@feditips@mstdn.social avatar



This account has moved to https://social.growyourown.services/@FediTips , please follow me there instead!

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

feditips, to random
@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

If you're reading this, you're viewing or following my old account. This account has moved to:

➡️ @FediTips

Please follow me there instead!

feditips, to random
@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

Just a headsup to anyone reading this post, FediTips has moved to:

➡️ @FediTips

You can follow me and message me there.

ErikaSumner, to random
@ErikaSumner@mstdn.social avatar

@feditips I don’t know why, but i’ve lost my ability to follow people. When I go to someone’s profile, the follow button is just a blank gray.
PS i’m still getting my bearings in the fediverse so if there was a smarter way for me to ask this question, I apologize for not pursuing it.

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

@ErikaSumner @JWneural

Hey there, you're tagging my old account, which is why I didn't respond as I didn't see your post. I check in on here now and then to let people know.

FediTips is now at:

➡️ @FediTips

You can follow / message me there if you want any help.

feditips, (edited ) to random
@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

If you're reading this post, you're viewing or following my old account. Please follow my new account instead at:

➡️ @FediTips

Thank you!

(If you have any problems with following the new account, contact my personal account at @FediThing)

feditips, to random
@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

📣 I'm moving the FediTips account to another server.

The new address to follow is:

➡️ @FediTips

I'm just about to start the automatic migration procedure, so it should move your follow over to the new account seamlessly, but if you want to follow the new account manually straight away you can do so (it won't mess anything up).

The new server is my own one, it's where FediFollows, FediVideo etc are already.

If there are any problems, contact my personal account at @FediThing

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar


It should work now, there was a freak bug on Vivaldi.net that blocked some newer accounts. The bug has since been fixed, so please follow me at @FediTips

feditips, to random
@feditips@mstdn.social avatar
  1. Meta/Facebook has a horrific track record on human rights:
  1. Meta/Facebook is trying to join the Fediverse. We need to defederate them.

  2. If you're a server admin, please defederate Meta's domain "threads.net" (here's how on Mastodon https://fedi.tips/how-to-defederate-fediblock-a-server-on-mastodon/)

  3. If you don't run your own server, please ask your server admin to defederate "threads.net". Your admin is listed on your server website's About page.

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar


Wanting a standard to become common doesn't mean you should federate with a server that has a terrible human rights record.

Does this sound like someone who should be in charge of content moderation policy?


"Facebook will continue to offer a platform to Holocaust deniers, Infowars, and other publishers of hoaxes on the assumption that they are sincere in their beliefs, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said."

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar


Sort of, but it won't be as effective as a server defederation.

Users blocking a server basically just hides stuff from that server, and removes any follows you have from that server. It's more like closing your eyes to them than actually restricting them.

You can do a "domain block" by clicking on the profile of a person from that server, then clicking ︙ on their profile, and then "block domain".

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar


I'm not sure if servers can even see you've blocked them?

There's nothing in the Masto admin interface for this, at least.

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

@robianhood @stupidjim

The list is for showing server-level blocks by admins. I think Jim was asking about user-level domain blocks?

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

@DrAlexandraK @lawyersgunsnmoney @skykiss

The main FediPact list is at https://fedipact.online/ but unfortunately it's not organised into any kind of categories. There are public instances and single user instances mixed together in a big list.

(Hopefully something better will appear soon, just working on something at moment but can't promise anything yet.)

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar


No worries, it happens! 😁

moose, to random

@feditips should I be boosting posts instead of liking/favoriting them? How do i A) let the author know I had a positive interaction
B) let others know I had a positive interaction

Are replies preferred? Still trying to figure out the cultural norms here.

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar


Favourite a toot if you like it, that lets the author know you liked it.

Boost it if you want to share it with your followers.

Reply if you have something to say to the author or on the topic. (You can set your reply's visibility to mentions only if you want to reply to just the author.)

Boosts have the added advantage that they spread the post to all the servers of all your followers, so the post will become searchable on all your followers' servers too (if it wasn't already).

feditips, to mastodon
@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

(One for techy people today...)

Command line / terminal fans!

You can use Mastodon through a command line interface or a terminal user interface using the third party app "toot" for Linux etc:

➡️ https://toot.bezdomni.net

It's free and open source, find out more at the link.

This also works with Mastodon-compatible servers.

