“The Autism Books by Autistic Authors Project is an (ongoing) attempt to catalogue all books — non-fiction and fiction — written about and related to autism by Autistic authors.”

There are over 1,000 books catalogued! Including mine and other authors I see in my feed here on Mastodon.


@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@benetnasch @BZBrainz @actuallyautistic @bookstodon That is super exciting! I found it while looking for more books to read about autism by autistic authors. Then I saw how this was expanded, found my own workbook under non-fiction, and thought maybe I would submit my spicy PNR books (different pen name) for their other sections. When you can, I hope to see more of your work up there!

BZBrainz, to chronicillness
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

I’ve never had pain during the Beighton score for but after? Ugh. I’m not the most bendy of the zebras at 6/9 and yet each clinician seems to need or want to try to validate a well documented finding. Started another go round of physical therapy today, so I do understand the need to document the 200+ ROM of my shoulders. Still 6/9 and no, I’m not bending my thumb back again because this body has been keeping receipts for the last 3+ decades—thanks. @chronicillness

BZBrainz, to ADHD
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

Me: I can’t find my ear phones.

Spouse: Your earbuds? Have you checked the top pockets of your overalls?

Me: The empty case is there. I’m not sure why I didn’t put them in their case. I put the case there so I could put them away easily.

@Adhdinos @adhd

BZBrainz, to ADHD
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@Adhdinos @adhd

This week on my blog, I mused on my medication trail and stimulant shortages in the US.

BZBrainz, (edited ) to Autism
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@actuallyautistic @audhd

I am trying to track down an article published by Dinah Murray with the hopes of reading about the progression of the theory of .

Does anyone know what database it might live in? I gave Google Scholar and Pubmed a go.

I want to start with:

Murray, D. K. C. (1992). Attention tunneling and . Living with autism: The individual, the family, and the professional.

@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@Dr_Obvious @BZBrainz @actuallyautistic @audhd Thank you so much! This was incredibly helpful and I appreciate the ideas so so much.

BZBrainz, to ADHD
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

I really relate to NDWelness’s content—their videos center their ND experience often through skits. In TikTok they can be found under NDWellness.

Here’s a link to a video that I related to today.


BZBrainz, (edited ) to books
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@bookstodon @bookwyrm
If you read large print or dyslexic font paperback books do you prefer this to be indicated on the cover (say on a banner at the top) to help you identify the accommodation?

I compiled a quick poll based on different perspectives I've read.

➡️ Please consider sharing to help me reach more readers.

@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@PedalHoppy @BZBrainz I can do that! I will also poll on other social media to cast a wider net.

@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@bookstodon I am hoping my poll will keep teacher the readers of large print and dyslexic font. If you have a moment or know someone, please boost this signal.

BZBrainz, (edited ) to ADHD
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

New blog post on my mission and goals around expanding accessibility in my business.

➡️ https://open.substack.com/pub/bzbrainz/p/neurodivergent-author-decisions

BZBrainz, to Autism
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

Autistics can be extroverts. There are extroverted autistics. Social-emotional reciprocity or social communication “deficits” sometimes outshine the deep need for social connection. Never assume because someone is autistic that they aren’t revitalized by social events or don’t love to socialize.

BZBrainz, to ADHD
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@chronicillness I love night shift. I love being awake at night and I love the personalities night shift attracts… and chronic illness has said, “No more nights, unless it’s insomnia I’ve made for you, or I will punish you disproportionate to the offense.” And isn’t that just chronic illness in a nutshell?

chelming, to bookstodon
@chelming@social.sndevs.com avatar

I have a goal of turning every book I read this year into an earring. I got started a little late in Jan so I missed about 5 of them and have ~5 made so far. I'm not sure that I'll go back and do the ones that I missed.


@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

@chelming @bookstodon I love this so much! My favorite series currently.

BZBrainz, to actuallyautistic
@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar


My spouse delights me. I've been rumbling this week as we get ready for a move and swamped by shame for my reactions—I hate feeling out of control.

They gave me a gift. I did not respond to the gift, felt awful for not acknowledging it, and then excessively apologized.

Spouse: "I never expect you to be excited about chocolate. If it were an appropriately shaped Reese's, that would be a whole different story."

@BZBrainz@mastodonbooks.net avatar

Their comment made me feel loved and seen and brightened my evening. I have a particular way of eating certain foods and disassembling them in an order, which makes me very happy. When I struggle to be compassionate with myself or gentle with others, they still reach out to me.

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