By the way, this app toot has nothing to do with the other third apps Toot! or Tooot, they just have very similar names.

5moufl, to random
@5moufl@mamot.fr avatar

@feditips can one follow an account from another instance that one's instance has blocked?

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar


No, sorry. You cannot follow accounts on instances that your instance has blocked.

It's up to the instance owner(s) to decide where their instance connects to, as they pay the costs of the instance and in some cases may be legally responsible for the contents of their instance.

janosch, to random German
@janosch@det.social avatar

any hint on the following behaviour?

  • scrolling in my home timeline
  • clicking into a toot and read it
  • either chose the "back" button or swipe left-to-right
  • my home timeline starts again at the first post loaded that day, which is really annoying 😢
    (MacOs+Safari/iOS + IceCube)
@feditips@mstdn.social avatar


When you say first post loaded that day, do you mean the newest post, or the oldest post?

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar


Ahh okay...

Is your server running some kind of custom code, if it has older posts at the top?

Gargron, to threads
@Gargron@mastodon.social avatar

#Threads is testing federation for a few selected profiles. I'm now following @mosseri! It's one-way for now, but it's exciting. It's a step towards the interoperable social web that we've been advocating for 🙂

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar


This is really disappointing, Eugen.

Meta's track record on human rights is so terrible, Amnesty International issued a report about their involvement in genocide:


This is the kind of company you're excited about working with?

There is zero chance Meta is genuinely interested in interoperability, they just want to take over control of whatever community the Fediverse has built up. As Meta's CEO said, people who trust him are "stupid f**ks".

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

@mjf_pro @Gargron

"they’d also block Threads users from…easily moving to their friendly neighborhood Mastodon host. "


There is no account migration system on Threads.

You cannot move your account from Threads to Mastodon.

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

@mjf_pro @Gargron

Meta will do the minimum amount needed, sabotage it, drag their heels and not apply it outside the EU.

There is not even an EU law yet, and Meta will do nothing until there is and until it is enforced, if it ever is.

There is no reason to trust Meta at all, they have done the most awful things:



feditips, to random
@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

Some apps on here are offering AI/LLM for certain features such as entering an image description automatically.

If you are abled and sighted, please don't use these features.

If you are sighted and able to enter descriptions yourself, it would be better for the planet if you enter descriptions manually. Manual descriptions avoid anyone having to cause environmental damage.

So-called "AI" features damage the planet:




@feditips@mstdn.social avatar


If you actually read the article I linked to, you would see it is about energy of actual usage (not training):

"And while we know training AI models is highly polluting, the emissions attributable to using AI have been a missing piece so far. That is, until now. "

"I just published a story on new research that calculated the real carbon footprint of using generative AI models. Generating one image takes as much energy as fully charging your smartphone"


@feditips@mstdn.social avatar


As far as I can tell, Voiceover is just looking for very specific things like text and icons?

camhunt, to random
@camhunt@mas.to avatar

I was unable to post on Instagram this morning because I have a link in my account to mas.to (my mastodon instance). No idea which one of these Meta is accusing mas.to of, but this is why you should not trust Meta or federate with anything they build. If they get to be the largest Mastodon server, then they can start dictating their regressive content moderation policies on the rest of the fediverse. I stand with my admin @trumpet and their decision to preemptively block any Meta instances.

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

@camhunt @wiredfire @enby_of_the_apocalypse @strathamer

We know de-platforming works because bigots fight against it so strongly. If de-platforming helped bigots, why do bigots oppose it?

Bigotry needs to be isolated and sidelined and given as little chance to be noticed as possible.

Bigots want attention by any means possible, because they know a certain percentage of the audience will agree with them. Don't give them an audience. Block them. Isolate them. Deny them any coverage.

feditips, to random
@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

I'm a volunteer who runs many sites & accounts to help people use Mastodon & the Fediverse.

If you want to help with running costs, buy me a coffee at:

➡️ https://ko-fi.com/fedithing

(No registration, choose any amount, all currencies work)

...or become a patron at:

➡️ https://liberapay.com/FediThing

Sites & accounts:
@feditips & https://fedi.tips
@FediFollows & https://fedi.directory
@FediVideo & https://fedi.video
@FediGarden & https://fedi.garden
@homegrown & https://growyourown.services

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar


Please go to my new account at @FediTips to see my links.

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